# LibreOfficeKit LibreOfficeKit can be used for accessing LibreOffice functionality through C/C++, without any need to use UNO. For now it only offers document conversion (in addition to an experimental tiled rendering API). ## Integrating LOK Into Other Software LOK functionality can be accessed by including `LibreOfficeKit.h[xx]` in your program. LOK initialisation (`lok_init`) requires the inclusion of `LibreOfficeKitInit.h` in your program. If you use the C++ `LibreOfficeKit.hxx` header, it already includes `LibreOfficeKitInit.h` for you. (`LibreOfficeKit.hxx` is a simple and fully inlined C++ wrapper for the same functionality as in `LibreOfficeKit.h`.) An example program can be seen on: <https://gitlab.com/ojwb/lloconv> ## Tiled Rendering To use LOK Tiled Rendering you will need the following before the LOK includes: #define LOK_USE_UNSTABLE_API (This must be define before ANY LOK header, i.e. including the Init header.) Currently only bitmap-buffer rendering is supported, with a 32-bit BGRA colorspace (further alternatives could feasibly be implemented as needed). Scanlines are ordered top-down (whereas LibreOffice will internally default to bottom-up). ## Tiled Editing On top of the tiled rendering API, a set of new methods have been added to the `lok::Document` class to allow basic editing, too. Communication between the LOK client and LibreOffice is a two-way channel. The client can initiate an action by calling the above mentioned methods. The most important methods for the client -> LibreOffice communication are: - `initializeForRendering()`, expected to be called right after `lok::Office::documentLoad()` returned a `lok::Document*`. - `postKeyEvent()`, expected to be called when the user provides input on the (soft-)keyboard. - `postMouseEvent()`, expected to be called when the user generated a touch or mouse event. In general, all coordinates are always in absolute twips (20th of a point, or: 1" = 1440 twips). See `lok::Document` in `LibreOfficeKit.hxx` for a full list of methods and their documentation. The other way around (LibreOffice -> LOK client) is implemented using a callback. A LOK client can register a callback using the registerCallback() method. Whenever editing requires some action on the client side, a callback event is emitted. The callback types are described using the `LibreOfficeKitCallbackType` enumeration in `LibreOfficeKitEnums.h`, the callback function signature itself is provided by the LibreOfficeKitCallback typedef in `LibreOfficeKitTypes.h`. The most important callback types: - `LOK_CALLBACK_INVALIDATE_TILES`: drop all tiles cached on client-side that intersect with the provided rectangle - `LOK_CALLBACK_INVALIDATE_VISIBLE_CURSOR`: need to set the position and/or the size of the cursor - `LOK_CALLBACK_TEXT_SELECTION`: need to adjust the selection overlay provided by the client as the set of rectangles describing the selection overlay changed There are currently two known LOK clients supporting tiled editing: - `gtktiledviewer` (see below), which allows testing the LOK core implementation on (desktop) Linux - (LibreOffice on) Android Core has next to no idea what is the LOK client, so for effective development, it's recommended that the core part is developed against `gtktiledviewer`, and once a feature works there, then implement the Android part, with its slower development iteration (slow uploading to the device, the need to link all object files into a single `.so`, etc). * Debugging with gdb and `gtktiledviewer` To run `gtktiledviewer`: bin/run gtktiledviewer --lo-path=$PWD/instdir/program path/to/test.odt To receive all incoming events from core use `G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all` G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all bin/run gtktiledviewer --lo-path=$PWD/instdir/program ../test.odt To debug with `gdb`: export LO_TRACE='gdb --tui --args' before `bin/run`, this will run gtktiledviewer in the debugger instead. ### Building and running gtktiledviewer on Windows A pre-requisite is pre-built GTK3 libraries. See [official GTK documentation](https://www.gtk.org/docs/installations/windows/). Building of gtktiledviewer on Windows is enabled by passing --with-gtk3-build=<path/to/GTK3/build/directory> to configure. Running the compiled executable requires GTK's bin in PATH: PATH=${PATH}:/cygdrive/c/gtk-build/gtk/x64/release/bin bin/run gtktiledviewer --lo-path=$(cygpath -am $PWD/instdir/program) ../test.odt ## LibreOfficeKitGtk Currently consists of only a very basic GTK document viewer widget. The widget uses `g_info()` instead of `SAL_INFO()`, use the `G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all` environment variable to display those messages.