/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .


#include <config_options.h>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <i18nutil/paper.hxx>

#include <vcl/errcode.hxx>
#include <vcl/dllapi.h>
#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
#include <vcl/prntypes.hxx>
#include <vcl/jobset.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/view/PrintableState.hpp>

#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>

class GDIMetaFile;
class SalInfoPrinter;
struct SalPrinterQueueInfo;
class SalPrinter;
class VirtualDevice;
enum class SalPrinterError;

namespace vcl {
    class PrinterController;
    class Window;

namespace weld { class Window; }

enum class PrinterSupport
    SetPaperSize, SetPaper,

    friend class               Printer;

    OUString                   maPrinterName;
    OUString                   maDriver;
    OUString                   maLocation;
    OUString                   maComment;
    PrintQueueFlags            mnStatus;
    sal_uInt32                 mnJobs;


    const OUString&            GetPrinterName() const { return maPrinterName; }
    const OUString&            GetDriver() const { return maDriver; }
    const OUString&            GetLocation() const { return maLocation; }
    const OUString&            GetComment() const { return maComment; }
    PrintQueueFlags            GetStatus() const { return mnStatus; }
    sal_uInt32                 GetJobs() const { return mnJobs; }

enum class PrinterTransparencyMode
    Auto = 0,
    NONE = 1

enum class PrinterGradientMode
    Stripes  = 0,
    Color    = 1

enum class PrinterBitmapMode
    Optimal    = 0,
    Normal     = 1,
    Resolution = 2


    bool                        mbReduceTransparency;
    PrinterTransparencyMode     meReducedTransparencyMode;
    bool                        mbReduceGradients;
    PrinterGradientMode         meReducedGradientsMode;
    sal_uInt16                  mnReducedGradientStepCount;
    bool                        mbReduceBitmaps;
    PrinterBitmapMode           meReducedBitmapMode;
    sal_uInt16                  mnReducedBitmapResolution;
    bool                        mbReducedBitmapsIncludeTransparency;
    bool                        mbConvertToGreyscales;
    bool                        mbPDFAsStandardPrintJobFormat;


    bool                        IsReduceTransparency() const { return mbReduceTransparency; }
    void                        SetReduceTransparency( bool bSet ) { mbReduceTransparency = bSet; }

    PrinterTransparencyMode     GetReducedTransparencyMode() const { return meReducedTransparencyMode; }
    void                        SetReducedTransparencyMode( PrinterTransparencyMode eMode )
                                    { meReducedTransparencyMode = eMode; }

    bool                        IsReduceGradients() const { return mbReduceGradients; }
    void                        SetReduceGradients( bool bSet ) { mbReduceGradients = bSet; }

    PrinterGradientMode         GetReducedGradientMode() const { return meReducedGradientsMode; }
    void                        SetReducedGradientMode( PrinterGradientMode eMode ) { meReducedGradientsMode = eMode; }

    sal_uInt16                  GetReducedGradientStepCount() const { return mnReducedGradientStepCount; }
    void                        SetReducedGradientStepCount( sal_uInt16 nStepCount )
                                    { mnReducedGradientStepCount = nStepCount; }

    bool                        IsReduceBitmaps() const { return mbReduceBitmaps; }
    void                        SetReduceBitmaps( bool bSet ) { mbReduceBitmaps = bSet; }

    PrinterBitmapMode           GetReducedBitmapMode() const { return meReducedBitmapMode; }
    void                        SetReducedBitmapMode( PrinterBitmapMode eMode ) { meReducedBitmapMode = eMode; }

    sal_uInt16                  GetReducedBitmapResolution() const { return mnReducedBitmapResolution; }
    void                        SetReducedBitmapResolution( sal_uInt16 nResolution )
                                    { mnReducedBitmapResolution = nResolution; }

    bool                        IsReducedBitmapIncludesTransparency() const { return mbReducedBitmapsIncludeTransparency; }
    void                        SetReducedBitmapIncludesTransparency( bool bSet )
                                    { mbReducedBitmapsIncludeTransparency = bSet; }

    bool                        IsConvertToGreyscales() const { return mbConvertToGreyscales; }
    void                        SetConvertToGreyscales( bool bSet ) { mbConvertToGreyscales = bSet; }

    bool                        IsPDFAsStandardPrintJobFormat() const { return mbPDFAsStandardPrintJobFormat; }
    void                        SetPDFAsStandardPrintJobFormat( bool bSet ) { mbPDFAsStandardPrintJobFormat = bSet; }

    /** Read printer options from configuration

        parameter decides whether the set for
        print "to printer" or "to file" should be read.
    void                        ReadFromConfig( bool bFile );

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Printer : public OutputDevice
    friend class                ::OutputDevice;

    SalInfoPrinter*             mpInfoPrinter;
    std::unique_ptr<SalPrinter> mpPrinter;
    SalGraphics*                mpJobGraphics;
    VclPtr<Printer>             mpPrev;
    VclPtr<Printer>             mpNext;
    VclPtr<VirtualDevice>       mpDisplayDev;
    std::unique_ptr<PrinterOptions> mpPrinterOptions;
    OUString                    maPrinterName;
    OUString                    maDriver;
    OUString                    maPrintFile;
    JobSetup                    maJobSetup;
    Point                       maPageOffset;
    Size                        maPaperSize;
    ErrCode                     mnError;
    sal_uInt16                  mnPageQueueSize;
    sal_uInt16                  mnCopyCount;
    bool                        mbDefPrinter;
    bool                        mbPrinting;
    bool                        mbJobActive;
    bool                        mbCollateCopy;
    bool                        mbPrintFile;
    bool                        mbInPrintPage;
    bool                        mbNewJobSetup;

    VCL_DLLPRIVATE void         ImplInitData();
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE void         ImplInit( SalPrinterQueueInfo* pInfo );
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE void         ImplInitDisplay();
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE static SalPrinterQueueInfo*
                                ImplGetQueueInfo( const OUString& rPrinterName, const OUString* pDriver );
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE void         ImplUpdatePageData();
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE void         ImplUpdateFontList();
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE void         ImplFindPaperFormatForUserSize( JobSetup&, bool bMatchNearest );

    VCL_DLLPRIVATE bool         StartJob( const OUString& rJobName, std::shared_ptr<vcl::PrinterController> const & );

    static VCL_DLLPRIVATE ErrCode
                                ImplSalPrinterErrorCodeToVCL( SalPrinterError nError );

    VCL_DLLPRIVATE void         EndJob();
                                Printer( const Printer& rPrinter )    = delete;
    Printer&                    operator =( const Printer& rPrinter ) = delete;

    VCL_DLLPRIVATE void         ImplStartPage();
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE void         ImplEndPage();

    virtual bool                AcquireGraphics() const override;
    virtual void                ReleaseGraphics( bool bRelease = true ) override;
    virtual void                ImplReleaseFonts() override;

    virtual long                GetGradientStepCount( long nMinRect ) override;
    virtual bool                UsePolyPolygonForComplexGradient() override;
    virtual void                ClipAndDrawGradientMetafile ( const Gradient &rGradient,
                                    const tools::PolyPolygon &rPolyPoly ) override;

    void                        ScaleBitmap ( Bitmap&, SalTwoRect& ) override { };
    vcl::Region                 ClipToDeviceBounds(vcl::Region aRegion) const override;

    void                        DrawGradientEx( OutputDevice* pOut, const tools::Rectangle& rRect,
                                    const Gradient& rGradient );
    virtual Bitmap              GetBitmap( const Point& rSrcPt, const Size& rSize ) const override;

    virtual void                DrawDeviceMask( const Bitmap& rMask, const Color& rMaskColor,
                                    const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSize,
                                    const Point& rSrcPtPixel, const Size& rSrcSizePixel) override;

    bool                        DrawTransformBitmapExDirect( const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& aFullTransform,
                                    const BitmapEx& rBitmapEx) override;

    bool                        TransformAndReduceBitmapExToTargetRange( const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& aFullTransform,
                                    basegfx::B2DRange &aVisibleRange, double &fMaximumArea) override;

    void                        DrawDeviceBitmap( const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSize,
                                    const Point& rSrcPtPixel, const Size& rSrcSizePixel,
                                    BitmapEx& rBitmapEx ) override;

    virtual void                EmulateDrawTransparent( const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly,
                                    sal_uInt16 nTransparencePercent ) override;

    virtual void                SetFontOrientation( LogicalFontInstance* const pFontInstance ) const override;

                                Printer( const JobSetup& rJobSetup );
                                Printer( const QueueInfo& rQueueInfo );
                                Printer( const OUString& rPrinterName );
    virtual                     ~Printer() override;
    virtual void                dispose() override;

    static const std::vector< OUString >&
    static const QueueInfo*     GetQueueInfo( const OUString& rPrinterName, bool bStatusUpdate );
    static OUString             GetDefaultPrinterName();

    const OUString&             GetName() const             { return maPrinterName; }
    const OUString&             GetDriverName() const       { return maDriver; }
    bool                        IsDefPrinter() const        { return mbDefPrinter; }
    bool                        IsDisplayPrinter() const    { return mpDisplayDev != nullptr; }
    bool                        IsValid() const             { return !IsDisplayPrinter(); }

    sal_uInt32                  GetCapabilities( PrinterCapType nType ) const;
    bool                        HasSupport( PrinterSupport eFeature ) const;

    bool                        SetJobSetup( const JobSetup& rSetup );
    const JobSetup&             GetJobSetup() const { return maJobSetup; }

    bool                        Setup(weld::Window* pWindow,
                                      PrinterSetupMode eMode = PrinterSetupMode::DocumentGlobal);
    bool                        SetPrinterProps( const Printer* pPrinter );

    Color                       GetBackgroundColor() const override { return COL_WHITE; }
    Color                       GetReadableFontColor(const Color&, const Color&) const override { return COL_BLACK; }

    /** SetPrinterOptions is used internally only now

        in earlier times it was used only to set the options loaded directly from the configuration
        in SfxPrinter::InitJob, this is now handled internally
        should the need arise to set the printer options outside vcl, also a method would have to be devised
        to not override these again internally
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE void         SetPrinterOptions( const PrinterOptions& rOptions );
    const PrinterOptions&       GetPrinterOptions() const { return( *mpPrinterOptions ); }

    bool                        SetOrientation( Orientation eOrient );
    Orientation                 GetOrientation() const;
    void                        SetDuplexMode( DuplexMode );
    DuplexMode                  GetDuplexMode() const;

    bool                        SetPaperBin( sal_uInt16 nPaperBin );
    sal_uInt16                  GetPaperBin() const;
    void                        SetPaper( Paper ePaper );
    bool                        SetPaperSizeUser( const Size& rSize );
    bool                        SetPaperSizeUser( const Size& rSize, bool bMatchNearest );
    Paper                       GetPaper() const;
    static OUString             GetPaperName( Paper ePaper );

    /** @return Number of available paper formats */
    int                         GetPaperInfoCount() const;

    /** @return Info about paper format nPaper */
    const PaperInfo&            GetPaperInfo( int nPaper ) const;
    sal_uInt16                  GetPaperBinCount() const;
    OUString                    GetPaperBinName( sal_uInt16 nPaperBin ) const;

    bool                        GetPrinterSettingsPreferred() const;
    void                        SetPrinterSettingsPreferred( bool bPaperSizeFromSetup );

    const Size&                 GetPaperSizePixel() const { return maPaperSize; }
    Size                        GetPaperSize() const { return PixelToLogic( maPaperSize ); }
    Size                        GetPaperSize( int nPaper );
    const Point&                GetPageOffsetPixel() const { return maPageOffset; }
    Point                       GetPageOffset() const { return PixelToLogic( maPageOffset ); }

    void                        SetCopyCount( sal_uInt16 nCopy, bool bCollate );
    sal_uInt16                  GetCopyCount() const { return mnCopyCount; }
    bool                        IsCollateCopy() const { return mbCollateCopy; }

    bool                        IsPrinting() const { return mbPrinting; }

    bool                        IsJobActive() const { return mbJobActive; }

    /** Checks the printer list and updates it necessary

        sends a DataChanged event of type DataChangedEventType::PRINTER if the printer list changed
    static void                 updatePrinters();

    /** Execute a print job

        starts a print job asynchronously that is will return
    static void                 PrintJob( const std::shared_ptr<vcl::PrinterController>& i_pController,
                                    const JobSetup& i_rInitSetup );

    virtual bool                HasMirroredGraphics() const override;

    virtual void                DrawOutDev( const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSize,
                                    const Point& rSrcPt,  const Size& rSrcSize ) override;

    virtual void                DrawOutDev( const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSize,
                                    const Point& rSrcPt,  const Size& rSrcSize,
                                    const OutputDevice& rOutDev ) override;

    virtual void                CopyArea( const Point& rDestPt, const Point& rSrcPt,
                                    const Size& rSrcSize, bool bWindowInvalidate = false ) override;

    virtual tools::Rectangle    SetBackgroundComponentBounds() override;

    // These 3 together are more modular PrintJob(), allowing printing more documents as one print job
    // by repeated calls to ExecutePrintJob(). Used by mailmerge.
    static bool                 PreparePrintJob( std::shared_ptr<vcl::PrinterController> i_pController,
                                    const JobSetup& i_rInitSetup );
    static bool ExecutePrintJob(const std::shared_ptr<vcl::PrinterController>& i_pController);
    static void                 FinishPrintJob( const std::shared_ptr<vcl::PrinterController>& i_pController );

    /** Implementation detail of PrintJob being asynchronous

        not exported, not usable outside vcl
    static void VCL_DLLPRIVATE  ImplPrintJob( const std::shared_ptr<vcl::PrinterController>& i_pController,
                                    const JobSetup& i_rInitSetup );

namespace vcl
class ImplPrinterControllerData;

enum class NupOrderType

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC PrinterController
    PrinterController(const VclPtr<Printer>&, weld::Window*);
    struct MultiPageSetup
        // all metrics in 100th mm
        int                             nRows;
        int                             nColumns;
        Size                            aPaperSize;
        long                            nLeftMargin;
        long                            nTopMargin;
        long                            nRightMargin;
        long                            nBottomMargin;
        long                            nHorizontalSpacing;
        long                            nVerticalSpacing;
        bool                            bDrawBorder;
        NupOrderType                    nOrder;

             : nRows( 1 ), nColumns( 1 ), aPaperSize( 21000, 29700 )
             , nLeftMargin( 0 ), nTopMargin( 0 )
             , nRightMargin( 0 ), nBottomMargin( 0 )
             , nHorizontalSpacing( 0 ), nVerticalSpacing( 0 )
             , bDrawBorder( false )
             , nOrder( NupOrderType::LRTB ) {}

    struct PageSize
        /// In 100th mm
        Size                            aSize;

        /// Full paper, not only imageable area is printed
        bool                            bFullPaper;

                                        PageSize( const Size& i_rSize = Size( 21000, 29700 ),
                                            bool i_bFullPaper = false)
                                            : aSize( i_rSize ), bFullPaper( i_bFullPaper ) {}

    virtual ~PrinterController();

    const VclPtr<Printer>&              getPrinter() const;
    weld::Window*                       getWindow() const;

    /** For implementations: get current job properties as changed by e.g. print dialog

        this gets the current set of properties initially told to Printer::PrintJob

        For convenience a second sequence will be merged in to get a combined sequence.
        In case of duplicate property names, the value of i_MergeList wins.
    css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >
                                        getJobProperties(const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& i_rMergeList ) const;

    /// Get the PropertyValue of a Property
    css::beans::PropertyValue*          getValue( const OUString& i_rPropertyName );
    const css::beans::PropertyValue*    getValue( const OUString& i_rPropertyName ) const;

    /** Get a bool property

        in case the property is unknown or not convertible to bool, i_bFallback is returned
    bool                                getBoolProperty( const OUString& i_rPropertyName, bool i_bFallback ) const;

    /** Get an int property

        in case the property is unknown or not convertible to bool, i_nFallback is returned
    sal_Int32                           getIntProperty( const OUString& i_rPropertyName, sal_Int32 i_nFallback ) const;

    /// Set a property value - can also be used to add another UI property
    void                                setValue( const OUString& i_rPropertyName, const css::uno::Any& i_rValue );
    void                                setValue( const css::beans::PropertyValue& i_rValue );

    /** @return The currently active UI options. These are the same that were passed to setUIOptions. */
    const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >&
                                        getUIOptions() const;

    /** Set possible UI options.

        should only be done once before passing the PrinterListener to Printer::PrintJob
    void                                setUIOptions( const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& );

    /// Enable/disable an option; this can be used to implement dialog logic.
    bool                                isUIOptionEnabled( const OUString& rPropName ) const;
    bool                                isUIChoiceEnabled( const OUString& rPropName, sal_Int32 nChoice ) const;

    /** MakeEnabled will change the property rPropName depends on to the value

        that makes rPropName enabled. If the dependency itself is also disabled,
        no action will be performed.

        @return The property name rPropName depends on or an empty string if no change was made.
    OUString                            makeEnabled( const OUString& rPropName );

    /// App must override this
    virtual int                         getPageCount() const = 0;

    /** Get the page parameters

        namely the jobsetup that should be active for the page
        (describing among others the physical page size) and the "page size". In writer
        case this would probably be the same as the JobSetup since writer sets the page size
        draw/impress for example print their page on the paper set on the printer,
        possibly adjusting the page size to fit. That means the page size can be different from
        the paper size.

        App must override this

        @return Page size in 1/100th mm
    virtual css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >
                                        getPageParameters( int i_nPage ) const = 0;
    /// App must override this
    virtual void                        printPage(int i_nPage) const = 0;

    /// Will be called after a possible dialog has been shown and the real printjob starts
    virtual void                        jobStarted();
    virtual void                        jobFinished( css::view::PrintableState );

    css::view::PrintableState           getJobState() const;

    void                                abortJob();

    bool                                isShowDialogs() const;
    bool                                isDirectPrint() const;

    // implementation details, not usable outside vcl
    // don't use outside vcl. Some of these are exported for
    // the benefit of vcl's plugins.
                      int               getFilteredPageCount() const;
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    PageSize          getPageFile( int i_inUnfilteredPage, GDIMetaFile& rMtf,
                                            bool i_bMayUseCache = false );
                      PageSize          getFilteredPageFile( int i_nFilteredPage, GDIMetaFile& o_rMtf,
                                            bool i_bMayUseCache = false );
                      void              printFilteredPage( int i_nPage );
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    void              setPrinter( const VclPtr<Printer>& );
                      void              createProgressDialog();
                      bool              isProgressCanceled() const;
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    void              setMultipage( const MultiPageSetup& );
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    const MultiPageSetup&
                                        getMultipage() const;
                      void              setLastPage( bool i_bLastPage );
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    void              setReversePrint( bool i_bReverse );
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    void              setPapersizeFromSetup( bool i_bPapersizeFromSetup );
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    bool              getPapersizeFromSetup() const;
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    Size&             getPaperSizeSetup() const;
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    void              setPaperSizeFromUser( Size i_aUserSize );
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    Size&             getPaperSizeFromUser() const;
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    bool              isPaperSizeFromUser() const;
                      void              setPrinterModified( bool i_bPapersizeFromSetup );
                      bool              getPrinterModified() const;
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    void              pushPropertiesToPrinter();
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    void              resetPaperToLastConfigured();
                      void              setJobState( css::view::PrintableState );
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    void              setupPrinter( weld::Window* i_pDlgParent );

    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    int               getPageCountProtected() const;
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >
                                        getPageParametersProtected( int i_nPage ) const;

    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    DrawModeFlags     removeTransparencies( GDIMetaFile const & i_rIn, GDIMetaFile& o_rOut );
    VCL_DLLPRIVATE    void              resetPrinterOptions( bool i_bFileOutput );

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC PrinterOptionsHelper
    std::unordered_map< OUString, css::uno::Any >
    std::vector< css::beans::PropertyValue >


                         /// Create without ui properties
                         PrinterOptionsHelper() {}

    /** Process a new set of properties

        merges changed properties and returns "true" if any occurred
    bool                 processProperties( const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& i_rNewProp );

    /** Append to a sequence of property values the ui property sequence passed at creation

        as the "ExtraPrintUIOptions" property. if that sequence was empty, no "ExtraPrintUIOptions" property
        will be appended.
    void                 appendPrintUIOptions( css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& io_rProps ) const;

    /** @return An empty Any for not existing properties */
    css::uno::Any        getValue( const OUString& i_rPropertyName ) const;

    bool                 getBoolValue( const OUString& i_rPropertyName, bool i_bDefault ) const;
    // convenience for fixed strings
    bool                 getBoolValue( const char* i_pPropName, bool i_bDefault = false ) const
                             { return getBoolValue( OUString::createFromAscii( i_pPropName ), i_bDefault ); }

    sal_Int64            getIntValue( const OUString& i_rPropertyName, sal_Int64 i_nDefault ) const;
    // convenience for fixed strings
    sal_Int64            getIntValue( const char* i_pPropName, sal_Int64 i_nDefault ) const
                             { return getIntValue( OUString::createFromAscii( i_pPropName ), i_nDefault ); }

    OUString             getStringValue( const OUString& i_rPropertyName ) const;
    // convenience for fixed strings
    OUString             getStringValue( const char* i_pPropName ) const
                             { return getStringValue( OUString::createFromAscii( i_pPropName ) ); }

    // helper functions for user to create a single control
    struct UIControlOptions
        OUString         maDependsOnName;
        sal_Int32        mnDependsOnEntry;
        bool             mbAttachToDependency;
        OUString         maGroupHint;
        bool             mbInternalOnly;
        bool             mbEnabled;
        std::vector< css::beans::PropertyValue >

                         UIControlOptions( const OUString& i_rDependsOnName = OUString(),
                             sal_Int32 i_nDependsOnEntry = -1, bool i_bAttachToDependency = false)
                             : maDependsOnName( i_rDependsOnName )
                             , mnDependsOnEntry( i_nDependsOnEntry )
                             , mbAttachToDependency( i_bAttachToDependency )
                             , mbInternalOnly( false )
                             , mbEnabled( true ) {}

    // note: in the following helper functions HelpIds are expected as an OUString
    // the normal HelpId form is OString (byte string instead of UTF16 string)
    // this is because the whole interface is base on UNO properties; in fact the structures
    // are passed over UNO interfaces. UNO does not know a byte string, hence the string is
    // transported via UTF16 strings.

    /// Show general control
    static css::uno::Any setUIControlOpt( const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& i_rIDs, const OUString& i_rTitle,
                             const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& i_rHelpId, const OUString& i_rType,
                             const css::beans::PropertyValue* i_pValue = nullptr,
                             const UIControlOptions& i_rControlOptions = UIControlOptions());

    /// Show and set the title of a TagPage of id i_rID
    static css::uno::Any setGroupControlOpt( const OUString& i_rID, const OUString& i_rTitle,
                             const OUString& i_rHelpId);

    /// Show and set the label of a VclFrame of id i_rID
    static css::uno::Any setSubgroupControlOpt( const OUString& i_rID, const OUString& i_rTitle, const OUString& i_rHelpId,
                             const UIControlOptions& i_rControlOptions = UIControlOptions());

    /// Show a bool option as a checkbox
    static css::uno::Any setBoolControlOpt( const OUString& i_rID, const OUString& i_rTitle, const OUString& i_rHelpId,
                             const OUString& i_rProperty, bool i_bValue,
                             const UIControlOptions& i_rControlOptions = UIControlOptions());

    /// Show a set of choices in a list box
    static css::uno::Any setChoiceListControlOpt( const OUString&  i_rID, const OUString& i_rTitle,
                             const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& i_rHelpId, const OUString& i_rProperty,
                             const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& i_rChoices, sal_Int32 i_nValue,
                             const css::uno::Sequence< sal_Bool >& i_rDisabledChoices = css::uno::Sequence< sal_Bool >(),
                             const UIControlOptions& i_rControlOptions = UIControlOptions());

    /// Show a set of choices as radio buttons
    static css::uno::Any setChoiceRadiosControlOpt( const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& i_rIDs,
                             const OUString& i_rTitle,  const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& i_rHelpId,
                             const OUString& i_rProperty, const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& i_rChoices,
                             sal_Int32 i_nValue,
                             const css::uno::Sequence< sal_Bool >& i_rDisabledChoices = css::uno::Sequence< sal_Bool >(),
                             const UIControlOptions& i_rControlOptions  = UIControlOptions());

    /** Show an integer range (e.g. a spin field)

        note: max value < min value means do not apply min/max values
    static css::uno::Any setRangeControlOpt( const OUString& i_rID, const OUString& i_rTitle, const OUString& i_rHelpId,
                             const OUString& i_rProperty, sal_Int32 i_nValue, sal_Int32 i_nMinValue,
                             sal_Int32 i_nMaxValue, const UIControlOptions& i_rControlOptions);

    /** Show a string field

        note: max value < min value means do not apply min/max values
    static css::uno::Any setEditControlOpt( const OUString& i_rID, const OUString& i_rTitle, const OUString& i_rHelpId,
                             const OUString&  i_rProperty, const OUString& i_rValue,
                             const UIControlOptions& i_rControlOptions);
}; // class PrinterOptionsHelper

} // namespace vcl


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