/** * Description: The description of differential evolution Generate-and-Test Behavior. #Supported parameters: NAME VALUE_type Range DefaultV Description FACTOR real (0, 1.2] 0.5 DEAgent: scale constant CR real [0, 1] 0.9 DEAgent: crossover constant //Other choices for FACTOR and CR: (0.5, 0.1) * * @ Author Create/Modi Note * Xiaofeng Xie May 11, 2004 * Xiaofeng Xie Jul 01, 2008 * * @version 1.0 * @Since MAOS1.0 * * @References: * [1] Storn R, Price K. Differential evolution - a simple and efficient * heuristic for global optimization over continuous spaces. Journal of * Global Optimization, 1997, 11: 341-359 * @ The original differential evolution idea * [2] X F Xie, W J Zhang. SWAF: swarm algorithm framework for numerical * optimization. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), * Seattle, WA, USA, 2004: 238-250 * -> a generate-and-test behavior */ package net.adaptivebox.deps.behavior; import net.adaptivebox.goodness.*; import net.adaptivebox.global.*; import net.adaptivebox.knowledge.*; import net.adaptivebox.problem.*; import net.adaptivebox.space.*; public class DEGTBehavior extends AbsGTBehavior implements ILibEngine { public int DVNum = 2; //Number of differential vectors, normally be 1 or 2 public double FACTOR = 0.5; //scale constant: (0, 1.2], normally be 0.5 public double CR = 0.9; //crossover constant: [0, 1], normally be 0.1 or 0.9 //the own memory: store the point that generated in last learning cycle protected SearchPoint pbest_t; public void setPbest(SearchPoint pbest) { pbest_t = pbest; } public void generateBehavior(SearchPoint trailPoint, ProblemEncoder problemEncoder) { SearchPoint gbest_t = socialLib.getGbest(); BasicPoint[] referPoints = getReferPoints(); int DIMENSION = problemEncoder.getDesignSpace().getDimension(); int rj = RandomGenerator.intRangeRandom(0, DIMENSION-1); for (int k=0; k