/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include "sal/config.h"

#include <cstring>

#include <stdio.h>

#include "common.hxx"
#include "export.hxx"
#include "po.hxx"
#include "xrmlex.hxx"
#include "xrmmerge.hxx"
#include "tokens.h"
#include "helper.hxx"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>

using namespace std;

void yyerror( const char * );

// set of global variables
bool bMergeMode;
bool bDisplayName;
bool bExtensionDescription;
OString sLanguage;
OString sInputFileName;
OString sOutputFile;
OString sMergeSrc;
OString sLangAttribute;
OString sResourceType;
XRMResParser *pParser = NULL;

extern "C" {
// the whole interface to lexer is in this extern "C" section

extern bool GetOutputFile( int argc, char* argv[])
    bDisplayName = false;
    bExtensionDescription = false;

    common::HandledArgs aArgs;
    if ( common::handleArguments(argc, argv, aArgs) )
        bMergeMode = aArgs.m_bMergeMode;
        sLanguage = aArgs.m_sLanguage;
        sInputFileName = aArgs.m_sInputFile;
        sOutputFile = aArgs.m_sOutputFile;
        sMergeSrc = aArgs.m_sMergeSrc;
        return true;
        // command line is not valid
        return false;

int InitXrmExport( const char* pFilename)
    // instanciate Export
    OString sFilename( pFilename );

    if ( bMergeMode )
        pParser = new XRMResMerge( sMergeSrc, sOutputFile, sFilename );
      else if (!sOutputFile.isEmpty()) {
        pParser = new XRMResExport( sOutputFile, sInputFileName );

    return 1;

int EndXrmExport()
    delete pParser;
    return 1;
extern const char* getFilename()
    return sInputFileName.getStr();

extern FILE *GetXrmFile()
    // look for valid filename
    if (!sInputFileName.isEmpty()) {
        //TODO: explicit BOM handling?
        FILE * pFile = fopen(sInputFileName.getStr(), "r");
        if ( !pFile ){
            fprintf( stderr, "Error: Could not open file %s\n",
        else {
            return pFile;
    // this means the file could not be opened
    return NULL;

int WorkOnTokenSet( int nTyp, char *pTokenText )
    //printf("Typ = %d , text = '%s'\n",nTyp , pTokenText );
    pParser->Execute( nTyp, pTokenText );

    return 1;

int SetError()
    return 1;

extern "C" {

int GetError()
    return pParser->GetError();

// class XRMResParser

    : bError( false ),
    bText( false )


int XRMResParser::Execute( int nToken, char * pToken )
    OString rToken( pToken );

    switch ( nToken ) {
        case XRM_TEXT_START:{
                OString sNewGID = GetAttribute( rToken, "id" );
                if ( sNewGID != sGID ) {
                    sGID = sNewGID;
                bText = true;
                sCurrentText = "";
                sCurrentOpenTag = rToken;
                Output( rToken );

        case XRM_TEXT_END: {
                sCurrentCloseTag = rToken;
                sResourceType = OString ( "readmeitem" );
                sLangAttribute = OString ( "xml:lang" );
                WorkOnText( sCurrentOpenTag, sCurrentText );
                Output( sCurrentText );
                EndOfText( sCurrentOpenTag, sCurrentCloseTag );
                bText = false;
                rToken = OString("");
                sCurrentText  = OString("");

                bDisplayName = true;

        case DESC_DISPLAY_NAME_END:{
                bDisplayName = false;

        case DESC_TEXT_START:{
                if (bDisplayName) {
                    sGID = OString("dispname");
                    bText = true;
                    sCurrentText = "";
                    sCurrentOpenTag = rToken;
                    Output( rToken );

        case DESC_TEXT_END: {
                if (bDisplayName) {
                    sCurrentCloseTag = rToken;
                    sResourceType = OString ( "description" );
                    sLangAttribute = OString ( "lang" );
                    WorkOnText( sCurrentOpenTag, sCurrentText );
                    Output( sCurrentText );
                    EndOfText( sCurrentOpenTag, sCurrentCloseTag );
                    bText = false;
                    rToken = OString("");
                    sCurrentText  = OString("");

                bExtensionDescription = true;

                bExtensionDescription = false;

                if (bExtensionDescription) {
                    sGID = OString("extdesc");
                    sResourceType = OString ( "description" );
                    sLangAttribute = OString ( "lang" );
                    sCurrentOpenTag = rToken;
                    sCurrentText  = OString("");
                    Output( rToken );
                    WorkOnDesc( sCurrentOpenTag, sCurrentText );
                    sCurrentCloseTag = rToken;
                    Output( sCurrentText );
                    rToken = OString("");
                    sCurrentText  = OString("");

            if ( bText ) {
                sCurrentText += rToken;

    if ( !bText )
        Output( rToken );
    return 0;

OString XRMResParser::GetAttribute( const OString &rToken, const OString &rAttribute )
    OString sTmp( rToken );
    sTmp = sTmp.replace('\t', ' ');

    OString sSearch( " " );
    sSearch += rAttribute;
    sSearch += "=";
    sal_Int32 nPos = sTmp.indexOf( sSearch );

    if ( nPos != -1 )
        sTmp = sTmp.copy( nPos );
        OString sId = sTmp.getToken(1, '"');
        return sId;
    return OString();

void XRMResParser::Error( const OString &rError )
    yyerror(( char * ) rError.getStr());

// class XMLResExport

    const OString &rOutputFile, const OString &rFilePath )
                : XRMResParser(),
                pResData( NULL ),
                sPath( rFilePath )
    pOutputStream.open( rOutputFile, PoOfstream::APP );
    if (!pOutputStream.isOpen())
        OString sError( "Unable to open output file: " );
        sError += rOutputFile;
        Error( sError );

    delete pResData;

void XRMResExport::Output( const OString& ) {}

void XRMResExport::WorkOnDesc(
    const OString &rOpenTag,
    OString &rText )
    OString sDescFileName(
        sInputFileName.replaceAll("description.xml", OString()));
    sDescFileName += GetAttribute( rOpenTag, "xlink:href" );
    ifstream file (sDescFileName.getStr(), ios::in|ios::binary|ios::ate);
    if (file.is_open()) {
        int size = static_cast<int>(file.tellg());
        boost::scoped_array<char> memblock(new char [size+1]);
        file.seekg (0, ios::beg);
        file.read (memblock.get(), size);
        memblock[size] = '\0';
        rText = OString(memblock.get());
    WorkOnText( rOpenTag, rText );
    EndOfText( rOpenTag, rOpenTag );

void XRMResExport::WorkOnText(
    const OString &rOpenTag,
    OString &rText )
    OString sLang( GetAttribute( rOpenTag, sLangAttribute ));

    if ( !pResData )
        pResData = new ResData( GetGID() );
    pResData->sText[sLang] = rText;

void XRMResExport::EndOfText(
    const OString &,
    const OString & )
    if ( pResData )
        OString sAct = pResData->sText["en-US"];

        if( !sAct.isEmpty() )
                "Xrmex", pOutputStream, sPath, sResourceType,
                pResData->sGId, OString(), OString(), sAct );
    delete pResData;
    pResData = NULL;

// class XRMResMerge

    const OString &rMergeSource, const OString &rOutputFile,
    const OString &rFilename )
                : XRMResParser(),
                pMergeDataFile( NULL ),
                sFilename( rFilename ) ,
                pResData( NULL )
    if (!rMergeSource.isEmpty() && sLanguage.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("ALL"))
        pMergeDataFile = new MergeDataFile(
            rMergeSource, sInputFileName, false);
        aLanguages = pMergeDataFile->GetLanguages();
        aLanguages.push_back( sLanguage );
        rOutputFile.getStr(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
    if (!pOutputStream.is_open()) {
        OString sError( "Unable to open output file: " );
        sError += rOutputFile;
        Error( sError );

    delete pMergeDataFile;
    delete pResData;

void XRMResMerge::WorkOnDesc(
    const OString &rOpenTag,
    OString &rText )
    WorkOnText( rOpenTag, rText);
    if ( pMergeDataFile && pResData ) {
        MergeEntrys *pEntrys = pMergeDataFile->GetMergeEntrys( pResData );
        if ( pEntrys ) {
            OString sCur;
            OString sDescFilename = GetAttribute ( rOpenTag, "xlink:href" );
            for( unsigned int n = 0; n < aLanguages.size(); n++ ){
                sCur = aLanguages[ n ];
                OString sContent;
                if ( !sCur.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("en-US")  &&
                    ( pEntrys->GetText(
                        sContent, STRING_TYP_TEXT, sCur, true )) &&
                    OString sText( sContent );
                    OString sAdditionalLine( "\n        " );
                    sAdditionalLine += rOpenTag;
                    OString sSearch = sLangAttribute;
                    sSearch += "=\"";
                    OString sReplace( sSearch );

                    sSearch += GetAttribute( rOpenTag, sLangAttribute );
                    sReplace += sCur;
                    sAdditionalLine = sAdditionalLine.replaceFirst(
                        sSearch, sReplace);

                    sSearch = OString("xlink:href=\"");
                    sReplace = sSearch;

                    OString sLocDescFilename = sDescFilename;
                    sLocDescFilename = sLocDescFilename.replaceFirst(
                        "en-US", sCur);

                    sSearch += sDescFilename;
                    sReplace += sLocDescFilename;
                    sAdditionalLine = sAdditionalLine.replaceFirst(
                        sSearch, sReplace);

                    Output( sAdditionalLine );

                    sal_Int32 i = sOutputFile.lastIndexOf('/');
                    if (i == -1) {
                            << "Error: output file " << sOutputFile.getStr()
                            << " does not contain any /\n";
                        throw false; //TODO
                    OString sOutputDescFile(
                        sOutputFile.copy(0, i + 1) + sLocDescFilename);
                    ofstream file(sOutputDescFile.getStr());
                    if (file.is_open()) {
                        file << sText.getStr();
                    } else {
                            << "Error: cannot write "
                            << sOutputDescFile.getStr() << '\n';
                        throw false; //TODO
    delete pResData;
    pResData = NULL;

void XRMResMerge::WorkOnText(
    const OString &,
    OString & )
    if ( pMergeDataFile ) {
        if ( !pResData ) {
            pResData = new ResData( GetGID(), sFilename );
            pResData->sResTyp = sResourceType;

void XRMResMerge::Output( const OString& rOutput )
    if (!rOutput.isEmpty())
        pOutputStream << rOutput.getStr();

void XRMResMerge::EndOfText(
    const OString &rOpenTag,
    const OString &rCloseTag )

    Output( rCloseTag );
    if ( pMergeDataFile && pResData ) {
        MergeEntrys *pEntrys = pMergeDataFile->GetMergeEntrys( pResData );
        if ( pEntrys ) {
            OString sCur;
            for( unsigned int n = 0; n < aLanguages.size(); n++ ){
                sCur = aLanguages[ n ];
                OString sContent;
                if (!sCur.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("en-US") &&
                    ( pEntrys->GetText(
                        sContent, STRING_TYP_TEXT, sCur, true )) &&
                    !sContent.isEmpty() &&
                    helper::isWellFormedXML( sContent ))
                    OString sText( sContent );
                    OString sAdditionalLine( "\n        " );
                    sAdditionalLine += rOpenTag;
                    OString sSearch = sLangAttribute;
                    sSearch += "=\"";
                    OString sReplace( sSearch );

                    sSearch += GetAttribute( rOpenTag, sLangAttribute );
                    sReplace += sCur;

                    sAdditionalLine = sAdditionalLine.replaceFirst(
                        sSearch, sReplace);

                    sAdditionalLine += sText;
                    sAdditionalLine += rCloseTag;

                    Output( sAdditionalLine );
    delete pResData;
    pResData = NULL;

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