experimental iOS apps that use LibreOffice code.

experimental/LibreOffice - Uses the "normal" desktop-style main loop
and output mechanism to display the document, and also accepts input
and selections. Broken since the tiled rendering changes. As tiled
rendering seems to be what will/should be used, this app is of limited
usefulness now. (Don't get excited by the name of this app, it was
never intended to become a "complete" LibreOffice in any sense. In
retrospect it was silly to call it just "LibreOffice.)

Note that this app is built using gbuild: The executable as a normal
executable from gbuild's perspective, and the app bundle then using a
CustomTarget that constructs it. Its Xcode project has no normal
"Compile Sources" or "Link Binary" build phases but instead a "Run
Script" one that runs make.

experimental/TiledLibreOffice - Uses tiled rendering and CATiledLayer.
No input handling, but scrolling around and zooming around works
nicely. Displays the number of tiles rendered per second. Also the
name of this app is a bit too grandiose. Built by an Xcode project.
(When built from the shell, running xcodebuild).

MobileLibreOffice - Uses the code in "shared" subdirectory. Can be
built in two configurations: 1) the "normal" configurations (Debug and
Release) that matches experimental/LibreOffice in functionality, more
or less. (But the coded is entirely differently structured.) But also
this is currently broken, 2) the Debug_tile_tester configuration,
where one can tweak tiling parameters and see a tile rendered. Also
built by an Xcode project.