: eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; #************************************************************************* # # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite # # This file is part of OpenOffice.org. # # OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details # (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see # <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html> # for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. # #************************************************************************* # # add keyids to sdf file # my $infile = $ARGV[0]; if ( !$infile ) {die "Usage: $0 <infile> [<outfile>]\n";} my $outfile = $ARGV[1]; if ( ! defined $outfile ) { $outfile = $infile; $outfile =~ s/\.sdf$//i; $outfile .= "_KeyID.sdf"; } print "writing to $outfile\n"; open INFILE,"<$infile" || die "could not open $infile $! $^E\n"; open OUTFILE,">$outfile" || die "could not open $outfile $! $^E\n"; while ( <INFILE> ) { chomp; if ( /^([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)$/ ) { my $prj = defined $1 ? $1 : ''; my $file = defined $2 ? $2 : ''; my $dummy = defined $3 ? $3 : ''; my $type = defined $4 ? $4 : ''; my $gid = defined $5 ? $5 : ''; my $lid = defined $6 ? $6 : ''; my $helpid = defined $7 ? $7 : ''; my $platform = defined $8 ? $8 : ''; my $width = defined $9 ? $9 : ''; my $lang = defined $10 ? $10 : ''; my $text = defined $11 ? $11 : ''; my $helptext = defined $12 ? $12 : ''; my $quickhelptext = defined $13 ? $13 : ''; my $title = defined $14 ? $14 : ''; my $timestamp = defined $15 ? $15 : ''; @path = split ( "\\\\" , $file ); if (defined $path[-3]) { $key = $path[-3] . "_" . $path[-2] . "_" . $path[-1] . "#" . $gid . "."; } else { $key = $prj . "_" . $path[-2] . "_" . $path[-1] . "#" . $gid . "."; } if (length($lid)) {$key .= $lid . ".";} if (length($type)) {$key .= $type . ".";} # replace non-word characters to _ just as in po files in source keys $key =~ s|[^\w#\./]|_|g; # ISO 639 private use code $lang = "qtz"; if ( $text ne "") {$text = makekeyidstr(keyidgen($key . "text"),$text);} if ( $quickhelptext ne "") {$quickhelptext = makekeyidstr(keyidgen($key . "quickhelptext"),$quickhelptext);} if ( $title ne "") {$title = makekeyidstr(keyidgen($key . "title"),$title);} print OUTFILE "$prj\t$file\t$dummy\t$type\t$gid\t$lid\t$helpid\t$platform\t$width\t$lang\t$text\t$helptext\t$quickhelptext\t$title\t$timestamp\n"; } } close INFILE; close OUTFILE; sub keyidgen { my $key = shift; my $crc = crc24($key); my $symbols="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz#_"; my $keyid = ""; while ( length($keyid) < 4 ) { $keyid .= substr($symbols, $crc & 63, 1); $crc = $crc >> 6; } return $keyid; } sub crc24 { my $CRC24_INIT = 0x00b704ce; my $CRC24_POLY = 0x00864cfb; my $key = shift; my $key_length = length($key); my $crc = $CRC24_INIT; my $position = 0; while ( $position < $key_length ) { $crc ^= (unpack("C", substr($key, $position, 1)) << 16); my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { $crc <<= 1; $crc ^= $CRC24_POLY if ($crc & 0x01000000) } $position++; } return $crc & 0x00ffffff; } sub makekeyidstr { my $keyid = shift; my $str = shift; if ( $str ne "" ) { # special handling for strings starting with font descriptions like {&Tahoma8} (win system integration) if ( $str =~ s/^(\{[\&\\][^\}]+\})// ) { return "$1$keyid‖$str"; } else { return "$keyid‖$str"; } } else { return ""; } }