/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <config_options.h>
#include <svl/intitem.hxx>
#include <svl/eitem.hxx>

#include <editeng/colritem.hxx>
#include <svx/e3ditem.hxx>
#include <svx/viewpt3d.hxx>
#include <svx/svddef.hxx>
#include <svx/svxdllapi.h>

// Svx3D _3DOBJ_ Items
inline SfxUInt16Item makeSvx3DPercentDiagonalItem(sal_uInt16 nVal) {
    return SfxUInt16Item(SDRATTR_3DOBJ_PERCENT_DIAGONAL, nVal);

inline SfxUInt16Item makeSvx3DBackscaleItem(sal_uInt16 nVal) {
    return SfxUInt16Item(SDRATTR_3DOBJ_BACKSCALE, nVal);

inline SfxUInt32Item makeSvx3DDepthItem(sal_uInt32 nVal) {
    return SfxUInt32Item(SDRATTR_3DOBJ_DEPTH, nVal);

inline SfxUInt32Item makeSvx3DHorizontalSegmentsItem(sal_uInt32 nVal) {
    return SfxUInt32Item(SDRATTR_3DOBJ_HORZ_SEGS, nVal);

inline SfxUInt32Item makeSvx3DVerticalSegmentsItem(sal_uInt32 nVal) {
    return SfxUInt32Item(SDRATTR_3DOBJ_VERT_SEGS, nVal);

inline SfxUInt32Item makeSvx3DEndAngleItem(sal_uInt32 nVal) {
    return SfxUInt32Item(SDRATTR_3DOBJ_END_ANGLE, nVal);

inline SfxBoolItem makeSvx3DDoubleSidedItem(bool bVal) {
    return SfxBoolItem(SDRATTR_3DOBJ_DOUBLE_SIDED, bVal);

// #i28528#
// Added extra Item (Bool) for chart2 to be able to show reduced line geometry
class Svx3DReducedLineGeometryItem final : public SfxBoolItem {
    Svx3DReducedLineGeometryItem(bool bVal = false);
    Svx3DReducedLineGeometryItem* Clone(SfxItemPool * = nullptr) const override;

class UNLESS_MERGELIBS(SVXCORE_DLLPUBLIC) Svx3DNormalsKindItem final : public SfxUInt16Item {
    Svx3DNormalsKindItem(sal_uInt16 nVal = 0);

    // use drawing::NormalsKind
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual  bool QueryValue( css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId = 0 ) const override;
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual  bool PutValue( const css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId ) override;
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual Svx3DNormalsKindItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = nullptr) const override;

inline SfxBoolItem makeSvx3DNormalsInvertItem(bool bVal) {
    return SfxBoolItem(SDRATTR_3DOBJ_NORMALS_INVERT, bVal);

class UNLESS_MERGELIBS(SVXCORE_DLLPUBLIC) Svx3DTextureProjectionXItem final : public SfxUInt16Item {
    Svx3DTextureProjectionXItem(sal_uInt16 nVal = 0);

    // use drawing::TextureProjectionMode
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual  bool QueryValue( css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId = 0 ) const override;
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual  bool PutValue( const css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId ) override;
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual Svx3DTextureProjectionXItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = nullptr) const override;

class UNLESS_MERGELIBS(SVXCORE_DLLPUBLIC) Svx3DTextureProjectionYItem final : public SfxUInt16Item {
    Svx3DTextureProjectionYItem(sal_uInt16 nVal = 0);

    // use drawing::TextureProjectionMode
    virtual bool QueryValue( css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId = 0 ) const override;
    virtual bool PutValue( const css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId ) override;
    virtual Svx3DTextureProjectionYItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = nullptr) const override;

inline SfxBoolItem makeSvx3DShadow3DItem(bool bVal) {
    return SfxBoolItem(SDRATTR_3DOBJ_SHADOW_3D, bVal);

inline SvxColorItem makeSvx3DMaterialEmissionItem(const Color& rCol) {
    return SvxColorItem(rCol, SDRATTR_3DOBJ_MAT_EMISSION);

inline SvxColorItem makeSvx3DMaterialSpecularItem(const Color& rCol) {
    return SvxColorItem(rCol, SDRATTR_3DOBJ_MAT_SPECULAR);

inline SfxUInt16Item makeSvx3DMaterialSpecularIntensityItem(sal_uInt16 nVal) {

class UNLESS_MERGELIBS(SVXCORE_DLLPUBLIC) Svx3DTextureKindItem final : public SfxUInt16Item {
    Svx3DTextureKindItem(sal_uInt16 nVal = 3);

    // use drawing::TextureKind
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual  bool QueryValue( css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId = 0 ) const override;
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual  bool PutValue( const css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId ) override;
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual Svx3DTextureKindItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = nullptr) const override;

class UNLESS_MERGELIBS(SVXCORE_DLLPUBLIC) Svx3DTextureModeItem final : public SfxUInt16Item {
    Svx3DTextureModeItem(sal_uInt16 nVal = 2);

    // use drawing:TextureMode
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual  bool QueryValue( css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId = 0 ) const override;
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual  bool PutValue( const css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId ) override;
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual Svx3DTextureModeItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = nullptr) const override;

inline SfxBoolItem makeSvx3DTextureFilterItem(bool bVal) {
    return SfxBoolItem(SDRATTR_3DOBJ_TEXTURE_FILTER, bVal);

// Svx3D _3DSCENE_ Items
class UNLESS_MERGELIBS(SVXCORE_DLLPUBLIC) Svx3DPerspectiveItem final : public SfxUInt16Item {
    Svx3DPerspectiveItem(ProjectionType nVal = ProjectionType::Perspective);

    // use drawing::ProjectionMode
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual  bool QueryValue( css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId = 0 ) const override;
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual  bool PutValue( const css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId ) override;
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual Svx3DPerspectiveItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = nullptr) const override;

inline SfxUInt32Item makeSvx3DDistanceItem(sal_uInt32 nVal) {
    return SfxUInt32Item(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_DISTANCE, nVal);

inline SfxUInt32Item makeSvx3DFocalLengthItem(sal_uInt32 nVal) {
    return SfxUInt32Item(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_FOCAL_LENGTH, nVal);

inline SfxBoolItem makeSvx3DTwoSidedLightingItem(bool bVal) {

inline SvxColorItem makeSvx3DLightcolor1Item(const Color& rCol) {
    return SvxColorItem(rCol, SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTCOLOR_1);

inline SvxColorItem makeSvx3DLightcolor2Item(const Color& rCol) {
    return SvxColorItem(rCol, SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTCOLOR_2);

inline SvxColorItem makeSvx3DLightcolor3Item(const Color& rCol) {
    return SvxColorItem(rCol, SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTCOLOR_3);

inline SvxColorItem makeSvx3DLightcolor4Item(const Color& rCol) {
    return SvxColorItem(rCol, SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTCOLOR_4);

inline SvxColorItem makeSvx3DLightcolor5Item(const Color& rCol) {
    return SvxColorItem(rCol, SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTCOLOR_5);

inline SvxColorItem makeSvx3DLightcolor6Item(const Color& rCol) {
    return SvxColorItem(rCol, SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTCOLOR_6);

inline SvxColorItem makeSvx3DLightcolor7Item(const Color& rCol) {
    return SvxColorItem(rCol, SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTCOLOR_7);

inline SvxColorItem makeSvx3DLightcolor8Item(const Color& rCol) {
    return SvxColorItem(rCol, SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTCOLOR_8);

inline SvxColorItem makeSvx3DAmbientcolorItem(const Color& rCol) {
    return SvxColorItem(rCol, SDRATTR_3DSCENE_AMBIENTCOLOR);

inline SfxBoolItem makeSvx3DLightOnOff1Item(bool bVal) {
    return SfxBoolItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTON_1, bVal);

inline SfxBoolItem makeSvx3DLightOnOff2Item(bool bVal) {
    return SfxBoolItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTON_2, bVal);

inline SfxBoolItem makeSvx3DLightOnOff3Item(bool bVal) {
    return SfxBoolItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTON_3, bVal);

inline SfxBoolItem makeSvx3DLightOnOff4Item(bool bVal) {
    return SfxBoolItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTON_4, bVal);

inline SfxBoolItem makeSvx3DLightOnOff5Item(bool bVal) {
    return SfxBoolItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTON_5, bVal);

inline SfxBoolItem makeSvx3DLightOnOff6Item(bool bVal) {
    return SfxBoolItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTON_6, bVal);

inline SfxBoolItem makeSvx3DLightOnOff7Item(bool bVal) {
    return SfxBoolItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTON_7, bVal);

inline SfxBoolItem makeSvx3DLightOnOff8Item(bool bVal) {
    return SfxBoolItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTON_8, bVal);

inline SvxB3DVectorItem makeSvx3DLightDirection1Item(const basegfx::B3DVector& rVec) {
    return SvxB3DVectorItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTDIRECTION_1, rVec);

inline SvxB3DVectorItem makeSvx3DLightDirection2Item(const basegfx::B3DVector& rVec) {
    return SvxB3DVectorItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTDIRECTION_2, rVec);

inline SvxB3DVectorItem makeSvx3DLightDirection3Item(const basegfx::B3DVector& rVec) {
    return SvxB3DVectorItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTDIRECTION_3, rVec);

inline SvxB3DVectorItem makeSvx3DLightDirection4Item(const basegfx::B3DVector& rVec) {
    return SvxB3DVectorItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTDIRECTION_4, rVec);

inline SvxB3DVectorItem makeSvx3DLightDirection5Item(const basegfx::B3DVector& rVec) {
    return SvxB3DVectorItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTDIRECTION_5, rVec);

inline SvxB3DVectorItem makeSvx3DLightDirection6Item(const basegfx::B3DVector& rVec) {
    return SvxB3DVectorItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTDIRECTION_6, rVec);

inline SvxB3DVectorItem makeSvx3DLightDirection7Item(const basegfx::B3DVector& rVec) {
    return SvxB3DVectorItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTDIRECTION_7, rVec);

inline SvxB3DVectorItem makeSvx3DLightDirection8Item(const basegfx::B3DVector& rVec) {
    return SvxB3DVectorItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_LIGHTDIRECTION_8, rVec);

inline SfxUInt16Item makeSvx3DShadowSlantItem(sal_uInt16 nVal) {
    return SfxUInt16Item(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_SHADOW_SLANT, nVal);

class UNLESS_MERGELIBS(SVXCORE_DLLPUBLIC) Svx3DShadeModeItem final : public SfxUInt16Item {
    Svx3DShadeModeItem(sal_uInt16 nVal = 2);

    // use drawing::ShadeMode
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual  bool QueryValue( css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId = 0 ) const override;
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual  bool PutValue( const css::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId ) override;
    SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual Svx3DShadeModeItem* Clone(SfxItemPool* pPool = nullptr) const override;

// #107245# Item to replace bExtrudeSmoothed and bLatheSmoothed
class Svx3DSmoothNormalsItem final : public SfxBoolItem {
    Svx3DSmoothNormalsItem(bool bVal = true);
    Svx3DSmoothNormalsItem* Clone(SfxItemPool * = nullptr) const override;

// #107245# Item to replace bExtrudeSmoothFrontBack and bLatheSmoothFrontBack
class Svx3DSmoothLidsItem final : public SfxBoolItem {
    Svx3DSmoothLidsItem(bool bVal = false);
    Svx3DSmoothLidsItem* Clone(SfxItemPool * = nullptr) const override;

// #107245# Item to replace bExtrudeCharacterMode and bLatheCharacterMode
class Svx3DCharacterModeItem final : public SfxBoolItem {
    Svx3DCharacterModeItem(bool bVal = false);
    Svx3DCharacterModeItem* Clone(SfxItemPool * = nullptr) const override;

// #107245# Item to replace bExtrudeCloseFront and bLatheCloseFront
class UNLESS_MERGELIBS(SVXCORE_DLLPUBLIC) Svx3DCloseFrontItem final : public SfxBoolItem {
    Svx3DCloseFrontItem(bool bVal = true);
    Svx3DCloseFrontItem* Clone(SfxItemPool * = nullptr) const override;

// #107245# Item to replace bExtrudeCloseBack and bLatheCloseBack
class UNLESS_MERGELIBS(SVXCORE_DLLPUBLIC) Svx3DCloseBackItem final : public SfxBoolItem {
    Svx3DCloseBackItem(bool bVal = true);
    Svx3DCloseBackItem* Clone(SfxItemPool * = nullptr) const override;


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