/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: spelldsp.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.6 $ * * last change: $Author: tl $ $Date: 2001-05-16 10:46:38 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UNO_REFERENCE_H_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_LINGUISTIC2_XSEARCHABLEDICTIONARYLIST_HPP_ #include #endif #include #include // helper for factories #include #ifndef _TOOLS_DEBUG_HXX //autogen wg. DBG_ASSERT #include #endif #ifndef _SVTOOLS_LNGMISC_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _UNOTOOLS_PROCESSFACTORY_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _SPELLIMP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _LNGPROPS_HXX #include #endif #include "spelldsp.hxx" #include "spelldta.hxx" #include "lngsvcmgr.hxx" #ifndef _OSL_MUTEX_HXX_ #include #endif using namespace utl; using namespace osl; using namespace rtl; using namespace com::sun::star; using namespace com::sun::star::beans; using namespace com::sun::star::lang; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; using namespace com::sun::star::linguistic2; using namespace linguistic; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static BOOL SvcListHasLanguage( const Sequence< Reference< XSpellChecker1 > > &rRefs, INT16 nLanguage ) { BOOL bHasLanguage = FALSE; const Reference< XSpellChecker1 > *pRef = rRefs.getConstArray(); INT32 nLen = rRefs.getLength(); for (INT32 k = 0; k < nLen && !bHasLanguage; ++k) { if (pRef[k].is()) bHasLanguage = pRef[k]->hasLanguage( nLanguage ); } return bHasLanguage; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SeqLangSvcEntry_Spell::~SeqLangSvcEntry_Spell() { } SeqLangSvcEntry_Spell::SeqLangSvcEntry_Spell( const Sequence< OUString > &rSvcImplNames ) : aSvcImplNames ( rSvcImplNames ), aSvcRefs ( rSvcImplNames.getLength() ), aSvc1Refs ( rSvcImplNames.getLength() ) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SpellCheckerDispatcher::SpellCheckerDispatcher( LngSvcMgr &rLngSvcMgr ) : rMgr (rLngSvcMgr) { pExtCache = NULL; } SpellCheckerDispatcher::~SpellCheckerDispatcher() { ClearSvcList(); delete pExtCache; } void SpellCheckerDispatcher::ClearSvcList() { // release memory for each table entry SeqLangSvcEntry_Spell *pItem = aSvcList.First(); while (pItem) { SeqLangSvcEntry_Spell *pTmp = pItem; pItem = aSvcList.Next(); delete pTmp; } } Sequence< Locale > SAL_CALL SpellCheckerDispatcher::getLocales() throw(RuntimeException) { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); return LangSeqToLocaleSeq( getLanguages() ); } sal_Bool SAL_CALL SpellCheckerDispatcher::hasLocale( const Locale& rLocale ) throw(RuntimeException) { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); return hasLanguage( LocaleToLanguage(rLocale) ); } sal_Bool SAL_CALL SpellCheckerDispatcher::isValid( const OUString& rWord, const Locale& rLocale, const PropertyValues& rProperties ) throw(IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException) { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); return isValid( rWord, LocaleToLanguage(rLocale), rProperties ); } Reference< XSpellAlternatives > SAL_CALL SpellCheckerDispatcher::spell( const OUString& rWord, const Locale& rLocale, const PropertyValues& rProperties ) throw(IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException) { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); return spell( rWord, LocaleToLanguage(rLocale), rProperties ); } Sequence< sal_Int16 > SAL_CALL SpellCheckerDispatcher::getLanguages() throw(RuntimeException) { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); ULONG nCnt = aSvcList.Count(); Sequence< INT16 > aLanguages( nCnt ); INT16 *pLang = aLanguages.getArray(); SeqLangSvcEntry_Spell *pEntry = aSvcList.First(); for (ULONG i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { DBG_ASSERT( pEntry, "lng : pEntry is NULL pointer" ); pLang[i] = aSvcList.GetKey( pEntry ); pEntry = aSvcList.Next(); } return aLanguages; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL SpellCheckerDispatcher::hasLanguage( sal_Int16 nLanguage ) throw(RuntimeException) { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); return 0 != aSvcList.Seek( nLanguage ); } sal_Bool SAL_CALL SpellCheckerDispatcher::isValid( const OUString& rWord, sal_Int16 nLanguage, const PropertyValues& rProperties ) throw(IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException) { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); BOOL bRes = TRUE; if (LANGUAGE_NONE != nLanguage && rWord.getLength()) { if (aOpt.IsSpellInAllLanguages()) bRes = isValidInAny( rWord, getLanguages(), rProperties ); else bRes = isValid_Impl( rWord, nLanguage, rProperties, TRUE ); } return bRes; } BOOL SpellCheckerDispatcher::isValidInAny( const OUString& rWord, const Sequence< INT16 >& aLanguages, const PropertyValues& rProperties ) throw( RuntimeException, IllegalArgumentException ) { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); BOOL bRes = TRUE; INT32 nNumLang = aLanguages.getLength(); const INT16 *pLang = aLanguages.getConstArray(); BOOL bCheckDics = TRUE; for (int i = 0; i < nNumLang; i++) { // Bug 71632 if( LANGUAGE_NONE != pLang[i] ) { if ((bRes = isValid_Impl( rWord, pLang[i], rProperties, bCheckDics ))) break; bCheckDics = FALSE; } } return bRes; } BOOL SpellCheckerDispatcher::isValid_Impl( const OUString& rWord, INT16 nLanguage, const PropertyValues& rProperties, BOOL bCheckDics) throw( RuntimeException, IllegalArgumentException ) { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); BOOL bRes = TRUE; if (nLanguage == LANGUAGE_NONE || !rWord.getLength()) return bRes; // search for entry with that language SeqLangSvcEntry_Spell *pEntry = aSvcList.Seek( nLanguage ); if (!pEntry) { #ifdef LINGU_EXCEPTIONS throw IllegalArgumentException(); #endif } else { OUString aChkWord( rWord ); RemoveHyphens( aChkWord ); if (IsIgnoreControlChars( rProperties, GetPropSet() )) RemoveControlChars( aChkWord ); INT32 nLen = pEntry->aSvcRefs.getLength(); DBG_ASSERT( nLen == pEntry->aSvcImplNames.getLength(), "lng : sequence length mismatch"); DBG_ASSERT( pEntry->aFlags.nLastTriedSvcIndex < nLen, "lng : index out of range"); INT32 i = 0; BOOL bTmpRes = TRUE; BOOL bTmpResValid = FALSE; // try already instantiated services first { const Reference< XSpellChecker1 > *pRef1 = pEntry->aSvc1Refs.getConstArray(); const Reference< XSpellChecker > *pRef = pEntry->aSvcRefs.getConstArray(); while (i <= pEntry->aFlags.nLastTriedSvcIndex && (!bTmpResValid || FALSE == bTmpRes)) { bTmpResValid = TRUE; if (pRef1[i].is()) bTmpRes = pRef1[i]->isValid( aChkWord, nLanguage, rProperties ); else if (pRef[i].is()) { bTmpRes = GetExtCache().CheckWord( aChkWord, nLanguage, FALSE ); if (!bTmpRes) { bTmpRes = pRef[i]->isValid( aChkWord, CreateLocale( nLanguage ), rProperties ); // Add correct words to the cache. // But not those that are correct only because of // the temporary supplied settings. if (bTmpRes && 0 == rProperties.getLength()) GetExtCache().AddWord( aChkWord, nLanguage ); } } else bTmpResValid = FALSE; if (bTmpResValid) bRes = bTmpRes; ++i; } } // if still no result instantiate new services and try those if ((!bTmpResValid || FALSE == bTmpRes) && pEntry->aFlags.nLastTriedSvcIndex < nLen - 1) { const OUString *pImplNames = pEntry->aSvcImplNames.getConstArray(); Reference< XSpellChecker1 > *pRef1 = pEntry->aSvc1Refs.getArray(); Reference< XSpellChecker > *pRef = pEntry->aSvcRefs .getArray(); Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xMgr( getProcessServiceFactory() ); if (xMgr.is()) { // build service initialization argument Sequence< Any > aArgs(2); aArgs.getArray()[0] <<= GetPropSet(); //! The dispatcher searches the dictionary-list //! thus the service needs not to now about it //aArgs.getArray()[1] <<= GetDicList(); while (i < nLen && (!bTmpResValid || FALSE == bTmpRes)) { // create specific service via it's implementation name Reference< XSpellChecker > xSpell( xMgr->createInstanceWithArguments( pImplNames[i], aArgs ), UNO_QUERY ); Reference< XSpellChecker1 > xSpell1( xSpell, UNO_QUERY ); pRef [i] = xSpell; pRef1[i] = xSpell1; Reference< XLinguServiceEventBroadcaster > xBroadcaster( xSpell, UNO_QUERY ); if (xBroadcaster.is()) rMgr.AddLngSvcEvtBroadcaster( xBroadcaster ); bTmpResValid = TRUE; if (xSpell1.is()) bTmpRes = xSpell1->isValid( aChkWord, nLanguage, rProperties ); else if (xSpell.is()) { bTmpRes = GetExtCache().CheckWord( aChkWord, nLanguage, FALSE ); if (!bTmpRes) { bTmpRes = xSpell->isValid( aChkWord, CreateLocale( nLanguage ), rProperties ); // Add correct words to the cache. // But not those that are correct only because of // the temporary supplied settings. if (bTmpRes && 0 == rProperties.getLength()) GetExtCache().AddWord( aChkWord, nLanguage ); } } else bTmpResValid = FALSE; if (bTmpResValid) bRes = bTmpRes; pEntry->aFlags.nLastTriedSvcIndex = i; ++i; } // if language is not supported by any of the services // remove it from the list. if (i == nLen) { if (!SvcListHasLanguage( pEntry->aSvc1Refs, nLanguage )) aSvcList.Remove( nLanguage ); } } } // countercheck against results from dictionary which have precedence! if (bCheckDics && GetDicList().is() && IsUseDicList( rProperties, GetPropSet() )) { BOOL bIsWordOk = bRes; Reference< XDictionaryList > xDicList( GetDicList(), UNO_QUERY ); Reference< XDictionaryEntry > xEntry( SearchDicList( xDicList, aChkWord, nLanguage, !bIsWordOk, TRUE ) ); if (xEntry.is()) bRes = !bIsWordOk; } } return bRes; } Reference< XSpellAlternatives > SAL_CALL SpellCheckerDispatcher::spell( const OUString& rWord, sal_Int16 nLanguage, const PropertyValues& rProperties ) throw(IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException) { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xAlt; if (LANGUAGE_NONE != nLanguage && rWord.getLength()) { if (aOpt.IsSpellInAllLanguages()) xAlt = spellInAny( rWord, getLanguages(), rProperties, nLanguage ); else xAlt = spell_Impl( rWord, nLanguage, rProperties, TRUE ); } return xAlt; } Reference< XSpellAlternatives > SpellCheckerDispatcher::spellInAny( const OUString& aWord, const Sequence< INT16 >& aLanguages, const PropertyValues& rProperties, INT16 nPreferredResultLang) throw( RuntimeException, IllegalArgumentException ) { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xAlt; // check preferred language first BOOL bPrefLangChecked = FALSE; if ( LANGUAGE_NONE != nPreferredResultLang && hasLanguage( nPreferredResultLang ) ) { xAlt = spell_Impl( aWord, nPreferredResultLang, rProperties, TRUE ); bPrefLangChecked = TRUE; } // if word is incorrect (or not checked) try the other languages if (xAlt.is() || !bPrefLangChecked) { INT32 nNumLang = aLanguages.getLength(); const INT16 *pLang = aLanguages.getConstArray(); for (int i = 0; i < nNumLang; ++i, ++pLang ) { if (pLang[i] == nPreferredResultLang) // already checked! continue; // Bug 71632 if( LANGUAGE_NONE != pLang[i] && hasLanguage( pLang[i] ) ) { Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xLast( spell_Impl( aWord, pLang[i], rProperties, TRUE )); // remember first spelling alternatives found if (xLast.is() && !xAlt.is()) xAlt = xLast; // did we finally find a language in which the word is correct? if (!xLast.is()) { xAlt = NULL; // don't return any spelling alternatives break; } } } } return xAlt; } Reference< XSpellAlternatives > SpellCheckerDispatcher::spell_Impl( const OUString& rWord, sal_Int16 nLanguage, const PropertyValues& rProperties, BOOL bCheckDics ) throw(IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException) { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xRes; if (nLanguage == LANGUAGE_NONE || !rWord.getLength()) return xRes; // search for entry with that language SeqLangSvcEntry_Spell *pEntry = aSvcList.Seek( nLanguage ); if (!pEntry) { #ifdef LINGU_EXCEPTIONS throw IllegalArgumentException(); #endif } else { OUString aChkWord( rWord ); RemoveHyphens( aChkWord ); if (IsIgnoreControlChars( rProperties, GetPropSet() )) RemoveControlChars( aChkWord ); INT32 nLen = pEntry->aSvcRefs.getLength(); DBG_ASSERT( nLen == pEntry->aSvcImplNames.getLength(), "lng : sequence length mismatch"); DBG_ASSERT( pEntry->aFlags.nLastTriedSvcIndex < nLen, "lng : index out of range"); INT32 i = 0; Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xTmpRes; BOOL bTmpResValid = FALSE; // try already instantiated services first { const Reference< XSpellChecker1 > *pRef1 = pEntry->aSvc1Refs.getConstArray(); const Reference< XSpellChecker > *pRef = pEntry->aSvcRefs.getConstArray(); while (i <= pEntry->aFlags.nLastTriedSvcIndex && (!bTmpResValid || xTmpRes.is()) ) { bTmpResValid = TRUE; if (pRef1[i].is()) xTmpRes = pRef1[i]->spell( aChkWord, nLanguage, rProperties ); else if (pRef[i].is()) { BOOL bOK = GetExtCache().CheckWord( aChkWord, nLanguage, FALSE ); if (bOK) xTmpRes = NULL; else { xTmpRes = pRef[i]->spell( aChkWord, CreateLocale( nLanguage ), rProperties ); // Add correct words to the cache. // But not those that are correct only because of // the temporary supplied settings. if (!xTmpRes.is() && 0 == rProperties.getLength()) GetExtCache().AddWord( aChkWord, nLanguage ); } } else bTmpResValid = FALSE; // remember first found alternatives only if (!xRes.is() && bTmpResValid) xRes = xTmpRes; ++i; } } // if still no result instantiate new services and try those if ((!bTmpResValid || xTmpRes.is()) && pEntry->aFlags.nLastTriedSvcIndex < nLen - 1) { const OUString *pImplNames = pEntry->aSvcImplNames.getConstArray(); Reference< XSpellChecker1 > *pRef1 = pEntry->aSvc1Refs.getArray(); Reference< XSpellChecker > *pRef = pEntry->aSvcRefs .getArray(); Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xMgr( getProcessServiceFactory() ); if (xMgr.is()) { // build service initialization argument Sequence< Any > aArgs(2); aArgs.getArray()[0] <<= GetPropSet(); //! The dispatcher searches the dictionary-list //! thus the service needs not to now about it //aArgs.getArray()[1] <<= GetDicList(); while (i < nLen && (!bTmpResValid || xTmpRes.is())) { // create specific service via it's implementation name Reference< XSpellChecker > xSpell( xMgr->createInstanceWithArguments( pImplNames[i], aArgs ), UNO_QUERY ); Reference< XSpellChecker1 > xSpell1( xSpell, UNO_QUERY ); pRef [i] = xSpell; pRef1[i] = xSpell1; Reference< XLinguServiceEventBroadcaster > xBroadcaster( xSpell, UNO_QUERY ); if (xBroadcaster.is()) rMgr.AddLngSvcEvtBroadcaster( xBroadcaster ); bTmpResValid = TRUE; if (xSpell1.is()) xTmpRes = xSpell1->spell( aChkWord, nLanguage, rProperties ); else if (xSpell.is()) { BOOL bOK = GetExtCache().CheckWord( aChkWord, nLanguage, FALSE ); if (bOK) xTmpRes = NULL; else { xTmpRes = xSpell->spell( aChkWord, CreateLocale( nLanguage ), rProperties ); // Add correct words to the cache. // But not those that are correct only because of // the temporary supplied settings. if (!xTmpRes.is() && 0 == rProperties.getLength()) GetExtCache().AddWord( aChkWord, nLanguage ); } } else bTmpResValid = FALSE; // remember first found alternatives only if (!xRes.is() && bTmpResValid) xRes = xTmpRes; pEntry->aFlags.nLastTriedSvcIndex = i; ++i; } // if language is not supported by any of the services // remove it from the list. if (i == nLen) { if (!SvcListHasLanguage( pEntry->aSvc1Refs, nLanguage )) aSvcList.Remove( nLanguage ); } } } // if word is finally found to be correct // clear previously remembered alternatives if (bTmpResValid && !xTmpRes.is()) xRes = NULL; // countercheck against results from dictionary which have precedence! if (bCheckDics && GetDicList().is() && IsUseDicList( rProperties, GetPropSet() )) { BOOL bIsWordOk = !xRes.is(); Reference< XDictionaryList > xDicList( GetDicList(), UNO_QUERY ); Reference< XDictionaryEntry > xEntry( SearchDicList( xDicList, aChkWord, nLanguage, !bIsWordOk, TRUE ) ); OUString aRplcTxt; BOOL bAddAlternative = FALSE; if (bIsWordOk && xEntry.is()) // negative entry found { aRplcTxt = xEntry->getReplacementText(); bAddAlternative = TRUE; } else if (!bIsWordOk) { if (xEntry.is()) // positive entry found xRes = NULL; else { // search for negative entry to provide additional alternative xEntry = SearchDicList( xDicList, aChkWord, nLanguage, FALSE, TRUE ); if (xEntry.is()) { aRplcTxt = xEntry->getReplacementText(); bAddAlternative = TRUE; } } } // (additional) alternative found? if (bAddAlternative) { Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xAlt( new SpellAlternatives( aChkWord, nLanguage, SpellFailure::IS_NEGATIVE_WORD, aRplcTxt ) ); xRes = MergeProposals( xAlt, xRes ); } } } return xRes; } void SpellCheckerDispatcher::SetServiceList( const Locale &rLocale, const Sequence< OUString > &rSvcImplNames ) { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); if (pExtCache) pExtCache->Flush(); // new services may spell differently... // search for entry with that language INT16 nLanguage = LocaleToLanguage( rLocale ); SeqLangSvcEntry_Spell *pEntry = aSvcList.Seek( nLanguage ); if (pEntry) { INT32 nLen = rSvcImplNames.getLength(); pEntry->aSvcImplNames = rSvcImplNames; pEntry->aSvcRefs = Sequence< Reference < XSpellChecker > > ( nLen ); pEntry->aSvc1Refs = Sequence< Reference < XSpellChecker1 > >( nLen ); pEntry->aFlags = SvcFlags(); } else { pEntry = new SeqLangSvcEntry_Spell( rSvcImplNames ); aSvcList.Insert( nLanguage, pEntry ); DBG_ASSERT( aSvcList.Seek( nLanguage ), "lng : Insert failed" ); } } Sequence< OUString > SpellCheckerDispatcher::GetServiceList( const Locale &rLocale ) const { MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() ); Sequence< OUString > aRes; // search for entry with that language and use data from that INT16 nLanguage = LocaleToLanguage( rLocale ); SpellCheckerDispatcher *pThis = (SpellCheckerDispatcher *) this; const SeqLangSvcEntry_Spell *pEntry = pThis->aSvcList.Seek( nLanguage ); if (pEntry) aRes = pEntry->aSvcImplNames; return aRes; } SpellCheckerDispatcher::DspType SpellCheckerDispatcher::GetDspType() const { return DSP_SPELL; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////