/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .


#include <sal/config.h>

#include <rtl/ref.hxx>

#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>

#ifdef DBG_UTIL
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <vcl/vclmain.hxx>

class VclReferenceBase;

namespace vcl::detail {

constexpr bool isIncompleteOrDerivedFromVclReferenceBase(...) { return true; }

template<typename T> constexpr bool isIncompleteOrDerivedFromVclReferenceBase(
    int (*)[sizeof(T)])
{ return std::is_base_of<VclReferenceBase, T>::value; }

} // namespace vcl::detail

 * A thin wrapper around rtl::Reference to implement the acquire and dispose semantics we want for references to vcl::Window subclasses.
 * For more details on the design please see vcl/README.lifecycle
 * @param reference_type must be a subclass of vcl::Window
template <class reference_type>
class VclPtr
        "template argument type must be derived from VclReferenceBase");

    ::rtl::Reference<reference_type> m_rInnerRef;

    /** Constructor...
        : m_rInnerRef()

    /** Constructor...
    VclPtr (reference_type * pBody)
        : m_rInnerRef(pBody)

    /** Constructor... that doesn't take a ref.
    VclPtr (reference_type * pBody, __sal_NoAcquire)
        : m_rInnerRef(pBody, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE)

    /** Up-casting conversion constructor: Copies interface reference.

        Does not work for up-casts to ambiguous bases.  For the special case of
        up-casting to Reference< XInterface >, see the corresponding conversion

        @param rRef another reference
    template< class derived_type >
        const VclPtr< derived_type > & rRef,
        typename std::enable_if<
            std::is_base_of<reference_type, derived_type>::value, int>::type
            = 0 )
        : m_rInnerRef( static_cast<reference_type*>(rRef) )

#if defined(DBG_UTIL) && !defined(_WIN32)
    virtual ~VclPtr()
        assert(m_rInnerRef.get() == nullptr || vclmain::isAlive());
        // We can be one of the intermediate counts, but if we are the last
        // VclPtr keeping this object alive, then something forgot to call dispose().
        assert((!m_rInnerRef.get() || m_rInnerRef->isDisposed() || m_rInnerRef->getRefCount() > 1)
                && "someone forgot to call dispose()");
    VclPtr(VclPtr const &) = default;
    VclPtr(VclPtr &&) = default;
    VclPtr & operator =(VclPtr const &) = default;
    VclPtr & operator =(VclPtr &&) = default;

     * A construction helper for VclPtr. Since VclPtr types are created
     * with a reference-count of one - to help fit into the existing
     * code-flow; this helps us to construct them easily.
     * For more details on the design please see vcl/README.lifecycle
     * @tparam reference_type must be a subclass of vcl::Window
    template<typename... Arg> [[nodiscard]] static VclPtr< reference_type > Create(Arg &&... arg)
        return VclPtr< reference_type >( new reference_type(std::forward<Arg>(arg)...), SAL_NO_ACQUIRE );

    /** Probably most common used: handle->someBodyOp().
    reference_type * operator->() const
        return m_rInnerRef.get();

    /** Get the body. Can be used instead of operator->().
         I.e. handle->someBodyOp() and handle.get()->someBodyOp()
         are the same.
    reference_type * get() const
        return m_rInnerRef.get();

    void set(reference_type *pBody)

    void reset(reference_type *pBody)

    /** Up-casting copy assignment operator.

        Does not work for up-casts to ambiguous bases.

        @param rRef another reference
    template<typename derived_type>
    typename std::enable_if<
        std::is_base_of<reference_type, derived_type>::value,
        VclPtr &>::type
    operator =(VclPtr<derived_type> const & rRef)
        return *this;

    VclPtr & operator =(reference_type * pBody)
        return *this;

    operator reference_type * () const
        return m_rInnerRef.get();

    explicit operator bool () const
        return m_rInnerRef.get() != nullptr;

    void clear()

    void reset()

    void disposeAndClear()
        // hold it alive for the lifetime of this method
        ::rtl::Reference<reference_type> aTmp(m_rInnerRef);
        m_rInnerRef.clear(); // we should use some 'swap' method ideally ;-)
        if (aTmp.get()) {

    /** Needed to place VclPtr's into STL collection.
    bool operator< (const VclPtr<reference_type> & handle) const
        return (m_rInnerRef < handle.m_rInnerRef);
}; // class VclPtr

template<typename T1, typename T2>
inline bool operator ==(VclPtr<T1> const & p1, VclPtr<T2> const & p2) {
    return p1.get() == p2.get();

template<typename T> inline bool operator ==(VclPtr<T> const & p1, T const * p2)
    return p1.get() == p2;

template<typename T> inline bool operator ==(VclPtr<T> const & p1, T * p2) {
    return p1.get() == p2;

template<typename T> inline bool operator ==(T const * p1, VclPtr<T> const & p2)
    return p1 == p2.get();

template<typename T> inline bool operator ==(T * p1, VclPtr<T> const & p2) {
    return p1 == p2.get();

template<typename T1, typename T2>
inline bool operator !=(VclPtr<T1> const & p1, VclPtr<T2> const & p2) {
    return !(p1 == p2);

template<typename T> inline bool operator !=(VclPtr<T> const & p1, T const * p2)
    return !(p1 == p2);

template<typename T> inline bool operator !=(VclPtr<T> const & p1, T * p2) {
    return !(p1 == p2);

template<typename T> inline bool operator !=(T const * p1, VclPtr<T> const & p2)
    return !(p1 == p2);

template<typename T> inline bool operator !=(T * p1, VclPtr<T> const & p2) {
    return !(p1 == p2);

 * A construction helper for a temporary VclPtr. Since VclPtr types
 * are created with a reference-count of one - to help fit into
 * the existing code-flow; this helps us to construct them easily.
 * see also VclPtr::Create and ScopedVclPtr
 * For more details on the design please see vcl/README.lifecycle
 * @param reference_type must be a subclass of vcl::Window
template <class reference_type>
class SAL_WARN_UNUSED VclPtrInstance final : public VclPtr<reference_type>
    template<typename... Arg> VclPtrInstance(Arg &&... arg)
        : VclPtr<reference_type>( new reference_type(std::forward<Arg>(arg)...), SAL_NO_ACQUIRE )

     * Override and disallow this, to prevent people accidentally calling it and actually
     * getting VclPtr::Create and getting a naked VclPtr<> instance
    template<typename... Arg> static VclPtrInstance< reference_type > Create(Arg &&... ) = delete;

template <class reference_type>
class ScopedVclPtr : public VclPtr<reference_type>
    /** Constructor...
        : VclPtr<reference_type>()

    /** Constructor
    ScopedVclPtr (reference_type * pBody)
        : VclPtr<reference_type>(pBody)

    /** Copy constructor...
    ScopedVclPtr (const VclPtr<reference_type> & handle)
        : VclPtr<reference_type>(handle)

       Assignment that releases the last reference.
    void disposeAndReset(reference_type *pBody)
        if (pBody != this->get()) {

       Assignment that releases the last reference.
    ScopedVclPtr<reference_type>& operator = (reference_type * pBody)
        return *this;

    /** Up-casting conversion constructor: Copies interface reference.

        Does not work for up-casts to ambiguous bases.  For the special case of
        up-casting to Reference< XInterface >, see the corresponding conversion

        @param rRef another reference
    template< class derived_type >
        const VclPtr< derived_type > & rRef,
        typename std::enable_if<
            std::is_base_of<reference_type, derived_type>::value, int>::type
            = 0 )
        : VclPtr<reference_type>( rRef )

    /** Up-casting assignment operator.

        Does not work for up-casts to ambiguous bases.

        @param rRef another VclPtr
    template<typename derived_type>
    typename std::enable_if<
        std::is_base_of<reference_type, derived_type>::value,
        ScopedVclPtr &>::type
    operator =(VclPtr<derived_type> const & rRef)
        return *this;

     * Override and disallow this, to prevent people accidentally calling it and actually
     * getting VclPtr::Create and getting a naked VclPtr<> instance
    template<typename... Arg> static ScopedVclPtr< reference_type > Create(Arg &&... ) = delete;

        assert(VclPtr<reference_type>::get() == nullptr); // make sure there are no lingering references

    // Most likely we don't want this default copy-constructor.
    ScopedVclPtr (const ScopedVclPtr<reference_type> &) = delete;
    // And certainly we don't want a default assignment operator.
    ScopedVclPtr<reference_type>& operator = (const ScopedVclPtr<reference_type> &) = delete;
    // And disallow reset as that doesn't call disposeAndClear on the original reference
    void reset() = delete;
    void reset(reference_type *pBody) = delete;

    ScopedVclPtr (reference_type * pBody, __sal_NoAcquire)
        : VclPtr<reference_type>(pBody, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE)

 * A construction helper for ScopedVclPtr. Since VclPtr types are created
 * with a reference-count of one - to help fit into the existing
 * code-flow; this helps us to construct them easily.
 * For more details on the design please see vcl/README.lifecycle
 * @param reference_type must be a subclass of vcl::Window
#if defined _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4521) // " multiple copy constructors specified"
template <class reference_type>
class SAL_WARN_UNUSED ScopedVclPtrInstance final : public ScopedVclPtr<reference_type>
    template<typename... Arg> ScopedVclPtrInstance(Arg &&... arg)
        : ScopedVclPtr<reference_type>( new reference_type(std::forward<Arg>(arg)...), SAL_NO_ACQUIRE )

     * Override and disallow this, to prevent people accidentally calling it and actually
     * getting VclPtr::Create and getting a naked VclPtr<> instance
    template<typename... Arg> static ScopedVclPtrInstance< reference_type > Create(Arg &&...) = delete;

    // Prevent the above perfect forwarding ctor from hijacking (accidental)
    // attempts at ScopedVclPtrInstance copy construction (where the hijacking
    // would typically lead to somewhat obscure error messages); both non-const
    // and const variants are needed here, as the ScopedVclPtr base class has a
    // const--variant copy ctor, so the implicitly declared copy ctor for
    // ScopedVclPtrInstance would also be the const variant, so non-const copy
    // construction attempts would be hijacked by the perfect forwarding ctor;
    // but if we only declared a non-const variant here, the const variant would
    // no longer be implicitly declared (as there would already be an explicitly
    // declared copy ctor), so const copy construction attempts would then be
    // hijacked by the perfect forwarding ctor:
    ScopedVclPtrInstance(ScopedVclPtrInstance &) = delete;
    ScopedVclPtrInstance(ScopedVclPtrInstance const &) = delete;
#if defined _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)


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