2014-03-18 László Németh:
* Start icon inserts and starts a simple localized demo program in an empty
document (UI fix for the missing feedback)
* LOG10 function
* PENTRANSPARENCY, FILLTRANSPARENCY: set transparency of the actual color:
- PENTRANSPARENCY 50 ; 50% transparency of the lines
- FILLTRANSPARENCY 20 ; 20% transparency of the areas
* fill gradient support
- FILLCOLOR ['red', 'blue'] ; gradient between red and blue
- FILLCOLOR [[255, 255, 255], [255, 128, 0]] ; between white and orange
- FILLCOLOR ['red', 'blue', 0, 90, 20] ; linear, 90deg gradient with 20% border
- FILLCOLOR ['red', 'blue', 0, 90, 20, 0, 0, 200, 50] ; from 200% to 50% intensity
- FILLCOLOR ['red', 'blue', 2, 0, 0, 50, 50] ; radial, with 50-50% x, y (centre)
* transparency gradient support (similar settings, without intensity values)
- FILLTRANSPARENCY [75] ; linear gradient from 75% to 0% transparency
- FILLTRANSPARENCY [75, 25] ; linear gradient from 75% to 25% transparency
- FILLTRANSPARENCY [75, 25, 2, 0, 20, 50, 50] ; radial with 20% border, 50-50% x, y
* normalized random colors for the visible spectrum (check FILLCOLOR ANY)
* magic icon sets also page zoom + page break for 2-page program editing
* fix multiple document handling using OfficeDocument.RuntimeUID
instead of Document.Title:
- "Saving as" doesn't create a new turtle
- use current doc. instead of old ones (eg. new Untitled 1 instead of the renamed one)
* change icon order: magic icon before input bar for better undocked Logo
toolbar (two-line, instead of three-line), suggested by Gilvan Vilarim
* keep turtle selection instead of the bad text selection at the end of the run
* support capitalized color names in the translations (fix Slovak translation)
2014-02-04 László Németh:
* avoid to translate comments: http://bug.openscope.org/browse/OOO-837,
reported by Levente Kovács
2014-01-07 László Németh:
* fix messagebox (API changes)
2014-01-01 László Németh:
* path, interop. and color name fixes
2013-10-28: László Németh
* fix parsing problem of functions
* fix Logo program halt at font settings (Windows)
* fix division with measurements
2013-10-24 László Németh:
* synchronize Writer/Draw when saving cropped SVG to avoid program halt,
huge sleeps (the workaround) have been removed
* support hatching with 'INVISIBLE' filling color
* support PENUP in UI (Line Style "-none-")
* support INVISIBLE filling color in UI (Area Style/Filling "None")
* using 'INVISIBLE' line and filling colors set -none-/None in
Drawing Object Properties toolbar
* fix blinking LABEL (now the temporary text shape is invisible)
* support PENCAP settings (values: NONE, ROUND, SQUARE)
* fix black (not refreshed) invisible filling color (LO 4.1 problem)
reported by Levente Kovács in http://bug.openscope.org/browse/OOO-838
2013-08-29 László Németh:
* fix bad selection of invisible turtle after HIDETURTLE CLEARSCREEN
* fix SVG cropping in LibreOffice 4.1
* fix vertical positions of labels in SVG export using RectangleShape
* fix double stroke-width attributes in SVG export
* LABEL supports relative positioning vector [X, Y, 'text'], where X, Y
0: center, eg. as the default positioning: LABEL [0, 0, 'text']
1: left or bottom aligned to the turtle position and angle
-1: right or top aligned to the turtle position and angle
n: n * text_width/2 or text_height/2
* simple SVG SMIL (animation) support using SLEEP, for example:
PICTURE 'animation.svg' [ CIRCLE 5 SLEEP 1000 CIRCLE 20 ]
* relative FORWARD (heading = y axis) with vector arg.: FORWARD [20, 10]
* rounded linejoint of turtle shape
2013-07-15 László Németh:
* optional named PICTURE blocks: PICTURE 'name' [ CIRCLE 5 ]
* save PICTURE as cropped SVG file using path names, for example:
PICTURE 'example.svg' [ CIRCLE 5 CIRCLE 20 ] ; save in the home directory
PICTURE '/home/user/example.svg' [ CIRCLE 10 ] ; absolute path (on Linux)
PICTURE 'tmp/example.svg' [ CIRCLE 10 ] ; relative to the home directory
* support hexadecimal arguments
2013-06-26 László Németh
* clockwise HEADING
2013-04-30 László Németh
* fix hide/show turtle
2013-02-24 László Németh:
* fix Asian and CTL language support. Language recognition depends from the
UI language of LibreOffice and the language(s) of the document.
* fix turtle shape, the problem with the old arrow-like turtle shape
reported by teachers and other users of turtle graphics
* better consistency with the UI based position and rotation settings of the
turtle: now Drawing Object toolbar supports also the pen color, fill
color and transparency, also line width settings of the turtle.
* real dotted line works with rectangles, also with rounded corners
* restore original cursor position and selection at the end of the running
(problem reported by Viktória Lakó)
* fix 'sleep' (resulted by the new default non-integer division of Python 3,
reported by Prof. Gilvan Vilarim)
* fix 1-character length variable name/casing problem (reported by
Prof. Gilvan Vilarim)
* fix false leading and ending function name recognition
* support 'translation' of the selected text
* fix bad line width settings after command 'home'
* fix dot shape of dotted lines (remove its 0 width 'tail') by minimal dot
size of dotted lines: 1pt, and shorter 'tail' size
* fix size of the rounded corners of the rectangle shape
* rotation doesn't modify the size of the selection frame of the turtle
2012-12-26 László Németh:
* fix turtle position and rotation at repeated hideturtle/showturtle
* add new languages, fix Czech and Brazilian Portuguese for
language guessing at translation
* fix line break to paragraph break conversion at translation
2012-12-17 László Németh:
* handle possible translation problems (strip terminating bars)
* keep double compilation of the commands
* trace loading problems (with PYUNO_LOGLEVEL environmental variable)
2012-11-24 László Németh:
* zero turtle width in hideturtle mode to draw at the left border of the page
2012-11-06 László Németh:
* uppercase/translation icon:
- expands and uppercase Logo commands (fd -> FORWARD)
- translation between supported languages (commands, decimal sign, for/in order)
* new icon for clear screen
* add English manual (see LibreLogo/Logo/Turtle graphics in Help)
2012-10-25 László Németh:
* fix positioning to the faulty program line
* program cache depends from the (modified) language of the document, too
2012-10-21 László Németh:
* speed up command line
* add multiline tooltip to the command line (it works well from LibO 3.6.2)
* random color constants: ~color, eg. '~orange', '~green' etc.
* handle modulo operator
* ask before the compilation of long documents (avoid freezings)
* add compilation cache to the multiline programs
* better help window caption in the command line
2012-06-27 László Németh:
* fix __string__ (use localized decimal sign)
* fix repcount in loops with inner picture block
* handle reopened documents
* modified argument list of custom dashed penstyle
* fix warning messages at maximum recursion depth and memory
* add hatching styles (fillstyle num or
fillstyle [line count(max 3), color, distance, degree]
* add localized set(), range(), sorted()
* fix turtle selection at program start
* modified turtle colors
* fix showturtle
* fix LineStyle_SOLID and LineStyle_DASHED
* add repcount to the infinite loop
* add logical expression and better list support to the simple LibreLogo expression parser
* add string size limit for Print()
* support "pic" without block: new shape
* use localized __string__ for STR instead of str
* add min, max, and regex functions: sub, search, findall
* fix double round in localizations
* more stable dotted lines in the PDF export (implemented as arrays of dot-headed arrows)
* circles with dotted lines
* working pos and pagesize indices in expressions
2012-05-17 László Németh:
* fix opt. suffix syntax of for+in (eg. with Finnish :ssa, Hungarian -ban)
* add dashed outline of turtle to show "pen up" state
* fix initial turtle focus for OpenOffice.org and older LibreOffice versions
* parsing simple (with 0 or 1 argument) user functions in complex expressions
* add localized "global"
* add localized operator "in" for logical expressions
* parsing user functions with 2 or more arguments in simple numerical expressions
* function heading supports coordinates
* function position supports drawing
* function pensize supports argument any
* set SizeProtect feature of turtle shape
* replace random while repcount variable with iterator
* fix repcount checking in conditions of "while" loops
* add repcount support to "for x in y" loops
* fix OUTPUT and STOP for lines with multiple commands
* fix = -> == conversion in logical expressions in OUTPUT
* fix multiple document support using CreationDate instead of Title
* better OpenOffice.org 3.2 compatibility (optional usage of feature Visible)
2012-05-08 László Németh:
* picture [] handles left hanging shapes better
* function random works on lists or list-convertible objects (string, tuple, dict, set), too
* faster "label" (remove unnecessary shape search)
* document-level turtle states
* clean name spaces
* localization of "pi" (localizations support greek letter pi as alternative)
* localized "float"
* int & float support localized decimal signs and measurements (float '10,5cm')
* print, label, text support localized decimal sign
2012-05-02 László Németh:
* fix slow drawing of new line shapes (unnecessary shape search)
* "circle" and "square" are synonyms of ellipse and rectangle, eg.
square num = rectangle [num, num]
2012-04-27 László Németh:
* Initial release