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// class XDash

#include <svx/xenum.hxx>
#include <svx/svxdllapi.h>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/DashStyle.hpp>

#include <vector>

class SVX_DLLPUBLIC XDash final
    css::drawing::DashStyle  eDash;
    sal_uInt16               nDots;
    sal_uInt32               nDotLen;
    sal_uInt16               nDashes;
    sal_uInt32               nDashLen;
    sal_uInt32               nDistance;

          XDash(css::drawing::DashStyle eDash = css::drawing::DashStyle_RECT,
                sal_uInt16 nDots = 1, sal_uInt32 nDotLen = 20,
                sal_uInt16 nDashes = 1, sal_uInt32 nDashLen = 20, sal_uInt32 nDistance = 20);

    bool operator==(const XDash& rDash) const;

    void SetDashStyle(css::drawing::DashStyle eNewStyle) { eDash = eNewStyle; }
    void SetDots(sal_uInt16 nNewDots)                    { nDots = nNewDots; }
    void SetDotLen(sal_uInt32 nNewDotLen)                { nDotLen = nNewDotLen; }
    void SetDashes(sal_uInt16 nNewDashes)                { nDashes = nNewDashes; }
    void SetDashLen(sal_uInt32 nNewDashLen)              { nDashLen = nNewDashLen; }
    void SetDistance(sal_uInt32 nNewDistance)            { nDistance = nNewDistance; }

    css::drawing::DashStyle  GetDashStyle() const        { return eDash; }
    sal_uInt16               GetDots() const             { return nDots; }
    sal_uInt32               GetDotLen() const           { return nDotLen; }
    sal_uInt16               GetDashes() const           { return nDashes; }
    sal_uInt32               GetDashLen() const          { return nDashLen; }
    sal_uInt32               GetDistance() const         { return nDistance; }

    // XDash is translated into an array of doubles which describe the lengths of the
    // dashes, dots and empty passages. It returns the complete length of the full DashDot
    // sequence and fills the given vetor of doubles accordingly (also resizing, so deleting it).
    double CreateDotDashArray(::std::vector< double >& rDotDashArray, double fLineWidth) const;


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