/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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#include <svx/svxdllapi.h>
#include <svx/svdedtv.hxx>

#include <svx/ipolypolygoneditorcontroller.hxx>

class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SdrPolyEditView: public SdrEditView, public IPolyPolygonEditorController
    friend class                SdrEditView;

    bool                        bSetMarkedPointsSmoothPossible : 1;
    bool                        bSetMarkedSegmentsKindPossible : 1;

    SdrPathSmoothKind           eMarkedPointsSmooth;
    SdrPathSegmentKind          eMarkedSegmentsKind;

    SVX_DLLPRIVATE void ImpClearVars();
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE void ImpResetPolyPossibilityFlags();
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE void ImpCheckPolyPossibilities();

    typedef void (*PPolyTrFunc)(Point&, Point*, Point*, const void*, const void*, const void*, const void*, const void*);
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE void ImpTransformMarkedPoints(PPolyTrFunc pTrFunc, const void* p1=NULL, const void* p2=NULL, const void* p3=NULL, const void* p4=NULL, const void* p5=NULL);

    // #i71538# make constructors of SdrView sub-components protected to avoid incomplete incarnations which may get casted to SdrView
    SdrPolyEditView(SdrModel* pModel1, OutputDevice* pOut = 0L);
    virtual ~SdrPolyEditView();

    bool IsSetMarkedPointsSmoothPossible() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
    SdrPathSmoothKind GetMarkedPointsSmooth() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
    void SetMarkedPointsSmooth(SdrPathSmoothKind eKind) SAL_OVERRIDE;

    // Ein PolySegment kann eine Strecke oder eine Bezierkurve sein.
    bool IsSetMarkedSegmentsKindPossible() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
    SdrPathSegmentKind GetMarkedSegmentsKind() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
    void SetMarkedSegmentsKind(SdrPathSegmentKind eKind) SAL_OVERRIDE;

    // Moeglicherweise ist das Obj hinterher geloescht:
    void DeleteMarkedPoints() SAL_OVERRIDE;
    bool IsDeleteMarkedPointsPossible() const SAL_OVERRIDE;

    void MoveMarkedPoints(const Size& rSiz);
    void ResizeMarkedPoints(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const Fraction& yFact);
    void RotateMarkedPoints(const Point& rRef, long nWink);

    // Hierbei entstehen eventuell beliebig viele neue Objekte:
    void RipUpAtMarkedPoints() SAL_OVERRIDE;
    bool IsRipUpAtMarkedPointsPossible() const SAL_OVERRIDE;

    // Alle markierten Polylines werden zu Polygonen, alle offenen
    // Bezierkurven zu geschlossenen.
    void CloseMarkedObjects(bool bToggle=false, bool bOpen=false) SAL_OVERRIDE; // , long nOpenDistance=0);
    bool IsOpenCloseMarkedObjectsPossible() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
    SdrObjClosedKind GetMarkedObjectsClosedState() const SAL_OVERRIDE;

    void CheckPolyPossibilitiesHelper( SdrMark* pM, bool& b1stSmooth, bool& b1stSegm, bool& bCurve, bool& bSmoothFuz, bool& bSegmFuz, basegfx::B2VectorContinuity& eSmooth );


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