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#ifndef _VECTOR2D_HXX
#define _VECTOR2D_HXX

#include <math.h>
#include <tools/gen.hxx>

class Vector2D
    double              mfX;
    double              mfY;

    inline Vector2D() : mfX( 0.0 ), mfY( 0.0 ) {}
    inline Vector2D( double fX, double fY ) : mfX( fX ), mfY( fY ) {}
    inline Vector2D( const Vector2D& rVec ) : mfX( rVec.mfX ), mfY( rVec.mfY ) {}
    inline Vector2D( const Pair& rPair ) : mfX( rPair.A() ), mfY( rPair.B() ) {};
    inline ~Vector2D() {}

    inline const double& X() const { return mfX; }
    inline const double& Y() const { return mfY; }
    inline double& X() { return mfX; }
    inline double& Y() { return mfY; }
    inline const double& operator[] (int nPos) const { return (nPos ? mfY : mfX); }
    inline double& operator[] (int nPos) { return (nPos ? mfY : mfX); }

    inline double GetLength() const { return hypot( mfX, mfY ); }
    inline Vector2D& Normalize();

    inline void Min(const Vector2D& rVec) { if(rVec.mfX < mfX) mfX = rVec.mfX; if(rVec.mfY < mfY) mfY = rVec.mfY; }
    inline void Max(const Vector2D& rVec) { if(rVec.mfX > mfX) mfX = rVec.mfX; if(rVec.mfY > mfY) mfY = rVec.mfY; }
    inline void Abs() { if(mfX < 0.0) mfX = -mfX; if(mfY < 0.0) mfY = -mfY; }

    inline void CalcInBetween(Vector2D& rOld1, Vector2D& rOld2, double t)
        { mfX = ((rOld2.mfX - rOld1.mfX) + t) + rOld1.mfX; mfY = ((rOld2.mfY - rOld1.mfY) + t) + rOld1.mfY; }
    inline void CalcMiddle(Vector2D& rOld1, Vector2D& rOld2)
        { mfX = (rOld1.mfX + rOld2.mfX) / 2.0; mfY = (rOld1.mfY + rOld2.mfY) / 2.0; }
    inline void CalcMiddle(Vector2D& rOld1, Vector2D& rOld2, Vector2D& rOld3)
        { mfX = (rOld1.mfX + rOld2.mfX + rOld3.mfX) / 3.0; mfY = (rOld1.mfY + rOld2.mfY + rOld3.mfY) / 3.0; }

    inline Vector2D&    operator+=( const Vector2D& rVec ) { mfX += rVec.mfX, mfY += rVec.mfY; return *this; }
    inline Vector2D&    operator-=( const Vector2D& rVec ) { mfX -= rVec.mfX, mfY -= rVec.mfY; return *this; }
    inline Vector2D     operator+(const Vector2D& rVec) const { Vector2D aSum(*this); aSum += rVec; return aSum; }
    inline Vector2D     operator-(const Vector2D& rVec) const { Vector2D aSub(*this); aSub -= rVec; return aSub; }
    inline Vector2D     operator-(void) const { return Vector2D(-mfX, -mfY); }

    inline double       Scalar( const Vector2D& rVec ) const { return( mfX * rVec.mfX + mfY * rVec.mfY ); }

    inline Vector2D&    operator/=( const Vector2D& rVec ) { mfX /= rVec.mfX, mfY /= rVec.mfY; return *this; }
    inline Vector2D&    operator*=( const Vector2D& rVec ) { mfX *= rVec.mfX, mfY *= rVec.mfY; return *this; }
    inline Vector2D     operator/(const Vector2D& rVec) const { Vector2D aDiv(*this); aDiv /= rVec; return aDiv; }
    inline Vector2D     operator*(const Vector2D& rVec) const { Vector2D aMul(*this); aMul *= rVec; return aMul; }

    inline Vector2D&    operator*=(double t) { mfX *= t; mfY *= t; return *this; }
    inline Vector2D     operator*(double t) const { Vector2D aNew(*this); aNew *= t; return aNew; }
    inline Vector2D&    operator/=(double t) { mfX /= t; mfY /= t; return *this; }
    inline Vector2D     operator/(double t) const { Vector2D aNew(*this); aNew /= t; return aNew; }

    inline sal_Bool     operator==( const Vector2D& rVec ) const { return( mfX == rVec.mfX && mfY == rVec.mfY ); }
    inline sal_Bool     operator!=( const Vector2D& rVec ) const { return !( *this == rVec ); }

    inline Vector2D&    operator=( const Vector2D& rVec ) { mfX = rVec.mfX, mfY = rVec.mfY; return *this; }
    inline Vector2D&    operator=( const Pair& rPair ) { mfX = rPair.A(), mfY = rPair.B(); return *this; }
    inline Vector2D&    operator-=( const Pair& rPair ) { mfX -= rPair.A(), mfY -= rPair.B(); return *this; }
    inline Vector2D&    operator+=( const Pair& rPair ) { mfX += rPair.A(), mfY += rPair.B(); return *this; }
    inline Vector2D&    operator*=( const Pair& rPair ) { mfX *= rPair.A(), mfY *= rPair.B(); return *this; }
    inline Vector2D&    operator/=( const Pair& rPair ) { mfX /= rPair.A(), mfY /= rPair.B(); return *this; }

    inline sal_Bool     operator==( const Pair& rPair ) const { return( mfX == rPair.A() && mfY == rPair.B() ); }
    inline sal_Bool     operator!=( const Pair& rPair ) const { return !( *this == rPair ); }

    inline sal_Bool     IsPositive( Vector2D& rVec ) const { return( ( mfX * rVec.mfY - mfY * rVec.mfX ) >= 0.0 ); }
    inline sal_Bool     IsNegative( Vector2D& rVec ) const { return !IsPositive( rVec ); }

inline Vector2D& Vector2D::Normalize()
    double fLen = Scalar( *this );

    if( ( fLen != 0.0 ) && ( fLen != 1.0 ) && ( ( fLen = sqrt( fLen ) ) != 0.0 ) )
        mfX /= fLen, mfY /= fLen;

    return *this;


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