/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
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#include <vcl/WindowPosSize.hxx>

namespace vcl
enum class WindowState
    NONE = 0x0000,
    Normal = 0x0001,
    Minimized = 0x0002,
    Maximized = 0x0004,
    // Rollup is no longer used, but the bit is retained because WindowData is serialized
    // from/to strings describing window state that are stored in a users config
    // Rollup = 0x0008,
    MaximizedHorz = 0x0010,
    MaximizedVert = 0x0020,
    FullScreen = 0x0040,
    SystemMask = 0xffff

enum class WindowDataMask
    NONE = 0x0000,
    X = 0x0001,
    Y = 0x0002,
    Width = 0x0004,
    Height = 0x0008,
    State = 0x0010,
    Minimized = 0x0020,
    MaximizedX = 0x0100,
    MaximizedY = 0x0200,
    MaximizedWidth = 0x0400,
    MaximizedHeight = 0x0800,
    Pos = X | Y,
    Size = Width | Height,
    PosSize = Pos | Size,
    PosSizeState = Pos | Size | State,
    All = X | Y | Width | Height | MaximizedX | MaximizedY | MaximizedWidth | MaximizedHeight
          | State | Minimized

class VCL_PLUGIN_PUBLIC WindowData final : public WindowPosSize
    WindowState m_nState;
    WindowDataMask m_nMask;

    int mnMaximizedX;
    int mnMaximizedY;
    unsigned int mnMaximizedWidth;
    unsigned int mnMaximizedHeight;

        : m_nState(WindowState::NONE)
        , m_nMask(WindowDataMask::NONE)
        , mnMaximizedX(0)
        , mnMaximizedY(0)
        , mnMaximizedWidth(0)
        , mnMaximizedHeight(0)
    WindowData(std::u16string_view rStr);

    // serialize values to a string (the original WindowState representation)
    OUString toStr() const;

    void setState(WindowState nState) { m_nState = nState; }
    WindowState state() const { return m_nState; }
    WindowState& rState() { return m_nState; }

    void setMask(WindowDataMask nMask) { m_nMask = nMask; }
    WindowDataMask mask() const { return m_nMask; }
    WindowDataMask& rMask() { return m_nMask; }

    void SetMaximizedX(int nRX) { mnMaximizedX = nRX; }
    int GetMaximizedX() const { return mnMaximizedX; }
    void SetMaximizedY(int nRY) { mnMaximizedY = nRY; }
    int GetMaximizedY() const { return mnMaximizedY; }
    void SetMaximizedWidth(unsigned int nRWidth) { mnMaximizedWidth = nRWidth; }
    unsigned int GetMaximizedWidth() const { return mnMaximizedWidth; }
    void SetMaximizedHeight(unsigned int nRHeight) { mnMaximizedHeight = nRHeight; }
    unsigned int GetMaximizedHeight() const { return mnMaximizedHeight; }

} // namespace vcl

namespace o3tl
template <> struct typed_flags<vcl::WindowState> : is_typed_flags<vcl::WindowState, 0xffff>
template <> struct typed_flags<vcl::WindowDataMask> : is_typed_flags<vcl::WindowDataMask, 0x0f3f>

namespace vcl
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const WindowData& rData)
    if (rData.mask() & WindowDataMask::Width)
        s << rData.width() << "x";
        s << "?x";
    if (rData.mask() & WindowDataMask::Height)
        s << rData.height() << "@(";
        s << "?@(";
    if (rData.mask() & WindowDataMask::X)
        s << rData.x() << ",";
        s << "?,";
    if (rData.mask() & WindowDataMask::Y)
        s << rData.y() << ")^";
        s << "?)^";
    if (rData.mask() & WindowDataMask::State)
        s << "0x" << std::hex << static_cast<unsigned>(rData.state()) << std::dec;
        s << "?";
    return s;

} // namespace vcl


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