/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include <vcl/dllapi.h>
#include <tools/gen.hxx>
#include <vcl/keycod.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <vcl/vclptr.hxx>
#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
#include <optional>

class CommandEvent;

enum class TextDirectionality {

namespace vcl {
    class Window;

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC KeyEvent
    vcl::KeyCode    maKeyCode;
    sal_uInt16      mnRepeat;
    sal_Unicode     mnCharCode;

                    KeyEvent( sal_Unicode nChar, const vcl::KeyCode& rKeyCode,
                              sal_uInt16 nRepeat = 0 );

    sal_Unicode         GetCharCode() const     { return mnCharCode; }
    const vcl::KeyCode& GetKeyCode() const      { return maKeyCode;  }
    sal_uInt16          GetRepeat() const       { return mnRepeat;   }

    KeyEvent        LogicalTextDirectionality (TextDirectionality eMode) const;

inline KeyEvent::KeyEvent()
    mnCharCode  = 0;
    mnRepeat    = 0;

inline KeyEvent::KeyEvent( sal_Unicode nChar, const vcl::KeyCode& rKeyCode,
                           sal_uInt16 nRepeat ) :
            maKeyCode( rKeyCode )

    mnCharCode  = nChar;
    mnRepeat    = nRepeat;

enum class MouseEventModifiers
   NONE              = 0,
   // mouse move modifiers
   SIMPLEMOVE        = 0x0001,
   DRAGMOVE          = 0x0002,
   DRAGCOPY          = 0x0004,
   ENTERWINDOW       = 0x0010,
   LEAVEWINDOW       = 0x0020,
   SYNTHETIC         = 0x0040,
   MODIFIERCHANGED   = 0x0080,
   // mouse up/down-button modifiers
   SIMPLECLICK       = 0x0100,
   SELECT            = 0x0200,
   MULTISELECT       = 0x0400,
   RANGESELECT       = 0x0800
namespace o3tl
    template<> struct typed_flags<MouseEventModifiers> : is_typed_flags<MouseEventModifiers, 0xff7> {};

// Mouse buttons
#define MOUSE_LEFT              (sal_uInt16(0x0001))
#define MOUSE_MIDDLE            (sal_uInt16(0x0002))
#define MOUSE_RIGHT             (sal_uInt16(0x0004))

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC MouseEvent
    Point               maPos;
    MouseEventModifiers mnMode;
    sal_uInt16          mnClicks;
    sal_uInt16          mnCode;

    // Set, if the document relative logic position are available
    std::optional<Point> maLogicPosition;

    explicit        MouseEvent();
    explicit        MouseEvent( const Point& rPos, sal_uInt16 nClicks = 1,
                                MouseEventModifiers nMode = MouseEventModifiers::NONE, sal_uInt16 nButtons = 0,
                                sal_uInt16 nModifier = 0 );

    const Point&    GetPosPixel() const     { return maPos; }
    MouseEventModifiers GetMode() const         { return mnMode; }

    sal_uInt16      GetClicks() const       { return mnClicks; }

    void setLogicPosition(Point aLogicPosition)
        maLogicPosition = aLogicPosition;

    const std::optional<Point> & getLogicPosition() const
        return maLogicPosition;

    bool            IsEnterWindow() const
                        { return bool(mnMode & MouseEventModifiers::ENTERWINDOW); }
    bool            IsLeaveWindow() const
                        { return bool(mnMode & MouseEventModifiers::LEAVEWINDOW); }
    bool            IsSynthetic() const
                        { return bool(mnMode & MouseEventModifiers::SYNTHETIC); }
    bool            IsModifierChanged() const
                        { return bool(mnMode & MouseEventModifiers::MODIFIERCHANGED); }

    sal_uInt16      GetButtons() const
                        { return (mnCode & (MOUSE_LEFT | MOUSE_MIDDLE | MOUSE_RIGHT)); }
    bool            IsLeft() const
                        { return ((mnCode & MOUSE_LEFT) != 0); }
    bool            IsMiddle() const
                        { return ((mnCode & MOUSE_MIDDLE) != 0); }
    bool            IsRight() const
                        { return ((mnCode & MOUSE_RIGHT) != 0); }

    sal_uInt16      GetModifier() const
                        { return (mnCode & (KEY_SHIFT | KEY_MOD1 | KEY_MOD2)); }
    bool            IsShift() const
                        { return ((mnCode & KEY_SHIFT) != 0); }
    bool            IsMod1() const
                        { return ((mnCode & KEY_MOD1) != 0); }
    bool            IsMod2() const
                        { return ((mnCode & KEY_MOD2) != 0); }
    bool            IsMod3() const
                        { return ((mnCode & KEY_MOD3) != 0); }

inline MouseEvent::MouseEvent()
    mnMode      = MouseEventModifiers::NONE;
    mnClicks    = 0;
    mnCode      = 0;

inline MouseEvent::MouseEvent( const Point& rPos, sal_uInt16 nClicks,
                               MouseEventModifiers nMode,
                               sal_uInt16 nButtons, sal_uInt16 nModifier ) :
            maPos( rPos )
    mnClicks    = nClicks;
    mnMode      = nMode;
    mnCode      = nButtons | nModifier;

enum class HelpEventMode
    NONE           = 0x0000,
    CONTEXT        = 0x0001,
    BALLOON        = 0x0002,
    QUICK          = 0x0004
namespace o3tl
    template<> struct typed_flags<HelpEventMode> : is_typed_flags<HelpEventMode, 0x07> {};

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC HelpEvent
    Point           maPos;
    HelpEventMode   mnMode;
    bool            mbKeyboardActivated;

    explicit        HelpEvent( const Point& rMousePos, HelpEventMode nHelpMode );

    const Point&    GetMousePosPixel() const { return maPos; }
    HelpEventMode   GetMode() const { return mnMode; }
    bool            KeyboardActivated() const { return mbKeyboardActivated; }
    void            SetKeyboardActivated( bool bKeyboard ) { mbKeyboardActivated = bKeyboard; }

inline HelpEvent::HelpEvent( const Point& rMousePos, HelpEventMode nHelpMode ) :
            maPos( rMousePos )
    mnMode  = nHelpMode;
    mbKeyboardActivated = false;

/// Event to pass information for UserDraw() handling eg. in comboboxes.
class VCL_DLLPUBLIC UserDrawEvent
    /// RenderContext to which we should draw - can be a VirtualDevice or anything.
    VclPtr<vcl::RenderContext> mpRenderContext;

    tools::Rectangle    maOutRect;
    sal_uInt16          mnItemId;
    bool                mbSelected;

    UserDrawEvent(vcl::RenderContext* pRenderContext,
                  const tools::Rectangle& rOutRect, sal_uInt16 nId, bool bSelected = false)
        : mpRenderContext(pRenderContext)
        , maOutRect( rOutRect )
        , mnItemId(nId)
        , mbSelected(bSelected)

    vcl::RenderContext* GetRenderContext() const { return mpRenderContext; }
    const tools::Rectangle&    GetRect() const { return maOutRect; }
    sal_uInt16          GetItemId() const { return mnItemId; }
    bool                IsSelected() const { return mbSelected; }

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC TrackingEvent
    MouseEvent          maMEvt;
    TrackingEventFlags  mnFlags;

    explicit            TrackingEvent( const MouseEvent&,
                                       TrackingEventFlags nTrackFlags = TrackingEventFlags::NONE );

    const MouseEvent&   GetMouseEvent() const { return maMEvt; }

    bool                IsTrackingRepeat() const
                            { return bool(mnFlags & TrackingEventFlags::Repeat); }
    bool                IsTrackingEnded() const
                            { return bool(mnFlags & TrackingEventFlags::End); }
    bool                IsTrackingCanceled() const
                            { return bool(mnFlags & TrackingEventFlags::Cancel); }

inline TrackingEvent::TrackingEvent( const MouseEvent& rMEvt,
                                     TrackingEventFlags nTrackFlags ) :
            maMEvt( rMEvt )
    mnFlags = nTrackFlags;

enum class NotifyEventType
    NONE             = 0,
    MOUSEMOVE        = 3,
    KEYINPUT         = 4,
    KEYUP            = 5,
    GETFOCUS         = 6,
    LOSEFOCUS        = 7,
    COMMAND          = 8

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC NotifyEvent
    VclPtr<vcl::Window>     mpWindow;
    void*                   mpData;
    NotifyEventType        mnEventType;

                            NotifyEvent( NotifyEventType nEventType,
                                         vcl::Window* pWindow,
                                         const void* pEvent = nullptr );
                            // Avoid implicitly defined copy constructors/assignments for the
                            // DLLPUBLIC class (they may require forward-declared classes used
                            // internally to be defined in places using NotifyEvent)
                            NotifyEvent(const NotifyEvent&) = delete;
                            NotifyEvent(NotifyEvent&&) = delete;
                            NotifyEvent& operator=(const NotifyEvent&) = delete;
                            NotifyEvent& operator=(NotifyEvent&&) = delete;

    NotifyEventType        GetType() const { return mnEventType; }
    vcl::Window*            GetWindow() const { return mpWindow; }
    void*                   GetData() const { return mpData; }
    const KeyEvent*         GetKeyEvent() const;
    const MouseEvent*       GetMouseEvent() const;
    const CommandEvent*     GetCommandEvent() const;

inline const KeyEvent* NotifyEvent::GetKeyEvent() const
    if ( (mnEventType == NotifyEventType::KEYINPUT) || (mnEventType == NotifyEventType::KEYUP) )
        return static_cast<const KeyEvent*>(mpData);
        return nullptr;

inline const MouseEvent* NotifyEvent::GetMouseEvent() const
    if ( (mnEventType >= NotifyEventType::MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) && (mnEventType <= NotifyEventType::MOUSEMOVE) )
        return static_cast<const MouseEvent*>(mpData);
        return nullptr;

inline const CommandEvent* NotifyEvent::GetCommandEvent() const
    if ( mnEventType == NotifyEventType::COMMAND )
        return static_cast<const CommandEvent*>(mpData);
        return nullptr;

enum class DataChangedEventType {
    NONE               = 0,
    SETTINGS           = 1,
    DISPLAY            = 2,
    FONTS              = 4,
    PRINTER            = 5,

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC DataChangedEvent
    const AllSettings*      mpData;
    AllSettingsFlags        mnFlags;
    DataChangedEventType    mnType;

    explicit                DataChangedEvent( DataChangedEventType nType,
                                              const AllSettings* pData = nullptr,
                                              AllSettingsFlags nFlags = AllSettingsFlags::NONE );

    DataChangedEventType    GetType() const { return mnType; }
    AllSettingsFlags        GetFlags() const { return mnFlags; }

    const AllSettings*      GetOldSettings() const;

inline DataChangedEvent::DataChangedEvent( DataChangedEventType nType,
                                           const AllSettings* pData,
                                           AllSettingsFlags nChangeFlags )
    mpData  = pData;
    mnFlags = nChangeFlags;
    mnType  = nType;

inline const AllSettings* DataChangedEvent::GetOldSettings() const
    if ( mnType == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS )
        return mpData;
        return nullptr;


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