/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: elements.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.12 $ * * last change: $Author: jl $ $Date: 2004-05-20 08:50:59 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include "elements.hxx" #include "osl/mutex.hxx" #include "osl/file.hxx" #include "fwkutil.hxx" #include "libxmlutil.hxx" #include "osl/thread.hxx" #include #include "libxml/parser.h" #include "libxml/xpath.h" #include "libxml/xpathInternals.h" #include "rtl/bootstrap.hxx" // #define NS_JAVA_FRAMEWORK "http://openoffice.org/2004/java/framework/1.0" // #define NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" using namespace osl; namespace jfw { xmlNode* findChildNode(const xmlNode * pParent, const xmlChar* pName) { xmlNode* ret = NULL; if (pParent) { xmlNode* cur = pParent->children; while (cur != NULL) { if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, pName) == 0) break; cur = cur->next; } ret = cur; } return ret; } javaFrameworkError getElementUpdated(rtl::OString & sValue) { javaFrameworkError errcode = JFW_E_NONE; //Prepare the xml document and context rtl::OString sSettingsPath = jfw::getVendorSettingsPath(); jfw::CXmlDocPtr doc(xmlParseFile(sSettingsPath.getStr())); if (doc == NULL) { OSL_ASSERT(0); return JFW_E_CONFIG_READWRITE; } jfw::CXPathContextPtr context(xmlXPathNewContext(doc)); int reg = xmlXPathRegisterNs(context, (xmlChar*) "jf", (xmlChar*) NS_JAVA_FRAMEWORK); if (reg == -1) return JFW_E_ERROR; CXPathObjectPtr pathObj; pathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression( (xmlChar*)"/jf:javaSelection/jf:updated/text()", context); if (xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pathObj->nodesetval)) return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; sValue = (sal_Char*) pathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->content; return errcode; } bool createUserDirectory() { bool ret = false; rtl::OUString sUserDir; rtl::Bootstrap::get( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("UserInstallation")), sUserDir, rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "${$SYSBINDIR/" SAL_CONFIGFILE("bootstrap") ":UserInstallation}"))); FileBase::RC rc = Directory::create(sUserDir); if (rc == FileBase::E_None || rc == FileBase::E_EXIST) { // .StarOfficeXXX file created in home directory sUserDir += rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/user")); FileBase::RC rc = Directory::create(sUserDir); if (rc == FileBase::E_None || rc == FileBase::E_EXIST) { sUserDir += rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/config")); FileBase::RC rc = Directory::create(sUserDir); if (rc == FileBase::E_None || rc == FileBase::E_EXIST) ret = true; } } return ret; } javaFrameworkError createUserSettingsDocument() { //make sure there is a user directory if( ! createUserDirectory()) return JFW_E_ERROR; javaFrameworkError ret = JFW_E_NONE; // check if javasettings.xml already exist rtl::OUString sURL = getUserSettingsURL(); osl::DirectoryItem testFileItem; osl::File::RC fileError = osl::DirectoryItem::get(sURL, testFileItem); if (fileError == osl::FileBase::E_None) //file exist already return JFW_E_NONE; else if (fileError != osl::FileBase::E_NOENT) return JFW_E_ERROR; //javasettings.xml does not exist yet CXmlDocPtr doc(xmlNewDoc((xmlChar *)"1.0")); if (! doc) return JFW_E_ERROR; //Create a comment xmlNewDocComment( doc, (xmlChar *) "This is a generated file. Do not alter this file!"); //Create the root element and name spaces xmlNodePtr root = xmlNewDocNode( doc, NULL, (xmlChar *) "java", (xmlChar *) "\n"); if (root == NULL) return JFW_E_ERROR; if (xmlNewNs(root, (xmlChar *) NS_JAVA_FRAMEWORK,NULL) == NULL) return JFW_E_ERROR; if (xmlNewNs(root,(xmlChar*) NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE,(xmlChar*)"xsi") == NULL) return JFW_E_ERROR; xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root); //Create a comment xmlNodePtr com = xmlNewComment( (xmlChar *) "This is a generated file. Do not alter this file!"); if (com == NULL) return JFW_E_ERROR; if (xmlAddPrevSibling(root, com) == NULL) return JFW_E_ERROR; rtl::OString sSettingsPath = jfw::getUserSettingsPath(); if (xmlSaveFormatFileEnc( sSettingsPath.getStr(), doc,"UTF-8", 1) == -1) return JFW_E_CONFIG_READWRITE; return ret; } javaFrameworkError createSettingsStructure(xmlDoc * document, bool * bNeedsSave) { javaFrameworkError errcode = JFW_E_NONE; xmlNode * root = xmlDocGetRootElement(document); if (root == NULL) return JFW_E_ERROR; bool bFound = false; xmlNode * cur = root->children; while (cur != NULL) { if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "enabled") == 0) { bFound = true; break; } cur = cur->next; } if (bFound) { bNeedsSave = false; return errcode; } //We will modify this document *bNeedsSave = true; // Now we create the child elements ------------------ //Get xsi:nil namespace xmlNs* nsXsi = xmlSearchNsByHref( document, root,(xmlChar*) NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE); // xmlNode * nodeCP = xmlNewTextChild( root,NULL, (xmlChar*) "classesDirectory", (xmlChar*) ""); if (nodeCP == NULL) return JFW_E_ERROR; //add a new line xmlNode * nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(root, nodeCrLf); // xmlNode * nodeUs = xmlNewTextChild( root,NULL, (xmlChar*) "userClassPath", (xmlChar*) ""); if (nodeUs == NULL) return JFW_E_ERROR; xmlSetNsProp(nodeUs,nsXsi,(xmlChar*) "nil",(xmlChar*) "true"); //add a new line nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(root, nodeCrLf); // xmlNode * nodeVm = xmlNewTextChild( root,NULL, (xmlChar*) "vmParameters", (xmlChar*) ""); if (nodeVm == NULL) return JFW_E_ERROR; xmlSetNsProp(nodeVm,nsXsi,(xmlChar*) "nil",(xmlChar*) "true"); //add a new line nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(root, nodeCrLf); // xmlNode * nodeJre = xmlNewTextChild( root,NULL, (xmlChar*) "jreLocations", (xmlChar*) ""); if (nodeJre == NULL) return JFW_E_ERROR; xmlSetNsProp(nodeJre,nsXsi,(xmlChar*) "nil",(xmlChar*) "true"); //add a new line nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(root, nodeCrLf); // xmlNode * nodeJava = xmlNewTextChild( root,NULL, (xmlChar*) "javaInfo", (xmlChar*) ""); if (nodeJava == NULL) return JFW_E_ERROR; xmlSetNsProp(nodeJava,nsXsi,(xmlChar*) "nil",(xmlChar*) "true"); // xmlSetProp(nodeJava,(xmlChar*) "autoSelect",(xmlChar*) "true"); //add a new line nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(root, nodeCrLf); //only copied during first time setup for the current user and client //machine errcode = copyShareSettings(document, root); return errcode; } javaFrameworkError copyShareSettings(xmlDoc * doc, xmlNode * userParent) { javaFrameworkError errcode = JFW_E_NONE; CXPathContextPtr contextShare; CXPathObjectPtr pathObj; //check if there is a share/config/javasettings.xml rtl::OUString sShareSettings = getSharedSettingsURLNoPlatformSuffix(); osl::DirectoryItem testFileItem; osl::File::RC fileError = osl::DirectoryItem::get( sShareSettings, testFileItem); if (fileError == osl::FileBase::E_NOENT) return JFW_E_NONE; if (fileError != osl::FileBase::E_None) //file exist already return JFW_E_ERROR; //Prepare access to share javasettings.xml rtl::OString sSettings = getSharedSettingsPathNoPlatformSuffix(); CXmlDocPtr docShare(xmlParseFile(sSettings.getStr())); if (docShare == NULL) return JFW_E_CONFIG_READWRITE; contextShare = xmlXPathNewContext(docShare); if (xmlXPathRegisterNs(contextShare, (xmlChar*) "jf", (xmlChar*) NS_JAVA_FRAMEWORK) == -1) return JFW_E_CONFIG_READWRITE; //copy rtl::OString sExpression= rtl::OString("//jf:classesDirectory[1]/text()"); pathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar*) sExpression.getStr(), contextShare); if ( ! pathObj || xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pathObj->nodesetval)) return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; CXmlCharPtr sClasses; sClasses = xmlNodeListGetString( docShare, pathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0], 1); xmlNode* userClasses = findChildNode(userParent, (xmlChar*) "classesDirectory"); OSL_ASSERT(userClasses); xmlNodeSetContent(userClasses, sClasses); return errcode; } javaFrameworkError prepareSettingsDocument() { javaFrameworkError errcode = JFW_E_NONE; if ((errcode = createUserSettingsDocument()) != JFW_E_NONE) return errcode; rtl::OString sSettings = getUserSettingsPath(); CXmlDocPtr doc(xmlParseFile(sSettings.getStr())); if (!doc) return JFW_E_CONFIG_READWRITE; bool bNeedsSave = false; errcode = createSettingsStructure(doc, & bNeedsSave); if (errcode != JFW_E_NONE) return errcode; if (bNeedsSave) { if (xmlSaveFormatFileEnc( sSettings.getStr(), doc,"UTF-8", 1) == -1) return JFW_E_CONFIG_READWRITE; } return errcode; } //==================================================================== VersionInfo::VersionInfo(): arVersions(NULL) { } VersionInfo::~VersionInfo() { delete [] arVersions; } void VersionInfo::addExcludeVersion(const rtl::OUString& sVersion) { vecExcludeVersions.push_back(sVersion); } rtl_uString** VersionInfo::getExcludeVersions() { osl::MutexGuard guard(getFwkMutex()); if (arVersions != NULL) return arVersions; arVersions = new rtl_uString*[vecExcludeVersions.size()]; int j=0; typedef std::vector::const_iterator it; for (it i = vecExcludeVersions.begin(); i != vecExcludeVersions.end(); i++, j++) { arVersions[j] = vecExcludeVersions[j].pData; } return arVersions; } sal_Int32 VersionInfo::getExcludeVersionSize() { return vecExcludeVersions.size(); } //================================================================== CNodeJava::CNodeJava(): m_bEnabled(sal_True), m_bEnabledModified(false), m_bUserClassPathModified(false), m_bJavaInfoModified(false), m_bVmParametersModified(false), m_bJRELocationsModified(false) { } javaFrameworkError CNodeJava::loadFromSettings() { javaFrameworkError errcode = JFW_E_NONE; // share settings may not be given errcode = loadShareSettings(); OSL_ASSERT(errcode == JFW_E_NONE); if (errcode == JFW_E_NONE) errcode = loadUserSettings(); return errcode; } javaFrameworkError CNodeJava::loadUserSettings() { javaFrameworkError errcode = JFW_E_NONE; CXmlDocPtr docUser; if ((errcode = prepareSettingsDocument()) != JFW_E_NONE) return errcode; //Read the user elements rtl::OString sSettingsPath = jfw::getUserSettingsPath(); //There must not be a share settings file docUser = xmlParseFile(sSettingsPath.getStr()); if (docUser == NULL) return JFW_E_CONFIG_READWRITE; xmlNode * cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(docUser); if (cur == NULL || cur->children == NULL) return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; CXmlCharPtr sNil; cur = cur->children; while (cur != NULL) { if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "enabled") == 0) { //only overwrite share settings if xsi:nil="false" sNil = xmlGetNsProp( cur, (xmlChar*) "nil", (xmlChar*) NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE); if (sNil == NULL) { OSL_ASSERT(0); return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; } if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, (xmlChar*) "false") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sEnabled; sEnabled = xmlNodeListGetString( docUser, cur->children, 1); if (xmlStrcmp(sEnabled, (xmlChar*) "true") == 0) m_bEnabled = sal_True; else if (xmlStrcmp(sEnabled, (xmlChar*) "false") == 0) m_bEnabled = sal_False; else m_bEnabled = sal_True; } } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "classesDirectory") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sCls; sCls = xmlNodeListGetString( docUser, cur->children, 1); m_sClassesDirectory = sCls; } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "userClassPath") == 0) { sNil = xmlGetNsProp( cur, (xmlChar*) "nil", (xmlChar*) NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE); if (sNil == NULL) { OSL_ASSERT(0); return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; } if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, (xmlChar*) "false") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sUser; sUser = xmlNodeListGetString( docUser, cur->children, 1); m_sUserClassPath = sUser; } } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "javaInfo") == 0) { sNil = xmlGetNsProp( cur, (xmlChar*) "nil", (xmlChar*) NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE); if (sNil == NULL) { OSL_ASSERT(0); return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; } if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, (xmlChar*) "false") == 0) { m_aInfo.loadFromNode(docUser, cur); } } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "vmParameters") == 0) { sNil = xmlGetNsProp( cur, (xmlChar*) "nil", (xmlChar*) NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE); if (sNil == NULL) { OSL_ASSERT(0); return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; } if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, (xmlChar*) "false") == 0) { //throw away share settings m_arVmParameters.clear(); xmlNode * pOpt = cur->children; while (pOpt != NULL) { if (xmlStrcmp(pOpt->name, (xmlChar*) "param") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sOpt; sOpt = xmlNodeListGetString( docUser, pOpt->children, 1); m_arVmParameters.push_back(sOpt); } pOpt = pOpt->next; } } } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "jreLocations") == 0) { sNil = xmlGetNsProp( cur, (xmlChar*) "nil", (xmlChar*) NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE); if (sNil == NULL) { OSL_ASSERT(0); return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; } if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, (xmlChar*) "false") == 0) { //throw away share settings m_arJRELocations.clear(); xmlNode * pLoc = cur->children; while (pLoc != NULL) { if (xmlStrcmp(pLoc->name, (xmlChar*) "location") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sLoc; sLoc = xmlNodeListGetString( docUser, pLoc->children, 1); m_arJRELocations.push_back(sLoc); } pLoc = pLoc->next; } } } cur = cur->next; } return errcode; } javaFrameworkError CNodeJava::loadShareSettings() { javaFrameworkError errcode = JFW_E_NONE; CXmlDocPtr docShare; //test if the file exist to avoid warning messages from libxml rtl::OUString sSettingsUrl = getSharedSettingsURL(); osl::DirectoryItem testFileItem; osl::File::RC fileError = osl::DirectoryItem::get(sSettingsUrl, testFileItem); if (fileError == osl::FileBase::E_NOENT) return JFW_E_NONE; //Read the share elements, do not heed the nil attributes rtl::OString sSettingsPath = jfw::getSharedSettingsPath(); //There must not be a share settings file docShare = xmlParseFile(sSettingsPath.getStr()); if (docShare == NULL) return JFW_E_NONE; xmlNode * cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(docShare); if (cur == NULL) { OSL_ASSERT(cur); return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; } if (cur->children == NULL) return JFW_E_NONE; cur = cur->children; while (cur != NULL) { if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "enabled") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sEnabled; sEnabled = xmlNodeListGetString( docShare, cur->children, 1); if (xmlStrcmp(sEnabled, (xmlChar*) "true") == 0) m_bEnabled = sal_True; else if (xmlStrcmp(sEnabled, (xmlChar*) "false") == 0) m_bEnabled = sal_False; else m_bEnabled = sal_True; } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "classesDirectory") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sCls; sCls = xmlNodeListGetString( docShare, cur->children, 1); m_sClassesDirectory = sCls; } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "userClassPath") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sUser; sUser = xmlNodeListGetString( docShare, cur->children, 1); m_sUserClassPath = sUser; } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "javaInfo") == 0) { m_aInfo.loadFromNode(docShare, cur); } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "vmParameters") == 0) { xmlNode * pOpt = cur->children; while (pOpt != NULL) { if (xmlStrcmp(pOpt->name, (xmlChar*) "param") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sOpt; sOpt = xmlNodeListGetString( docShare, pOpt->children, 1); m_arVmParameters.push_back(sOpt); } pOpt = pOpt->next; } } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "jreLocations") == 0) { xmlNode * pLoc = cur->children; while (pLoc != NULL) { if (xmlStrcmp(pLoc->name, (xmlChar*) "location") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sLoc; sLoc = xmlNodeListGetString( docShare, pLoc->children, 1); m_arJRELocations.push_back(sLoc); } pLoc = pLoc->next; } } cur = cur->next; } return errcode; } javaFrameworkError CNodeJava::writeSettings() const { javaFrameworkError errcode = JFW_E_NONE; CXmlDocPtr docUser; CXPathContextPtr contextUser; CXPathObjectPtr pathObj; if ((errcode = prepareSettingsDocument()) != JFW_E_NONE) return errcode; //Read the user elements rtl::OString sSettingsPath = jfw::getUserSettingsPath(); docUser = xmlParseFile(sSettingsPath.getStr()); if (docUser == NULL) return JFW_E_CONFIG_READWRITE; contextUser = xmlXPathNewContext(docUser); if (xmlXPathRegisterNs(contextUser, (xmlChar*) "jf", (xmlChar*) NS_JAVA_FRAMEWORK) == -1) return JFW_E_CONFIG_READWRITE; xmlNode * root = xmlDocGetRootElement(docUser); //Get xsi:nil namespace xmlNs* nsXsi = xmlSearchNsByHref(docUser, root, (xmlChar*) NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE); //set the element //The element must exist if (m_bEnabledModified) { rtl::OString sExpression= rtl::OString( "/jf:java/jf:enabled"); pathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar*) sExpression.getStr(), contextUser); if ( ! pathObj || xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pathObj->nodesetval)) return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; xmlNode * nodeEnabled = pathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]; xmlSetNsProp(nodeEnabled, nsXsi, (xmlChar*) "nil", (xmlChar*) "false"); if (m_bEnabled == sal_True) xmlNodeSetContent(nodeEnabled,(xmlChar*) "true"); else xmlNodeSetContent(nodeEnabled,(xmlChar*) "false"); } //set the element //The element must exist if (m_bUserClassPathModified) { rtl::OString sExpression= rtl::OString( "/jf:java/jf:userClassPath"); pathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar*) sExpression.getStr(), contextUser); if ( ! pathObj || xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pathObj->nodesetval)) return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; xmlNode * nodeEnabled = pathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]; xmlSetNsProp(nodeEnabled, nsXsi, (xmlChar*) "nil",(xmlChar*) "false"); rtl::OString osUserCP = rtl::OUStringToOString(m_sUserClassPath, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); xmlNodeSetContent(nodeEnabled,(xmlChar*) osUserCP.getStr()); } //set element if (m_bJavaInfoModified) { rtl::OString sExpression= rtl::OString( "/jf:java/jf:javaInfo"); pathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar*) sExpression.getStr(), contextUser); if ( ! pathObj || xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pathObj->nodesetval)) return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; errcode = m_aInfo.writeToNode( docUser, pathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); if (errcode != JFW_E_NONE) return errcode; } //set element if (m_bVmParametersModified) { rtl::OString sExpression= rtl::OString( "/jf:java/jf:vmParameters"); pathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar*) sExpression.getStr(), contextUser); if ( ! pathObj || xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pathObj->nodesetval)) return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; xmlNode* vmParameters = pathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]; //set xsi:nil = false; xmlSetNsProp(vmParameters, nsXsi,(xmlChar*) "nil", (xmlChar*) "false"); //remove option elements xmlNode* cur = vmParameters->children; while (cur != NULL) { xmlNode* lastNode = cur; cur = cur->next; xmlUnlinkNode(lastNode); xmlFreeNode(lastNode); } //add a new line after if (m_arVmParameters.size() > 0) { xmlNode * nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(vmParameters, nodeCrLf); } typedef std::vector::const_iterator cit; for (cit i = m_arVmParameters.begin(); i != m_arVmParameters.end(); i++) { xmlNewTextChild(vmParameters, NULL, (xmlChar*) "param", (xmlChar*) i->getStr()); //add a new line xmlNode * nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(vmParameters, nodeCrLf); } } //set element if (m_bJRELocationsModified) { rtl::OString sExpression= rtl::OString( "/jf:java/jf:jreLocations"); pathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar*) sExpression.getStr(), contextUser); if ( ! pathObj || xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pathObj->nodesetval)) return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; xmlNode* jreLocationsNode = pathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]; //set xsi:nil = false; xmlSetNsProp(jreLocationsNode, nsXsi,(xmlChar*) "nil", (xmlChar*) "false"); //remove option elements xmlNode* cur = jreLocationsNode->children; while (cur != NULL) { xmlNode* lastNode = cur; cur = cur->next; xmlUnlinkNode(lastNode); xmlFreeNode(lastNode); } //add a new line after if (m_arJRELocations.size() > 0) { xmlNode * nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(jreLocationsNode, nodeCrLf); } typedef std::vector::const_iterator cit; for (cit i = m_arJRELocations.begin(); i != m_arJRELocations.end(); i++) { xmlNewTextChild(jreLocationsNode, NULL, (xmlChar*) "location", (xmlChar*) i->getStr()); //add a new line xmlNode * nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(jreLocationsNode, nodeCrLf); } } // sExpression = if (xmlSaveFormatFile(sSettingsPath.getStr(), docUser, 1) == -1) return JFW_E_CONFIG_READWRITE; return JFW_E_NONE; } void CNodeJava::setEnabled(sal_Bool bEnabled) { m_bEnabled = bEnabled; m_bEnabledModified = true; } sal_Bool CNodeJava::getEnabled() const { return m_bEnabled; } void CNodeJava::setUserClassPath(const rtl::OUString & sClassPath) { m_sUserClassPath = sClassPath; m_bUserClassPathModified = true; } rtl::OUString const & CNodeJava::getUserClassPath() const { return m_sUserClassPath; } void CNodeJava::setJavaInfo(const JavaInfo * pInfo, bool bAutoSelect) { m_aInfo.bAutoSelect = bAutoSelect; m_aInfo.bNil = false; // m_aInfo.sAttrVendorUpdate = sVendorUpdate; if (pInfo != NULL) { m_aInfo.m_bEmptyNode = false; m_aInfo.sVendor = pInfo->sVendor; m_aInfo.sLocation = pInfo->sLocation; m_aInfo.sVersion = pInfo->sVersion; m_aInfo.nFeatures = pInfo->nFeatures; m_aInfo.nRequirements = pInfo->nRequirements; m_aInfo.arVendorData = pInfo->arVendorData; } else { m_aInfo.m_bEmptyNode = true; rtl::OUString sEmpty; m_aInfo.sVendor = sEmpty; m_aInfo.sLocation = sEmpty; m_aInfo.sVersion = sEmpty; m_aInfo.nFeatures = 0; m_aInfo.nRequirements = 0; m_aInfo.arVendorData = rtl::ByteSequence(); } m_bJavaInfoModified = true; } JavaInfo * CNodeJava::getJavaInfo() const { return m_aInfo.makeJavaInfo(); } rtl::OString const & CNodeJava::getJavaInfoAttrVendorUpdate() const { return m_aInfo.sAttrVendorUpdate; } const std::vector & CNodeJava::getVmParameters() const { return m_arVmParameters; } void CNodeJava::setVmParameters(rtl_uString * * arOptions, sal_Int32 size) { OSL_ASSERT( !(arOptions == 0 && size != 0)); m_arVmParameters.clear(); if (arOptions != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { const rtl::OUString usOption = (rtl_uString*) arOptions[i]; rtl::OString osOption = rtl::OUStringToOString( usOption, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); m_arVmParameters.push_back(osOption); } } m_bVmParametersModified = true; } void CNodeJava::getVmParametersArray( rtl_uString *** parParams, sal_Int32 * size) const { osl::MutexGuard guard(getFwkMutex()); OSL_ASSERT(parParams != NULL && size != NULL); *parParams = (rtl_uString **) rtl_allocateMemory(sizeof(rtl_uString*) * m_arVmParameters.size()); if (*parParams == NULL) return; int j=0; typedef std::vector::const_iterator it; for (it i = m_arVmParameters.begin(); i != m_arVmParameters.end(); i++, j++) { rtl::OUString sParam = rtl::OStringToOUString(*i, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); (*parParams)[j] = sParam.pData; rtl_uString_acquire(sParam.pData); } *size = m_arVmParameters.size(); } void CNodeJava::setJRELocations(rtl_uString * * arLocations, sal_Int32 size) { OSL_ASSERT( !(arLocations == 0 && size != 0)); m_arJRELocations.clear(); if (arLocations != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { const rtl::OUString & usLocation = (rtl_uString*) arLocations[i]; rtl::OString osLocation = rtl::OUStringToOString( usLocation, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); //only add the path if not already present std::vector::const_iterator it = std::find(m_arJRELocations.begin(), m_arJRELocations.end(), osLocation); if (it == m_arJRELocations.end()) m_arJRELocations.push_back(osLocation); } } m_bJRELocationsModified = true; } void CNodeJava::addJRELocation(rtl_uString * sLocation) { OSL_ASSERT( sLocation); const rtl::OUString & usLocation = sLocation; rtl::OString osLocation = rtl::OUStringToOString( usLocation, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); //only add the path if not already present std::vector::const_iterator it = std::find(m_arJRELocations.begin(), m_arJRELocations.end(), osLocation); if (it == m_arJRELocations.end()) m_arJRELocations.push_back(osLocation); m_bJRELocationsModified = true; } const std::vector & CNodeJava::getJRELocations() const { return m_arJRELocations; } void CNodeJava::getJRELocations( rtl_uString *** parLocations, sal_Int32 * size) const { osl::MutexGuard guard(getFwkMutex()); OSL_ASSERT(parLocations != NULL && size != NULL); *parLocations = (rtl_uString **) rtl_allocateMemory(sizeof(rtl_uString*) * m_arJRELocations.size()); if (*parLocations == NULL) return; int j=0; typedef std::vector::const_iterator it; for (it i = m_arJRELocations.begin(); i != m_arJRELocations.end(); i++, j++) { rtl::OUString sLocation = rtl::OStringToOUString(*i, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); (*parLocations)[j] = sLocation.pData; rtl_uString_acquire(sLocation.pData); } *size = m_arJRELocations.size(); } bool CNodeJava::getJavaInfoAttrAutoSelect() const { return m_aInfo.bAutoSelect; } //===================================================================== CNodeJavaInfo::CNodeJavaInfo() : nFeatures(0), nRequirements(0), bNil(true), bAutoSelect(true), m_bEmptyNode(false) { } CNodeJavaInfo::~CNodeJavaInfo() { } CNodeJavaInfo::CNodeJavaInfo(const JavaInfo * pInfo) { if (pInfo != NULL) { m_bEmptyNode = false; // sAttrVendorUpdate = sUpdated; sVendor = pInfo->sVendor; sLocation = pInfo->sLocation; sVersion = pInfo->sVersion; nFeatures = pInfo->nFeatures; nRequirements = pInfo->nRequirements; arVendorData = pInfo->arVendorData; } } javaFrameworkError CNodeJavaInfo::loadFromNode(xmlDoc * pDoc, xmlNode * pJavaInfo) { javaFrameworkError errcode = JFW_E_NONE; OSL_ASSERT(pJavaInfo && pDoc); if (pJavaInfo->children == NULL) return JFW_E_NONE; //Get the xsi:nil attribute; CXmlCharPtr sNil; sNil = xmlGetNsProp( pJavaInfo, (xmlChar*) "nil", (xmlChar*) NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE); if ( ! sNil) return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, (xmlChar*) "true") == 0) bNil = true; else if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, (xmlChar*) "false") == 0) bNil = false; else return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; if (bNil == true) return JFW_E_NONE; //Get javaInfo@manuallySelected attribute CXmlCharPtr sAutoSelect; sAutoSelect = xmlGetProp( pJavaInfo, (xmlChar*) "autoSelect"); if ( ! sAutoSelect) return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; if (xmlStrcmp(sAutoSelect, (xmlChar*) "true") == 0) bAutoSelect = true; else if (xmlStrcmp(sAutoSelect, (xmlChar*) "false") == 0) bAutoSelect = false; else return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; xmlNode * cur = pJavaInfo->children; while (cur != NULL) { if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "vendor") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr xmlVendor; xmlVendor = xmlNodeListGetString( pDoc, cur->children, 1); if (! xmlVendor) return JFW_E_NONE; sVendor = xmlVendor; } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "location") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr xmlLocation; xmlLocation = xmlNodeListGetString( pDoc, cur->children, 1); sLocation = xmlLocation; } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "version") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr xmlVersion; xmlVersion = xmlNodeListGetString( pDoc, cur->children, 1); sVersion = xmlVersion; } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "features")== 0) { CXmlCharPtr xmlFeatures; xmlFeatures = xmlNodeListGetString( pDoc, cur->children, 1); rtl::OUString sFeatures = xmlFeatures; nFeatures = sFeatures.toInt64(16); } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "requirements") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr xmlRequire; xmlRequire = xmlNodeListGetString( pDoc, cur->children, 1); rtl::OUString sRequire = xmlRequire; nRequirements = sRequire.toInt64(16); } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*) "vendorData") == 0) { CXmlCharPtr xmlData; xmlData = xmlNodeListGetString( pDoc, cur->children, 1); xmlChar* _data = (xmlChar*) xmlData; if (_data) { rtl::ByteSequence seq((sal_Int8*) _data, strlen((char*)_data)); arVendorData = decodeBase16(seq); } } cur = cur->next; } if (sVendor.getLength() == 0) m_bEmptyNode = true; //Get the javainfo attributes CXmlCharPtr sVendorUpdate; sVendorUpdate = xmlGetProp(pJavaInfo, (xmlChar*) "vendorUpdate"); if ( ! sVendorUpdate) return JFW_E_FORMAT_STORE; sAttrVendorUpdate = sVendorUpdate; return errcode; } javaFrameworkError CNodeJavaInfo::writeToNode(xmlDoc* pDoc, xmlNode* pJavaInfoNode) const { OSL_ASSERT(pJavaInfoNode && pDoc); javaFrameworkError errcode = JFW_E_NONE; //write the attribute vendorSettings //javaInfo@vendorUpdate //creates the attribute if necessary rtl::OString sUpdated; errcode = getElementUpdated(sUpdated); if (errcode != JFW_E_NONE) return errcode; xmlSetProp(pJavaInfoNode, (xmlChar*)"vendorUpdate", (xmlChar*) sUpdated.getStr()); //javaInfo@autoSelect xmlSetProp(pJavaInfoNode, (xmlChar*)"autoSelect", (xmlChar*) (bAutoSelect == true ? "true" : "false")); //Set xsi:nil in javaInfo element to false //the xmlNs pointer must not be destroyed xmlNs* nsXsi = xmlSearchNsByHref((xmlDoc*) pDoc, pJavaInfoNode, (xmlChar*) NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE); xmlSetNsProp(pJavaInfoNode, nsXsi, (xmlChar*) "nil", (xmlChar*) "false"); //Delete the children of JavaInfo xmlNode* cur = pJavaInfoNode->children; while (cur != NULL) { xmlNode* lastNode = cur; cur = cur->next; xmlUnlinkNode(lastNode); xmlFreeNode(lastNode); } //If the JavaInfo was set with an empty value, //then we are done. if (m_bEmptyNode) return errcode; //add a new line after xmlNode * nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); //Create the vendor element rtl::OString osVendor = rtl::OUStringToOString( sVendor, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); xmlNewTextChild(pJavaInfoNode, NULL, (xmlChar*) "vendor", (xmlChar*) osVendor.getStr()); //add a new line for better readability nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); //Create the location element rtl::OString osLocation = rtl::OUStringToOString( sLocation, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); xmlNewTextChild(pJavaInfoNode, NULL, (xmlChar*) "location", (xmlChar*) osLocation.getStr()); //add a new line for better readability nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); //Create the version element rtl::OString osVersion = rtl::OUStringToOString( sVersion, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); xmlNewTextChild(pJavaInfoNode, NULL, (xmlChar*) "version", (xmlChar*) osVersion.getStr()); //add a new line for better readability nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); //Create the features element rtl::OUString usFeatures = rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int64)nFeatures, 16); rtl::OString sFeatures = rtl::OUStringToOString( usFeatures, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); xmlNewTextChild(pJavaInfoNode, NULL, (xmlChar*) "features", (xmlChar*) sFeatures.getStr()); //add a new line for better readability nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); //Create the requirements element rtl::OUString usRequirements = rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int64) nRequirements, 16); rtl::OString sRequirements = rtl::OUStringToOString( usRequirements, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); xmlNewTextChild(pJavaInfoNode, NULL, (xmlChar*) "requirements", (xmlChar*) sRequirements.getStr()); //add a new line for better readability nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); //Create the features element rtl::ByteSequence data = encodeBase16(arVendorData); xmlNode* dataNode = xmlNewChild(pJavaInfoNode, NULL, (xmlChar*) "vendorData", (xmlChar*) ""); xmlNodeSetContentLen(dataNode, (xmlChar*) data.getArray(), data.getLength()); //add a new line for better readability nodeCrLf = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) "\n"); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); return JFW_E_NONE; } JavaInfo * CNodeJavaInfo::makeJavaInfo() const { if (bNil == true || m_bEmptyNode == true) return NULL; JavaInfo * pInfo = (JavaInfo*) rtl_allocateMemory(sizeof(JavaInfo)); if (pInfo == NULL) return NULL; memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(JavaInfo)); pInfo->sVendor = sVendor.pData; rtl_uString_acquire(pInfo->sVendor); pInfo->sLocation = sLocation.pData; rtl_uString_acquire(pInfo->sLocation); pInfo->sVersion = sVersion.pData; rtl_uString_acquire(pInfo->sVersion); pInfo->nFeatures = nFeatures; pInfo->nRequirements = nRequirements; pInfo->arVendorData = arVendorData.getHandle(); rtl_byte_sequence_acquire(pInfo->arVendorData); return pInfo; } }