/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <com/sun/star/deployment/ExtensionManager.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/registry/XRegistryKey.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XContentEnumerationAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XEnumeration.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/XSupportedLocales.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/DictionaryListEventFlags.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/LinguServiceEventFlags.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/ProofreadingIterator.hpp>

#include <unotools/lingucfg.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/lang.h>
#include <i18nlangtag/languagetag.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/factory.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/supportsservice.hxx>
#include <boost/checked_delete.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>

#include "lngsvcmgr.hxx"
#include "lngopt.hxx"
#include "lngreg.hxx"
#include "linguistic/misc.hxx"
#include "spelldsp.hxx"
#include "hyphdsp.hxx"
#include "thesdsp.hxx"
#include "gciterator.hxx"

using namespace com::sun::star;
using namespace linguistic;

// forward declarations
uno::Sequence< OUString > static GetLangSvcList( const uno::Any &rVal );
uno::Sequence< OUString > static GetLangSvc( const uno::Any &rVal );

static bool lcl_SeqHasString( const uno::Sequence< OUString > &rSeq, const OUString &rText )
    bool bRes = false;

    sal_Int32 nLen = rSeq.getLength();
    if (nLen == 0 || rText.isEmpty())
        return bRes;

    const OUString *pSeq = rSeq.getConstArray();
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nLen  &&  !bRes;  ++i)
        if (rText == pSeq[i])
            bRes = true;
    return bRes;

static uno::Sequence< lang::Locale > GetAvailLocales(
        const uno::Sequence< OUString > &rSvcImplNames )
    uno::Sequence< lang::Locale > aRes;

    uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
    sal_Int32 nNames = rSvcImplNames.getLength();
    if( nNames )
        std::set< LanguageType > aLanguages;

        //! since we're going to create one-instance services we have to
        //! supply their arguments even if we would not need them here...
        uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgs(2);
        aArgs.getArray()[0] <<= GetLinguProperties();

        // check all services for the supported languages and new
        // languages to the result
        const OUString *pImplNames = rSvcImplNames.getConstArray();
        sal_Int32 i;

        for (i = 0;  i < nNames;  ++i)
            uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSupportedLocales > xSuppLoc;
                xSuppLoc = uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSupportedLocales >(
                                   pImplNames[i], aArgs, xContext ),
                                uno::UNO_QUERY );
            catch (uno::Exception &)
                SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "createInstanceWithArguments failed" );

            if (xSuppLoc.is())
                uno::Sequence< lang::Locale > aLoc( xSuppLoc->getLocales() );
                sal_Int32 nLoc = aLoc.getLength();
                for (sal_Int32 k = 0;  k < nLoc;  ++k)
                    const lang::Locale *pLoc = aLoc.getConstArray();
                    LanguageType nLang = LinguLocaleToLanguage( pLoc[k] );

                    // language not already added?
                    if (aLanguages.find( nLang ) == aLanguages.end())
                        aLanguages.insert( nLang );
                SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "interface not supported by service" );

        // build return sequence
        sal_Int32 nLanguages = static_cast< sal_Int32 >(aLanguages.size());
        aRes.realloc( nLanguages );
        lang::Locale *pRes = aRes.getArray();
        std::set< LanguageType >::const_iterator aIt( aLanguages.begin() );
        for (i = 0;  aIt != aLanguages.end();  ++aIt, ++i)
            LanguageType nLang = *aIt;
            pRes[i] = LanguageTag::convertToLocale( nLang );

    return aRes;

struct SvcInfo
    const OUString                  aSvcImplName;
    const uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 >    aSuppLanguages;

    SvcInfo( const OUString &rSvcImplName,
             const uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 >  &rSuppLanguages ) :
        aSvcImplName    (rSvcImplName),
        aSuppLanguages  (rSuppLanguages)

    bool    HasLanguage( sal_Int16 nLanguage ) const;

bool SvcInfo::HasLanguage( sal_Int16 nLanguage ) const
    sal_Int32 nCnt = aSuppLanguages.getLength();
    const sal_Int16 *pLang = aSuppLanguages.getConstArray();
    sal_Int32 i;

    for ( i = 0;  i < nCnt;  ++i)
        if (nLanguage == pLang[i])
    return i < nCnt;

class LngSvcMgrListenerHelper :
    public cppu::WeakImplHelper2
    private boost::noncopyable
    LngSvcMgr  &rMyManager;

    ::cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper           aLngSvcMgrListeners;
    ::cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper           aLngSvcEvtBroadcasters;
    uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSearchableDictionaryList >           xDicList;

    sal_Int16   nCombinedLngSvcEvt;

    void    LaunchEvent( sal_Int16 nLngSvcEvtFlags );

    long Timeout();

    LngSvcMgrListenerHelper( LngSvcMgr &rLngSvcMgr,
        const uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSearchableDictionaryList > &rxDicList );

    // lang::XEventListener
    virtual void SAL_CALL
        disposing( const lang::EventObject& rSource )
            throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) SAL_OVERRIDE;

    // linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventListener
    virtual void SAL_CALL
        processLinguServiceEvent( const linguistic2::LinguServiceEvent& aLngSvcEvent )
            throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) SAL_OVERRIDE;

    // linguistic2::XDictionaryListEventListener
    virtual void SAL_CALL
                const linguistic2::DictionaryListEvent& rDicListEvent )
            throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) SAL_OVERRIDE;

    inline  bool    AddLngSvcMgrListener(
                        const uno::Reference< lang::XEventListener >& rxListener );
    inline  bool    RemoveLngSvcMgrListener(
                        const uno::Reference< lang::XEventListener >& rxListener );
    void    DisposeAndClear( const lang::EventObject &rEvtObj );
    bool    AddLngSvcEvtBroadcaster(
                        const uno::Reference< linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventBroadcaster > &rxBroadcaster );
    bool    RemoveLngSvcEvtBroadcaster(
                        const uno::Reference< linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventBroadcaster > &rxBroadcaster );

    void    AddLngSvcEvt( sal_Int16 nLngSvcEvt );

        LngSvcMgr &rLngSvcMgr,
        const uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSearchableDictionaryList > &rxDicList  ) :
    rMyManager              ( rLngSvcMgr ),
    aLngSvcMgrListeners     ( GetLinguMutex() ),
    aLngSvcEvtBroadcasters  ( GetLinguMutex() ),
    xDicList                ( rxDicList )
    if (xDicList.is())
            (linguistic2::XDictionaryListEventListener *) this, sal_False );

    nCombinedLngSvcEvt = 0;

void SAL_CALL LngSvcMgrListenerHelper::disposing( const lang::EventObject& rSource )
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );

    uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xRef( rSource.Source );
    if ( xRef.is() )
        aLngSvcMgrListeners   .removeInterface( xRef );
        aLngSvcEvtBroadcasters.removeInterface( xRef );
        if (xDicList == xRef)
            xDicList = 0;

long LngSvcMgrListenerHelper::Timeout()
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );

        // change event source to LinguServiceManager since the listeners
        // probably do not know (and need not to know) about the specific
        // SpellChecker's or Hyphenator's.
        linguistic2::LinguServiceEvent aEvtObj(
            static_cast<com::sun::star::linguistic2::XLinguServiceManager*>(&rMyManager), nCombinedLngSvcEvt );
        nCombinedLngSvcEvt = 0;

        if (rMyManager.pSpellDsp)

        // pass event on to linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventListener's
        cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIt( aLngSvcMgrListeners );
        while (aIt.hasMoreElements())
            uno::Reference< linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventListener > xRef( aIt.next(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
            if (xRef.is())
                xRef->processLinguServiceEvent( aEvtObj );
    return 0;

void LngSvcMgrListenerHelper::AddLngSvcEvt( sal_Int16 nLngSvcEvt )
    nCombinedLngSvcEvt |= nLngSvcEvt;

            const linguistic2::LinguServiceEvent& rLngSvcEvent )
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    AddLngSvcEvt( rLngSvcEvent.nEvent );

            const linguistic2::DictionaryListEvent& rDicListEvent )
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );

    sal_Int16 nDlEvt = rDicListEvent.nCondensedEvent;
    if (0 == nDlEvt)

    // we do keep the original event source here though...

    // pass event on to linguistic2::XDictionaryListEventListener's
    cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIt( aLngSvcMgrListeners );
    while (aIt.hasMoreElements())
        uno::Reference< linguistic2::XDictionaryListEventListener > xRef( aIt.next(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
        if (xRef.is())
            xRef->processDictionaryListEvent( rDicListEvent );

    // "translate" DictionaryList event into linguistic2::LinguServiceEvent
    sal_Int16 nLngSvcEvt = 0;
    sal_Int16 nSpellCorrectFlags =
            linguistic2::DictionaryListEventFlags::ADD_NEG_ENTRY        |
            linguistic2::DictionaryListEventFlags::DEL_POS_ENTRY        |
            linguistic2::DictionaryListEventFlags::ACTIVATE_NEG_DIC |
    if (0 != (nDlEvt & nSpellCorrectFlags))
        nLngSvcEvt |= linguistic2::LinguServiceEventFlags::SPELL_CORRECT_WORDS_AGAIN;

    sal_Int16 nSpellWrongFlags =
            linguistic2::DictionaryListEventFlags::ADD_POS_ENTRY        |
            linguistic2::DictionaryListEventFlags::DEL_NEG_ENTRY        |
            linguistic2::DictionaryListEventFlags::ACTIVATE_POS_DIC |
    if (0 != (nDlEvt & nSpellWrongFlags))
        nLngSvcEvt |= linguistic2::LinguServiceEventFlags::SPELL_WRONG_WORDS_AGAIN;

    sal_Int16 nHyphenateFlags =
            linguistic2::DictionaryListEventFlags::ADD_POS_ENTRY        |
            linguistic2::DictionaryListEventFlags::DEL_POS_ENTRY        |
            linguistic2::DictionaryListEventFlags::ACTIVATE_POS_DIC |
    if (0 != (nDlEvt & nHyphenateFlags))
        nLngSvcEvt |= linguistic2::LinguServiceEventFlags::HYPHENATE_AGAIN;

    if (rMyManager.pSpellDsp)
    if (nLngSvcEvt)
        LaunchEvent( nLngSvcEvt );

void LngSvcMgrListenerHelper::LaunchEvent( sal_Int16 nLngSvcEvtFlags )
    linguistic2::LinguServiceEvent aEvt(
        static_cast<com::sun::star::linguistic2::XLinguServiceManager*>(&rMyManager), nLngSvcEvtFlags );

    // pass event on to linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventListener's
    cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIt( aLngSvcMgrListeners );
    while (aIt.hasMoreElements())
        uno::Reference< linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventListener > xRef( aIt.next(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
        if (xRef.is())
            xRef->processLinguServiceEvent( aEvt );

inline bool LngSvcMgrListenerHelper::AddLngSvcMgrListener(
        const uno::Reference< lang::XEventListener >& rxListener )
    aLngSvcMgrListeners.addInterface( rxListener );
    return true;

inline bool LngSvcMgrListenerHelper::RemoveLngSvcMgrListener(
        const uno::Reference< lang::XEventListener >& rxListener )
    aLngSvcMgrListeners.removeInterface( rxListener );
    return true;

void LngSvcMgrListenerHelper::DisposeAndClear( const lang::EventObject &rEvtObj )
    // call "disposing" for all listeners and clear list
    aLngSvcMgrListeners   .disposeAndClear( rEvtObj );

    // remove references to this object hold by the broadcasters
    cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIt( aLngSvcEvtBroadcasters );
    while (aIt.hasMoreElements())
        uno::Reference< linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventBroadcaster > xRef( aIt.next(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
        if (xRef.is())
            RemoveLngSvcEvtBroadcaster( xRef );

    // remove refernce to this object hold by the dictionary-list
    if (xDicList.is())
            (linguistic2::XDictionaryListEventListener *) this );
        xDicList = 0;

bool LngSvcMgrListenerHelper::AddLngSvcEvtBroadcaster(
        const uno::Reference< linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventBroadcaster > &rxBroadcaster )
    bool bRes = false;
    if (rxBroadcaster.is())
        aLngSvcEvtBroadcasters.addInterface( rxBroadcaster );
                (linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventListener *) this );
    return bRes;

bool LngSvcMgrListenerHelper::RemoveLngSvcEvtBroadcaster(
        const uno::Reference< linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventBroadcaster > &rxBroadcaster )
    bool bRes = false;
    if (rxBroadcaster.is())
        aLngSvcEvtBroadcasters.removeInterface( rxBroadcaster );
                (linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventListener *) this );
    return bRes;

    : utl::ConfigItem("Office.Linguistic")
    , aEvtListeners(GetLinguMutex())
    bDisposing = false;

    pSpellDsp   = 0;
    pGrammarDsp = 0;
    pHyphDsp    = 0;
    pThesDsp    = 0;

    pAvailSpellSvcs     = 0;
    pAvailGrammarSvcs   = 0;
    pAvailHyphSvcs      = 0;
    pAvailThesSvcs      = 0;
    pListenerHelper     = 0;

    // request notify events when properties (i.e. something in the subtree) changes
    uno::Sequence< OUString > aNames(4);
    OUString *pNames = aNames.getArray();
    pNames[0] = "ServiceManager/SpellCheckerList";
    pNames[1] = "ServiceManager/GrammarCheckerList";
    pNames[2] = "ServiceManager/HyphenatorList";
    pNames[3] = "ServiceManager/ThesaurusList";
    EnableNotification( aNames );


    aUpdateTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this, LngSvcMgr, updateAndBroadcast));

    // request to be notified if an extension has been added/removed
    uno::Reference<uno::XComponentContext> xContext(comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());

    uno::Reference<deployment::XExtensionManager> xExtensionManager;
    try {
        xExtensionManager = deployment::ExtensionManager::get(xContext);
    } catch ( const uno::DeploymentException & ) {
        SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "no extension manager - should fire on mobile only" );
    } catch ( const deployment::DeploymentException & ) {
        SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "no extension manager - should fire on mobile only" );
    if (xExtensionManager.is())
        xMB = uno::Reference<util::XModifyBroadcaster>(xExtensionManager, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);

        uno::Reference<util::XModifyListener> xListener(this);
        xMB->addModifyListener( xListener );

// ::com::sun::star::util::XModifyListener
void LngSvcMgr::modified(const lang::EventObject&)
    throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard(GetLinguMutex());
    //assume that if an extension has been added/removed that
    //it might be a dictionary extension, so drop our cache


    //schedule in an update to execute in the main thread

//run update, and inform everyone that dictionaries (may) have changed, this
//needs to be run in the main thread because
//utl::ConfigChangeListener_Impl::changesOccurred grabs the SolarMutex and we
//get notified that an extension was added from an extension manager thread
IMPL_LINK_NOARG(LngSvcMgr, updateAndBroadcast)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );


    if (pListenerHelper)
                linguistic2::LinguServiceEventFlags::SPELL_CORRECT_WORDS_AGAIN |
                linguistic2::LinguServiceEventFlags::SPELL_WRONG_WORDS_AGAIN |
                linguistic2::LinguServiceEventFlags::PROOFREAD_AGAIN |
                linguistic2::LinguServiceEventFlags::HYPHENATE_AGAIN );

    return 0;

void LngSvcMgr::stopListening()
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard(GetLinguMutex());

    if (xMB.is())
                uno::Reference<util::XModifyListener>  xListener(this);
        catch (const uno::Exception&)


void LngSvcMgr::disposing(const lang::EventObject&)
    throw (uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)

void LngSvcMgr::clearSvcInfoArray(SvcInfoArray* &rpInfo)
    delete rpInfo;
    rpInfo = NULL;


    // memory for pSpellDsp, pHyphDsp, pThesDsp, pListenerHelper
    // will be freed in the destructor of the respective Reference's
    // xSpellDsp, xGrammarDsp, xHyphDsp, xThesDsp


    using lang::Locale;
    using uno::Any;
    using uno::Sequence;

    bool lcl_FindEntry( const OUString &rEntry, const Sequence< OUString > &rCfgSvcs )
        sal_Int32 nRes = -1;
        sal_Int32 nEntries = rCfgSvcs.getLength();
        const OUString *pEntry = rCfgSvcs.getConstArray();
        for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nEntries && nRes == -1;  ++i)
            if (rEntry == pEntry[i])
                nRes = i;
        return nRes != -1;

    Sequence< OUString > lcl_GetLastFoundSvcs(
            SvtLinguConfig &rCfg,
            const OUString &rLastFoundList ,
            const Locale &rAvailLocale )
        Sequence< OUString > aRes;

        OUString aCfgLocaleStr( LanguageTag::convertToBcp47( rAvailLocale ) );

        Sequence< OUString > aNodeNames( rCfg.GetNodeNames(rLastFoundList) );
        bool bFound = lcl_FindEntry( aCfgLocaleStr, aNodeNames);

        if (bFound)
            Sequence< OUString > aNames(1);
            OUString &rNodeName = aNames.getArray()[0];
            rNodeName = rLastFoundList;
            rNodeName += OUString( (sal_Unicode)'/' );
            rNodeName += aCfgLocaleStr;
            Sequence< Any > aValues( rCfg.GetProperties( aNames ) );
            if (aValues.getLength())
                SAL_WARN_IF( aValues.getLength() != 1, "linguistic", "unexpected length of sequence" );
                Sequence< OUString > aSvcImplNames;
                if (aValues.getConstArray()[0] >>= aSvcImplNames)
                    aRes = aSvcImplNames;
                    SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "type mismatch" );

        return aRes;

    Sequence< OUString > lcl_RemoveMissingEntries(
            const Sequence< OUString > &rCfgSvcs,
            const Sequence< OUString > &rAvailSvcs )
        Sequence< OUString > aRes( rCfgSvcs.getLength() );
        OUString *pRes = aRes.getArray();
        sal_Int32 nCnt = 0;

        sal_Int32 nEntries = rCfgSvcs.getLength();
        const OUString *pEntry = rCfgSvcs.getConstArray();
        for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nEntries;  ++i)
            if (!pEntry[i].isEmpty() && lcl_FindEntry( pEntry[i], rAvailSvcs ))
                pRes[ nCnt++ ] = pEntry[i];

        aRes.realloc( nCnt );
        return aRes;

    Sequence< OUString > lcl_GetNewEntries(
            const Sequence< OUString > &rLastFoundSvcs,
            const Sequence< OUString > &rAvailSvcs )
        sal_Int32 nLen = rAvailSvcs.getLength();
        Sequence< OUString > aRes( nLen );
        OUString *pRes = aRes.getArray();
        sal_Int32 nCnt = 0;

        const OUString *pEntry = rAvailSvcs.getConstArray();
        for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nLen;  ++i)
            if (!pEntry[i].isEmpty() && !lcl_FindEntry( pEntry[i], rLastFoundSvcs ))
                pRes[ nCnt++ ] = pEntry[i];

        aRes.realloc( nCnt );
        return aRes;

    Sequence< OUString > lcl_MergeSeq(
            const Sequence< OUString > &rCfgSvcs,
            const Sequence< OUString > &rNewSvcs )
        Sequence< OUString > aRes( rCfgSvcs.getLength() + rNewSvcs.getLength() );
        OUString *pRes = aRes.getArray();
        sal_Int32 nCnt = 0;

        for (sal_Int32 k = 0;  k < 2;  ++k)
            // add previously configuerd service first and append
            // new found services at the end
            const Sequence< OUString > &rSeq = k == 0 ? rCfgSvcs : rNewSvcs;

            sal_Int32 nLen = rSeq.getLength();
            const OUString *pEntry = rSeq.getConstArray();
            for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nLen;  ++i)
                if (!pEntry[i].isEmpty() && !lcl_FindEntry( pEntry[i], aRes ))
                    pRes[ nCnt++ ] = pEntry[i];

        aRes.realloc( nCnt );
        return aRes;

void LngSvcMgr::UpdateAll()
    using beans::PropertyValue;
    using lang::Locale;
    using uno::Sequence;

    typedef OUString OUstring_t;
    typedef Sequence< OUString > Sequence_OUString_t;
    typedef std::map< OUstring_t, Sequence_OUString_t > list_entry_map_t;

    SvtLinguConfig aCfg;

    const int nNumServices = 4;
    const sal_Char * apServices[nNumServices]       =  { SN_SPELLCHECKER, SN_GRAMMARCHECKER, SN_HYPHENATOR, SN_THESAURUS };
    const sal_Char * apCurLists[nNumServices]       =  { "ServiceManager/SpellCheckerList",       "ServiceManager/GrammarCheckerList",       "ServiceManager/HyphenatorList",       "ServiceManager/ThesaurusList" };
    const sal_Char * apLastFoundLists[nNumServices] =  { "ServiceManager/LastFoundSpellCheckers", "ServiceManager/LastFoundGrammarCheckers", "ServiceManager/LastFoundHyphenators", "ServiceManager/LastFoundThesauri" };

    // usage of indices as above: 0 = spell checker, 1 = grammar checker, 2 = hyphenator, 3 = thesaurus
    std::vector< list_entry_map_t > aLastFoundSvcs(nNumServices);
    std::vector< list_entry_map_t > aCurSvcs(nNumServices);

    for (int k = 0;  k < nNumServices;  ++k)
        OUString aService( OUString::createFromAscii( apServices[k] ) );
        OUString aActiveList( OUString::createFromAscii( apCurLists[k] ) );
        OUString aLastFoundList( OUString::createFromAscii( apLastFoundLists[k] ) );
        sal_Int32 i;

        // remove configured but not available language/services entries

        Sequence< OUString > aNodeNames( aCfg.GetNodeNames( aActiveList ) );   // list of configured locales
        sal_Int32 nNodeNames = aNodeNames.getLength();
        const OUString *pNodeName = aNodeNames.getConstArray();
        for (i = 0;  i < nNodeNames;  ++i)
            Locale aLocale( (LanguageTag(pNodeName[i])).getLocale() );
            Sequence< OUString > aCfgSvcs( getConfiguredServices( aService, aLocale ));
            Sequence< OUString > aAvailSvcs( getAvailableServices( aService, aLocale ));

            aCfgSvcs = lcl_RemoveMissingEntries( aCfgSvcs, aAvailSvcs );

            aCurSvcs[k][ pNodeName[i] ] = aCfgSvcs;

        // add new available language/service entries
        // and
        // set last found services to currently available ones

        Sequence< Locale > aAvailLocales( getAvailableLocales(aService) );
        sal_Int32 nAvailLocales = aAvailLocales.getLength();
        const Locale *pAvailLocale = aAvailLocales.getConstArray();
        for (i = 0;  i < nAvailLocales;  ++i)
            OUString aCfgLocaleStr( (LanguageTag(pAvailLocale[i])).getBcp47() );

            Sequence< OUString > aAvailSvcs( getAvailableServices( aService, pAvailLocale[i] ));

            aLastFoundSvcs[k][ aCfgLocaleStr ] = aAvailSvcs;

            Sequence< OUString > aLastSvcs(
                    lcl_GetLastFoundSvcs( aCfg, aLastFoundList , pAvailLocale[i] ));
            Sequence< OUString > aNewSvcs =
                    lcl_GetNewEntries( aLastSvcs, aAvailSvcs );

            Sequence< OUString > aCfgSvcs( aCurSvcs[k][ aCfgLocaleStr ] );

            // merge services list (previously configured to be listed first).
            aCfgSvcs = lcl_MergeSeq( aCfgSvcs, aNewSvcs );

            aCurSvcs[k][ aCfgLocaleStr ] = aCfgSvcs;

    // write new data back to configuration

    for (int k = 0;  k < nNumServices;  ++k)
        for (int i = 0;  i < 2;  ++i)
            const sal_Char *pSubNodeName = (i == 0) ? apCurLists[k] : apLastFoundLists[k];
            OUString aSubNodeName( OUString::createFromAscii(pSubNodeName) );

            list_entry_map_t &rCurMap = (i == 0) ? aCurSvcs[k] : aLastFoundSvcs[k];
            list_entry_map_t::const_iterator aIt( rCurMap.begin() );
            sal_Int32 nVals = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( rCurMap.size() );
            Sequence< PropertyValue > aNewValues( nVals );
            PropertyValue *pNewValue = aNewValues.getArray();
            while (aIt != rCurMap.end())
                OUString aCfgEntryName( aSubNodeName );
                aCfgEntryName += OUString( (sal_Unicode) '/' );
                aCfgEntryName += (*aIt).first;

                pNewValue->Name  = aCfgEntryName;
                pNewValue->Value <<= (*aIt).second;
            OSL_ENSURE( pNewValue - aNewValues.getArray() == nVals,
                    "possible mismatch of sequence size and property number" );

                // add new or replace existing entries.
                bool bRes = aCfg.ReplaceSetProperties( aSubNodeName, aNewValues );
                if (!bRes)
                    SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "failed to set new configuration values" );

    //The new settings in the configuration get applied ! because we are
    //listening to the configuration for changes of the relevant ! properties
    //and Notify applies the new settings.

void LngSvcMgr::Notify( const uno::Sequence< OUString > &rPropertyNames )
    const OUString aSpellCheckerList( "ServiceManager/SpellCheckerList" );
    const OUString aGrammarCheckerList( "ServiceManager/GrammarCheckerList" );
    const OUString aHyphenatorList( "ServiceManager/HyphenatorList" );
    const OUString aThesaurusList( "ServiceManager/ThesaurusList" );

    const uno::Sequence< OUString > aSpellCheckerListEntries( GetNodeNames( aSpellCheckerList ) );
    const uno::Sequence< OUString > aGrammarCheckerListEntries( GetNodeNames( aGrammarCheckerList ) );
    const uno::Sequence< OUString > aHyphenatorListEntries( GetNodeNames( aHyphenatorList ) );
    const uno::Sequence< OUString > aThesaurusListEntries( GetNodeNames( aThesaurusList ) );

    uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aValues;
    uno::Sequence< OUString > aNames( 1 );
    OUString *pNames = aNames.getArray();

    sal_Int32 nLen = rPropertyNames.getLength();
    const OUString *pPropertyNames = rPropertyNames.getConstArray();
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nLen;  ++i)
        // property names look like
        // "ServiceManager/ThesaurusList/de-CH"

        const OUString &rName = pPropertyNames[i];
        sal_Int32 nKeyStart;
        nKeyStart = rName.lastIndexOf( '/' );
        OUString aKeyText;
        if (nKeyStart != -1)
            aKeyText = rName.copy( nKeyStart + 1 );
        SAL_WARN_IF( aKeyText.isEmpty(), "linguistic", "unexpected key (lang::Locale) string" );
        if (rName.startsWith( aSpellCheckerList ))
            // delete old cached data, needs to be acquired new on demand

            OUString aNode( aSpellCheckerList );
            if (lcl_SeqHasString( aSpellCheckerListEntries, aKeyText ))
                OUString aPropName( aNode );
                aPropName += OUString( (sal_Unicode) '/' );
                aPropName += aKeyText;
                pNames[0] = aPropName;
                aValues = /*aCfg.*/GetProperties( aNames );
                uno::Sequence< OUString > aSvcImplNames;
                if (aValues.getLength())
                    aSvcImplNames = GetLangSvcList( aValues.getConstArray()[0] );

                LanguageType nLang = LANGUAGE_NONE;
                if (!aKeyText.isEmpty())
                    nLang = LanguageTag::convertToLanguageTypeWithFallback( aKeyText );

                GetSpellCheckerDsp_Impl( false );     // don't set service list, it will be done below
                pSpellDsp->SetServiceList( LanguageTag::convertToLocale(nLang), aSvcImplNames );
        else if (rName.startsWith( aGrammarCheckerList ))
            // delete old cached data, needs to be acquired new on demand

            OUString aNode( aGrammarCheckerList );
            if (lcl_SeqHasString( aGrammarCheckerListEntries, aKeyText ))
                OUString aPropName( aNode );
                aPropName += OUString( (sal_Unicode) '/' );
                aPropName += aKeyText;
                pNames[0] = aPropName;
                aValues = /*aCfg.*/GetProperties( aNames );
                uno::Sequence< OUString > aSvcImplNames;
                if (aValues.getLength())
                    aSvcImplNames = GetLangSvc( aValues.getConstArray()[0] );

                LanguageType nLang = LANGUAGE_NONE;
                if (!aKeyText.isEmpty())
                    nLang = LanguageTag::convertToLanguageTypeWithFallback( aKeyText );

                if (SvtLinguConfig().HasGrammarChecker())
                    GetGrammarCheckerDsp_Impl( false );   // don't set service list, it will be done below
                    pGrammarDsp->SetServiceList( LanguageTag::convertToLocale(nLang), aSvcImplNames );
        else if (rName.startsWith( aHyphenatorList ))
            // delete old cached data, needs to be acquired new on demand

            OUString aNode( aHyphenatorList );
            if (lcl_SeqHasString( aHyphenatorListEntries, aKeyText ))
                OUString aPropName( aNode );
                aPropName += OUString( (sal_Unicode) '/' );
                aPropName += aKeyText;
                pNames[0] = aPropName;
                aValues = /*aCfg.*/GetProperties( aNames );
                uno::Sequence< OUString > aSvcImplNames;
                if (aValues.getLength())
                    aSvcImplNames = GetLangSvc( aValues.getConstArray()[0] );

                LanguageType nLang = LANGUAGE_NONE;
                if (!aKeyText.isEmpty())
                    nLang = LanguageTag::convertToLanguageTypeWithFallback( aKeyText );

                GetHyphenatorDsp_Impl( false );   // don't set service list, it will be done below
                pHyphDsp->SetServiceList( LanguageTag::convertToLocale(nLang), aSvcImplNames );
        else if (rName.startsWith( aThesaurusList ))
            // delete old cached data, needs to be acquired new on demand

            OUString aNode( aThesaurusList );
            if (lcl_SeqHasString( aThesaurusListEntries, aKeyText ))
                OUString aPropName( aNode );
                aPropName += OUString( (sal_Unicode) '/' );
                aPropName += aKeyText;
                pNames[0] = aPropName;
                aValues = /*aCfg.*/GetProperties( aNames );
                uno::Sequence< OUString > aSvcImplNames;
                if (aValues.getLength())
                    aSvcImplNames = GetLangSvcList( aValues.getConstArray()[0] );

                LanguageType nLang = LANGUAGE_NONE;
                if (!aKeyText.isEmpty())
                    nLang = LanguageTag::convertToLanguageTypeWithFallback( aKeyText );

                GetThesaurusDsp_Impl( false );  // don't set service list, it will be done below
                pThesDsp->SetServiceList( LanguageTag::convertToLocale(nLang), aSvcImplNames );
            SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "nofified for unexpected property" );

void LngSvcMgr::Commit()
    // everything necessary should have already been done by 'SaveCfgSvcs'
    // called from within 'setConfiguredServices'.
    // Also this class usually exits only when the Office i sbeing shutdown.

void LngSvcMgr::GetListenerHelper_Impl()
    if (!pListenerHelper)
        pListenerHelper = new LngSvcMgrListenerHelper( *this, linguistic::GetDictionaryList() );
        xListenerHelper = (linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventListener *) pListenerHelper;

void LngSvcMgr::GetSpellCheckerDsp_Impl( bool bSetSvcList )
    if (!pSpellDsp)
        pSpellDsp   = new SpellCheckerDispatcher( *this );
        xSpellDsp   = pSpellDsp;
        if (bSetSvcList)
            SetCfgServiceLists( *pSpellDsp );

void LngSvcMgr::GetGrammarCheckerDsp_Impl( bool bSetSvcList  )
    if (!pGrammarDsp && SvtLinguConfig().HasGrammarChecker())
        //! since the grammar checking iterator needs to be a one instance service
        //! we need to create it the correct way!
        uno::Reference< linguistic2::XProofreadingIterator > xGCI;
            xGCI = linguistic2::ProofreadingIterator::create( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
        catch (const uno::Exception &)
        SAL_WARN_IF( !xGCI.is(), "linguistic", "instantiating grammar checking iterator failed" );

        if (xGCI.is())
            pGrammarDsp    = dynamic_cast< GrammarCheckingIterator * >(xGCI.get());
            xGrammarDsp    = xGCI;
            SAL_WARN_IF( pGrammarDsp == NULL, "linguistic", "failed to get implementation" );
            if (bSetSvcList && pGrammarDsp)
                SetCfgServiceLists( *pGrammarDsp );

void LngSvcMgr::GetHyphenatorDsp_Impl( bool bSetSvcList  )
    if (!pHyphDsp)
        pHyphDsp    = new HyphenatorDispatcher( *this );
        xHyphDsp    = pHyphDsp;
        if (bSetSvcList)
            SetCfgServiceLists( *pHyphDsp );

void LngSvcMgr::GetThesaurusDsp_Impl( bool bSetSvcList  )
    if (!pThesDsp)
        pThesDsp    = new ThesaurusDispatcher;
        xThesDsp    = pThesDsp;
        if (bSetSvcList)
            SetCfgServiceLists( *pThesDsp );

void LngSvcMgr::GetAvailableSpellSvcs_Impl()
    if (!pAvailSpellSvcs)
        pAvailSpellSvcs = new SvcInfoArray;

        uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );

        uno::Reference< container::XContentEnumerationAccess > xEnumAccess( xContext->getServiceManager(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
        uno::Reference< container::XEnumeration > xEnum;
        if (xEnumAccess.is())
            xEnum = xEnumAccess->createContentEnumeration( SN_SPELLCHECKER );

        if (xEnum.is())
            while (xEnum->hasMoreElements())
                uno::Any aCurrent = xEnum->nextElement();
                uno::Reference< lang::XSingleComponentFactory > xCompFactory;
                uno::Reference< lang::XSingleServiceFactory > xFactory;

                uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSpellChecker > xSvc;
                xCompFactory.set(aCurrent, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
                if (!xCompFactory.is())
                    xFactory.set(aCurrent, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
                if ( xCompFactory.is() || xFactory.is() )
                        xSvc = uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSpellChecker >( ( xCompFactory.is() ? xCompFactory->createInstanceWithContext( xContext ) : xFactory->createInstance() ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
                    catch (const uno::Exception &)
                        SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "createInstance failed" );

                if (xSvc.is())
                    OUString            aImplName;
                    uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 >    aLanguages;
                    uno::Reference< XServiceInfo > xInfo( xSvc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
                    if (xInfo.is())
                        aImplName = xInfo->getImplementationName();
                    SAL_WARN_IF( aImplName.isEmpty(), "linguistic", "empty implementation name" );
                    uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSupportedLocales > xSuppLoc( xSvc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
                    SAL_WARN_IF( !xSuppLoc.is(), "linguistic", "interfaces not supported" );
                    if (xSuppLoc.is()) {
                        uno::Sequence<lang::Locale> aLocaleSequence(xSuppLoc->getLocales());
                        aLanguages = LocaleSeqToLangSeq( aLocaleSequence );

                    pAvailSpellSvcs->push_back( new SvcInfo( aImplName, aLanguages ) );

void LngSvcMgr::GetAvailableGrammarSvcs_Impl()
    if (!pAvailGrammarSvcs)
        pAvailGrammarSvcs = new SvcInfoArray;

        uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );

        uno::Reference< container::XContentEnumerationAccess > xEnumAccess( xContext->getServiceManager(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
        uno::Reference< container::XEnumeration > xEnum;
        if (xEnumAccess.is())
            xEnum = xEnumAccess->createContentEnumeration( SN_GRAMMARCHECKER );

        if (xEnum.is())
            while (xEnum->hasMoreElements())
                uno::Any aCurrent = xEnum->nextElement();
                uno::Reference< lang::XSingleComponentFactory > xCompFactory;
                uno::Reference< lang::XSingleServiceFactory > xFactory;

                uno::Reference< linguistic2::XProofreader > xSvc;
                xCompFactory.set(aCurrent, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
                if (!xCompFactory.is())
                    xFactory.set(aCurrent, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
                if ( xCompFactory.is() || xFactory.is() )
                        xSvc = uno::Reference< linguistic2::XProofreader >( ( xCompFactory.is() ? xCompFactory->createInstanceWithContext( xContext ) : xFactory->createInstance() ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
                    catch (const uno::Exception &)
                        SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "createInstance failed" );

                if (xSvc.is())
                    OUString            aImplName;
                    uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 >   aLanguages;
                    uno::Reference< XServiceInfo > xInfo( xSvc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
                    if (xInfo.is())
                        aImplName = xInfo->getImplementationName();
                    SAL_WARN_IF( aImplName.isEmpty(), "linguistic", "empty implementation name" );
                    uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSupportedLocales > xSuppLoc( xSvc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
                    SAL_WARN_IF( !xSuppLoc.is(), "linguistic", "interfaces not supported" );
                    if (xSuppLoc.is())
                        uno::Sequence<lang::Locale> aLocaleSequence(xSuppLoc->getLocales());
                        aLanguages = LocaleSeqToLangSeq( aLocaleSequence );

                    pAvailGrammarSvcs->push_back( new SvcInfo( aImplName, aLanguages ) );

void LngSvcMgr::GetAvailableHyphSvcs_Impl()
    if (!pAvailHyphSvcs)
        pAvailHyphSvcs = new SvcInfoArray;
        uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );

        uno::Reference< container::XContentEnumerationAccess > xEnumAccess( xContext->getServiceManager(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
        uno::Reference< container::XEnumeration > xEnum;
        if (xEnumAccess.is())
            xEnum = xEnumAccess->createContentEnumeration( SN_HYPHENATOR );

        if (xEnum.is())
            while (xEnum->hasMoreElements())
                uno::Any aCurrent = xEnum->nextElement();
                uno::Reference< lang::XSingleComponentFactory > xCompFactory;
                uno::Reference< lang::XSingleServiceFactory > xFactory;

                uno::Reference< linguistic2::XHyphenator > xSvc;
                xCompFactory.set(aCurrent, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
                if (!xCompFactory.is())
                    xFactory.set(aCurrent, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
                if ( xCompFactory.is() || xFactory.is() )
                        xSvc = uno::Reference< linguistic2::XHyphenator >( ( xCompFactory.is() ? xCompFactory->createInstanceWithContext( xContext ) : xFactory->createInstance() ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
                    catch (const uno::Exception &)
                        SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "createInstance failed" );
                if (xSvc.is())
                    OUString            aImplName;
                    uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 >    aLanguages;
                    uno::Reference< XServiceInfo > xInfo( xSvc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
                    if (xInfo.is())
                        aImplName = xInfo->getImplementationName();
                    SAL_WARN_IF( aImplName.isEmpty(), "linguistic", "empty implementation name" );
                    uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSupportedLocales > xSuppLoc( xSvc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
                    SAL_WARN_IF( !xSuppLoc.is(), "linguistic", "interfaces not supported" );
                    if (xSuppLoc.is())
                        uno::Sequence<lang::Locale> aLocaleSequence(xSuppLoc->getLocales());
                        aLanguages = LocaleSeqToLangSeq( aLocaleSequence );
                    pAvailHyphSvcs->push_back( new SvcInfo( aImplName, aLanguages ) );

void LngSvcMgr::GetAvailableThesSvcs_Impl()
    if (!pAvailThesSvcs)
        pAvailThesSvcs = new SvcInfoArray;

        uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );

        uno::Reference< container::XContentEnumerationAccess > xEnumAccess( xContext->getServiceManager(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
        uno::Reference< container::XEnumeration > xEnum;
        if (xEnumAccess.is())
            xEnum = xEnumAccess->createContentEnumeration( SN_THESAURUS );

        if (xEnum.is())
            while (xEnum->hasMoreElements())
                uno::Any aCurrent = xEnum->nextElement();
                uno::Reference< lang::XSingleComponentFactory > xCompFactory;
                uno::Reference< lang::XSingleServiceFactory > xFactory;

                uno::Reference< linguistic2::XThesaurus > xSvc;
                xCompFactory.set(aCurrent, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
                if (!xCompFactory.is())
                    xFactory.set(aCurrent, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
                if ( xCompFactory.is() || xFactory.is() )
                        xSvc = uno::Reference< linguistic2::XThesaurus >( ( xCompFactory.is() ? xCompFactory->createInstanceWithContext( xContext ) : xFactory->createInstance() ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
                    catch (const uno::Exception &)
                       SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "createInstance failed" );
                if (xSvc.is())
                    OUString            aImplName;
                    uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 >    aLanguages;
                    uno::Reference< XServiceInfo > xInfo( xSvc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
                    if (xInfo.is())
                        aImplName = xInfo->getImplementationName();
                    SAL_WARN_IF( aImplName.isEmpty(), "linguistic", "empty implementation name" );
                    uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSupportedLocales > xSuppLoc( xSvc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
                    SAL_WARN_IF( !xSuppLoc.is(), "linguistic", "interfaces not supported" );
                    if (xSuppLoc.is())
                        uno::Sequence<lang::Locale> aLocaleSequence(xSuppLoc->getLocales());
                        aLanguages = LocaleSeqToLangSeq( aLocaleSequence );

                    pAvailThesSvcs->push_back( new SvcInfo( aImplName, aLanguages ) );

void LngSvcMgr::SetCfgServiceLists( SpellCheckerDispatcher &rSpellDsp )
    SAL_INFO( "linguistic", "linguistic: LngSvcMgr::SetCfgServiceLists - Spell" );

    OUString aNode("ServiceManager/SpellCheckerList");
    uno::Sequence< OUString > aNames( /*aCfg.*/GetNodeNames( aNode ) );
    OUString *pNames = aNames.getArray();
    sal_Int32 nLen = aNames.getLength();

    // append path prefix need for 'GetProperties' call below
    OUString aPrefix( aNode );
    aPrefix += "/";
    for (int i = 0;  i < nLen;  ++i)
        OUString aTmp( aPrefix );
        aTmp += pNames[i];
        pNames[i] = aTmp;

    uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aValues( /*aCfg.*/GetProperties( aNames ) );
    if (nLen  &&  nLen == aValues.getLength())
        const uno::Any *pValues = aValues.getConstArray();
        for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nLen;  ++i)
            uno::Sequence< OUString > aSvcImplNames;
            if (pValues[i] >>= aSvcImplNames)
                OUString aLocaleStr( pNames[i] );
                sal_Int32 nSeparatorPos = aLocaleStr.lastIndexOf( '/' );
                aLocaleStr = aLocaleStr.copy( nSeparatorPos + 1 );
                rSpellDsp.SetServiceList( LanguageTag::convertToLocale(aLocaleStr), aSvcImplNames );

void LngSvcMgr::SetCfgServiceLists( GrammarCheckingIterator &rGrammarDsp )
    SAL_INFO( "linguistic", "linguistic: LngSvcMgr::SetCfgServiceLists - Grammar" );

    OUString aNode("ServiceManager/GrammarCheckerList");
    uno::Sequence< OUString > aNames( /*aCfg.*/GetNodeNames( aNode ) );
    OUString *pNames = aNames.getArray();
    sal_Int32 nLen = aNames.getLength();

    // append path prefix need for 'GetProperties' call below
    OUString aPrefix( aNode );
    aPrefix += "/";
    for (int i = 0;  i < nLen;  ++i)
        OUString aTmp( aPrefix );
        aTmp += pNames[i];
        pNames[i] = aTmp;

    uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aValues( /*aCfg.*/GetProperties( aNames ) );
    if (nLen  &&  nLen == aValues.getLength())
        const uno::Any *pValues = aValues.getConstArray();
        for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nLen;  ++i)
            uno::Sequence< OUString > aSvcImplNames;
            if (pValues[i] >>= aSvcImplNames)
                // there should only be one grammar checker in use per language...
                if (aSvcImplNames.getLength() > 1)

                OUString aLocaleStr( pNames[i] );
                sal_Int32 nSeparatorPos = aLocaleStr.lastIndexOf( '/' );
                aLocaleStr = aLocaleStr.copy( nSeparatorPos + 1 );
                rGrammarDsp.SetServiceList( LanguageTag::convertToLocale(aLocaleStr), aSvcImplNames );

void LngSvcMgr::SetCfgServiceLists( HyphenatorDispatcher &rHyphDsp )
    SAL_INFO( "linguistic", "linguistic: LngSvcMgr::SetCfgServiceLists - Hyph" );

    OUString aNode("ServiceManager/HyphenatorList");
    uno::Sequence< OUString > aNames( /*aCfg.*/GetNodeNames( aNode ) );
    OUString *pNames = aNames.getArray();
    sal_Int32 nLen = aNames.getLength();

    // append path prefix need for 'GetProperties' call below
    OUString aPrefix( aNode );
    aPrefix += "/";
    for (int i = 0;  i < nLen;  ++i)
        OUString aTmp( aPrefix );
        aTmp += pNames[i];
        pNames[i] = aTmp;

    uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aValues( /*aCfg.*/GetProperties( aNames ) );
    if (nLen  &&  nLen == aValues.getLength())
        const uno::Any *pValues = aValues.getConstArray();
        for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nLen;  ++i)
            uno::Sequence< OUString > aSvcImplNames;
            if (pValues[i] >>= aSvcImplNames)
                // there should only be one hyphenator in use per language...
                if (aSvcImplNames.getLength() > 1)

                OUString aLocaleStr( pNames[i] );
                sal_Int32 nSeparatorPos = aLocaleStr.lastIndexOf( '/' );
                aLocaleStr = aLocaleStr.copy( nSeparatorPos + 1 );
                rHyphDsp.SetServiceList( LanguageTag::convertToLocale(aLocaleStr), aSvcImplNames );

void LngSvcMgr::SetCfgServiceLists( ThesaurusDispatcher &rThesDsp )
    SAL_INFO( "linguistic", "linguistic: LngSvcMgr::SetCfgServiceLists - Thes" );

    OUString aNode("ServiceManager/ThesaurusList");
    uno::Sequence< OUString > aNames( /*aCfg.*/GetNodeNames( aNode ) );
    OUString *pNames = aNames.getArray();
    sal_Int32 nLen = aNames.getLength();

    // append path prefix need for 'GetProperties' call below
    OUString aPrefix( aNode );
    aPrefix += "/";
    for (int i = 0;  i < nLen;  ++i)
        OUString aTmp( aPrefix );
        aTmp += pNames[i];
        pNames[i] = aTmp;

    uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aValues( /*aCfg.*/GetProperties( aNames ) );
    if (nLen  &&  nLen == aValues.getLength())
        const uno::Any *pValues = aValues.getConstArray();
        for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nLen;  ++i)
            uno::Sequence< OUString > aSvcImplNames;
            if (pValues[i] >>= aSvcImplNames)
                OUString aLocaleStr( pNames[i] );
                sal_Int32 nSeparatorPos = aLocaleStr.lastIndexOf( '/' );
                aLocaleStr = aLocaleStr.copy( nSeparatorPos + 1 );
                rThesDsp.SetServiceList( LanguageTag::convertToLocale(aLocaleStr), aSvcImplNames );

uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSpellChecker > SAL_CALL
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    getAvailableLocales( SN_SPELLCHECKER );

    uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSpellChecker > xRes;
    if (!bDisposing)
        if (!xSpellDsp.is())
        xRes = xSpellDsp;
    return xRes;

uno::Reference< linguistic2::XHyphenator > SAL_CALL
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    getAvailableLocales( SN_HYPHENATOR );

    uno::Reference< linguistic2::XHyphenator >   xRes;
    if (!bDisposing)
        if (!xHyphDsp.is())
        xRes = xHyphDsp;
    return xRes;

uno::Reference< linguistic2::XThesaurus > SAL_CALL
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    getAvailableLocales( SN_THESAURUS );

    uno::Reference< linguistic2::XThesaurus >    xRes;
    if (!bDisposing)
        if (!xThesDsp.is())
        xRes = xThesDsp;
    return xRes;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
            const uno::Reference< lang::XEventListener >& xListener )
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );

    bool bRes = false;
    if (!bDisposing  &&  xListener.is())
        if (!pListenerHelper)
        bRes = pListenerHelper->AddLngSvcMgrListener( xListener );
    return bRes;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
            const uno::Reference< lang::XEventListener >& xListener )
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );

    bool bRes = false;
    if (!bDisposing  &&  xListener.is())
        DBG_ASSERT( pListenerHelper, "listener removed without being added" );
        if (!pListenerHelper)
        bRes = pListenerHelper->RemoveLngSvcMgrListener( xListener );
    return bRes;

uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL
            const OUString& rServiceName,
            const lang::Locale& rLocale )
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );

    uno::Sequence< OUString > aRes;
    const SvcInfoArray *pInfoArray = 0;

    if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_SPELLCHECKER ))
        pInfoArray = pAvailSpellSvcs;
    else if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_GRAMMARCHECKER ))
        pInfoArray = pAvailGrammarSvcs;
    else if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_HYPHENATOR ))
        pInfoArray = pAvailHyphSvcs;
    else if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_THESAURUS ))
        pInfoArray = pAvailThesSvcs;

    if (pInfoArray)
        // resize to max number of entries
        size_t nMaxCnt = pInfoArray->size();
        aRes.realloc( nMaxCnt );
        OUString *pImplName = aRes.getArray();

        sal_uInt16 nCnt = 0;
        LanguageType nLanguage = LinguLocaleToLanguage( rLocale );
        for (size_t i = 0;  i < nMaxCnt; ++i)
            const SvcInfo &rInfo = (*pInfoArray)[i];
            if (LinguIsUnspecified( nLanguage )
                || rInfo.HasLanguage( nLanguage ))
                pImplName[ nCnt++ ] = rInfo.aSvcImplName;

        // resize to actual number of entries
        if (nCnt != nMaxCnt)
            aRes.realloc( nCnt );

    return aRes;

uno::Sequence< lang::Locale > SAL_CALL
            const OUString& rServiceName )
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );

    uno::Sequence< lang::Locale > aRes;

    uno::Sequence< lang::Locale >  *pAvailLocales     = NULL;
    if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_SPELLCHECKER ))
        pAvailLocales       = &aAvailSpellLocales;
    else if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_GRAMMARCHECKER ))
        pAvailLocales       = &aAvailGrammarLocales;
    else if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_HYPHENATOR ))
        pAvailLocales       = &aAvailHyphLocales;
    else if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_THESAURUS ))
        pAvailLocales       = &aAvailThesLocales;

    // Nowadays (with OOo lingu in SO) we want to know immediately about
    // new downloaded dictionaries and have them ready right away if the Tools/Options...
    // is used to activate them. Thus we can not rely anymore on buffered data.
    if (pAvailLocales)
        *pAvailLocales = GetAvailLocales(getAvailableServices(rServiceName, lang::Locale()));
        aRes = *pAvailLocales;

    return aRes;

static bool IsEqSvcList( const uno::Sequence< OUString > &rList1,
                        const uno::Sequence< OUString > &rList2 )
    // returns sal_True iff both sequences are equal

    bool bRes = false;
    sal_Int32 nLen = rList1.getLength();
    if (rList2.getLength() == nLen)
        const OUString *pStr1 = rList1.getConstArray();
        const OUString *pStr2 = rList2.getConstArray();
        bRes = true;
        for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nLen  &&  bRes;  ++i)
            if (*pStr1++ != *pStr2++)
                bRes = false;
    return bRes;

            const OUString& rServiceName,
            const lang::Locale& rLocale,
            const uno::Sequence< OUString >& rServiceImplNames )
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    SAL_INFO( "linguistic", "linguistic: LngSvcMgr::setConfiguredServices" );

    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );


    LanguageType nLanguage = LinguLocaleToLanguage( rLocale );
    if (!LinguIsUnspecified( nLanguage))
        if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_SPELLCHECKER ))
            if (!xSpellDsp.is())
            bool bChanged = !IsEqSvcList( rServiceImplNames,
                                          pSpellDsp->GetServiceList( rLocale ) );
            if (bChanged)
                pSpellDsp->SetServiceList( rLocale, rServiceImplNames );
                SaveCfgSvcs( OUString(SN_SPELLCHECKER) );

                if (pListenerHelper  &&  bChanged)
                            linguistic2::LinguServiceEventFlags::SPELL_CORRECT_WORDS_AGAIN |
                            linguistic2::LinguServiceEventFlags::SPELL_WRONG_WORDS_AGAIN );
        else if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_GRAMMARCHECKER ))
            if (!xGrammarDsp.is())
            bool bChanged = !IsEqSvcList( rServiceImplNames,
                                          pGrammarDsp->GetServiceList( rLocale ) );
            if (bChanged)
                pGrammarDsp->SetServiceList( rLocale, rServiceImplNames );
                SaveCfgSvcs( OUString(SN_GRAMMARCHECKER) );

                if (pListenerHelper  &&  bChanged)
                            linguistic2::LinguServiceEventFlags::PROOFREAD_AGAIN );
        else if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_HYPHENATOR ))
            if (!xHyphDsp.is())
            bool bChanged = !IsEqSvcList( rServiceImplNames,
                                          pHyphDsp->GetServiceList( rLocale ) );
            if (bChanged)
                pHyphDsp->SetServiceList( rLocale, rServiceImplNames );
                SaveCfgSvcs( OUString(SN_HYPHENATOR) );

                if (pListenerHelper  &&  bChanged)
                            linguistic2::LinguServiceEventFlags::HYPHENATE_AGAIN );
        else if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_THESAURUS ))
            if (!xThesDsp.is())
            bool bChanged = !IsEqSvcList( rServiceImplNames,
                                          pThesDsp->GetServiceList( rLocale ) );
            if (bChanged)
                pThesDsp->SetServiceList( rLocale, rServiceImplNames );
                SaveCfgSvcs( OUString(SN_THESAURUS) );

bool LngSvcMgr::SaveCfgSvcs( const OUString &rServiceName )
    SAL_INFO( "linguistic", "linguistic: LngSvcMgr::SaveCfgSvcs" );

    bool bRes = false;

    LinguDispatcher *pDsp = 0;
    uno::Sequence< lang::Locale > aLocales;

    if (rServiceName == SN_SPELLCHECKER)
        if (!pSpellDsp)
        pDsp = pSpellDsp;
        aLocales = getAvailableLocales( SN_SPELLCHECKER );
    else if (rServiceName == SN_GRAMMARCHECKER)
        if (!pGrammarDsp)
        pDsp = pGrammarDsp;
        aLocales = getAvailableLocales( SN_GRAMMARCHECKER );
    else if (rServiceName == SN_HYPHENATOR)
        if (!pHyphDsp)
        pDsp = pHyphDsp;
        aLocales = getAvailableLocales( SN_HYPHENATOR );
    else if (rServiceName == SN_THESAURUS)
        if (!pThesDsp)
        pDsp = pThesDsp;
        aLocales = getAvailableLocales( SN_THESAURUS );

    if (pDsp  &&  aLocales.getLength())
        sal_Int32 nLen = aLocales.getLength();
        const lang::Locale *pLocale = aLocales.getConstArray();

        uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aValues( nLen );
        beans::PropertyValue *pValues = aValues.getArray();
        beans::PropertyValue *pValue  = pValues;

        // get node name to be used
        const char *pNodeName = NULL;
        if (pDsp == pSpellDsp)
            pNodeName = "ServiceManager/SpellCheckerList";
        else if (pDsp == pGrammarDsp)
            pNodeName = "ServiceManager/GrammarCheckerList";
        else if (pDsp == pHyphDsp)
            pNodeName = "ServiceManager/HyphenatorList";
        else if (pDsp == pThesDsp)
            pNodeName = "ServiceManager/ThesaurusList";
            SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "node name missing" );
        OUString aNodeName( OUString::createFromAscii(pNodeName) );

        for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nLen;  ++i)
            uno::Sequence< OUString > aSvcImplNames;
            aSvcImplNames = pDsp->GetServiceList( pLocale[i] );

            sal_Int32 nSvcs = aSvcImplNames.getLength();
            const OUString *pSvcImplName = aSvcImplNames.getConstArray();
            for (sal_Int32 j = 0;  j < nSvcs;  ++j)
                OUString aImplName( pSvcImplName[j] );
            // build value to be written back to configuration
            uno::Any aCfgAny;
            if ((pDsp == pHyphDsp || pDsp == pGrammarDsp) && aSvcImplNames.getLength() > 1)
                aSvcImplNames.realloc(1);   // there should be only one entry for hyphenators or grammar checkers (because they are not chained)
            aCfgAny <<= aSvcImplNames;
            DBG_ASSERT( aCfgAny.hasValue(), "missing value for 'Any' type" );

            OUString aCfgLocaleStr( (LanguageTag(pLocale[i])).getBcp47() );
            pValue->Value = aCfgAny;
            pValue->Name  = aNodeName;
            pValue->Name += OUString( (sal_Unicode) '/' );
            pValue->Name += aCfgLocaleStr;
        SAL_INFO( "linguistic", "linguistic: LngSvcMgr::SaveCfgSvcs - ReplaceSetProperties" );
        // change, add new or replace existing entries.
        bRes |= /*aCfg.*/ReplaceSetProperties( aNodeName, aValues );

    return bRes;

static uno::Sequence< OUString > GetLangSvcList( const uno::Any &rVal )
    uno::Sequence< OUString > aRes;

    if (rVal.hasValue())
        rVal >>= aRes;
        sal_Int32 nSvcs = aRes.getLength();
        if (nSvcs)
            const OUString *pSvcName = aRes.getConstArray();
            for (sal_Int32 j = 0;  j < nSvcs;  ++j)
                OUString aImplName( pSvcName[j] );
                SAL_WARN_IF( aImplName.isEmpty(), "linguistic", "service impl-name missing" );

    return aRes;

static uno::Sequence< OUString > GetLangSvc( const uno::Any &rVal )
    uno::Sequence< OUString > aRes;
    if (!rVal.hasValue())
        return aRes;

    // allowing for a sequence here as well (even though it should only
    // be a string) makes coding easier in other places since one needs
    // not make a special case for writing a string only and not a
    // sequence of strings.
    if (rVal >>= aRes)
        // but only the first string should be used.
        if (aRes.getLength() > 1)
        OUString aImplName;
        if ((rVal >>= aImplName) && !aImplName.isEmpty())
            aRes.getArray()[0] = aImplName;
            SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "GetLangSvc: unexpected type encountered" );

    return aRes;

uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL
            const OUString& rServiceName,
            const lang::Locale& rLocale )
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );

    uno::Sequence< OUString > aSvcImplNames;

    OUString aCfgLocale( LanguageTag::convertToBcp47( rLocale) );

    uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aValues;
    uno::Sequence< OUString > aNames( 1 );
    OUString *pNames = aNames.getArray();
    if ( rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_SPELLCHECKER ) )
        OUString aNode( "ServiceManager/SpellCheckerList");
        const uno::Sequence< OUString > aNodeEntries( GetNodeNames( aNode ) );
        if (lcl_SeqHasString( aNodeEntries, aCfgLocale ))
            OUString aPropName( aNode );
            aPropName += OUString( (sal_Unicode) '/' );
            aPropName += aCfgLocale;
            pNames[0] = aPropName;
            aValues = /*aCfg.*/GetProperties( aNames );
            if (aValues.getLength())
                aSvcImplNames = GetLangSvcList( aValues.getConstArray()[0] );
    else if ( rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_GRAMMARCHECKER ) )
        OUString aNode( "ServiceManager/GrammarCheckerList");
        const uno::Sequence< OUString > aNodeEntries( GetNodeNames( aNode ) );
        if (lcl_SeqHasString( aNodeEntries, aCfgLocale ))
            OUString aPropName( aNode );
            aPropName += OUString( (sal_Unicode) '/' );
            aPropName += aCfgLocale;
            pNames[0] = aPropName;
            aValues = /*aCfg.*/GetProperties( aNames );
            if (aValues.getLength())
                aSvcImplNames = GetLangSvc( aValues.getConstArray()[0] );
    else if ( rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_HYPHENATOR ) )
        OUString aNode( "ServiceManager/HyphenatorList");
        const uno::Sequence< OUString > aNodeEntries( GetNodeNames( aNode ) );
        if (lcl_SeqHasString( aNodeEntries, aCfgLocale ))
            OUString aPropName( aNode );
            aPropName += OUString( (sal_Unicode) '/' );
            aPropName += aCfgLocale;
            pNames[0] = aPropName;
            aValues = /*aCfg.*/GetProperties( aNames );
            if (aValues.getLength())
                aSvcImplNames = GetLangSvc( aValues.getConstArray()[0] );
    else if ( rServiceName.equalsAscii( SN_THESAURUS ) )
        OUString aNode( "ServiceManager/ThesaurusList");
        const uno::Sequence< OUString > aNodeEntries( GetNodeNames( aNode ) );
        if (lcl_SeqHasString( aNodeEntries, aCfgLocale ))
            OUString aPropName( aNode );
            aPropName += OUString( (sal_Unicode) '/' );
            aPropName += aCfgLocale;
            pNames[0] = aPropName;
            aValues = /*aCfg.*/GetProperties( aNames );
            if (aValues.getLength())
                aSvcImplNames = GetLangSvcList( aValues.getConstArray()[0] );

    const OUString *pImplNames = aSvcImplNames.getConstArray();
    (void) pImplNames;
    return aSvcImplNames;

        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );

    if (!bDisposing)
        bDisposing = true;

        // require listeners to release this object
        lang::EventObject aEvtObj( static_cast<XLinguServiceManager*>(this) );
        aEvtListeners.disposeAndClear( aEvtObj );

        if (pListenerHelper)
            pListenerHelper->DisposeAndClear( aEvtObj );

            const uno::Reference< lang::XEventListener >& xListener )
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );

    if (!bDisposing  &&  xListener.is())
        aEvtListeners.addInterface( xListener );

            const uno::Reference< lang::XEventListener >& xListener )
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );

    if (xListener.is())
        aEvtListeners.removeInterface( xListener );

bool LngSvcMgr::AddLngSvcEvtBroadcaster(
            const uno::Reference< linguistic2::XLinguServiceEventBroadcaster > &rxBroadcaster )
    bool bRes = false;
    if (rxBroadcaster.is())
        if (!pListenerHelper)
        bRes = pListenerHelper->AddLngSvcEvtBroadcaster( rxBroadcaster );
    return bRes;

        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    return getImplementationName_Static();

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
    LngSvcMgr::supportsService( const OUString& ServiceName )
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    return cppu::supportsService(this, ServiceName);

uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL
        throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception)
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    return getSupportedServiceNames_Static();

uno::Sequence< OUString > LngSvcMgr::getSupportedServiceNames_Static()
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );

    uno::Sequence< OUString > aSNS( 1 );    // more than 1 service possible
    aSNS.getArray()[0] = "com.sun.star.linguistic2.LinguServiceManager";
    return aSNS;

uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL LngSvcMgr_CreateInstance(
            const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & /*rSMgr*/ )
    uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xService = (cppu::OWeakObject*) new LngSvcMgr;
    return xService;

void * SAL_CALL LngSvcMgr_getFactory(
            const sal_Char * pImplName,
            lang::XMultiServiceFactory * pServiceManager,
            void * /*pRegistryKey*/ )

    void * pRet = 0;
    if ( LngSvcMgr::getImplementationName_Static().equalsAscii( pImplName ) )
        uno::Reference< lang::XSingleServiceFactory > xFactory =
        // acquire, because we return an interface pointer instead of a reference
        pRet = xFactory.get();
    return pRet;

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