/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "framework.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // For backwards compatibility, the nFeatures and nRequirements flag words are // read/written as potentially signed hexadecimal numbers (though that has no // practical relevance given that each has only one flag with value 0x01 // defined). using namespace osl; namespace jfw { static OString getElement(OString const & docPath, xmlChar const * pathExpression) { //Prepare the xml document and context OSL_ASSERT(!docPath.isEmpty()); jfw::CXmlDocPtr doc(xmlParseFile(docPath.getStr())); if (doc == nullptr) throw FrameworkException( JFW_E_ERROR, "[Java framework] Error in function getElement (elements.cxx)"); jfw::CXPathContextPtr context(xmlXPathNewContext(doc)); if (xmlXPathRegisterNs(context, reinterpret_cast("jf"), reinterpret_cast(NS_JAVA_FRAMEWORK)) == -1) throw FrameworkException( JFW_E_ERROR, "[Java framework] Error in function getElement (elements.cxx)"); CXPathObjectPtr pathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(pathExpression, context); OString sValue; if (xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pathObj->nodesetval)) { throw FrameworkException( JFW_E_ERROR, "[Java framework] Error in function getElement (elements.cxx)"); } sValue = reinterpret_cast(pathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->content); return sValue; } OString getElementUpdated() { return getElement(jfw::getVendorSettingsPath(), reinterpret_cast("/jf:javaSelection/jf:updated/text()")); } void createSettingsStructure(xmlDoc * document, bool * bNeedsSave) { OString sExcMsg("[Java framework] Error in function createSettingsStructure " "(elements.cxx)."); xmlNode * root = xmlDocGetRootElement(document); if (root == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); bool bFound = false; xmlNode * cur = root->children; while (cur != nullptr) { if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast("enabled")) == 0) { bFound = true; break; } cur = cur->next; } if (bFound) { *bNeedsSave = false; return; } //We will modify this document *bNeedsSave = true; // Now we create the child elements ------------------ //Get xsi:nil namespace xmlNs* nsXsi = xmlSearchNsByHref( document, root, reinterpret_cast(NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE)); //("enabled"), reinterpret_cast("")); if (nodeEn == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); xmlSetNsProp(nodeEn, nsXsi, reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast("true")); //add a new line xmlNode * nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(root, nodeCrLf); // xmlNode * nodeUs = xmlNewTextChild( root, nullptr, reinterpret_cast("userClassPath"), reinterpret_cast("")); if (nodeUs == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); xmlSetNsProp(nodeUs, nsXsi, reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast("true")); //add a new line nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(root, nodeCrLf); // xmlNode * nodeVm = xmlNewTextChild( root, nullptr, reinterpret_cast("vmParameters"), reinterpret_cast("")); if (nodeVm == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); xmlSetNsProp(nodeVm, nsXsi, reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast("true")); //add a new line nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(root, nodeCrLf); // xmlNode * nodeJre = xmlNewTextChild( root, nullptr, reinterpret_cast("jreLocations"), reinterpret_cast("")); if (nodeJre == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); xmlSetNsProp(nodeJre, nsXsi, reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast("true")); //add a new line nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(root, nodeCrLf); // xmlNode * nodeJava = xmlNewTextChild( root, nullptr, reinterpret_cast("javaInfo"), reinterpret_cast("")); if (nodeJava == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); xmlSetNsProp(nodeJava, nsXsi, reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast("true")); //add a new line nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(root, nodeCrLf); } NodeJava::NodeJava(Layer layer): m_layer(layer) { //This class reads and write to files which should only be done in //application mode if (getMode() == JFW_MODE_DIRECT) throw FrameworkException( JFW_E_DIRECT_MODE, "[Java framework] Trying to access settings files in direct mode."); } void NodeJava::load() { const OString sExcMsg("[Java framework] Error in function NodeJava::load" "(elements.cxx)."); if (SHARED == m_layer) { //we do not support yet to write into the shared installation //check if shared settings exist at all. OUString sURL(BootParams::getSharedData()); jfw::FileStatus s = sURL.isEmpty() ? FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST : checkFileURL(sURL); if (s == FILE_INVALID) throw FrameworkException( JFW_E_ERROR, "[Java framework] Invalid file for shared Java settings."); else if (s == FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST) //Writing shared data is not supported yet. return; } else if (USER == m_layer) { if (!prepareSettingsDocument()) { SAL_INFO("jfw.level1", "no path to load user settings document from"); return; } } else { OSL_FAIL("[Java framework] Unknown enum used."); } //Read the user elements OString sSettingsPath = getSettingsPath(); //There must not be a share settings file CXmlDocPtr docUser(xmlParseFile(sSettingsPath.getStr())); if (docUser == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); xmlNode * cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(docUser); if (cur == nullptr || cur->children == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); CXmlCharPtr sNil; cur = cur->children; while (cur != nullptr) { if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast("enabled")) == 0) { //only overwrite share settings if xsi:nil="false" sNil = xmlGetNsProp( cur, reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast(NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE)); if (sNil == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, reinterpret_cast("false")) == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sEnabled( xmlNodeListGetString( docUser, cur->children, 1)); if (xmlStrcmp(sEnabled, reinterpret_cast("true")) == 0) m_enabled = boost::optional(true); else if (xmlStrcmp(sEnabled, reinterpret_cast("false")) == 0) m_enabled = boost::optional(false); } } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast("userClassPath")) == 0) { sNil = xmlGetNsProp( cur, reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast(NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE)); if (sNil == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, reinterpret_cast("false")) == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sUser(xmlNodeListGetString( docUser, cur->children, 1)); m_userClassPath = boost::optional(OUString(sUser)); } } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast("javaInfo")) == 0) { sNil = xmlGetNsProp( cur, reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast(NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE)); if (sNil == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, reinterpret_cast("false")) == 0) { if (! m_javaInfo) m_javaInfo = boost::optional(CNodeJavaInfo()); m_javaInfo->loadFromNode(docUser, cur); } } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast("vmParameters")) == 0) { sNil = xmlGetNsProp( cur, reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast(NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE)); if (sNil == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, reinterpret_cast("false")) == 0) { if ( ! m_vmParameters) m_vmParameters = boost::optional >( std::vector ()); xmlNode * pOpt = cur->children; while (pOpt != nullptr) { if (xmlStrcmp(pOpt->name, reinterpret_cast("param")) == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sOpt = xmlNodeListGetString( docUser, pOpt->children, 1); m_vmParameters->push_back(sOpt); } pOpt = pOpt->next; } } } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast("jreLocations")) == 0) { sNil = xmlGetNsProp( cur, reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast(NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE)); if (sNil == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, reinterpret_cast("false")) == 0) { if (! m_JRELocations) m_JRELocations = boost::optional >( std::vector()); xmlNode * pLoc = cur->children; while (pLoc != nullptr) { if (xmlStrcmp(pLoc->name, reinterpret_cast("location")) == 0) { CXmlCharPtr sLoc = xmlNodeListGetString( docUser, pLoc->children, 1); m_JRELocations->push_back(sLoc); } pLoc = pLoc->next; } } } cur = cur->next; } } OString NodeJava::getSettingsPath() const { OString ret; switch (m_layer) { case USER: ret = getUserSettingsPath(); break; case SHARED: ret = getSharedSettingsPath(); break; default: OSL_FAIL("[Java framework] NodeJava::getSettingsPath()"); } return ret; } OUString NodeJava::getSettingsURL() const { OUString ret; switch (m_layer) { case USER: ret = BootParams::getUserData(); break; case SHARED: ret = BootParams::getSharedData(); break; default: OSL_FAIL("[Java framework] NodeJava::getSettingsURL()"); } return ret; } bool NodeJava::prepareSettingsDocument() const { OString sExcMsg( "[Java framework] Error in function prepareSettingsDocument" " (elements.cxx)."); if (!createSettingsDocument()) { return false; } OString sSettings = getSettingsPath(); CXmlDocPtr doc(xmlParseFile(sSettings.getStr())); if (!doc) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); bool bNeedsSave = false; createSettingsStructure(doc, & bNeedsSave); if (bNeedsSave) { if (xmlSaveFormatFileEnc( sSettings.getStr(), doc,"UTF-8", 1) == -1) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); } return true; } void NodeJava::write() const { OString sExcMsg("[Java framework] Error in function NodeJava::writeSettings " "(elements.cxx)."); CXmlDocPtr docUser; CXPathContextPtr contextUser; CXPathObjectPtr pathObj; if (!prepareSettingsDocument()) { SAL_INFO("jfw.level1", "no path to write settings document to"); return; } //Read the user elements OString sSettingsPath = getSettingsPath(); docUser = xmlParseFile(sSettingsPath.getStr()); if (docUser == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); contextUser = xmlXPathNewContext(docUser); if (xmlXPathRegisterNs(contextUser, reinterpret_cast("jf"), reinterpret_cast(NS_JAVA_FRAMEWORK)) == -1) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); xmlNode * root = xmlDocGetRootElement(docUser); //Get xsi:nil namespace xmlNs* nsXsi = xmlSearchNsByHref(docUser, root, reinterpret_cast(NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE)); //set the element //The element must exist if (m_enabled) { OString sExpression= OString( "/jf:java/jf:enabled"); pathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(reinterpret_cast(sExpression.getStr()), contextUser); if ( ! pathObj || xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pathObj->nodesetval)) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); xmlNode * nodeEnabled = pathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]; xmlSetNsProp(nodeEnabled, nsXsi, reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast("false")); if (m_enabled == boost::optional(true)) xmlNodeSetContent(nodeEnabled,reinterpret_cast("true")); else xmlNodeSetContent(nodeEnabled,reinterpret_cast("false")); } //set the element //The element must exist if (m_userClassPath) { OString sExpression= OString( "/jf:java/jf:userClassPath"); pathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(reinterpret_cast(sExpression.getStr()), contextUser); if ( ! pathObj || xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pathObj->nodesetval)) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); xmlNode * nodeEnabled = pathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]; xmlSetNsProp(nodeEnabled, nsXsi, reinterpret_cast("nil"),reinterpret_cast("false")); xmlNodeSetContent(nodeEnabled,static_cast(CXmlCharPtr(*m_userClassPath))); } //set element if (m_javaInfo) { OString sExpression= OString( "/jf:java/jf:javaInfo"); pathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(reinterpret_cast(sExpression.getStr()), contextUser); if ( ! pathObj || xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pathObj->nodesetval)) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); m_javaInfo->writeToNode( docUser, pathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); } //set element if (m_vmParameters) { OString sExpression= OString( "/jf:java/jf:vmParameters"); pathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(reinterpret_cast(sExpression.getStr()), contextUser); if ( ! pathObj || xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pathObj->nodesetval)) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); xmlNode* vmParameters = pathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]; //set xsi:nil = false; xmlSetNsProp(vmParameters, nsXsi,reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast("false")); //remove option elements xmlNode* cur = vmParameters->children; while (cur != nullptr) { xmlNode* lastNode = cur; cur = cur->next; xmlUnlinkNode(lastNode); xmlFreeNode(lastNode); } //add a new line after if (!m_vmParameters->empty()) { xmlNode * nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(vmParameters, nodeCrLf); } for (auto const & vmParameter : *m_vmParameters) { xmlNewTextChild(vmParameters, nullptr, reinterpret_cast("param"), CXmlCharPtr(vmParameter)); //add a new line xmlNode * nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(vmParameters, nodeCrLf); } } //set element if (m_JRELocations) { OString sExpression= OString( "/jf:java/jf:jreLocations"); pathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(reinterpret_cast(sExpression.getStr()), contextUser); if ( ! pathObj || xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pathObj->nodesetval)) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); xmlNode* jreLocationsNode = pathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]; //set xsi:nil = false; xmlSetNsProp(jreLocationsNode, nsXsi,reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast("false")); //remove option elements xmlNode* cur = jreLocationsNode->children; while (cur != nullptr) { xmlNode* lastNode = cur; cur = cur->next; xmlUnlinkNode(lastNode); xmlFreeNode(lastNode); } //add a new line after if (!m_JRELocations->empty()) { xmlNode * nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(jreLocationsNode, nodeCrLf); } for (auto const & JRELocation : *m_JRELocations) { xmlNewTextChild(jreLocationsNode, nullptr, reinterpret_cast("location"), CXmlCharPtr(JRELocation)); //add a new line xmlNode * nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(jreLocationsNode, nodeCrLf); } } if (xmlSaveFormatFile(sSettingsPath.getStr(), docUser, 1) == -1) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); } void NodeJava::setEnabled(bool bEnabled) { m_enabled = boost::optional(bEnabled); } void NodeJava::setUserClassPath(const OUString & sClassPath) { m_userClassPath = boost::optional(sClassPath); } void NodeJava::setJavaInfo(const JavaInfo * pInfo, bool bAutoSelect) { if (!m_javaInfo) m_javaInfo = boost::optional(CNodeJavaInfo()); m_javaInfo->bAutoSelect = bAutoSelect; m_javaInfo->bNil = false; if (pInfo != nullptr) { m_javaInfo->m_bEmptyNode = false; m_javaInfo->sVendor = pInfo->sVendor; m_javaInfo->sLocation = pInfo->sLocation; m_javaInfo->sVersion = pInfo->sVersion; m_javaInfo->nFeatures = pInfo->nFeatures; m_javaInfo->nRequirements = pInfo->nRequirements; m_javaInfo->arVendorData = pInfo->arVendorData; } else { m_javaInfo->m_bEmptyNode = true; m_javaInfo->sVendor.clear(); m_javaInfo->sLocation.clear(); m_javaInfo->sVersion.clear(); m_javaInfo->nFeatures = 0; m_javaInfo->nRequirements = 0; m_javaInfo->arVendorData = rtl::ByteSequence(); } } void NodeJava::setVmParameters(std::vector const & arOptions) { m_vmParameters = boost::optional >(arOptions); } void NodeJava::addJRELocation(OUString const & sLocation) { if (!m_JRELocations) m_JRELocations = boost::optional >( std::vector ()); //only add the path if not already present std::vector::const_iterator it = std::find(m_JRELocations->begin(), m_JRELocations->end(), sLocation); if (it == m_JRELocations->end()) m_JRELocations->push_back(sLocation); } jfw::FileStatus NodeJava::checkSettingsFileStatus(OUString const & sURL) { jfw::FileStatus ret = FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST; //check the file time ::osl::DirectoryItem item; File::RC rc = ::osl::DirectoryItem::get(sURL, item); if (File::E_None == rc) { ::osl::FileStatus stat(osl_FileStatus_Mask_Validate); File::RC rc_stat = item.getFileStatus(stat); if (File::E_None == rc_stat) { ret = FILE_OK; } else if (File::E_NOENT == rc_stat) { ret = FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST; } else { ret = FILE_INVALID; } } else if(File::E_NOENT == rc) { ret = FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST; } else { ret = FILE_INVALID; } return ret; } bool NodeJava::createSettingsDocument() const { const OUString sURL = getSettingsURL(); if (sURL.isEmpty()) { return false; } //make sure there is a user directory OString sExcMsg("[Java framework] Error in function createSettingsDocument " "(elements.cxx)."); // check if javasettings.xml already exist if (FILE_OK == checkSettingsFileStatus(sURL)) return true; //make sure that the directories are created in case they do not exist FileBase::RC rcFile = Directory::createPath(getDirFromFile(sURL)); if (rcFile != FileBase::E_EXIST && rcFile != FileBase::E_None) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); //javasettings.xml does not exist yet CXmlDocPtr doc(xmlNewDoc(reinterpret_cast("1.0"))); if (! doc) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); //Create the root element and name spaces xmlNodePtr root = xmlNewDocNode( doc, nullptr, reinterpret_cast("java"), reinterpret_cast("\n")); if (root == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); if (xmlNewNs(root, reinterpret_cast(NS_JAVA_FRAMEWORK),nullptr) == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); if (xmlNewNs(root,reinterpret_cast(NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE),reinterpret_cast("xsi")) == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root); //Create a comment xmlNodePtr com = xmlNewComment( reinterpret_cast("This is a generated file. Do not alter this file!")); if (com == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); if (xmlAddPrevSibling(root, com) == nullptr) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); const OString path = getSettingsPath(); if (xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(path.getStr(), doc,"UTF-8", 1) == -1) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); return true; } CNodeJavaInfo::CNodeJavaInfo() : m_bEmptyNode(false), bNil(true), bAutoSelect(true), nFeatures(0), nRequirements(0) { } void CNodeJavaInfo::loadFromNode(xmlDoc * pDoc, xmlNode * pJavaInfo) { OString sExcMsg("[Java framework] Error in function NodeJavaInfo::loadFromNode " "(elements.cxx)."); OSL_ASSERT(pJavaInfo && pDoc); if (pJavaInfo->children == nullptr) return; //Get the xsi:nil attribute; CXmlCharPtr sNil = xmlGetNsProp( pJavaInfo, reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast(NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE)); if ( ! sNil) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, reinterpret_cast("true")) == 0) bNil = true; else if (xmlStrcmp(sNil, reinterpret_cast("false")) == 0) bNil = false; else throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); if (bNil) return; //Get javaInfo@manuallySelected attribute CXmlCharPtr sAutoSelect = xmlGetProp( pJavaInfo, reinterpret_cast("autoSelect")); if ( ! sAutoSelect) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); if (xmlStrcmp(sAutoSelect, reinterpret_cast("true")) == 0) bAutoSelect = true; else if (xmlStrcmp(sAutoSelect, reinterpret_cast("false")) == 0) bAutoSelect = false; else throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); xmlNode * cur = pJavaInfo->children; while (cur != nullptr) { if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast("vendor")) == 0) { CXmlCharPtr xmlVendor = xmlNodeListGetString( pDoc, cur->children, 1); if (! xmlVendor) return; sVendor = xmlVendor; } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast("location")) == 0) { CXmlCharPtr xmlLocation = xmlNodeListGetString( pDoc, cur->children, 1); sLocation = xmlLocation; } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast("version")) == 0) { CXmlCharPtr xmlVersion = xmlNodeListGetString( pDoc, cur->children, 1); sVersion = xmlVersion; } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast("features"))== 0) { CXmlCharPtr xmlFeatures = xmlNodeListGetString( pDoc, cur->children, 1); OUString sFeatures = xmlFeatures; nFeatures = sFeatures.toInt64(16); } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast("requirements")) == 0) { CXmlCharPtr xmlRequire = xmlNodeListGetString( pDoc, cur->children, 1); OUString sRequire = xmlRequire; nRequirements = sRequire.toInt64(16); #ifdef MACOSX //javaldx is not used anymore in the mac build. In case the Java //corresponding to the saved settings does not exist anymore the //javavm services will look for an existing Java after creation of //the JVM failed. See stoc/source/javavm/javavm.cxx. Only if //nRequirements does not have the flag JFW_REQUIRE_NEEDRESTART the //jvm of the new selected JRE will be started. Old settings (before //OOo 3.3) still contain the flag which can be safely ignored. nRequirements &= ~JFW_REQUIRE_NEEDRESTART; #endif } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast("vendorData")) == 0) { CXmlCharPtr xmlData = xmlNodeListGetString( pDoc, cur->children, 1); xmlChar* _data = static_cast(xmlData); if (_data) { rtl::ByteSequence seq(reinterpret_cast(_data), strlen(reinterpret_cast(_data))); arVendorData = decodeBase16(seq); } } cur = cur->next; } if (sVendor.isEmpty()) m_bEmptyNode = true; //Get the javainfo attributes CXmlCharPtr sVendorUpdate = xmlGetProp(pJavaInfo, reinterpret_cast("vendorUpdate")); if ( ! sVendorUpdate) throw FrameworkException(JFW_E_ERROR, sExcMsg); sAttrVendorUpdate = sVendorUpdate; } void CNodeJavaInfo::writeToNode(xmlDoc* pDoc, xmlNode* pJavaInfoNode) const { OSL_ASSERT(pJavaInfoNode && pDoc); //write the attribute vendorSettings //javaInfo@vendorUpdate //creates the attribute if necessary OString sUpdated = getElementUpdated(); xmlSetProp(pJavaInfoNode, reinterpret_cast("vendorUpdate"), reinterpret_cast(sUpdated.getStr())); //javaInfo@autoSelect xmlSetProp(pJavaInfoNode, reinterpret_cast("autoSelect"), reinterpret_cast(bAutoSelect ? "true" : "false")); //Set xsi:nil in javaInfo element to false //the xmlNs pointer must not be destroyed xmlNs* nsXsi = xmlSearchNsByHref(pDoc, pJavaInfoNode, reinterpret_cast(NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE)); xmlSetNsProp(pJavaInfoNode, nsXsi, reinterpret_cast("nil"), reinterpret_cast("false")); //Delete the children of JavaInfo xmlNode* cur = pJavaInfoNode->children; while (cur != nullptr) { xmlNode* lastNode = cur; cur = cur->next; xmlUnlinkNode(lastNode); xmlFreeNode(lastNode); } //If the JavaInfo was set with an empty value, //then we are done. if (m_bEmptyNode) return; //add a new line after xmlNode * nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); //Create the vendor element xmlNewTextChild(pJavaInfoNode, nullptr, reinterpret_cast("vendor"), CXmlCharPtr(sVendor)); //add a new line for better readability nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); //Create the location element xmlNewTextChild(pJavaInfoNode, nullptr, reinterpret_cast("location"), CXmlCharPtr(sLocation)); //add a new line for better readability nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); //Create the version element xmlNewTextChild(pJavaInfoNode, nullptr, reinterpret_cast("version"), CXmlCharPtr(sVersion)); //add a new line for better readability nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); //Create the features element OUString sFeatures = OUString::number( nFeatures, 16); xmlNewTextChild(pJavaInfoNode, nullptr, reinterpret_cast("features"), CXmlCharPtr(sFeatures)); //add a new line for better readability nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); //Create the requirements element OUString sRequirements = OUString::number( nRequirements, 16); xmlNewTextChild(pJavaInfoNode, nullptr, reinterpret_cast("requirements"), CXmlCharPtr(sRequirements)); //add a new line for better readability nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); //Create the features element rtl::ByteSequence data = encodeBase16(arVendorData); xmlNode* dataNode = xmlNewChild(pJavaInfoNode, nullptr, reinterpret_cast("vendorData"), reinterpret_cast("")); xmlNodeSetContentLen(dataNode, reinterpret_cast(data.getArray()), data.getLength()); //add a new line for better readability nodeCrLf = xmlNewText(reinterpret_cast("\n")); xmlAddChild(pJavaInfoNode, nodeCrLf); } std::unique_ptr CNodeJavaInfo::makeJavaInfo() const { if (bNil || m_bEmptyNode) return std::unique_ptr(); return std::unique_ptr( new JavaInfo{ sVendor, sLocation, sVersion, nFeatures, nRequirements, arVendorData}); } MergedSettings::MergedSettings(): m_bEnabled(false), m_sClassPath(), m_vmParams(), m_JRELocations(), m_javaInfo() { NodeJava settings(NodeJava::USER); settings.load(); NodeJava sharedSettings(NodeJava::SHARED); sharedSettings.load(); merge(sharedSettings, settings); } MergedSettings::~MergedSettings() { } void MergedSettings::merge(const NodeJava & share, const NodeJava & user) { if (user.getEnabled()) m_bEnabled = * user.getEnabled(); else if (share.getEnabled()) m_bEnabled = * share.getEnabled(); else m_bEnabled = true; if (user.getUserClassPath()) m_sClassPath = * user.getUserClassPath(); else if (share.getUserClassPath()) m_sClassPath = * share.getUserClassPath(); if (user.getJavaInfo()) m_javaInfo = * user.getJavaInfo(); else if (share.getJavaInfo()) m_javaInfo = * share.getJavaInfo(); if (user.getVmParameters()) m_vmParams = * user.getVmParameters(); else if (share.getVmParameters()) m_vmParams = * share.getVmParameters(); if (user.getJRELocations()) m_JRELocations = * user.getJRELocations(); else if (share.getJRELocations()) m_JRELocations = * share.getJRELocations(); } ::std::vector< OString> MergedSettings::getVmParametersUtf8() const { ::std::vector< OString> ret; for (auto const & vmParam : m_vmParams) { ret.push_back( OUStringToOString(vmParam, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8)); } return ret; } std::unique_ptr MergedSettings::createJavaInfo() const { return m_javaInfo.makeJavaInfo(); } #ifdef _WIN32 bool MergedSettings::getJavaInfoAttrAutoSelect() const { return m_javaInfo.bAutoSelect; } #endif void MergedSettings::getVmParametersArray(std::vector * parParams) const { assert(parParams != nullptr); osl::MutexGuard guard(FwkMutex::get()); *parParams = m_vmParams; } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */