/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
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 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
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#include <tools/resid.hxx>

// Definition of the version number
#define RSCVERSION_ID           200U
// Definition of an invalid identifier
#define RC_NO_ID                (sal_uInt32(0xFFFFFFFF))

// Resource types
// Minimum is 0x100 due to MS-Windows resource types
// (RSC_NOTYPE=0x100) is defined in resid.hxx
#define RSC_BYNAME              (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x01)
#define RSC_VERSIONCONTROL      (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x02) // Version control

#define RSC_RESOURCE            (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x10)
#define RSC_STRING              (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x11)
#define RSC_BITMAP              (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x13)
#define RSC_ACCEL               (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x1a)
#define RSC_ACCELITEM           (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x1b) // only used internally
#define RSC_MENU                (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x1c)
#define RSC_MENUITEM            (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x1d) // only used internally
#define RSC_KEYCODE             (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x1f)
#define RSC_IMAGE               (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x23)
#define RSC_IMAGELIST           (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x24)

#define RSC_WINDOW              (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x35)
#define RSC_SYSWINDOW           (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x36)
#define RSC_WORKWIN             (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x37)

#define RSC_CONTROL             (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x44)
#define RSC_BUTTON              (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x45)
#define RSC_PUSHBUTTON          (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x46)

#define RSC_IMAGEBUTTON         (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x4a)

#define RSC_SPINBUTTON          (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x4d)
#define RSC_RADIOBUTTON         (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x4e)

#define RSC_CHECKBOX            (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x50)

#define RSC_EDIT                (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x52)

#define RSC_COMBOBOX            (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x54)
#define RSC_LISTBOX             (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x55)

#define RSC_TEXT                (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x57)
#define RSC_FIXEDLINE           (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x58)

#define RSC_FIXEDIMAGE          (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x5a)

#define RSC_SPLITWINDOW         (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x60)
#define RSC_SPINFIELD           (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x61)

#define RSC_NUMERICFIELD        (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x63)
#define RSC_METRICFIELD         (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x64)

#define RSC_TOOLBOXITEM         (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x70)
#define RSC_TOOLBOX             (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x71)
#define RSC_DOCKINGWINDOW       (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x72)

#define RSC_STRINGARRAY         (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x79)

// (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x200) - (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x300) reserved for Sfx


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