/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX
#define _SV_SVAPP_HXX

#include <config_features.h>

#include <sal/config.h>

#include <stdexcept>

#include <comphelper/solarmutex.hxx>
#include <osl/thread.hxx>
#include <tools/string.hxx>
#include <tools/link.hxx>
#include <tools/solar.h>
#include <vcl/dllapi.h>
#include <vcl/apptypes.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <vcl/vclevent.hxx>

class BitmapEx;
class Link;
class AllSettings;
class DataChangedEvent;
class Accelerator;
class Help;
class OutputDevice;
class Window;
class WorkWindow;
class MenuBar;
class UnoWrapperBase;
class Reflection;
class KeyCode;
class NotifyEvent;
class KeyEvent;
class MouseEvent;
class ZoomEvent;
class ScrollEvent;

#include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h>
#include <com/sun/star/connection/XConnection.hpp>

namespace com {
namespace sun {
namespace star {
namespace uno {
    class XComponentContext;
namespace ui {
    namespace dialogs {
        class XFilePicker2;
        class XFolderPicker2;
namespace awt {
    class XToolkit;
    class XDisplayConnection;
} } }

// helper needed by SalLayout implementations as well as svx/source/dialog/svxbmpnumbalueset.cxx
VCL_DLLPUBLIC sal_UCS4 GetMirroredChar( sal_UCS4 );
VCL_DLLPUBLIC sal_UCS4 GetLocalizedChar( sal_UCS4, LanguageType );

#define SYSTEMWINDOW_MODE_NOAUTOMODE    ((sal_uInt16)0x0001)
#define SYSTEMWINDOW_MODE_DIALOG        ((sal_uInt16)0x0002)

typedef long (*VCLEventHookProc)( NotifyEvent& rEvt, void* pData );

// ATTENTION: ENUM duplicate in daemon.cxx under Unix!

#ifdef UNX

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC ApplicationEvent
    enum Type {

    ApplicationEvent() {}

    explicit ApplicationEvent(
        Type rEvent, const OUString& rData = OUString()):

    Type GetEvent() const { return aEvent; }
    const OUString& GetData() const { return aData; }

    Type aEvent;
    OUString aData;

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Application
    enum DialogCancelMode {
        DIALOG_CANCEL_OFF, ///< do not automatically cancel dialogs
        DIALOG_CANCEL_SILENT, ///< silently cancel any dialogs
            ///< cancel any dialogs by std::abort

    virtual                     ~Application();

    virtual int                 Main() = 0;

    virtual sal_Bool                QueryExit();

    virtual void                UserEvent( sal_uLong nEvent, void* pEventData );

    virtual void                FocusChanged();
    virtual void                DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt );

    virtual void                Init();
    virtual void                InitFinished();
    virtual void                DeInit();

    static sal_uInt16           GetCommandLineParamCount();
    static OUString             GetCommandLineParam( sal_uInt16 nParam );
    static OUString             GetAppFileName();

    virtual sal_uInt16          Exception( sal_uInt16 nError );
    static void                 Abort( const OUString& rErrorText );

    static void                 Execute();
    static void                 Quit();
    static void                 Reschedule( bool bAllEvents = false );
    static void                 Yield( bool bAllEvents = false );
    static void                 EndYield();
    static comphelper::SolarMutex& GetSolarMutex();
    static oslThreadIdentifier  GetMainThreadIdentifier();
    static sal_uLong                ReleaseSolarMutex();
    static void                 AcquireSolarMutex( sal_uLong nCount );
    static void                 EnableNoYieldMode( bool i_bNoYield );
    static void                 AddPostYieldListener( const Link& i_rListener );
    static void                 RemovePostYieldListener( const Link& i_rListener );

    static sal_Bool                 IsInMain();
    static sal_Bool                 IsInExecute();
    static sal_Bool                 IsInModalMode();

    static sal_uInt16               GetDispatchLevel();
    static bool                 AnyInput( sal_uInt16 nType = VCL_INPUT_ANY );
    static sal_uLong                GetLastInputInterval();
    static sal_Bool                 IsUICaptured();

    virtual void                SystemSettingsChanging( AllSettings& rSettings,
                                                        Window* pFrame );
    static void                 MergeSystemSettings( AllSettings& rSettings );
    /** validate that the currently selected system UI font is suitable
        to display the application's UI.

        A localized test string will be checked if it can be displayed
        in the currently selected system UI font. If no glyphs are
        missing it can be assumed that the font is proper for display
        of the application's UI.

        <TRUE/> if the system font is suitable for our UI
        <FALSE/> if the test string could not be displayed with the system font
    static bool                 ValidateSystemFont();

    static void                 SetSettings( const AllSettings& rSettings );
    static const AllSettings&   GetSettings();
    static void                 NotifyAllWindows( DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt );

    static void                 AddEventListener( const Link& rEventListener );
    static void                 RemoveEventListener( const Link& rEventListener );
    static void                 AddKeyListener( const Link& rKeyListener );
    static void                 RemoveKeyListener( const Link& rKeyListener );
    static void                 ImplCallEventListeners( sal_uLong nEvent, Window* pWin, void* pData );
    static void                 ImplCallEventListeners( VclSimpleEvent* pEvent );
    static sal_Bool                 HandleKey( sal_uLong nEvent, Window *pWin, KeyEvent* pKeyEvent );

    static sal_uLong                PostKeyEvent( sal_uLong nEvent, Window *pWin, KeyEvent* pKeyEvent );
    static sal_uLong                PostMouseEvent( sal_uLong nEvent, Window *pWin, MouseEvent* pMouseEvent );
    static sal_uLong            PostZoomEvent( sal_uLong nEvent, Window *pWin, ZoomEvent* pZoomEvent );
    static sal_uLong            PostScrollEvent( sal_uLong nEvent, Window *pWin, ScrollEvent* pScrollEvent );
    static void                 RemoveMouseAndKeyEvents( Window *pWin );

    static sal_uLong                PostUserEvent( const Link& rLink, void* pCaller = NULL );
    static sal_Bool                 PostUserEvent( sal_uLong& rEventId, const Link& rLink, void* pCaller = NULL );
    static void                 RemoveUserEvent( sal_uLong nUserEvent );

    static sal_Bool                 InsertIdleHdl( const Link& rLink, sal_uInt16 nPriority );
    static void                 RemoveIdleHdl( const Link& rLink );

    virtual void                AppEvent( const ApplicationEvent& rAppEvent );

    static WorkWindow*          GetAppWindow();

    static Window*              GetFocusWindow();
    static OutputDevice*        GetDefaultDevice();

    static Window*              GetFirstTopLevelWindow();
    static Window*              GetNextTopLevelWindow( Window* pWindow );

    static long                 GetTopWindowCount();
    static Window*              GetTopWindow( long nIndex );
    static Window*              GetActiveTopWindow();

    static void                 SetAppName( const String& rUniqueName );
    static String               GetAppName();
    static bool                 LoadBrandBitmap (const char* pName, BitmapEx &rBitmap);

    // default name of the application for message dialogs and printing
    static void                 SetDisplayName( const OUString& rDisplayName );
    static OUString             GetDisplayName();

    static unsigned int         GetScreenCount();
    static Rectangle            GetScreenPosSizePixel( unsigned int nScreen );

    // IsUnifiedDisplay returns:
    //        true:  screens form up one large display area
    //               windows can be moved between single screens
    //               (e.g. Xserver with Xinerama, Windows)
    //        false: different screens are separate and windows cannot be moved
    //               between them (e.g. Xserver with multiple screens)
    static bool          IsUnifiedDisplay();
    // if IsUnifiedDisplay() == true the return value will be
    // nearest screen of the target rectangle
    // in case of IsUnifiedDisplay() == false the return value
    // will always be GetDisplayDefaultScreen()
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE static unsigned int  GetBestScreen( const Rectangle& );
    static Rectangle     GetWorkAreaPosSizePixel( unsigned int nScreen );
    // This returns the LCD screen number for a laptop, or the primary
    // external VGA display for a desktop machine - it is where a presenter
    // console should be rendered if there are other (non-built-in) screens
    // present.
    static unsigned int  GetDisplayBuiltInScreen();
    // Practically, this means - Get the screen we should run a presentation on.
    static unsigned int  GetDisplayExternalScreen();

    static const LocaleDataWrapper& GetAppLocaleDataWrapper();

    static sal_Bool                 InsertAccel( Accelerator* pAccel );
    static void                 RemoveAccel( Accelerator* pAccel );

    static long                 CallEventHooks( NotifyEvent& rEvt );

    static void                 SetHelp( Help* pHelp = NULL );
    static Help*                GetHelp();

    static void                 EnableAutoHelpId( sal_Bool bEnabled = sal_True );
    static sal_Bool                 IsAutoHelpIdEnabled();

    static void                 EnableAutoMnemonic( sal_Bool bEnabled = sal_True );
    static sal_Bool                 IsAutoMnemonicEnabled();

    static sal_uLong                GetReservedKeyCodeCount();
    static const KeyCode*       GetReservedKeyCode( sal_uLong i );

    static void                 SetDefDialogParent( Window* pWindow );
    static Window*              GetDefDialogParent();

    static DialogCancelMode GetDialogCancelMode();
    static void SetDialogCancelMode( DialogCancelMode mode );
    static sal_Bool                 IsDialogCancelEnabled();

    static void                 SetSystemWindowMode( sal_uInt16 nMode );
    static sal_uInt16               GetSystemWindowMode();

    static void                 SetDialogScaleX( short nScale );

    static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XDisplayConnection > GetDisplayConnection();

    // The global service manager has to be created before!
    static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XToolkit > GetVCLToolkit();
    static UnoWrapperBase*      GetUnoWrapper( sal_Bool bCreateIfNotExists = sal_True );
    static void                 SetUnoWrapper( UnoWrapperBase* pWrapper );

    static void                 SetFilterHdl( const Link& rLink );
    static const Link&          GetFilterHdl();

    static void                 EnableHeadlessMode( bool dialogsAreFatal );
    static sal_Bool             IsHeadlessModeEnabled();
    /// check command line arguments for --headless
    static bool                 IsHeadlessModeRequested();
    /// used to disable Mac specific app init that requires an app bundle
    static void                 EnableConsoleOnly();
    /// used to see if Mac specific app init has been disabled
    static bool                 IsConsoleOnly();

    static void                 ShowNativeErrorBox(const String& sTitle  ,
                                                   const String& sMessage);

    // IME Status Window Control:

    /** Return true if any IME status window can be toggled on and off

        Must only be called with the Solar mutex locked.
    static bool CanToggleImeStatusWindow();

    /** Toggle any IME status window on and off.

        This only works if CanToggleImeStatusWinodw returns true (otherwise,
        any calls of this method are ignored).

        Must only be called with the Solar mutex locked.
    static void ShowImeStatusWindow(bool bShow);

    /** Return true if any IME status window should be turned on by default
        (this decision can be locale dependent, for example).

        Can be called without the Solar mutex locked.
    static bool GetShowImeStatusWindowDefault();

    /** Returns a string representing the desktop environment
        the process is currently running in.
    static const OUString& GetDesktopEnvironment();

    /** Add a file to the system shells recent document list if there is any.
          This function may have no effect under Unix because there is no
          standard API among the different desktop managers.

          @param rFileUrl
                    The file url of the document.

          @param rMimeType
          The mime content type of the document specified by aFileUrl.
          If an empty string will be provided "application/octet-stream"
          will be used.
    static void AddToRecentDocumentList(const OUString& rFileUrl, const OUString& rMimeType);

    /** Do we have a native / system file selector available ?
    static bool hasNativeFileSelection();

    /** Create a platform specific file picker, if one is available,
        otherwise return an empty reference
    static com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::ui::dialogs::XFilePicker2 >
        createFilePicker( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                              com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext >& rServiceManager );

    /** Create a platform specific folder picker, if one is available,
        otherwise return an empty reference
    static com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::ui::dialogs::XFolderPicker2 >
        createFolderPicker( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                              com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext >& rServiceManager );


    DECL_STATIC_LINK( Application, PostEventHandler, void* );

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC SolarMutexGuard
        SolarMutexGuard( const SolarMutexGuard& );
        const SolarMutexGuard& operator = ( const SolarMutexGuard& );
        comphelper::SolarMutex& m_solarMutex;


        /** Acquires the object specified as parameter.
        SolarMutexGuard() :

    /** Releases the mutex or interface. */

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC SolarMutexClearableGuard
    SolarMutexClearableGuard( const SolarMutexClearableGuard& );
    const SolarMutexClearableGuard& operator = ( const SolarMutexClearableGuard& );
    bool m_bCleared;
    /** Acquires mutex
        @param pMutex pointer to mutex which is to be acquired  */
        : m_bCleared(false)
        , m_solarMutex( Application::GetSolarMutex() )

    /** Releases mutex. */
    virtual ~SolarMutexClearableGuard()
            if( !m_bCleared )

    /** Releases mutex. */
    void SAL_CALL clear()
            if( !m_bCleared )
                m_bCleared = true;
    comphelper::SolarMutex& m_solarMutex;

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC SolarMutexResettableGuard
    SolarMutexResettableGuard( const SolarMutexResettableGuard& );
    const SolarMutexResettableGuard& operator = ( const SolarMutexResettableGuard& );
    bool m_bCleared;
    /** Acquires mutex
        @param pMutex pointer to mutex which is to be acquired  */
        : m_bCleared(false)
        , m_solarMutex( Application::GetSolarMutex() )

    /** Releases mutex. */
    virtual ~SolarMutexResettableGuard()
            if( !m_bCleared )

    /** Releases mutex. */
    void SAL_CALL clear()
            if( !m_bCleared)
                m_bCleared = true;
    /** Releases mutex. */
    void SAL_CALL reset()
            if( m_bCleared)
                m_bCleared = false;
    comphelper::SolarMutex& m_solarMutex;

 A helper class that calls Application::ReleaseSolarMutex() in its constructor
 and restores the mutex in its destructor.
class SolarMutexReleaser
    sal_uLong mnReleased;

    SolarMutexReleaser(): mnReleased(Application::ReleaseSolarMutex()) {}

        Application::AcquireSolarMutex( mnReleased );

VCL_DLLPUBLIC Application* GetpApp();


VCL_DLLPUBLIC bool InitAccessBridge( bool bAllowCancel, bool &rCancelled );

// only allowed to call, if no thread is running. You must call JoinMainLoopThread to free all memory.
VCL_DLLPUBLIC void CreateMainLoopThread( oslWorkerFunction pWorker, void * pThreadData );
VCL_DLLPUBLIC void JoinMainLoopThread();

inline void Application::EndYield()
    PostUserEvent( Link() );

#endif // _APP_HXX

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