/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace lok; static int help( const char *error = nullptr ) { if (error) fprintf (stderr, "Error: %s\n\n", error); fprintf( stderr, "Usage: tilebench [path to document] [--preinit] \n"); fprintf( stderr, "\trenders a selection of small tiles from the document, checksums them and times the process based on options:\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "\t--tile\t[max parts|-1] [max tiles|-1]\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "\t--dialog\t<.uno:Command>\n" ); return 1; } static double getTimeNow() { TimeValue aValue; osl_getSystemTime(&aValue); return static_cast(aValue.Seconds) + static_cast(aValue.Nanosec) / (1000*1000*1000); } static double origin; struct TimeRecord { const char *mpName; double mfTime; TimeRecord() : mpName(nullptr), mfTime(getTimeNow()) { } explicit TimeRecord(const char *pName) : mpName(pName), mfTime(getTimeNow()) { fprintf(stderr, "%3.3fs - %s\n", (mfTime - origin), mpName); } }; static std::vector< TimeRecord > aTimes; /// Dump an array of RGBA or BGRA to an RGB PPM file. static void dumpTile(const int nWidth, const int nHeight, const int mode, const unsigned char* pBufferU) { auto pBuffer = reinterpret_cast(pBufferU); #ifndef IOS std::ofstream ofs("/tmp/dump_tile.ppm"); #else NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0]; static int counter = 0; NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/dump_tile_%d.ppm", documentsDirectory, counter++]; std::ofstream ofs([path UTF8String]); std::cerr << "---> Dumping tile\n"; #endif ofs << "P6\n" << nWidth << " " << nHeight << "\n" << 255 << "\n" ; for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y) { const char* row = pBuffer + y * nWidth * 4; for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x) { const char* pixel = row + x * 4; if (mode == LOK_TILEMODE_RGBA) { ofs.write(pixel, 3); // Skip alpha } else if (mode == LOK_TILEMODE_BGRA) { const int alpha = *(pixel + 3); char buf[3]; if (alpha == 0) { buf[0] = 0; buf[1] = 0; buf[2] = 0; } else { buf[0] = (*(pixel + 2) * 255 + alpha / 2) / alpha; buf[1] = (*(pixel + 1) * 255 + alpha / 2) / alpha; buf[2] = (*(pixel + 0) * 255 + alpha / 2) / alpha; } ofs.write(buf, 3); } } } ofs.close(); } static void testTile( Document *pDocument, int max_parts, int max_tiles, bool dump ) { const int mode = pDocument->getTileMode(); aTimes.emplace_back("getparts"); const int nOriginalPart = (pDocument->getDocumentType() == LOK_DOCTYPE_TEXT ? 1 : pDocument->getPart()); // Writer really has 1 part (the full doc). const int nTotalParts = (pDocument->getDocumentType() == LOK_DOCTYPE_TEXT ? 1 : pDocument->getParts()); const int nParts = (max_parts < 0 ? nTotalParts : std::min(max_parts, nTotalParts)); aTimes.emplace_back(); aTimes.emplace_back("get size of parts"); long nWidth = 0; long nHeight = 0; for (int n = 0; n < nParts; ++n) { const int nPart = (nOriginalPart + n) % nTotalParts; char* pName = pDocument->getPartName(nPart); pDocument->setPart(nPart); pDocument->getDocumentSize(&nWidth, &nHeight); fprintf (stderr, " '%s' -> %ld, %ld\n", pName, nWidth, nHeight); free (pName); } aTimes.emplace_back(); // Use realistic dimensions, similar to the Online client. long const nTilePixelWidth = 512; long const nTilePixelHeight = 512; long const nTileTwipWidth = 3840; long const nTileTwipHeight = 3840; // Estimate the maximum tiles based on the number of parts requested, if Writer. if (pDocument->getDocumentType() == LOK_DOCTYPE_TEXT) max_tiles = static_cast(ceil(max_parts * 16128. / nTilePixelHeight) * ceil(static_cast(nWidth) / nTilePixelWidth)); fprintf(stderr, "Parts to render: %d, Total Parts: %d, Max parts: %d, Max tiles: %d\n", nParts, nTotalParts, max_parts, max_tiles); std::vector vBuffer(nTilePixelWidth * nTilePixelHeight * 4); unsigned char* pPixels = vBuffer.data(); for (int n = 0; n < nParts; ++n) { const int nPart = (nOriginalPart + n) % nTotalParts; char* pName = pDocument->getPartName(nPart); pDocument->setPart(nPart); pDocument->getDocumentSize(&nWidth, &nHeight); fprintf (stderr, "render '%s' -> %ld, %ld\n", pName, nWidth, nHeight); free (pName); if (dump || pDocument->getDocumentType() != LOK_DOCTYPE_TEXT) { // whole part; meaningful only for non-writer documents. aTimes.emplace_back("render whole part"); pDocument->paintTile(pPixels, nTilePixelWidth, nTilePixelHeight, nWidth/2, 2000, 1000, 1000); aTimes.emplace_back(); if (dump) dumpTile(nTilePixelWidth, nTilePixelHeight, mode, pPixels); } { // 1:1 aTimes.emplace_back("render sub-region at 1:1"); // Estimate the maximum tiles based on the number of parts requested, if Writer. int nMaxTiles = max_tiles; int nTiles = 0; for (long nY = 0; nY < nHeight - 1; nY += nTilePixelHeight) { for (long nX = 0; nX < nWidth - 1; nX += nTilePixelWidth) { if (nMaxTiles >= 0 && nTiles >= nMaxTiles) { nY = nHeight; break; } pDocument->paintTile(pPixels, nTilePixelWidth, nTilePixelHeight, nX, nY, nTilePixelWidth, nTilePixelHeight); nTiles++; fprintf (stderr, " rendered 1:1 tile %d at %ld, %ld\n", nTiles, nX, nY); } } aTimes.emplace_back(); } { // scaled aTimes.emplace_back("render sub-regions at scale"); int nMaxTiles = max_tiles; if (pDocument->getDocumentType() == LOK_DOCTYPE_TEXT) nMaxTiles = static_cast(ceil(max_parts * 16128. / nTileTwipHeight) * ceil(static_cast(nWidth) / nTileTwipWidth)); int nTiles = 0; for (long nY = 0; nY < nHeight - 1; nY += nTileTwipHeight) { for (long nX = 0; nX < nWidth - 1; nX += nTileTwipWidth) { if (nMaxTiles >= 0 && nTiles >= nMaxTiles) { nY = nHeight; break; } pDocument->paintTile(pPixels, nTilePixelWidth, nTilePixelHeight, nX, nY, nTileTwipWidth, nTileTwipHeight); nTiles++; fprintf (stderr, " rendered scaled tile %d at %ld, %ld\n", nTiles, nX, nY); } } aTimes.emplace_back(); } } } static std::atomic bDialogRendered(false); static std::atomic nDialogId(-1); static void kitCallback(int nType, const char* pPayload, void* pData) { Document *pDocument = static_cast(pData); if (nType != LOK_CALLBACK_WINDOW) return; std::stringstream aStream(pPayload); boost::property_tree::ptree aRoot; boost::property_tree::read_json(aStream, aRoot); nDialogId = aRoot.get("id"); const std::string aAction = aRoot.get("action"); if (aAction == "created") { const std::string aType = aRoot.get("type"); const std::string aSize = aRoot.get("size"); int nWidth = atoi(aSize.c_str()); int nHeight = 400; const char *pComma = strstr(aSize.c_str(), ", "); if (pComma) nHeight = atoi(pComma + 2); std::cerr << "Size " << aSize << " is " << nWidth << ", " << nHeight << "\n"; if (aType == "dialog") { aTimes.emplace_back(); // complete wait for dialog unsigned char *pBuffer = new unsigned char[nWidth * nHeight * 4]; aTimes.emplace_back("render dialog"); pDocument->paintWindow(nDialogId, pBuffer, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight); dumpTile(nWidth, nHeight, pDocument->getTileMode(), pBuffer); aTimes.emplace_back(); delete[] pBuffer; bDialogRendered = true; } } } static void testDialog( Document *pDocument, const char *uno_cmd ) { int view = pDocument->createView(); pDocument->setView(view); pDocument->registerCallback(kitCallback, pDocument); aTimes.emplace_back("open dialog"); pDocument->postUnoCommand(uno_cmd, nullptr, true); aTimes.emplace_back(); aTimes.emplace_back("wait for dialog"); while (!bDialogRendered) { usleep (1000); } aTimes.emplace_back("post close dialog"); pDocument->postWindow(nDialogId, LOK_WINDOW_CLOSE); aTimes.emplace_back(); pDocument->destroyView(view); } static void documentCallback(const int type, const char* p, void*) { std::cerr << "Document callback " << type << ": " << (p ? p : "(null)") << "\n"; } int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { int arg = 2; origin = getTimeNow(); #ifndef IOS // avoid X oddness etc. unsetenv("DISPLAY"); if( argc < 4 || ( argc > 1 && ( !strcmp( argv[1], "--help" ) || !strcmp( argv[1], "-h" ) ) ) ) return help(); if ( argv[1][0] != '/' ) { fprintf(stderr, "Absolute path required to libreoffice install\n"); return 1; } const char *doc_url = argv[arg++]; const char *mode = argv[arg++]; bool pre_init = false; if (!strcmp(mode, "--preinit")) { pre_init = true; mode = argv[arg++]; } std::string user_url("file:///"); user_url.append(argv[1]); user_url.append("../user"); if (pre_init) { aTimes.emplace_back("pre-initialization"); setenv("LOK_WHITELIST_LANGUAGES", "en_US", 0); // coverity[tainted_string] - build time test tool lok_preinit(argv[1], user_url.c_str()); aTimes.emplace_back(); } const char *install_path = argv[1]; const char *user_profile = user_url.c_str(); #else const char *install_path = nullptr; const char *user_profile = nullptr; const char *doc_url = strdup([[[[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleURL] absoluteString] stringByAppendingString:@"/test.odt"] UTF8String]); const char *mode = "--tile"; #endif aTimes.emplace_back("initialization"); // coverity[tainted_string] - build time test tool Office *pOffice = lok_cpp_init(install_path, user_profile); if (pOffice == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize Office from %s\n", argv[1]); return 1; } aTimes.emplace_back(); Document *pDocument = nullptr; pOffice->setOptionalFeatures(LOK_FEATURE_NO_TILED_ANNOTATIONS); aTimes.emplace_back("load document"); if (doc_url != nullptr) pDocument = pOffice->documentLoad(doc_url); aTimes.emplace_back(); if (pDocument) { pDocument->initializeForRendering("{\".uno:Author\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"value\":\"Local Host #0\"}}"); pDocument->registerCallback(documentCallback, nullptr); if (!strcmp(mode, "--tile")) { const int max_parts = (argc > arg ? atoi(argv[arg++]) : -1); int max_tiles = (argc > arg ? atoi(argv[arg++]) : -1); const bool dump = true; testTile (pDocument, max_parts, max_tiles, dump); } else if (!strcmp (mode, "--dialog")) { const char *uno_cmd = argc > arg ? argv[arg++] : nullptr; if (!uno_cmd) { switch (pDocument->getDocumentType()) { case LOK_DOCTYPE_SPREADSHEET: uno_cmd = ".uno:FormatCellDialog"; break; case LOK_DOCTYPE_TEXT: case LOK_DOCTYPE_PRESENTATION: case LOK_DOCTYPE_DRAWING: case LOK_DOCTYPE_OTHER: return help("missing argument to --dialog and no default"); } } testDialog (pDocument, uno_cmd); } else return help ("unknown parameter"); } aTimes.emplace_back("destroy document"); delete pDocument; aTimes.emplace_back(); delete pOffice; double nTotal = 0.0; fprintf (stderr, "profile run:\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < aTimes.size() - 1; i++) { const double nDelta = aTimes[i+1].mfTime - aTimes[i].mfTime; fprintf (stderr, " %s - %2.4f(ms)\n", aTimes[i].mpName, nDelta * 1000.0); if (aTimes[i+1].mpName == nullptr) i++; // skip it. nTotal += nDelta; } fprintf (stderr, "Total: %2.4f(s)\n", nTotal); return 0; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */