/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Template class for a Builder to create a hierarchy of widgets from a .ui file * for dialogs, sidebar, etc. * * This class parses the .ui file and calls overridable methods * so subclasses can create the widgets of a specific toolkit. * * The VclBuilder subclass is the implementation using LibreOffice's own VCL toolkit * and the QtBuilder subclass uses native Qt widgets. */ template class WidgetBuilder : public BuilderBase { protected: struct MenuAndId { OUString m_sID; MenuPtr m_pMenu; MenuAndId(OUString sId, MenuClass* pMenu) : m_sID(std::move(sId)) , m_pMenu(pMenu) { } }; WidgetBuilder(std::u16string_view sUIDir, const OUString& rUIFile, bool bLegacy) : BuilderBase(sUIDir, rUIFile, bLegacy) { } virtual ~WidgetBuilder() = default; std::vector m_aMenus; public: //sID may not exist MenuClass* get_menu(std::u16string_view sID) { for (auto const& menu : m_aMenus) { if (menu.m_sID == sID) return menu.m_pMenu; } return nullptr; } protected: void processUIFile(Widget* pParent) { try { xmlreader::XmlReader reader(getUIFileUrl()); handleChild(pParent, nullptr, reader); } catch (const css::uno::Exception& rExcept) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("vcl.builder", "Unable to read .ui file " << getUIFileUrl()); reportException(rExcept); assert(false && "missing ui file or missing gb_CppunitTest_use_uiconfigs dependency"); throw; } // Set Mnemonic widgets when everything has been imported for (const MnemonicWidgetMap& rMnemonic : getMnemonicWidgetMaps()) { setMnemonicWidget(rMnemonic.m_sID, rMnemonic.m_sValue); } // Set radiobutton groups when everything has been imported for (const RadioButtonGroupMap& rGroup : getRadioButtonGroupMaps()) setRadioButtonGroup(rGroup.m_sID, rGroup.m_sValue); } // either pParent or pAtkProps must be set, pParent for a child of a widget, pAtkProps for // collecting the atk info for a GtkMenuItem or tab child void handleChild(Widget* pParent, stringmap* pAtkProps, xmlreader::XmlReader& reader, bool bToolbarItem = false) { xmlreader::Span name; int nsId; OString sType, sInternalChild; while (reader.nextAttribute(&nsId, &name)) { if (name == "type") { name = reader.getAttributeValue(false); sType = OString(name.begin, name.length); } else if (name == "internal-child") { name = reader.getAttributeValue(false); sInternalChild = OString(name.begin, name.length); } } if (sType == "tab") { handleTabChild(pParent, reader); return; } WidgetPtr pCurrentChild = nullptr; int nLevel = 1; while (true) { xmlreader::XmlReader::Result res = reader.nextItem(xmlreader::XmlReader::Text::NONE, &name, &nsId); if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::Begin) { if (name == "object" || name == "placeholder") { pCurrentChild = handleObject(pParent, pAtkProps, reader, sType, sInternalChild, bToolbarItem); bool bObjectInserted = pCurrentChild && pParent != pCurrentChild; if (bObjectInserted) tweakInsertedChild(pParent, pCurrentChild, sType, sInternalChild); } else if (name == "packing") { const stringmap aPackingProperties = collectPackingProperties(reader); applyPackingProperties(pCurrentChild, pParent, aPackingProperties); } else if (name == "interface") { while (reader.nextAttribute(&nsId, &name)) { if (name == "domain") handleInterfaceDomain(reader); } ++nLevel; } else ++nLevel; } if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::End) --nLevel; if (!nLevel) break; if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::Done) break; } } WidgetPtr handleObject(Widget* pParent, stringmap* pAtkProps, xmlreader::XmlReader& reader, std::string_view sType, std::string_view sInternalChild, bool bToolbarItem) { OUString sClass; OUString sID; OUString sCustomProperty; extractClassAndIdAndCustomProperty(reader, sClass, sID, sCustomProperty); if (sClass == "GtkListStore" || sClass == "GtkTreeStore") { handleListStore(reader, sID, sClass); return nullptr; } else if (sClass == "GtkMenu") { handleMenu(reader, sID); return nullptr; } else if (sClass == "GtkSizeGroup") { handleSizeGroup(reader); return nullptr; } else if (sClass == "AtkObject") { assert((pParent || pAtkProps) && "must have one set"); assert(!(pParent && pAtkProps) && "must not have both"); auto aAtkProperties = handleAtkObject(reader); if (pParent) applyAtkProperties(pParent, aAtkProperties, bToolbarItem); if (pAtkProps) *pAtkProps = std::move(aAtkProperties); return nullptr; } int nLevel = 1; stringmap aProperties, aPangoAttributes; stringmap aAtkAttributes; std::vector aItems; if (!sCustomProperty.isEmpty()) aProperties[u"customproperty"_ustr] = sCustomProperty; // Internal-children default in glade to not having their visible bits set // even though they are visible (generally anyway) if (!sInternalChild.empty()) aProperties[u"visible"_ustr] = "True"; WidgetPtr pCurrentChild = nullptr; while (true) { xmlreader::Span name; int nsId; xmlreader::XmlReader::Result res = reader.nextItem(xmlreader::XmlReader::Text::NONE, &name, &nsId); if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::Done) break; if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::Begin) { if (name == "child") { if (!pCurrentChild) { pCurrentChild = insertObject(pParent, sClass, sType, sID, aProperties, aPangoAttributes, aAtkAttributes); } handleChild(pCurrentChild, nullptr, reader, isToolbarItemClass(sClass)); } else if (name == "items") aItems = handleItems(reader); else if (name == "style") { int nPriority = 0; std::vector aContext = handleStyle(reader, nPriority); if (nPriority != 0) setPriority(pCurrentChild, nPriority); if (!aContext.empty()) setContext(pCurrentChild, std::move(aContext)); } else { ++nLevel; if (name == "property") collectProperty(reader, aProperties); else if (name == "attribute") collectPangoAttribute(reader, aPangoAttributes); else if (name == "relation") collectAtkRelationAttribute(reader, aAtkAttributes); else if (name == "role") collectAtkRoleAttribute(reader, aAtkAttributes); else if (name == "action-widget") handleActionWidget(reader); } } if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::End) { --nLevel; } if (!nLevel) break; } if (sClass == "GtkAdjustment") { addAdjustment(sID, aProperties); return nullptr; } else if (sClass == "GtkTextBuffer") { addTextBuffer(sID, aProperties); return nullptr; } if (!pCurrentChild) { pCurrentChild = insertObject(pParent, sClass, sType, sID, aProperties, aPangoAttributes, aAtkAttributes); } if (!aItems.empty()) insertComboBoxOrListBoxItems(pCurrentChild, aProperties, aItems); return pCurrentChild; } void handleTabChild(Widget* pParent, xmlreader::XmlReader& reader) { std::vector sIDs; int nLevel = 1; stringmap aProperties; stringmap aAtkProperties; std::vector context; while (true) { xmlreader::Span name; int nsId; xmlreader::XmlReader::Result res = reader.nextItem(xmlreader::XmlReader::Text::NONE, &name, &nsId); if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::Begin) { ++nLevel; if (name == "object") { while (reader.nextAttribute(&nsId, &name)) { if (name == "id") { name = reader.getAttributeValue(false); OUString sID(name.begin, name.length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); sal_Int32 nDelim = sID.indexOf(':'); if (nDelim != -1) { aProperties[u"customproperty"_ustr] = sID.copy(nDelim + 1); sID = sID.copy(0, nDelim); } sIDs.push_back(sID); } } } else if (name == "style") { int nPriority = 0; context = handleStyle(reader, nPriority); --nLevel; } else if (name == "property") collectProperty(reader, aProperties); else if (name == "child" && isHorizontalTabControl(pParent)) { // just to collect the atk properties (if any) for the label handleChild(nullptr, &aAtkProperties, reader); --nLevel; } } if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::End) --nLevel; if (!nLevel) break; if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::Done) break; } if (!pParent) return; applyTabChildProperties(pParent, sIDs, context, aProperties, aAtkProperties); } void handleMenu(xmlreader::XmlReader& reader, const OUString& rID) { MenuPtr pCurrentMenu = createMenu(rID); int nLevel = 1; stringmap aProperties; while (true) { xmlreader::Span name; int nsId; xmlreader::XmlReader::Result res = reader.nextItem(xmlreader::XmlReader::Text::NONE, &name, &nsId); if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::Done) break; if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::Begin) { if (name == "child") { handleMenuChild(pCurrentMenu, reader); } else { ++nLevel; if (name == "property") collectProperty(reader, aProperties); } } if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::End) { --nLevel; } if (!nLevel) break; } m_aMenus.emplace_back(rID, pCurrentMenu); } void handleMenuChild(MenuClass* pParent, xmlreader::XmlReader& reader) { xmlreader::Span name; int nsId; int nLevel = 1; while (true) { xmlreader::XmlReader::Result res = reader.nextItem(xmlreader::XmlReader::Text::NONE, &name, &nsId); if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::Begin) { if (name == "object" || name == "placeholder") { handleMenuObject(pParent, reader); } else ++nLevel; } if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::End) --nLevel; if (!nLevel) break; if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::Done) break; } } void handleMenuObject(MenuClass* pParent, xmlreader::XmlReader& reader) { OUString sClass; OUString sID; OUString sCustomProperty; MenuClass* pSubMenu = nullptr; xmlreader::Span name; int nsId; while (reader.nextAttribute(&nsId, &name)) { if (name == "class") { name = reader.getAttributeValue(false); sClass = OUString(name.begin, name.length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); } else if (name == "id") { name = reader.getAttributeValue(false); sID = OUString(name.begin, name.length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); if (isLegacy()) { sal_Int32 nDelim = sID.indexOf(':'); if (nDelim != -1) { sCustomProperty = sID.subView(nDelim + 1); sID = sID.copy(0, nDelim); } } } } int nLevel = 1; stringmap aProperties; stringmap aAtkProperties; accelmap aAccelerators; if (!sCustomProperty.isEmpty()) aProperties[u"customproperty"_ustr] = sCustomProperty; while (true) { xmlreader::XmlReader::Result res = reader.nextItem(xmlreader::XmlReader::Text::NONE, &name, &nsId); if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::Done) break; if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::Begin) { if (name == "child") { size_t nChildMenuIdx = m_aMenus.size(); handleChild(nullptr, &aAtkProperties, reader); bool bSubMenuInserted = m_aMenus.size() > nChildMenuIdx; if (bSubMenuInserted) pSubMenu = m_aMenus[nChildMenuIdx].m_pMenu; } else { ++nLevel; if (name == "property") collectProperty(reader, aProperties); else if (name == "accelerator") collectAccelerator(reader, aAccelerators); } } if (res == xmlreader::XmlReader::Result::End) { --nLevel; } if (!nLevel) break; } insertMenuObject(pParent, pSubMenu, sClass, sID, aProperties, aAtkProperties, aAccelerators); } virtual void applyAtkProperties(Widget* pWidget, const stringmap& rProperties, bool bToolbarItem) = 0; virtual void applyPackingProperties(Widget* pCurrentChild, Widget* pParent, const stringmap& rPackingProperties) = 0; virtual void applyTabChildProperties(Widget* pParent, const std::vector& rIDs, std::vector& rContext, stringmap& rProperties, stringmap& rAtkProperties) = 0; virtual void insertComboBoxOrListBoxItems(Widget* pWidget, stringmap& rMap, const std::vector& rItems) = 0; virtual WidgetPtr insertObject(Widget* pParent, const OUString& rClass, std::string_view sType, const OUString& rID, stringmap& rProps, stringmap& rPangoAttributes, stringmap& rAtkProps) = 0; virtual void tweakInsertedChild(Widget* pParent, Widget* pCurrentChild, std::string_view sType, std::string_view sInternalChild) = 0; virtual void setMnemonicWidget(const OUString& rLabelId, const OUString& rMnemonicWidgetId) = 0; virtual void setRadioButtonGroup(const OUString& rRadioButtonId, const OUString& rRadioGroupId) = 0; virtual void setPriority(Widget* pWidget, int nPriority) = 0; virtual void setContext(Widget* pWidget, std::vector&& aContext) = 0; // Whether the given widget is a horizontal, i.e. non-vertical tab control virtual bool isHorizontalTabControl(Widget* pWidget) = 0; virtual MenuPtr createMenu(const OUString& rID) = 0; virtual void insertMenuObject(MenuClass* pParent, MenuClass* pSubMenu, const OUString& rClass, const OUString& rID, stringmap& rProps, stringmap& rAtkProps, accelmap& rAccels) = 0; }; /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */