/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .


#include <sal/config.h>
#include <sal/types.h>

#include <cassert>
#include <vector>

#include <comphelper/solarmutex.hxx>
#include <LibreOfficeKit/LibreOfficeKitTypes.h>
#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <osl/thread.h>
#include <tools/gen.hxx>
#include <tools/link.hxx>
#include <vcl/dllapi.h>
#include <vcl/IDialogRenderable.hxx>
#include <vcl/inputtypes.hxx>
#include <vcl/exceptiontypes.hxx>
#include <vcl/vclevent.hxx>
#include <vcl/vclenum.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/lang.h>
#include <o3tl/typed_flags_set.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h>

class BitmapEx;
namespace weld
    class Builder;
    class MessageDialog;
    class Widget;
    class Window;
class LocaleDataWrapper;
class AllSettings;
class DataChangedEvent;
class Accelerator;
class Help;
class OutputDevice;
namespace vcl {
    class KeyCode;
    class ILibreOfficeKitNotifier;
    class Window;

class NotifyEvent;
class KeyEvent;
class MouseEvent;
class GestureEventPan;
struct ImplSVEvent;
struct ConvertData;
namespace basegfx { class SystemDependentDataManager; }

namespace com::sun::star::uno {
    class XComponentContext;
namespace com::sun::star::ui::dialogs {
    class XFilePicker2;
    class XFolderPicker2;
namespace com::sun::star::awt {
    class XToolkit;
    class XDisplayConnection;
    class XWindow;

VCL_DLLPUBLIC sal_UCS4 GetLocalizedChar( sal_UCS4, LanguageType );

enum class SystemWindowFlags {
    NOAUTOMODE    = 0x0001,
    DIALOG        = 0x0002
namespace o3tl
    template<> struct typed_flags<SystemWindowFlags> : is_typed_flags<SystemWindowFlags, 0x03> {};

typedef long (*VCLEventHookProc)( NotifyEvent& rEvt, void* pData );

/** An application can be notified of a number of different events:
    - Type::Accept       - listen for connection to the application (a connection
                          string is passed via the event)
    - Type::Unaccept     - stops listening for a connection to the app (determined by
                          a connection string passed via the event)
    - Type::Appear       - brings the app to the front (i.e. makes it "appear")
    - Type::Version      - display the app version
    - Type::Help         - opens a help topic (help topic passed as string)
    - Type::OpenHELP_URL - opens a help URL (URL passed as a string)
    - Type::ShowDialog   - shows a dialog (dialog passed as a string)
    - Type::Open         - opens a document or group of documents (documents passed
                          as an array of strings)
    - Type::Print        - print a document or group of documents (documents passed
                          as an array of strings
    - Type::PrivateDoShutdown - shutdown the app

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC ApplicationEvent
    enum class Type {
        Accept,                ///< Listen for connections
        Appear,                ///< Make application appear
        Open,                  ///< Open a document
        OpenHelpUrl,           ///< Open a help URL
        Print,                 ///< Print document
        PrivateDoShutdown,    ///< Shutdown application
        QuickStart,            ///< Start QuickStart
        ShowDialog,            ///< Show a dialog
        Unaccept               ///< Stop listening for connections

    /** Explicit constructor for ApplicationEvent.

     @attention Type::Appear, Type::PrivateDoShutdown and
        Type::QuickStart are the \em only events that don't need to include
        a data string with the event. No other events should use this
    explicit ApplicationEvent(Type type): aEvent(type)
        assert(type == Type::Appear || type == Type::PrivateDoShutdown || type == Type::QuickStart);

    /** Constructor for ApplicationEvent, accepts a string for the data
     associated with the event.

     @attention Type::Accept, Type::OpenHelpUrl, Type::ShowDialog
        and Type::Unaccept are the \em only events that accept a single
        string as event data. No other events should use this constructor!
    ApplicationEvent(Type type, OUString const & data): aEvent(type)
            type == Type::Accept || type == Type::OpenHelpUrl
            || type == Type::ShowDialog || type == Type::Unaccept);

    /** Constructor for ApplicationEvent, accepts an array of strings for
     the data associated with the event.

     @attention Type::Open and Type::Print can apply to multiple documents,
        and are the \em only events that accept an array of strings. No other
        events should use this constructor.
    ApplicationEvent(Type type, std::vector<OUString>&& data):
        aEvent(type), aData(std::move(data))
        assert(type == Type::Open || type == Type::Print);

    /** Get the type of event.

     @returns The type of event.
    Type GetEvent() const
        return aEvent;

    /** Gets the application event's data string.

     @attention The \em only events that need a single string Type::Accept,
        Type::OpenHelpUrl, Type::ShowDialog and Type::Unaccept

     @returns The event's data string.
    OUString const & GetStringData() const
            aEvent == Type::Accept
            || aEvent == Type::OpenHelpUrl || aEvent == Type::ShowDialog
            || aEvent == Type::Unaccept);
        assert(aData.size() == 1);
        return aData[0];

    /** Gets the event's array of strings.

     @attention The \em only events that need an array of strings
        are Type::Open and Type::Print.
    std::vector<OUString> const & GetStringsData() const
        assert(aEvent == Type::Open || aEvent == Type::Print);
        return aData;

    Type aEvent;
    std::vector<OUString> aData;

enum class DialogCancelMode {
    Off,      ///< do not automatically cancel dialogs
    Silent,   ///< silently cancel any dialogs
    LOKSilent, ///< silently cancel any dialogs (LOK case)
    Fatal     ///< cancel any dialogs by std::abort

 @brief Base class used mainly for the LibreOffice Desktop class.

 The Application class is a base class mainly used by the Desktop
 class. It is really meant to be subclassed, and the Main() function
 should be overridden. Many of the ImplSVData members should be
 moved to this class.

 The reason Application exists is because the VCL used to be a
 standalone framework, long since abandoned by anything other than
 our application.

 @see   Desktop, ImplSVData
class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Application : public vcl::ILibreOfficeKitNotifier
    /** @name Initialization
        The following functions perform initialization and deinitialization
        of the application.

    /** Default constructor for Application class.

    Initializes the LibreOffice global instance data structure if needed,
    and then sets itself to be the Application class. Also initializes any
    platform specific data structures.

    @attention The initialization of the application itself is done in Init()

    /** Virtual destructor for Application class.

     Deinitializes the LibreOffice global instance data structure, then
     deinitializes any platform specific data structures.
    virtual                     ~Application();

    /** Initialize the application itself.

     @attention Note that the global data structures and platform specific
        initialization is done in the constructor.

     @see InitFinished, DeInit
    virtual void                Init();

    /** Finish initialization of the application.

     @see Init, DeInit
    virtual void                InitFinished();

    /** Deinitialized the application itself.

     @attention Note that the global data structures and platform specific
         deinitialization is done in the destructor.

     @see Init, InitFinished
    virtual void                DeInit();


    /** @brief Pure virtual entrypoint to the application.

     Main() is the pure virtual entrypoint to your application. You
     inherit your class from Application and subclass this function to
     implement an application.

     The Main() function does not pass in command line parameters,
     you must use the functions GetCommandLineParamCount() and
     GetCommandLineParam() to get these values as these are platform
     independent ways of getting the command line (use GetAppFileName()
     to get the invoked executable filename).

     Once in this function, you create windows, etc. then call on
     Execute() to start the application's main event loop.

     An example code snippet follows (it won't compile, this just gives the
     general flavour of the framework and is adapted from an old HelloWorld
     example program that Star Division used to provide as part of their

        class TheApplication : public Application
                virtual void Main();

        class TheWindow : public WorkWindow
                TheWindow(vcl::Window *parent, WinBits windowStyle) :
                        WorkWindow(parent, windowStyle) {}

                virtual void Paint(const Rectangle &);

        void TheWindow::Paint(const Rectangle&)
                DrawText(Point(100,100), String("Hello World!"));

        void TheApplication::Main()
                TheWindow aWindow(NULL, WB_APP | WB_STDWORK);

        TheApplication anApplication;

    Some examples in the source tree can be found here:


    This is an example of how to use the Application and WorkWindow. Unfortunately, it
    no longer compiles.

    SAL_DLLPRIVATE virtual int  Main();

    /** Exit from the application

     @returns true if exited successfully, false if not able to fully exit
    virtual bool                QueryExit();

    virtual void                Shutdown();

    /** @name Change Notification Functions

        Functions that notify when changes occur in the application.

    /** Notify all windows that the application has changed data.

     @param rDCEvt     Reference to a DataChangedEvent object

     @see DataChanged
    static void                 NotifyAllWindows( DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt );


    /** @name Command Line Processing

        Command line processing is done via the following functions. They
        give the number of parameters, the parameters themselves and a way
        to get the name of the invoking application.


    /** Gets the number of command line parameters passed to the application

     @return sal_uInt16 - the number of parameters

     @see GetCommandLineParam, GetAppFileName
    static sal_uInt16           GetCommandLineParamCount();

    /** Gets a particular command line parameter

     @param  nParam      The index of the parameter to return.

     @return The command line parameter as an OUString

     @see GetCommandLineParamCount, GetAppFileName
    static OUString             GetCommandLineParam( sal_uInt16 nParam );

    /** Get the name of the file used to start the application

     @return The filename as an OUString

     @see GetCommandLineParamCount, GetCommandLineParam
    static OUString             GetAppFileName();


    /** @name Error Handling

        \em Very rudimentary error handling is done by these


    /** Handles an error.

     @param nCategory    The error category, see include/vcl/exceptiontypes.hxx

     @see Abort
    virtual void          Exception( ExceptionCategory nCategory );

    /** Ends the program prematurely with an error message.

     If the \code --norestore \endcode command line argument is given (assuming
     this process is run by developers who are interested in cores,
     vs. end users who are not) then it does a coredump.

     @param rErrorText  The error message to report.

     @see Exception
    static void                 Abort( const OUString& rErrorText );


    /** @name Event Loop Functions

        Functions that handle the LibreOffice main event loop are here,
        including a global lock called the Solar Mutex.

    /** Run the main event processing loop until it is quit by Quit().

     @see Quit, Reschedule, Yield, EndYield, GetSolarMutex,
          IsMainThread, ReleaseSolarMutex, AcquireSolarMutex,
    static void                 Execute();

    /** Quit the program

     @see Execute, Reschedule, Yield, EndYield, GetSolarMutex,
          IsMainThread, ReleaseSolarMutex, AcquireSolarMutex,
    static void                 Quit();

    /** Has Quit() been called?
    static bool                 IsQuit();

    /** Attempt to process current pending event(s)

     It doesn't sleep if no events are available for processing.
     This doesn't process any events generated after invoking the function.
     So in contrast to Scheduler::ProcessEventsToIdle, this cannot become
     busy-locked by an event-generating event in the event queue.

     @param bHandleAllCurrentEvents  If set to true, then try to process all
        the current events. If set to false, then only process one event.
        Defaults to false.

     @returns true if any event was processed.

     @see Yield, Scheduler::ProcessEventsToIdle
    static bool                 Reschedule( bool bHandleAllCurrentEvents = false );

    /** Process the next event.

     It sleeps if no event is available for processing and just returns
     if an event was processed.

     @see Execute, Quit, Reschedule, EndYield, GetSolarMutex,
          IsMainThread, ReleaseSolarMutex, AcquireSolarMutex,
    static void                 Yield();


     @see Execute, Quit, Reschedule, Yield, GetSolarMutex,
          IsMainThread, ReleaseSolarMutex, AcquireSolarMutex,
    static void                 EndYield();

    /** @brief Get the Solar Mutex for this thread.

     Get the Solar Mutex that prevents other threads from accessing VCL

     @returns SolarMutex reference

     @see Execute, Quit, Reschedule, Yield, EndYield,
          IsMainThread, ReleaseSolarMutex, AcquireSolarMutex,
    static comphelper::SolarMutex& GetSolarMutex();

    /** Queries whether we are in main thread.

     @returns true if we are in main thread, false if not

     @see Execute, Quit, Reschedule, Yield, EndYield, GetSolarMutex,
          ReleaseSolarMutex, AcquireSolarMutex,
    static bool                 IsMainThread();

    /** @brief Release Solar Mutex(es) for this thread

     Release the Solar Mutex(es) that prevents other threads from accessing
     VCL concurrently.

     @returns The number of mutexes that were acquired by this thread.

     @see Execute, Quit, Reschedule, Yield, EndYield, GetSolarMutex,
          IsMainThread, AcquireSolarMutex,
    static sal_uInt32           ReleaseSolarMutex();

    /** @brief Acquire Solar Mutex(es) for this thread.

     Acquire the Solar Mutex(es) that prevents other threads from accessing
     VCL concurrently.

     @see Execute, Quit, Reschedule, Yield, EndYield, GetSolarMutex,
          IsMainThread, ReleaseSolarMutex,
    static void                 AcquireSolarMutex( sal_uInt32 nCount );

    /** Queries whether the application is in "main", i.e. not yet in
        the event loop

     @returns   true if in main, false if not in main

     @see IsInExecute, IsInModalMode
    static bool                 IsInMain();

    /** Queries whether the application is in the event loop

     @returns   true if in the event loop, false if not

     @see IsInMain, IsInModalMode
    static bool                 IsInExecute();

    /** Queries whether application has a modal dialog active.

     @returns   true if a modal dialog is active, false if not

     @see IsInMain, IsInExecute
    static bool                 IsInModalMode();

    /** Return how many events are being dispatched.

     @returns   the number of events currently being dispatched
    static sal_uInt16           GetDispatchLevel();

    /** Determine if there are any pending input events.

     @param     nType   input identifier, defined in include/vcl/inputtypes.hxx
                        The default is VCL_INPUT_ANY.

     @returns   true if there are pending events, false if not.

     @see GetLastInputInterval
    static bool                 AnyInput( VclInputFlags nType = VCL_INPUT_ANY );

    /** The interval from the last time that input was received.

     @returns   system ticks - last input time

     @see AnyInput
    static sal_uInt64           GetLastInputInterval();


    /* Determines if the UI is captured.

     The UI is considered captured if a system dialog is open (e.g. printer setup),
     a floating window, menu or toolbox dropdown is open, or a window has been
     captured by the mouse.

     @returns   true if UI is captured, false if not
    static bool                 IsUICaptured();

    /** @name Settings

        The following functions set system settings (e.g. tab color, etc.). There are functions
        that set settings objects, and functions that set and get the actual system settings for
        the application.

    /** Sets user settings in settings object to override system settings

     The system settings that can be overridden are:
        - window dragging options (on or off, including live scrolling!)
        - style settings (e.g. checkbox color, border color, 3D colors,
          button rollover colors, etc.)
        - mouse settings
        - menu options, including the mouse follows the menu and whether menu
          icons are used

     @param      rSettings      Reference to the settings object to change.

     @see MergeSystemSettings, SetSettings, GetSettings
    virtual void                OverrideSystemSettings( AllSettings& rSettings );

    /** Set the settings object to the platform/desktop environment system

     @param     rSettings       Reference to the settings object to change.

     @see OverrideSystemSettings, SetSettings, GetSettings
    static void                 MergeSystemSettings( AllSettings& rSettings );

    /** Sets the application's settings and notifies all windows of the

     @param     rSettings       const reference to settings object used to
                                change the application's settings.

     @see OverrideSystemSettings, MergeSystemSettings, GetSettings
    static void                 SetSettings( const AllSettings& rSettings );

    /** Gets the application's settings. If the application hasn't initialized
     it's settings, then it does so (lazy initialization).

     @returns AllSettings instance that contains the current settings of the

     @see OverrideSystemSettings, MergeSystemSettings, SetSettings
    static const AllSettings&   GetSettings();

    /** Get the application's locale data wrapper.

     @returns reference to a LocaleDataWrapper object
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE static const LocaleDataWrapper& GetAppLocaleDataWrapper();


    /** @name Event Listeners/Handlers

        A set of event listeners and callers. Note that in this code there is
        platform specific functions - namely for zoom and scroll events.

    /** Add a VCL event listener to the application. If no event listener exists,
     then initialize the application's event listener with a new one, then add
     the event listener.

     @param     rEventListener  Const reference to the event listener to add.

     @see RemoveEventListener, AddKeyListener, RemoveKeyListener
    static void                 AddEventListener( const Link<VclSimpleEvent&,void>& rEventListener );

    /** Remove a VCL event listener from the application.

     @param     rEventListener  Const reference to the event listener to be removed

     @see AddEventListener, AddKeyListener, RemoveKeyListener
    static void                 RemoveEventListener( const Link<VclSimpleEvent&,void>& rEventListener );

    /** Add a keypress listener to the application. If keypress listener exists,
     then initialize the application's keypress event listener with a new one, then
     add the keypress listener.

     @param     rKeyListener    Const reference to the keypress event listener to add

     @see AddEventListener, RemoveEventListener, RemoveKeyListener
    static void                 AddKeyListener( const Link<VclWindowEvent&,bool>& rKeyListener );

    /** Remove a keypress listener from the application.

     @param     rKeyListener    Const reference to the keypress event listener to be removed

     @see AddEventListener, RemoveEventListener, AddKeyListener
    static void                 RemoveKeyListener( const Link<VclWindowEvent&,bool>& rKeyListener );

    /** Send event to all VCL application event listeners

     @param     pWin            Pointer to window to send event
     @param     pData           Pointer to data to send with event

     @see ImplCallEventListeners(VclSimpleEvent* pEvent)
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE static void  ImplCallEventListenersApplicationDataChanged( void* pData );

    /** Send event to all VCL application event listeners

     @param     rEvent          Reference to VclSimpleEvent

     @see ImplCallEventListeners(sal_uLong nEvent, Windows* pWin, void* pData);
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE static void  ImplCallEventListeners( VclSimpleEvent& rEvent );

    /** Handle keypress event

     @param     nEvent          Event ID for keypress
     @param     pWin            Pointer to window that receives the event
     @param     pKeyEvent       Received key event

     @see PostKeyEvent
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE static bool HandleKey( VclEventId nEvent, vcl::Window *pWin, KeyEvent* pKeyEvent );

    /** Send keypress event

     @param     nEvent          Event ID for keypress
     @param     pWin            Pointer to window to which the event is sent
     @param     pKeyEvent       Key event to send

     @see HandleKey
    static ImplSVEvent *        PostKeyEvent( VclEventId nEvent, vcl::Window *pWin, KeyEvent const * pKeyEvent );

    static bool                 LOKHandleMouseEvent( VclEventId nEvent, vcl::Window *pWin, const MouseEvent* pEvent );

    /** Send mouse event

     @param     nEvent          Event ID for mouse event
     @param     pWin            Pointer to window to which the event is sent
     @param     pMouseEvent     Mouse event to send
    static ImplSVEvent *        PostMouseEvent( VclEventId nEvent, vcl::Window *pWin, MouseEvent const * pMouseEvent );

    static ImplSVEvent* PostGestureEvent(VclEventId nEvent, vcl::Window* pWin,
                                         GestureEventPan const * pGestureEvent);

    /** Remove mouse and keypress events from a window... any also zoom and scroll events
     if the platform supports it.

     @param     pWin            Window to remove events from

     @see HandleKey, PostKeyEvent, PostMouseEvent
    static void                 RemoveMouseAndKeyEvents( vcl::Window *pWin );

    /** Post a user event to the default window.

     User events allow for the deferral of work to later in the main-loop - at idle.

     Execution of the deferred work is thread-safe which means all the tasks are executed
     serially, so no thread-safety locks between tasks are necessary.

     @param     rLink           Link to event callback function
     @param     pCaller         Pointer to data sent to the event by the caller. Optional.
     @param     bReferenceLink  If true - hold a VclPtr<> reference on the Link's instance.
                                Taking the reference is guarded by a SolarMutexGuard.

     @return the event ID used to post the event.
    static ImplSVEvent * PostUserEvent( const Link<void*,void>& rLink, void* pCaller = nullptr,
                                        bool bReferenceLink = false );

    /** Remove user event based on event ID

     @param     nUserEvent      User event to remove
    static void                 RemoveUserEvent( ImplSVEvent * nUserEvent );

    /*** Get the DisplayConnection.

     It is a reference to XDisplayConnection, which allows toolkits to send display
     events to the application.

     @returns UNO reference to an object that implements the css:awt:XDisplayConnection
    static css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XDisplayConnection > GetDisplayConnection();

    /** @deprecated AppEvent is used only in the Desktop class now. However, it is
     intended to notify the application that an event has occurred. It was in oldsv.cxx,
     but is still needed by a number of functions.

     @param     rAppEvent       const reference to ApplicationEvent event
    virtual void                AppEvent( const ApplicationEvent& rAppEvent );


    /** @name Application Window Functions

        Functions that deal with the application's windows

    /** Get the currently focused window.

     @returns Pointer to focused window.

     @see GetDefaultDevice
    static vcl::Window*              GetFocusWindow();

    /** Get the default "device" (in this case the default window).

     @returns Pointer to an OutputDevice. However, it is a Window object -
             Window class subclasses OutputDevice.

     @see GetFocusWindow
    static OutputDevice*        GetDefaultDevice();

    /** access the DataManager for buffering system-dependent data

     @returns the global instance of the SystemDependentDataManager
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE static basegfx::SystemDependentDataManager& GetSystemDependentDataManager();

    /** Get the first top-level window of the application.

     @returns Pointer to top-level window (a Window object)

     @see GetNextTopLevelWindow, GetTopWindowCount, GetTopWindow,
    static vcl::Window*              GetFirstTopLevelWindow();

    /** Get the next top level window.

     @param     pWindow     Pointer to Window object you wish to get the next
                            window from.

     @returns Pointer to next top window.
    static vcl::Window*              GetNextTopLevelWindow( vcl::Window const * pWindow );

    /** Return the number of top-level windows being used by the application

     @returns the number of top-level windows

     @see GetFirstTopLevelWindow, GetNextTopLevelWindow, GetTopWindow,

    static tools::Long                 GetTopWindowCount();

    /** Get the nth top window.

     @remark Top windows are actually implemented in a one-way linked list.
         This iterates through top level windows n times.

     @param    nIndex      The index of the top-level window

     @returns The nth top-level window of the application

     @see GetFirstTopLevelWindow, GetNextTopLevelWindow, GetTopWindowCount,
    static vcl::Window*              GetTopWindow( tools::Long nIndex );

    /** Get the "active" top window.

     An "active" top window is one that has a child window that has the
     application's focus.

     @returns the active top window

     @see GetFirstTopLevelWindow, GetNextTopLevelWindow, GetTopWindowCount,
    static vcl::Window*              GetActiveTopWindow();


    /** Set the application's name.

     @param     rUniqueName     What to set the application name to

     @see       GetAppName
    static void                 SetAppName( const OUString& rUniqueName );

    /** @name Application Name, Branding

    /** Get the application's name.

     @returns The application name.
    static OUString             GetAppName();

     * Get the OS version based on the OS specific implementation.
     * @return OUString version string or "-" in case of problems
    static OUString             GetOSVersion();

    /** Get useful OS, Hardware and configuration information,
     * cf. Help->About, and User-Agent
     * bSelection = 0 to return all info, 1 for environment only,
     *   and 2 for VCL/render related infos
    static OUString             GetHWOSConfInfo(const int bSelection = 0, bool bLocalize = true);

    /** Load a localized branding PNG file as a bitmap.

     @param     pName           Name of the bitmap to load.
     @param     rBitmap         Reference to BitmapEx object to load PNG into

     @returns true if the PNG could be loaded, otherwise returns false.
    static bool                 LoadBrandBitmap (std::u16string_view pName, BitmapEx &rBitmap);


    /** @name Display and Screen

    /** Set the default name of the application for message dialogs and printing.

     @param     rDisplayName    const reference to string to set the Display name to.

     @see GetDisplayName
    static void                 SetDisplayName( const OUString& rDisplayName );

    /** Get the default name of the application for message dialogs and printing.

     @returns The display name of the application.
    static OUString             GetDisplayName();

    /** Get the toolkit's name. e.g. gtk3

     @returns The toolkit name.
    static OUString             GetToolkitName();

    /** Get the number of screens available for the display.

     @returns The number of screens available.

     @see GetScreenPosSizePixel
    static unsigned int         GetScreenCount();

    /** Get a screen's rectangular area.

     @param     nScreen         The number of the screen requested.

     @returns The area of the screen in a Rectangle object.

     @see GetScreenCount
    static AbsoluteScreenPixelRectangle GetScreenPosSizePixel( unsigned int nScreen );

    /** Get the "best" screen.

     @returns the return value will be nearest screen of the target rectangle.
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE static unsigned int GetBestScreen( const AbsoluteScreenPixelRectangle& );

    /** Get the built-in screen.

       This returns the LCD screen number for a laptop, or the primary
       external VGA display for a desktop machine - it is where a presenter
       console should be rendered if there are other (non-built-in) screens

     @see IsUnifiedDisplay, GetBestScreen
    static unsigned int         GetDisplayBuiltInScreen();

    /** Get the display's external screen.

     Practically, this means - Get the screen we should run a presentation on.

     @returns 0 or 1 currently, will fallback to the first available screen if
        there are more than one external screens. May be changed in the future.
    static unsigned int         GetDisplayExternalScreen();


    /** @name Accelerators and Mnemonics

     Accelerators allow a user to hold down Ctrl+key (or CMD+key on macOS)
     combination to gain quick access to functionality.

     Mnemonics are underline letters in things like menus and dialog boxes
     that allow a user to type in the letter to activate the menu or option.

    /** Insert accelerator

     @param     pAccel          Pointer to an Accelerator object to insert

     @returns true if successful, false if otherwise

     @see RemoveAccel
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE static bool  InsertAccel( Accelerator* pAccel );

    /** Remove accelerator

     @param     pAccel          Pointer to Accelerator object to remove

     @see InsertAccel
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE static void  RemoveAccel( Accelerator const * pAccel );

    /** Get the number of reserved key codes used by the application.

     @returns number of reserved key codes

     @see GetReservedKeyCode
    static size_t               GetReservedKeyCodeCount();

    /** Get the reserved key code.

     @param     i               The keycode number to retrieve

     @returns Const pointer to a KeyCode object

     @see GetReservedKeyCodeCount
    static const vcl::KeyCode*  GetReservedKeyCode( size_t i );


    /** @name Application Help

     Deals with the help system, and "auto-help", where a user hovers a mouse above
     a UI element and a tooltip with an explanation pops up.

    /** Sets up help

     @param     pHelp           Pointer to a Help object (optional, can by NULL)

     @see GetHelp
    static void                 SetHelp( Help* pHelp = nullptr );

    /** Gets the application's help

     @returns Pointer to application's help object. Note that the application may
        not have a help object, so it might return NULL.

     @see SetHelp
    static Help*                GetHelp();


    /** @name Dialogs

        @remark "Dialog cancel mode" tells a headless install whether to
                cancel dialogs when they appear. See the DialogCancelMode

    /** Get the default parent window for dialog boxes.

     @remark This is almost always a terrible method to use to get a parent
             for a dialog, try hard to instead pass a specific parent window
             to dialogs.

             GetDefDialogParent does all sorts of things to try and find a useful
             parent window for dialogs. It first uses the topmost parent of the
             active window to avoid using floating windows or other dialog boxes.
             If there are no active windows, then it will take a random stab and
             choose the first visible top window. Otherwise, it defaults to
             the desktop.

     @returns Pointer to the default window.
    static weld::Window*        GetDefDialogParent();

    /** Gets the dialog cancel mode for headless environments.

     @return DialogCancelMode value

     @see SetDialogCancelMode, IsDialogCancelEnabled
    static DialogCancelMode     GetDialogCancelMode();

    /** Sets the dialog cancel mode for headless environments.

     This should be private, but XFrameImpl needs to access it and current
     baseline gcc doesn't support forward definition of anonymous classes.
     You probably should use EnableHeadlessMode instead.

     @param     mode            DialogCancel mode value

     @see GetDialogCancelMode, IsDialogCancelEnabled, EnableHeadlessMode
    static void                 SetDialogCancelMode( DialogCancelMode mode );

    /** Determines if dialog cancel mode is enabled.

     @returns True if dialog cancel mode is enabled, false if disabled.

     @see GetDialogCancelMode, SetDialogCancelMode
    static bool                 IsDialogCancelEnabled();

    /** Make a dialog box a system window or not.

     @param     nMode           Can be either: SystemWindowFlags::NOAUTOMODE (0x0001) or
                                SystemWindowFlags::DIALOG (0x0002)

     @see GetSystemWindowMode
    static void                 SetSystemWindowMode( SystemWindowFlags nMode );

    /** Get the system window mode of dialogs.

     @returns SystemWindowFlags::NOAUTOMODE (0x0001) or SystemWindowFlags::DIALOG (0x0002)

     @see SetSystemWindowMode
    static SystemWindowFlags    GetSystemWindowMode();


    /** @name VCL Toolkit and UNO Wrapper

      The VCL Toolkit implements the UNO XToolkit interface, which specifies a
      factory interface for the window toolkit. It is similar to the abstract window
      toolkit (AWT) in Java.


    /** Gets the VCL toolkit.

     @attention The global service manager has to be created before getting the toolkit!

     @returns UNO reference to VCL toolkit
    static css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XToolkit > GetVCLToolkit();


    /*** @name Graphic Filters

    /** Setup a new graphics filter

     @param     rLink           Const reference to a Link object, which the filter calls upon.

     @see GetFilterHdl
    static void                 SetFilterHdl( const Link<ConvertData&,bool>& rLink );


    /** @name Headless Mode

    /** Enables headless mode.

     @param dialogsAreFatal     Set to true if a dialog ends the session, false if not.
    static void                 EnableHeadlessMode( bool dialogsAreFatal );

    /** Determines if headless mode is enabled

     @return True if headless mode is enabled, false if not.
    static bool                 IsHeadlessModeEnabled();

    /** Enable Console Only mode

     Convenience function to enable headless and bitmap rendering.
    static void                 EnableConsoleOnly();

    /** Enable software-only bitmap rendering
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE static void EnableBitmapRendering();

    /** Determines if bitmap rendering is enabled

      @return True if bitmap rendering is enabled.
    static bool                 IsBitmapRendering();


    /** Set safe mode to enabled */
    static void                 EnableSafeMode();

    /** Determines if safe mode is enabled */
    static bool                 IsSafeModeEnabled();


    /** Get the desktop environment the process is currently running in

     @returns String representing the desktop environment
    static const OUString&      GetDesktopEnvironment();

    /*** @name Platform Functionality

    /** Add a file to the system shells recent document list if there is any.
     This function may have no effect under Unix because there is no standard
     API among the different desktop managers.

     @param     rFileUrl        The file url of the document.

     @param     rMimeType       The mime content type of the document specified by aFileUrl.
                                If an empty string will be provided "application/octet-stream"
                                will be used.

     @param     rDocumentService The app (or "document service") you will be adding the file to
                                e.g. com.sun.star.text.TextDocument
    static void                 AddToRecentDocumentList(const OUString& rFileUrl, const OUString& rMimeType, const OUString& rDocumentService);

    /*** Show a native error messagebox

     @param     sTitle          Title of error messagebox

     @param     sMessage        Message displayed in messagebox
    static void                 ShowNativeErrorBox(const OUString& sTitle  ,
                                                   const OUString& sMessage);

    /** Update main thread identifier */
    static void                 UpdateMainThread();

    /** Do we have a native / system file selector available?

     @returns True if native file selector is available, false otherwise.
    static bool                 hasNativeFileSelection();

    /** Create a platform specific file picker, if one is available, otherwise return an
     empty reference.

     @param    rServiceManager Const reference to a UNO component context (service manager).

     @returns File picker if available, otherwise an empty reference.
    static css::uno::Reference< css::ui::dialogs::XFilePicker2 >
        createFilePicker( const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >& rServiceManager );

    /** Create a platform specific folder picker, if one is available, otherwise return an
     empty reference

     @param    rServiceManager Const reference to a UNO component context (service manager).

     @returns Folder picker if available, otherwise an empty reference.
    static css::uno::Reference< css::ui::dialogs::XFolderPicker2 >
        createFolderPicker( const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >& rServiceManager );

    /** Returns true, if the VCL plugin runs on the system event loop.
     *  AKA the VCL plugin can't handle nested event loops, like WASM or mobile.
    static bool IsOnSystemEventLoop();


    // For vclbootstrapprotector:
    static void setDeInitHook(Link<LinkParamNone*,void> const & hook);

    static std::unique_ptr<weld::Builder> CreateBuilder(weld::Widget* pParent, const OUString &rUIFile, bool bMobile = false, sal_uInt64 nLOKWindowId = 0);
    // For the duration of vcl parent windows
    static std::unique_ptr<weld::Builder> CreateInterimBuilder(vcl::Window* pParent, const OUString &rUIFile, bool bAllowCycleFocusOut, sal_uInt64 nLOKWindowId = 0);

    static weld::MessageDialog* CreateMessageDialog(weld::Widget* pParent, VclMessageType eMessageType,
                                                    VclButtonsType eButtonType, const OUString& rPrimaryMessage,
                                                    const ILibreOfficeKitNotifier* pNotifier = nullptr);

    static weld::Window* GetFrameWeld(const css::uno::Reference<css::awt::XWindow>& rWindow);

    // ILibreOfficeKitNotifier
    void* m_pCallbackData;
    LibreOfficeKitCallback m_pCallback;

    virtual void notifyWindow(vcl::LOKWindowId nLOKWindowId,
                              const OUString& rAction,
                              const std::vector<vcl::LOKPayloadItem>& rPayload = std::vector<vcl::LOKPayloadItem>()) const override;
    virtual void libreOfficeKitViewCallback(int nType, const OString& pPayload) const override;
    virtual void notifyInvalidation(tools::Rectangle const *) const override;
    virtual OString dumpNotifyState() const override;

    DECL_DLLPRIVATE_STATIC_LINK( Application, PostEventHandler, void*, void );

class SolarMutexGuard
    : public osl::Guard<comphelper::SolarMutex>
        : osl::Guard<comphelper::SolarMutex>( Application::GetSolarMutex() ) {}

class SolarMutexClearableGuard
    : public osl::ClearableGuard<comphelper::SolarMutex>
        : osl::ClearableGuard<comphelper::SolarMutex>( Application::GetSolarMutex() ) {}

class SolarMutexResettableGuard
    : public osl::ResettableGuard<comphelper::SolarMutex>
        : osl::ResettableGuard<comphelper::SolarMutex>( Application::GetSolarMutex() ) {}

namespace vcl

/** guard class that uses tryToAcquire() and has isAcquired() to check
class SolarMutexTryAndBuyGuard
    bool m_isAcquired;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
    bool m_isChecked;
    comphelper::SolarMutex& m_rSolarMutex;

    SolarMutexTryAndBuyGuard(const SolarMutexTryAndBuyGuard&) = delete;
    SolarMutexTryAndBuyGuard& operator=(const SolarMutexTryAndBuyGuard&) = delete;


        : m_isAcquired(false)
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
        , m_isChecked(false)
        , m_rSolarMutex(Application::GetSolarMutex())

        m_isAcquired = m_rSolarMutex.tryToAcquire();

#ifdef DBG_UTIL
        if (m_isAcquired)

    bool isAcquired()
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
        m_isChecked = true;
        return m_isAcquired;

} // namespace vcl

 A helper class that calls Application::ReleaseSolarMutex() in its constructor
 and restores the mutex in its destructor.
class SolarMutexReleaser
    const sal_uInt32 mnReleased;
        : mnReleased(
            Application::GetSolarMutex().IsCurrentThread() ? Application::ReleaseSolarMutex() : 0)
        if (mnReleased)

VCL_DLLPUBLIC Application* GetpApp();

// returns true if vcl is already initialized
// returns true if vcl successfully initializes or was already initialized

VCL_DLLPUBLIC bool InitAccessBridge();

// only allowed to call, if no thread is running. You must call JoinMainLoopThread to free all memory.
VCL_DLLPUBLIC void CreateMainLoopThread( oslWorkerFunction pWorker, void * pThreadData );
VCL_DLLPUBLIC void JoinMainLoopThread();

/// The following are to manage per-view (frame) help data.
struct ImplSVHelpData;
VCL_DLLPUBLIC ImplSVHelpData* CreateSVHelpData();
VCL_DLLPUBLIC void DestroySVHelpData(ImplSVHelpData*);
VCL_DLLPUBLIC void SetSVHelpData(ImplSVHelpData*);

/// The following are to manage per-view (frame) window data.
struct ImplSVWinData;
VCL_DLLPUBLIC ImplSVWinData* CreateSVWinData();
VCL_DLLPUBLIC void DestroySVWinData(ImplSVWinData*);
VCL_DLLPUBLIC void SetSVWinData(ImplSVWinData*);

inline void Application::EndYield()
    PostUserEvent( Link<void*,void>() );

#endif // _APP_HXX

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