 * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
 * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
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// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_linguistic.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h>

#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/SpellFailure.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/XSearchableDictionaryList.hpp>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <unotools/processfactory.hxx>
#include <osl/mutex.hxx>

#include <vector>

#include "linguistic/spelldta.hxx"
#include "lngsvcmgr.hxx"

using namespace utl;
using namespace osl;
using namespace rtl;
using namespace com::sun::star;
using namespace com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace com::sun::star::linguistic2;

namespace linguistic


#define MAX_PROPOSALS   40

Reference< XSpellAlternatives > MergeProposals(
            Reference< XSpellAlternatives > &rxAlt1,
            Reference< XSpellAlternatives > &rxAlt2)
    Reference< XSpellAlternatives > xMerged;

    if (!rxAlt1.is())
        xMerged = rxAlt2;
    else if (!rxAlt2.is())
        xMerged = rxAlt1;
        sal_Int32 nAltCount1 = rxAlt1->getAlternativesCount();
        Sequence< OUString > aAlt1( rxAlt1->getAlternatives() );
        const OUString *pAlt1 = aAlt1.getConstArray();

        sal_Int32 nAltCount2 = rxAlt2->getAlternativesCount();
        Sequence< OUString > aAlt2( rxAlt2->getAlternatives() );
        const OUString *pAlt2 = aAlt2.getConstArray();

        sal_Int32 nCountNew = Min( nAltCount1 + nAltCount2, (sal_Int32) MAX_PROPOSALS );
        Sequence< OUString > aAltNew( nCountNew );
        OUString *pAltNew = aAltNew.getArray();

        sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
        sal_Int32 i = 0;
        for (int j = 0;  j < 2;  j++)
            sal_Int32           nCount  = j == 0 ? nAltCount1 : nAltCount2;
            const OUString  *pAlt   = j == 0 ? pAlt1 : pAlt2;
            for (i = 0;  i < nCount  &&  nIndex < MAX_PROPOSALS;  i++)
                if (pAlt[i].getLength())
                    pAltNew[ nIndex++ ] = pAlt[ i ];
        DBG_ASSERT(nIndex == nCountNew, "lng : wrong number of proposals");

        SpellAlternatives *pSpellAlt = new SpellAlternatives;
        pSpellAlt->SetWordLanguage( rxAlt1->getWord(),
                            LocaleToLanguage( rxAlt1->getLocale() ) );
        pSpellAlt->SetFailureType( rxAlt1->getFailureType() );
        pSpellAlt->SetAlternatives( aAltNew );
        xMerged = pSpellAlt;

    return xMerged;

sal_Bool SeqHasEntry(
        const Sequence< OUString > &rSeq,
        const OUString &rTxt)
    sal_Bool bRes = sal_False;
    sal_Int32 nLen = rSeq.getLength();
    const OUString *pEntry = rSeq.getConstArray();
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nLen  &&  !bRes;  ++i)
        if (rTxt == pEntry[i])
            bRes = sal_True;
    return bRes;

void SearchSimilarText( const OUString &rText, sal_Int16 nLanguage,
        Reference< XDictionaryList > &xDicList,
        std::vector< OUString > & rDicListProps )
    if (!xDicList.is())

    const uno::Sequence< Reference< XDictionary > >
            aDics( xDicList->getDictionaries() );
    const Reference< XDictionary >
            *pDic = aDics.getConstArray();
    sal_Int32 nDics = xDicList->getCount();

    for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nDics;  i++)
        Reference< XDictionary > xDic( pDic[i], UNO_QUERY );

        sal_Int16           nLang = LocaleToLanguage( xDic->getLocale() );

        if ( xDic.is() && xDic->isActive()
            && (nLang == nLanguage  ||  nLang == LANGUAGE_NONE) )
            DictionaryType  eType = xDic->getDictionaryType();
            (void) eType;
            DBG_ASSERT( eType != DictionaryType_MIXED, "unexpected dictionary type" );
            const Sequence< Reference< XDictionaryEntry > > aEntries = xDic->getEntries();
            const Reference< XDictionaryEntry > *pEntries = aEntries.getConstArray();
            sal_Int32 nLen = aEntries.getLength();
            for (sal_Int32 k = 0;  k < nLen;  ++k)
                String aEntryTxt;
                if (pEntries[k].is())
                    aEntryTxt = pEntries[k]->getDictionaryWord();
                    // remove characters used to determine hyphenation positions
                    aEntryTxt.EraseAllChars( '=' );
                if (aEntryTxt.Len() > 0  &&  LevDistance( rText, aEntryTxt ) <= 2)
                    rDicListProps.push_back( aEntryTxt );

void SeqRemoveNegEntries( Sequence< OUString > &rSeq,
        Reference< XDictionaryList > &rxDicList,
        sal_Int16 nLanguage )
    static const OUString aEmpty;
    sal_Bool bSthRemoved = sal_False;
    sal_Int32 nLen = rSeq.getLength();
    OUString *pEntries = rSeq.getArray();
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nLen;  ++i)
        Reference< XDictionaryEntry > xNegEntry( SearchDicList( rxDicList,
                    pEntries[i], nLanguage, sal_False, sal_True ) );
        if (xNegEntry.is())
            pEntries[i] = aEmpty;
            bSthRemoved = sal_True;
    if (bSthRemoved)
        Sequence< OUString > aNew;
        // merge sequence without duplicates and empty strings in new empty sequence
        aNew = MergeProposalSeqs( aNew, rSeq, sal_False );
        rSeq = aNew;

Sequence< OUString > MergeProposalSeqs(
            Sequence< OUString > &rAlt1,
            Sequence< OUString > &rAlt2,
            sal_Bool bAllowDuplicates )
    Sequence< OUString > aMerged;

    if (0 == rAlt1.getLength() && bAllowDuplicates)
        aMerged = rAlt2;
    else if (0 == rAlt2.getLength() && bAllowDuplicates)
        aMerged = rAlt1;
        sal_Int32 nAltCount1 = rAlt1.getLength();
        const OUString *pAlt1 = rAlt1.getConstArray();
        sal_Int32 nAltCount2 = rAlt2.getLength();
        const OUString *pAlt2 = rAlt2.getConstArray();

        sal_Int32 nCountNew = Min( nAltCount1 + nAltCount2, (sal_Int32) MAX_PROPOSALS );
        aMerged.realloc( nCountNew );
        OUString *pMerged = aMerged.getArray();

        sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
        sal_Int32 i = 0;
        for (int j = 0;  j < 2;  j++)
            sal_Int32           nCount  = j == 0 ? nAltCount1 : nAltCount2;
            const OUString  *pAlt   = j == 0 ? pAlt1 : pAlt2;
            for (i = 0;  i < nCount  &&  nIndex < MAX_PROPOSALS;  i++)
                if (pAlt[i].getLength() &&
                    (bAllowDuplicates || !SeqHasEntry(aMerged, pAlt[i] )))
                    pMerged[ nIndex++ ] = pAlt[ i ];
        //DBG_ASSERT(nIndex == nCountNew, "wrong number of proposals");
        aMerged.realloc( nIndex );

    return aMerged;


    nLanguage   = LANGUAGE_NONE;
    nType       = SpellFailure::IS_NEGATIVE_WORD;

            const OUString &rWord, sal_Int16 nLang,
            sal_Int16 nFailureType, const OUString &rRplcWord ) :
    aAlt        ( Sequence< OUString >(1) ),
    aWord       (rWord),
    nType       (nFailureType),
    nLanguage   (nLang)
    if (rRplcWord.getLength())
        aAlt.getArray()[ 0 ] = rRplcWord;
        aAlt.realloc( 0 );

        const OUString &rWord, sal_Int16 nLang, sal_Int16 nFailureType,
        const Sequence< OUString > &rAlternatives ) :
    aAlt        (rAlternatives),
    aWord       (rWord),
    nType       (nFailureType),
    nLanguage   (nLang)


OUString SAL_CALL SpellAlternatives::getWord()
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    return aWord;

Locale SAL_CALL SpellAlternatives::getLocale()
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    return CreateLocale( nLanguage );

sal_Int16 SAL_CALL SpellAlternatives::getFailureType()
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    return nType;

sal_Int16 SAL_CALL SpellAlternatives::getAlternativesCount()
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    return (sal_Int16) aAlt.getLength();

Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL SpellAlternatives::getAlternatives()
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    return aAlt;

void SAL_CALL SpellAlternatives::setAlternatives( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& rAlternatives )
throw (uno::RuntimeException)
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    aAlt = rAlternatives;

void SAL_CALL SpellAlternatives::setFailureType( sal_Int16 nFailureType )
throw (uno::RuntimeException)
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    nType = nFailureType;

void SpellAlternatives::SetWordLanguage(const OUString &rWord, sal_Int16 nLang)
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    aWord = rWord;
    nLanguage = nLang;

void SpellAlternatives::SetFailureType(sal_Int16 nTypeP)
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    nType = nTypeP;

void SpellAlternatives::SetAlternatives( const Sequence< OUString > &rAlt )
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    aAlt = rAlt;


}   // namespace linguistic