/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <vector>
#include "jvmfwk/framework.h"
#include "fwkutil.hxx"
#include "rtl/ustring.hxx"
#include "rtl/byteseq.hxx"
#include "libxml/parser.h"
#include "boost/optional.hpp"

#define NS_JAVA_FRAMEWORK "http://openoffice.org/2004/java/framework/1.0"
#define NS_SCHEMA_INSTANCE "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

namespace jfw

/** gets the value of the updated element from the javavendors.xml.
OString getElementUpdated();

/** create the child elements within the root structure for each platform.

    @param bNeedsSave
    [out]If true then the respective structure of elements was added and the
    document needs to be saved.
void createSettingsStructure(
    xmlDoc * document, bool * bNeedsSave);

/** represents the settings saved in the /java/javaInfo element.
    It is used within class NodeJava which determines the settings
class CNodeJavaInfo

    /** if true, then javaInfo is empty. When writeToNode is called
        then all child elements are deleted.
    bool m_bEmptyNode;
    /** Contains the value of the <updated> element of
        the javavendors.xml after loadFromNode was called.
        It is not used, when the javaInfo node is written.
        see writeToNode
    OString sAttrVendorUpdate;
    /** contains the nil value of the /java/javaInfo@xsi:nil attribute.
        Default is true;
    bool bNil;
    /** contains the value of the /java/javaInfo@autoSelect attribute.
        Default is true. If it is false then the user has modified the JRE
        selection by actively choosing a JRE from the options dialog. That is,
        the function jfw_setSelectedJRE was called. Contrary, the function
        jfw_findAndSelectJRE sets the attribute to true.
    bool bAutoSelect;
    OUString sVendor;
    OUString sLocation;
    OUString sVersion;
    sal_uInt64 nFeatures;
    sal_uInt64 nRequirements;
    ::rtl::ByteSequence arVendorData;

    /** reads the node /java/javaInfo.
        If javaInfo@xsi:nil = true then member bNil is set to true
        an no further elements are read.
    void loadFromNode(xmlDoc * pDoc,xmlNode * pJavaInfo);
    /** The attribut nil will be set to false. The function gets the value
        javaSettings/updated from the javavendors.xml and writes it to
        javaInfo@vendorUpdate in javasettings.xml
    void writeToNode(xmlDoc * pDoc, xmlNode * pJavaInfo) const;

    /** returns NULL if javaInfo is nil.
    JavaInfo * makeJavaInfo() const;

/** this class represents the java settings  based on a particular
    settings file.

    Which settings file is used is determined by the value passed into the
    constructor and the values of the bootstrap parameters

    The method load reads the data from the settings file.
    The method write stores the data into the settings file.
class NodeJava
    enum Layer { USER, SHARED };

    /** creates settings file and fills it with default values.

        When this function is called then it creates the
        settings file at the possition determined by the bootstrap parameters
        (UNO_JAVA_JFW_USER_DATA, UNO_JAVA_JFW_SHARED_DATA) and m_layer, unless
        the file already exists (see createSettingsDocument).

    bool prepareSettingsDocument() const;

    /** helper function for prepareSettingsDocument.
    bool createSettingsDocument() const;

    /** returns the system path to the data file which is to be used. The value
        depends on the member m_layer and the bootstrap parameters
    OString getSettingsPath() const;

    /** returns the file URL to the data file which is to be used. See getSettingsPath.
    OUString getSettingsURL() const;

    /** Verifies if the respective settings file exist.
    jfw::FileStatus checkSettingsFileStatus(OUString const & sURL) const;

    /** Determines the layer for which the instance the loads and writes the
    Layer m_layer;

    /** User configurable option.  /java/enabled
        If /java/enabled@xsi:nil == true then the value will be uninitialized
        after a call to load().
    boost::optional<sal_Bool> m_enabled;

    /** User configurable option. /java/userClassPath
        If /java/userClassPath@xsi:nil == true then the value is uninitialized
        after a call to load().
    boost::optional< OUString> m_userClassPath;
    /** User configurable option.  /java/javaInfo
        If /java/javaInfo@xsi:nil == true then the value is uninitialized
        after a call to load.
    boost::optional<CNodeJavaInfo> m_javaInfo;
    /** User configurable option. /java/vmParameters
        If /java/vmParameters@xsi:nil == true then the value is uninitialized
        after a call to load.
    boost::optional< ::std::vector< OUString> > m_vmParameters;
    /** User configurable option. /java/jreLocations
        If /java/jreLocaltions@xsi:nil == true then the value is uninitialized
        after a call to load.
    boost::optional< ::std::vector< OUString> > m_JRELocations;


    explicit NodeJava(Layer theLayer);

    /** sets m_enabled.
        /java/enabled@xsi:nil will be set to false when write is called.
    void setEnabled(sal_Bool bEnabled);

    /** sets m_sUserClassPath. See setEnabled.
    void setUserClassPath(const OUString & sClassPath);

    /** sets m_aInfo. See setEnabled.
        @param bAutoSelect
        true- called by jfw_setSelectedJRE
        false called by jfw_findAndSelectJRE
    void setJavaInfo(const JavaInfo * pInfo, bool bAutoSelect);

    /** sets the /java/vmParameters/param elements.
        When this method all previous values are removed and replaced
        by those in arParameters.
        /java/vmParameters@xsi:nil will be set to true when write() is
    void setVmParameters(rtl_uString  * * arParameters, sal_Int32 size);

    /** sets the /java/jreLocations/location elements.
        When this method is called then all previous values are removed
        and replaced by those in arParamters.
        /java/jreLocations@xsi:nil will be set to true write() is called.
    void setJRELocations(rtl_uString  * * arParameters, sal_Int32 size);

    /** adds a location to the already existing locations.
        Note: call load() before, then add the location and then call write().
    void addJRELocation(rtl_uString * sLocation);

    /** writes the data to user settings.
    void write() const;

    /** load the values of the settings file.
    void load();

    /** returns the value of the element /java/enabled
    const boost::optional<sal_Bool> & getEnabled() const;
    /** returns the value of the element /java/userClassPath.
    const boost::optional< OUString> & getUserClassPath() const;

    /** returns the value of the element /java/javaInfo.
    const boost::optional<CNodeJavaInfo> & getJavaInfo() const;

    /** returns the parameters from the element /java/vmParameters/param.
    const boost::optional< ::std::vector< OUString> > & getVmParameters() const;

    /** returns the parameters from the element /java/jreLocations/location.
    const boost::optional< ::std::vector< OUString> > & getJRELocations() const;

/** merges the settings for shared, user and installation during construction.
    The class uses a simple merge mechanism for the javasettings.xml files in share and
    user. The following elements completely overwrite the corresponding elements
    from share:

    In case of an installation, the shared and user settings are completely

    The locations of the different settings files is obtained through the
    bootstrap variables:

    The class also determines useful default values for settings which have not been made.
class MergedSettings
    const MergedSettings& operator = (MergedSettings&);

    void merge(const NodeJava & share, const NodeJava & user);

    bool m_bEnabled;

    OUString m_sClassPath;

    ::std::vector< OUString> m_vmParams;

    ::std::vector< OUString> m_JRELocations;

    CNodeJavaInfo m_javaInfo;

    virtual ~MergedSettings();

    /** the default is true.
    bool getEnabled() const;

    const OUString & getUserClassPath() const;

    ::std::vector< OString> getVmParametersUtf8() const;
    /** returns a JavaInfo structure representing the node
        /java/javaInfo. Every time a new JavaInfo structure is created
        which needs to be freed by the caller.
        If both, user and share settings are nil, then NULL is returned.
    JavaInfo * createJavaInfo() const;

    /** returns the value of the attribute /java/javaInfo[@vendorUpdate].
    OString const & getJavaInfoAttrVendorUpdate() const;

#ifdef WNT
    /** returns the javaInfo@autoSelect attribute.
        Before calling this function loadFromSettings must be called.
        It uses the javaInfo@autoSelect attribute  to determine
        the return value;
    bool getJavaInfoAttrAutoSelect() const;

    /** returns an array.
        Caller must free the strings and the array.
    void getVmParametersArray(rtl_uString *** parParameters, sal_Int32 * size) const;

    /** returns an array.
        Caller must free the strings and the array.
    void getJRELocations(rtl_uString *** parLocations, sal_Int32 * size) const;

    const ::std::vector< OUString> & getJRELocations() const;

class VersionInfo
    ::std::vector< OUString> vecExcludeVersions;
    rtl_uString ** arVersions;


    void addExcludeVersion(const OUString& sVersion);

    OUString sMinVersion;
    OUString sMaxVersion;

    /** The caller DOES NOT get ownership of the strings. That is he
        does not need to release the strings.
        The array exists as long as this object exists.

    rtl_uString** getExcludeVersions();
    sal_Int32 getExcludeVersionSize();

struct PluginLibrary
    PluginLibrary(OUString vendor,OUString path) :
        sVendor(vendor), sPath(path)
    /** contains the vendor string which is later userd in the xml API
    OUString sVendor;
    /** File URL the plug-in library
    OUString sPath;

} //end namespace

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