/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include <basebmp/bitmapdevice.hxx>
#include <vcl/dllapi.h>
#include <vcl/salgtype.hxx>
#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>

class SalVirtualDevice;
struct SystemGraphicsData;

class VCL_DLLPUBLIC VirtualDevice : public OutputDevice
    friend class Application;
    friend class ::OutputDevice;
    friend class Printer;

    SalVirtualDevice*   mpVirDev;
    VclPtr<VirtualDevice>  mpPrev;
    VclPtr<VirtualDevice>  mpNext;
    sal_uInt16          mnBitCount;
    bool                mbScreenComp;
    DeviceFormat        meFormat;
    DeviceFormat        meAlphaFormat;
    sal_uInt8           meRefDevMode;

    SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplInitVirDev( const OutputDevice* pOutDev, long nDX, long nDY, DeviceFormat eFormat, const SystemGraphicsData *pData = nullptr );
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool InnerImplSetOutputSizePixel( const Size& rNewSize, bool bErase,
                                                     const basebmp::RawMemorySharedArray &pBuffer );
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ImplSetOutputSizePixel( const Size& rNewSize, bool bErase,
                                                const basebmp::RawMemorySharedArray &pBuffer );

    VirtualDevice (const VirtualDevice &) = delete;
    VirtualDevice & operator= (const VirtualDevice &) = delete;

    /** Used for alpha VDev, to set areas to opaque

        @since \#i32109#
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplFillOpaqueRectangle( const Rectangle& rRect );

    // TODO: add extra member for refdev backward compatibility options
    SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ForceZeroExtleadBug() const
        { return ((meRefDevMode & REFDEV_FORCE_ZERO_EXTLEAD) != 0); }

    virtual bool AcquireGraphics() const override;
    virtual void ReleaseGraphics( bool bRelease = true ) override;


    /** Create a virtual device of size 1x1

        @param eFormat
        Device format of the generated virtual device. Use DeviceFormat::DEFAULT here, to
        indicate: take default screen depth. Only DeviceFormat::BITMASK
        is the other possibility to denote a binary mask.
    explicit            VirtualDevice(DeviceFormat eFormat = DeviceFormat::DEFAULT);

    /** Create a virtual device of size 1x1

        @param rCompDev
        The generated vdev will be compatible to this device.

        @param eFormat
        Device format of the generated virtual device. Use DeviceFormat::DEFAULT here, to
        indicate: take default screen depth. Only DeviceFormat::BITMASK
        is the other possibility to denote a binary mask.
     explicit           VirtualDevice(const OutputDevice& rCompDev,
                                      DeviceFormat eFormat = DeviceFormat::DEFAULT);

    /** Create a virtual device  of size 1x1 with alpha channel

        @param rCompDev
        The generated vdev will be compatible to this device.

        @param eFormat
        Device format of the generated virtual device. Use DeviceFormat::DEFAULT here, to
        indicate: take default screen depth. Only DeviceFormat::BITMASK
        is the other possibility to denote a binary mask.

        @param eAlphaFormat
        Device format of the generated virtual device. Use DeviceFormat::DEFAULT here, to
        indicate: take default screen depth. Only DeviceFormat::BITMASK
        is the other possibility to denote a binary mask.
     explicit           VirtualDevice( const OutputDevice& rCompDev,
                                       DeviceFormat eFormat, DeviceFormat eAlphaFormat);

    /** Create a virtual device using an existing system dependent device or graphics context
        Any rendering will happen directly on the context and not on any intermediate bitmap.
        Note: This might not be supported on all platforms !
    explicit            VirtualDevice(const SystemGraphicsData *pData, const Size &rSize,
                                      DeviceFormat eFormat);

    virtual             ~VirtualDevice();
    virtual void        dispose() override;

    virtual void        EnableRTL( bool bEnable = true ) override;

    bool                SetOutputSizePixel( const Size& rNewSize, bool bErase = true );
    bool                SetOutputSizePixelScaleOffsetAndBuffer( const Size& rNewSize,
                                                                const Fraction& rScale,
                                                                const Point& rNewOffset,
                                                                const basebmp::RawMemorySharedArray &pBuffer );

    bool                SetOutputSize( const Size& rNewSize, bool bErase = true )
                            { return SetOutputSizePixel( LogicToPixel( rNewSize ), bErase ); }

    // reference device modes for different compatibility levels
    enum RefDevMode {   REFDEV_NONE = 0,
                        REFDEV_MODE06 = 1,      // 600 dpi
                        REFDEV_MODE_MSO1 = 3,
                        REFDEV_MODE_PDF1 = 4,
                        REFDEV_CUSTOM = 5

    void                SetReferenceDevice( RefDevMode );

    void                Compat_ZeroExtleadBug(); // enable workaround for #i60495#

    void                SetReferenceDevice( sal_Int32 i_nDPIX, sal_Int32 i_nDPIY );

    virtual sal_uInt16  GetBitCount() const override;

    SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplSetReferenceDevice( RefDevMode, sal_Int32 i_nDPIX, sal_Int32 i_nDPIY );

    virtual bool        UsePolyPolygonForComplexGradient() override;

    virtual long        GetFontExtLeading() const override;



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