/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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#include <string.h>
#include <tools/solar.h>

typedef void* (*TypeId)();

#define TYPEINFO() \
        static  void*  CreateType(); \
        static  TypeId StaticType(); \
        static  bool   IsOf( TypeId aSameOrSuperType ); \
        virtual TypeId Type() const; \
        virtual bool   IsA( TypeId aSameOrSuperType ) const

        static  void*  CreateType(); \
        static  TypeId StaticType(); \
        static  bool   IsOf( TypeId aSameOrSuperType ); \
        virtual TypeId Type() const SAL_OVERRIDE; \
        virtual bool   IsA( TypeId aSameOrSuperType ) const SAL_OVERRIDE

#define TYPEINFO_VISIBILITY(visibility) \
        visibility static  void*  CreateType(); \
        visibility static  TypeId StaticType(); \
        visibility static  bool   IsOf( TypeId aSameOrSuperType ); \
        visibility virtual TypeId Type() const SAL_OVERRIDE; \
        visibility virtual bool   IsA( TypeId aSameOrSuperType ) const SAL_OVERRIDE

#define TYPEINIT_FACTORY(sType, Factory ) \
        void*  sType::CreateType() { return Factory; } \
        TypeId sType::StaticType() { return &CreateType; } \
        TypeId sType::Type() const { return &CreateType; } \
        bool sType::IsOf( TypeId aSameOrSuperType ) \
        { \
            if ( aSameOrSuperType == StaticType() ) \
                return true

#define STATICTYPE(sType) (sType::StaticType())

#define SUPERTYPE(sSuper) \
            if ( sSuper::IsOf(aSameOrSuperType ) ) \
                return true

#define TYPEINIT_END(sType) \
            return false; \
        } \
        bool sType::IsA( TypeId aSameOrSuperType ) const \
        { return IsOf( aSameOrSuperType ); }

#define TYPEINIT0_FACTORY(sType, Factory) \
        TYPEINIT_FACTORY(sType, Factory); \
#define TYPEINIT0(sType) TYPEINIT0_FACTORY(sType, 0)

#define TYPEINIT1_FACTORY(sType, sSuper, Factory) \
        TYPEINIT_FACTORY(sType, Factory); \
            SUPERTYPE(sSuper); \
#define TYPEINIT1_AUTOFACTORY(sType, sSuper) \
            TYPEINIT1_FACTORY(sType, sSuper, new sType)
#define TYPEINIT1(sType, sSuper) \
            TYPEINIT1_FACTORY(sType, sSuper, 0)

#define TYPEINIT2_FACTORY(sType, sSuper1, sSuper2, Factory) \
        TYPEINIT_FACTORY(sType, Factory); \
            SUPERTYPE(sSuper1); \
            SUPERTYPE(sSuper2); \
#define TYPEINIT2_AUTOFACTORY(sType, sSuper1, sSuper2) \
            TYPEINIT2_FACTORY(sType, sSuper1, sSuper2, new sType)
#define TYPEINIT2(sType, sSuper1, sSuper2) \
            TYPEINIT2_FACTORY(sType, sSuper1, sSuper2, 0)

#define TYPEINIT3_FACTORY(sType, sSuper1, sSuper2, sSuper3, Factory) \
        TYPEINIT_FACTORY(sType, Factory); \
            SUPERTYPE(sSuper1); \
            SUPERTYPE(sSuper2); \
            SUPERTYPE(sSuper3); \
#define TYPEINIT3(sType, sSuper1, sSuper2, sSuper3) \
            TYPEINIT3_FACTORY(sType, sSuper1, sSuper2, sSuper3, 0)

#define TYPE(sType) (sType::StaticType())
#define ISA(sType) IsA(sType::StaticType())
#define ISOF(sType) IsOf(sType::StaticType())
#define CREATE(TypeId) (TypeId())

/** Exemplary application macros for pointers
    (can be extended for use with references)

    PTR_CAST: Safe pointer casting to a derived class.
              Returns NULL pointer on cast error

    T: Target type to cast into
    p: Pointer to be cast into T
#define PTR_CAST( T, pObj ) \
        ( pObj && (pObj)->IsA( TYPE(T) ) ? (T*)(pObj) : 0 )

/** Check whether object pObj has a Base Class T
    (or if pObj is an instance of T) */
#define HAS_BASE( T, pObj ) \
        ( pObj && (pObj)->IsA( TYPE(T) ) )

/** Check whether a pointer is targetting and object of type T. */
#define IS_TYPE(T,pObj) \
        ( pObj && (pObj)->Type() == TYPE(T) )


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