/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include <rtl/ref.hxx>
#include <ucbhelper/interactionrequest.hxx>
#include <ucbhelper/ucbhelperdllapi.h>

namespace com::sun::star::ucb {
  class URLAuthenticationRequest;

namespace ucbhelper {

  * This class implements a simple authentication interaction request.
  * Instances can be passed directly to XInteractionHandler::handle(...). Each
  * instance contains an AuthenticationRequest and three interaction
  * continuations: "Abort", "Retry" and "SupplyAuthentication". The parameters
  * for the AuthenticationRequest and the InteractionSupplyAuthentication
  * objects are partly taken from constructors parameters and partly defaulted
  * as follows:
  * Read-only values : servername, realm
  * Read-write values: username, password, account
  * All remember-authentication values: RememberAuthentication_NO
  * @see css::ucb::AuthenticationRequest
  * @see css::ucb::RememberAuthentication
  * @see InteractionAbort
  * @see InteractionRetry
  * @see InteractionSupplyAuthentication
class UCBHELPER_DLLPUBLIC SimpleAuthenticationRequest final : public ucbhelper::InteractionRequest
        ucbhelper::InteractionSupplyAuthentication > m_xAuthSupplier;

    void initialize( const css::ucb::URLAuthenticationRequest & rRequest,
                     bool bCanSetRealm,
                     bool bCanSetUserName,
                     bool bCanSetPassword,
                     bool bCanSetAccount,
                     bool bAllowUseSystemCredentials,
                     bool bAllowSessionStoring );

    /** Specification whether some entity (realm, username, password, account)
        is either not applicable at all, has a fixed value, or is modifiable.
    enum EntityType

      * Constructor.
      * @param rURL contains a URL for which authentication is requested.
      * @param rServerName contains a server name.
      * @param rRealm contains a realm, if applicable.
      * @param rUserName contains a username, if available (for instance from
      *        a previous try).
      * @param rPassword contains a password, if available (for instance from
      *        a previous try).
      * @param bAllowUseSystemCredentials specifies if requesting client is
      *        able to obtain and use system credentials for authentication
    SimpleAuthenticationRequest( const OUString & rURL,
                                 const OUString & rServerName,
                                 const OUString & rRealm,
                                 const OUString & rUserName,
                                 const OUString & rPassword,
                                 bool bAllowUseSystemCredentials,
                                 bool bAllowSessionStoring = true );

      * Constructor.
      * @param rServerName contains a server name.
      * @param eRealmType specifies whether a realm is applicable and
      * @param rRealm contains a realm, if applicable.
      * @param eUserNameType specifies whether a username is applicable and
      * @param rUserName contains a username, if available (for instance from
      *        a previous try).
      * @param ePasswordType specifies whether a password is applicable and
      * @param rPassword contains a password, if available (for instance from
      *        a previous try).
    SimpleAuthenticationRequest( const OUString & rURL,
                                 const OUString & rServerName,
                                 EntityType eRealmType,
                                 const OUString & rRealm,
                                 EntityType eUserNameType,
                                 const OUString & rUserName,
                                 EntityType ePasswordType,
                                 const OUString & rPassword );

      * This method returns the supplier for the missing authentication data,
      * that, for instance can be used to query the password supplied by the
      * interaction handler.
      * @return the supplier for the missing authentication data.
    const rtl::Reference< ucbhelper::InteractionSupplyAuthentication > &
    getAuthenticationSupplier() const { return m_xAuthSupplier; }

} // namespace ucbhelper


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