/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef INCLUDED_VCL_WELD_HXX #define INCLUDED_VCL_WELD_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace weld { class Container; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Widget { public: virtual void set_sensitive(bool sensitive) = 0; virtual bool get_sensitive() const = 0; virtual void set_visible(bool visible) = 0; virtual bool get_visible() const = 0; virtual void grab_focus() = 0; virtual bool has_focus() const = 0; virtual void show() = 0; virtual void hide() = 0; void show(bool bShow) { if (bShow) show(); else hide(); } virtual void set_size_request(int nWidth, int nHeight) = 0; virtual Size get_preferred_size() const = 0; virtual float get_approximate_char_width() const = 0; virtual int get_text_height() const = 0; virtual Size get_pixel_size(const OUString& rText) const = 0; virtual OString get_buildable_name() const = 0; virtual void set_help_id(const OString& rName) = 0; virtual OString get_help_id() const = 0; virtual void set_grid_left_attach(int nAttach) = 0; virtual int get_grid_left_attach() const = 0; virtual void set_grid_top_attach(int nAttach) = 0; virtual int get_grid_top_attach() const = 0; virtual Container* weld_parent() const = 0; virtual ~Widget() {} }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Container : virtual public Widget { public: virtual void remove(weld::Widget* pWidget) = 0; virtual void add(weld::Widget* pWidget) = 0; }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Frame : virtual public Container { public: virtual void set_label(const OUString& rText) = 0; virtual OUString get_label() const = 0; }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Notebook : virtual public Container { protected: Link m_aLeavePageHdl; Link m_aEnterPageHdl; public: virtual int get_current_page() const = 0; virtual OString get_current_page_ident() const = 0; virtual void set_current_page(int nPage) = 0; virtual void set_current_page(const OString& rIdent) = 0; virtual int get_n_pages() const = 0; virtual weld::Container* get_page(const OString& rIdent) const = 0; void connect_leave_page(const Link& rLink) { m_aLeavePageHdl = rLink; } void connect_enter_page(const Link& rLink) { m_aEnterPageHdl = rLink; } }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Window : virtual public Container { protected: Link m_aHelpRequestHdl; public: virtual void set_title(const OUString& rTitle) = 0; virtual OUString get_title() const = 0; void connect_help(const Link& rLink) { m_aHelpRequestHdl = rLink; } }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Dialog : virtual public Window { public: virtual int run() = 0; virtual void response(int response) = 0; virtual void add_button(const OUString& rText, int response) = 0; virtual void set_default_response(int response) = 0; }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC MessageDialog : virtual public Dialog { public: virtual void set_primary_text(const OUString& rText) = 0; virtual OUString get_primary_text() const = 0; virtual void set_secondary_text(const OUString& rText) = 0; virtual OUString get_secondary_text() const = 0; virtual Container* weld_message_area() = 0; }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC ComboBoxText : virtual public Container { private: OUString m_sSavedValue; protected: Link m_aChangeHdl; void signal_changed() { m_aChangeHdl.Call(*this); } public: virtual int get_active() const = 0; virtual void set_active(int pos) = 0; virtual OUString get_active_text() const = 0; virtual OUString get_active_id() const = 0; virtual void set_active_id(const OUString& rStr) = 0; virtual OUString get_text(int pos) const = 0; virtual OUString get_id(int pos) const = 0; virtual void append_text(const OUString& rStr) = 0; virtual void insert_text(int pos, const OUString& rStr) = 0; virtual void append(const OUString& rId, const OUString& rStr) = 0; virtual void insert(int pos, const OUString& rId, const OUString& rStr) = 0; virtual int find_text(const OUString& rStr) const = 0; virtual int get_count() const = 0; virtual void make_sorted() = 0; virtual void clear() = 0; void connect_changed(const Link& rLink) { m_aChangeHdl = rLink; } void set_active(const OUString& rStr) { set_active(find_text(rStr)); } void save_value() { m_sSavedValue = get_active_text(); } bool get_value_changed_from_saved() const { return m_sSavedValue != get_active_text(); } }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC TreeView : virtual public Container { protected: Link m_aChangeHdl; Link m_aRowActivatedHdl; void signal_changed() { m_aChangeHdl.Call(*this); } void signal_row_activated() { m_aRowActivatedHdl.Call(*this); } public: virtual void append(const OUString& rText) = 0; virtual void insert(const OUString& rText, int pos) = 0; virtual int n_children() const = 0; virtual void select(int pos) = 0; using Container::remove; virtual void remove(int pos) = 0; virtual int find(const OUString& rText) const = 0; virtual void set_top_entry(int pos) = 0; virtual void clear() = 0; virtual OUString get_selected() = 0; virtual int get_selected_index() = 0; virtual OUString get(int pos) = 0; virtual int get_height_rows(int nRows) const = 0; virtual void freeze() = 0; virtual void thaw() = 0; void connect_changed(const Link& rLink) { m_aChangeHdl = rLink; } void connect_row_activated(const Link& rLink) { m_aRowActivatedHdl = rLink; } void select(const OUString& rText) { select(find(rText)); } void remove(const OUString& rText) { remove(find(rText)); } }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Button : virtual public Container { protected: Link m_aClickHdl; void signal_clicked() { m_aClickHdl.Call(*this); } public: virtual void set_label(const OUString& rText) = 0; virtual OUString get_label() const = 0; void connect_clicked(const Link& rLink) { m_aClickHdl = rLink; } }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC ToggleButton : virtual public Button { protected: Link m_aToggleHdl; TriState m_eSavedValue = TRISTATE_FALSE; void signal_toggled() { m_aToggleHdl.Call(*this); } public: virtual void set_active(bool active) = 0; virtual bool get_active() const = 0; virtual void set_inconsistent(bool inconsistent) = 0; virtual bool get_inconsistent() const = 0; TriState get_state() const { if (get_inconsistent()) return TRISTATE_INDET; else if (get_active()) return TRISTATE_TRUE; return TRISTATE_FALSE; } void save_state() { m_eSavedValue = get_state(); } TriState get_saved_state() const { return m_eSavedValue; } void set_state(TriState eState) { switch (eState) { case TRISTATE_INDET: set_inconsistent(true); break; case TRISTATE_TRUE: set_inconsistent(false); set_active(true); break; case TRISTATE_FALSE: set_inconsistent(false); set_active(false); break; } } bool get_state_changed_from_saved() const { return m_eSavedValue != get_state(); } void connect_toggled(const Link& rLink) { m_aToggleHdl = rLink; } }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC CheckButton : virtual public ToggleButton { }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC RadioButton : virtual public ToggleButton { }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Entry : virtual public Widget { private: OUString m_sSavedValue; protected: Link m_aChangeHdl; Link m_aInsertTextHdl; void signal_changed() { m_aChangeHdl.Call(*this); } void signal_insert_text(OUString& rString); public: virtual void set_text(const OUString& rText) = 0; virtual OUString get_text() const = 0; virtual void set_width_chars(int nChars) = 0; virtual void select_region(int nStartPos, int nEndPos) = 0; virtual void set_position(int nCursorPos) = 0; void connect_changed(const Link& rLink) { m_aChangeHdl = rLink; } void connect_insert_text(const Link& rLink) { m_aInsertTextHdl = rLink; } void save_value() { m_sSavedValue = get_text(); } bool get_value_changed_from_saved() const { return m_sSavedValue != get_text(); } }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC SpinButton : virtual public Entry { protected: Link m_aValueChangedHdl; Link m_aOutputHdl; void signal_value_changed() { m_aValueChangedHdl.Call(*this); } bool signal_output() { if (!m_aOutputHdl.IsSet()) return false; m_aOutputHdl.Call(*this); return true; } public: virtual void set_value(int value) = 0; virtual int get_value() const = 0; virtual void set_range(int min, int max) = 0; virtual void get_range(int& min, int& max) const = 0; virtual void set_increments(int step, int page) = 0; virtual void get_increments(int& step, int& page) const = 0; virtual void set_digits(unsigned int digits) = 0; virtual unsigned int get_digits() const = 0; void connect_value_changed(const Link& rLink) { m_aValueChangedHdl = rLink; } void connect_output(const Link& rLink) { m_aOutputHdl = rLink; } int normalize(int nValue) const { return (nValue * Power10(get_digits())); } int denormalize(int nValue) const; static unsigned int Power10(unsigned int n); }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC MetricSpinButton { protected: FieldUnit m_eSrcUnit; std::unique_ptr m_xSpinButton; Link m_aValueChangedHdl; DECL_LINK(spin_button_value_changed, weld::SpinButton&, void); DECL_LINK(spin_button_output, weld::SpinButton&, void); void signal_value_changed() { m_aValueChangedHdl.Call(*this); } int ConvertValue(int nValue, FieldUnit eInUnit, FieldUnit eOutUnit) const; OUString format_number(int nValue) const; void update_width_chars(); public: MetricSpinButton(SpinButton* pSpinButton) : m_eSrcUnit(FUNIT_CM) , m_xSpinButton(pSpinButton) { update_width_chars(); m_xSpinButton->connect_output(LINK(this, MetricSpinButton, spin_button_output)); m_xSpinButton->connect_value_changed( LINK(this, MetricSpinButton, spin_button_value_changed)); } FieldUnit get_unit() const { return m_eSrcUnit; } void set_unit(FieldUnit eUnit) { m_eSrcUnit = eUnit; update_width_chars(); } void set_value(int nValue, FieldUnit eValueUnit) { m_xSpinButton->set_value(ConvertValue(nValue, eValueUnit, m_eSrcUnit)); } int get_value(FieldUnit eDestUnit) const { int nValue = m_xSpinButton->get_value(); return ConvertValue(nValue, m_eSrcUnit, eDestUnit); } void set_range(int min, int max, FieldUnit eValueUnit) { min = ConvertValue(min, eValueUnit, m_eSrcUnit); max = ConvertValue(max, eValueUnit, m_eSrcUnit); m_xSpinButton->set_range(min, max); update_width_chars(); } void get_range(int& min, int& max, FieldUnit eDestUnit) const { m_xSpinButton->get_range(min, max); min = ConvertValue(min, m_eSrcUnit, eDestUnit); max = ConvertValue(max, m_eSrcUnit, eDestUnit); } void set_increments(int step, int page, FieldUnit eValueUnit) { step = ConvertValue(step, eValueUnit, m_eSrcUnit); page = ConvertValue(page, eValueUnit, m_eSrcUnit); m_xSpinButton->set_increments(step, page); } void get_increments(int& step, int& page, FieldUnit eDestUnit) const { m_xSpinButton->get_increments(step, page); step = ConvertValue(step, m_eSrcUnit, eDestUnit); page = ConvertValue(page, m_eSrcUnit, eDestUnit); } void connect_value_changed(const Link& rLink) { m_aValueChangedHdl = rLink; } int normalize(int nValue) const { return m_xSpinButton->normalize(nValue); } int denormalize(int nValue) const { return m_xSpinButton->denormalize(nValue); } void set_sensitive(bool sensitive) { m_xSpinButton->set_sensitive(sensitive); } bool get_sensitive() const { return m_xSpinButton->get_sensitive(); } bool get_visible() const { return m_xSpinButton->get_visible(); } void grab_focus() { m_xSpinButton->grab_focus(); } bool has_focus() const { return m_xSpinButton->has_focus(); } void show() { m_xSpinButton->show(); } void hide() { m_xSpinButton->hide(); } void set_digits(unsigned int digits) { m_xSpinButton->set_digits(digits); } unsigned int get_digits() const { return m_xSpinButton->get_digits(); } void save_value() { m_xSpinButton->save_value(); } bool get_value_changed_from_saved() const { return m_xSpinButton->get_value_changed_from_saved(); } void set_text(const OUString& rText) { m_xSpinButton->set_text(rText); } OUString get_text() const { return m_xSpinButton->get_text(); } void set_size_request(int nWidth, int nHeight) { m_xSpinButton->set_size_request(nWidth, nHeight); } Size get_preferred_size() const { return m_xSpinButton->get_preferred_size(); } }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Label : virtual public Widget { public: virtual void set_label(const OUString& rText) = 0; virtual OUString get_label() const = 0; }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC TextView : virtual public Container { public: virtual void set_text(const OUString& rText) = 0; virtual OUString get_text() const = 0; virtual Selection get_selection() const = 0; virtual void set_selection(const Selection&) = 0; }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC DrawingArea : virtual public Widget { protected: Link m_aDrawHdl; Link m_aSizeAllocateHdl; public: void connect_draw(const Link& rLink) { m_aDrawHdl = rLink; } void connect_size_allocate(const Link& rLink) { m_aSizeAllocateHdl = rLink; } virtual void queue_draw() = 0; }; class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Builder { private: OString m_sHelpRoot; public: Builder(const OUString& rUIFile) : m_sHelpRoot(OUStringToOString(rUIFile, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8)) { sal_Int32 nIdx = m_sHelpRoot.lastIndexOf('.'); if (nIdx != -1) m_sHelpRoot = m_sHelpRoot.copy(0, nIdx); m_sHelpRoot = m_sHelpRoot + OString('/'); } virtual MessageDialog* weld_message_dialog(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = true) = 0; virtual Dialog* weld_dialog(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = true) = 0; virtual Window* weld_window(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = true) = 0; virtual Widget* weld_widget(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; virtual Container* weld_container(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; virtual Button* weld_button(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; virtual Frame* weld_frame(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; virtual Notebook* weld_notebook(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; virtual RadioButton* weld_radio_button(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; virtual CheckButton* weld_check_button(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; virtual SpinButton* weld_spin_button(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; MetricSpinButton* weld_metric_spin_button(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) { return new MetricSpinButton(weld_spin_button(id, bTakeOwnership)); } virtual ComboBoxText* weld_combo_box_text(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; virtual TreeView* weld_tree_view(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; virtual Label* weld_label(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; virtual TextView* weld_text_view(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; virtual Entry* weld_entry(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; virtual DrawingArea* weld_drawing_area(const OString& id, bool bTakeOwnership = false) = 0; virtual ~Builder() {} }; } #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */