/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
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 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
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#include <sal/config.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <tools/toolsdllapi.h>
#include <utility>

   This implements similar functionality to boost::intrusive_ptr

namespace tools {

/** T must be a class that extends SvRefBase */
template<typename T> class SAL_DLLPUBLIC_RTTI SvRef {
    SvRef(): pObj(nullptr) {}

    SvRef(SvRef&& rObj)
        pObj = rObj.pObj;
        rObj.pObj = nullptr;

    SvRef(SvRef const & rObj): pObj(rObj.pObj)
        if (pObj != nullptr) pObj->AddNextRef();

    SvRef(T * pObjP): pObj(pObjP)
        if (pObj != nullptr) pObj->AddFirstRef();

        if (pObj != nullptr) pObj->ReleaseRef();

    void Clear()
        if (pObj != nullptr) {
            T * pRefObj = pObj;
            pObj = nullptr;

    SvRef & operator =(SvRef const & rObj)
        if (rObj.pObj != 0) {
        T * pRefObj = pObj;
        pObj = rObj.pObj;
        if (pRefObj != nullptr) {
        return *this;

    SvRef & operator =(SvRef && rObj)
        if (pObj != nullptr) {
        pObj = rObj.pObj;
        rObj.pObj = nullptr;
        return *this;

    bool Is()         const { return pObj != nullptr; }

    T * get()         const { return pObj; }

    T * operator &()  const { return pObj; }

    T * operator ->() const { assert(pObj != nullptr); return pObj; }

    T & operator *()  const { assert(pObj != nullptr); return *pObj; }

    operator T *()    const { return pObj; }

    T * pObj;

 * This implements similar functionality to std::make_shared.
template<typename T, typename... Args>
SvRef<T> make_ref(Args&& ... args)
    return SvRef<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));


/** Classes that want to be referenced-counted via SvRef<T>, should extend this base class */
    // work around a clang 3.5 optimization bug: if the bNoDelete is *first*
    // it mis-compiles "if (--nRefCount == 0)" and never deletes any object
    unsigned int nRefCount : 31;
    // the only reason this is not bool is because MSVC cannot handle mixed type bitfields
    unsigned int bNoDelete : 1;

    virtual         ~SvRefBase();

                    SvRefBase() : nRefCount(0), bNoDelete(1) {}

                    SvRefBase(const SvRefBase &) : nRefCount(0), bNoDelete(1) {}

    SvRefBase &     operator = ( const SvRefBase & )
                    { return *this; }

    void            RestoreNoDelete()
                    { bNoDelete = 1; }

    void            AddNextRef()
                        assert( nRefCount < (1 << 30) && "Do not add refs to dead objects" );

    void            AddFirstRef()
                        assert( nRefCount < (1 << 30) && "Do not add refs to dead objects" );
                        if( bNoDelete )
                            bNoDelete = 0;

    void            ReleaseRef()
                        assert( nRefCount >= 1);
                        if( --nRefCount == 0 && !bNoDelete)
                            // I'm not sure about the original purpose of this line, but right now
                            // it serves the purpose that anything that attempts to do an AddRef()
                            // after an object is deleted will trip an assert.
                            nRefCount = 1 << 30;
                            delete this;

    unsigned int    GetRefCount() const
                    { return nRefCount; }

template<typename T>
class SvCompatWeakBase;

/** SvCompatWeakHdl acts as a intermediary between SvCompatWeakRef<T> and T.
template<typename T>
class SvCompatWeakHdl : public SvRefBase
    friend class SvCompatWeakBase<T>;
    T* _pObj;

    SvCompatWeakHdl( T* pObj ) : _pObj( pObj ) {}

    void  ResetWeakBase( ) { _pObj = nullptr; }
    T*    GetObj()        { return _pObj; }

/** We only have one place that extends this, in include/sfx2/frame.hxx, class SfxFrame.
    Its function is to notify the SvCompatWeakHdl when an SfxFrame object is deleted.
template<typename T>
class SvCompatWeakBase
    tools::SvRef< SvCompatWeakHdl<T> > _xHdl;

    /** Does not use initializer due to compiler warnings,
        because the lifetime of the _xHdl object can exceed the lifetime of this class.
    SvCompatWeakBase( T* pObj ) { _xHdl = new SvCompatWeakHdl<T>( pObj ); }

    ~SvCompatWeakBase() { _xHdl->ResetWeakBase(); }

    SvCompatWeakHdl<T>* GetHdl() { return _xHdl; }

/** We only have one weak reference in LO, in include/sfx2/frame.hxx, class SfxFrameWeak.
template<typename T>
class SAL_WARN_UNUSED SvCompatWeakRef
    tools::SvRef< SvCompatWeakHdl<T> > _xHdl;
    inline               SvCompatWeakRef( ) {}
    inline               SvCompatWeakRef( T* pObj )
                         {  if( pObj ) _xHdl = pObj->GetHdl(); }
    inline SvCompatWeakRef& operator = ( T * pObj )
                         {  _xHdl = pObj ? pObj->GetHdl() : 0; return *this; }
    inline bool          Is() const
                         { return _xHdl.Is() && _xHdl->GetObj(); }
    inline T*            operator -> () const
                         { return _xHdl.Is() ? _xHdl->GetObj() : 0; }
    inline operator T* () const
                         { return _xHdl.Is() ? _xHdl->GetObj() : 0; }


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