/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the BSD license. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE * USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *************************************************************************/ // SOActiveX.cpp : Implementation of CSOActiveX #include "stdafx2.h" #include "so_activex.h" #include "SOActiveX.h" #include "SOComWindowPeer.h" #define STAROFFICE_WINDOWCLASS "SOParentWindow" #define BARS_NUMBER 3 #define BARS_TO_SHOW 2 OLECHAR* pSlotUrl[BARS_NUMBER] = {L"slot:5910" // SID_TOGGLEFUNCTIONBAR ,L"slot:5920" // SID_TOGGLESTATUSBAR ,L"slot:6661" // SID_TOGGLE_MENUBAR }; OLECHAR* pSlotName[BARS_NUMBER] = {L"FunctionBarVisible" // SID_TOGGLEFUNCTIONBAR ,L"StatusBarVisible" // SID_TOGGLESTATUSBAR ,L"MenuBarVisible" // SID_TOGGLE_MENUBAR }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT ExecuteFunc( IDispatch* idispUnoObject, OLECHAR* sFuncName, CComVariant* params, unsigned int count, CComVariant* pResult ) { if( !idispUnoObject ) return E_FAIL; DISPID id; HRESULT hr = idispUnoObject->GetIDsOfNames( IID_NULL, &sFuncName, 1, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &id); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; DISPPARAMS dispparams= { params, 0, count, 0}; // DEBUG EXCEPINFO myInfo; return idispUnoObject->Invoke( id, IID_NULL,LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &dispparams, pResult, &myInfo, 0); } HRESULT GetIDispByFunc( IDispatch* idispUnoObject, OLECHAR* sFuncName, CComVariant* params, unsigned int count, CComPtr& pdispResult ) { if( !idispUnoObject ) return E_FAIL; CComVariant result; HRESULT hr = ExecuteFunc( idispUnoObject, sFuncName, params, count, &result ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; if( result.vt != VT_DISPATCH || result.pdispVal == NULL ) return hr; pdispResult = CComPtr( result.pdispVal ); return S_OK; } HRESULT PutPropertiesToIDisp( IDispatch* pdispObject, OLECHAR** sMemberNames, CComVariant* pVariant, unsigned int count ) { for( unsigned int ind = 0; ind < count; ind++ ) { DISPID id; HRESULT hr = pdispObject->GetIDsOfNames( IID_NULL, &sMemberNames[ind], 1, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &id ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; hr = CComDispatchDriver::PutProperty( pdispObject, id, &pVariant[ind] ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; } return S_OK; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSOActiveX CSOActiveX::CSOActiveX() : mCookie(0) , mCurFileUrl( L"private:factory/swriter" ) , mbLoad( FALSE ) , mParentWin( NULL ) , mOffWin( NULL ) , mbViewOnly( FALSE ) { CLSID clsFactory = {0x82154420,0x0FBF,0x11d4,{0x83, 0x13,0x00,0x50,0x04,0x52,0x6A,0xB4}}; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( clsFactory, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(IDispatch), (void**)&mpDispFactory); mPWinClass.style = CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW; mPWinClass.lpfnWndProc = ::DefWindowProc; mPWinClass.cbClsExtra = 0; mPWinClass.cbWndExtra = 0; mPWinClass.hInstance = (HINSTANCE) GetModuleHandle(NULL); //myInstance; mPWinClass.hIcon = NULL; mPWinClass.hCursor = NULL; mPWinClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) COLOR_BACKGROUND; mPWinClass.lpszMenuName = NULL; mPWinClass.lpszClassName = STAROFFICE_WINDOWCLASS; RegisterClass(&mPWinClass); } CSOActiveX::~CSOActiveX() { Cleanup(); } HRESULT CSOActiveX::Cleanup() { if( mpDispFrame && mbViewOnly ) { ShowSomeBars(); mbViewOnly = FALSE; } if( mpDispFrame ) { // mpDispFrame->dispose(); CComVariant dummyResult; ExecuteFunc( mpDispFrame, L"dispose", NULL, 0, &dummyResult ); mpDispFrame = CComPtr< IDispatch >(); } if( ::IsWindow( mOffWin ) ) ::DestroyWindow( mOffWin ); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CSOActiveX::InitNew () { mbLoad = TRUE; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CSOActiveX::Load ( LPSTREAM pStm ) { mbLoad = TRUE; // may be later? // for now just ignore return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CSOActiveX::Load( LPPROPERTYBAG pPropBag, LPERRORLOG pErrorLog ) { IPropertyBag2* pPropBag2; HRESULT hr = pPropBag->QueryInterface( IID_IPropertyBag2, (void**)&pPropBag2 ); ATLASSERT( hr >= 0 ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; unsigned long aNum; hr = pPropBag2->CountProperties( &aNum ); ATLASSERT( hr >= 0 ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; PROPBAG2* aPropNames = new PROPBAG2[aNum]; unsigned long aReaded; hr = pPropBag2->GetPropertyInfo( 0, aNum, aPropNames, &aReaded ); ATLASSERT( hr >= 0 ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { delete[] aPropNames; return hr; } CComVariant* aVal = new CComVariant[aNum]; HRESULT* hvs = new HRESULT[aNum]; hr = pPropBag2->Read( aNum, aPropNames, NULL, aVal, hvs ); ATLASSERT( hr >= 0 ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { delete[] hvs; delete[] aVal; delete[] aPropNames; return hr; } USES_CONVERSION; for( unsigned long ind = 0; ind < aNum; ind++ ) { // all information from the 'object' tag is in strings if( aVal[ind].vt == VT_BSTR && !strcmp( OLE2T( aPropNames[ind].pstrName ), "src" ) ) { mCurFileUrl = wcsdup( aVal[ind].bstrVal ); } else if( aVal[ind].vt == VT_BSTR && !strcmp( OLE2T( aPropNames[ind].pstrName ), "readonly" ) ) { if( !strcmp( OLE2T( aVal[ind].bstrVal ), "true" ) ) { mbViewOnly = TRUE; } else { // the default value mbViewOnly = FALSE; } } } delete[] hvs; delete[] aVal; delete[] aPropNames; if( !mpDispFactory ) return hr; mbLoad = TRUE; Invalidate(); UpdateWindow(); return hr; } HRESULT CSOActiveX::GetUnoStruct( OLECHAR* sStructName, CComPtr& pdispResult ) { return GetIDispByFunc( mpDispFactory, L"Bridge_GetStruct", &CComVariant( sStructName ), 1, pdispResult ); } HRESULT CSOActiveX::GetUrlStruct( OLECHAR* sUrl, CComPtr& pdispUrl ) { HRESULT hr = GetUnoStruct( L"com.sun.star.util.URL", pdispUrl ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; OLECHAR* sURLMemberName = L"Complete"; DISPID nURLID; hr = pdispUrl->GetIDsOfNames( IID_NULL, &sURLMemberName, 1, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &nURLID ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; hr = CComDispatchDriver::PutProperty( pdispUrl, nURLID, &CComVariant( sUrl ) ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; CComPtr pdispTransformer; hr = GetIDispByFunc( mpDispFactory, L"createInstance", &CComVariant( L"com.sun.star.util.URLTransformer" ), 1, pdispTransformer ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; CComVariant dummyResult; CComVariant aInOutParam; aInOutParam.ppdispVal = &pdispUrl; aInOutParam.vt = VT_DISPATCH | VT_BYREF; hr = ExecuteFunc( pdispTransformer, L"parseStrict", &aInOutParam, 1, &dummyResult ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) || dummyResult.vt != VT_BOOL || !dummyResult.boolVal ) return hr; return S_OK; } HRESULT CSOActiveX::CreateFrameOldWay( HWND hwnd, int width, int height ) { if( !mpDispFactory ) return E_FAIL; // create window handle holder CComPtr< CComObject< SOComWindowPeer > > pPeerToSend = new CComObject( hwnd ); pPeerToSend->SetHWNDInternally( hwnd ); CComQIPtr< IDispatch, &IID_IDispatch > pIDispToSend( pPeerToSend ); // create rectangle structure CComPtr pdispRectangle; HRESULT hr = GetUnoStruct( L"com.sun.star.awt.Rectangle", pdispRectangle ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; OLECHAR* sRectMemberNames[4] = { L"X", L"Y", L"Width", L"Height" }; CComVariant pRectVariant[4]; pRectVariant[0] = pRectVariant[1] = pRectVariant[2] = pRectVariant[3] = CComVariant( 0 ); hr = PutPropertiesToIDisp( pdispRectangle, sRectMemberNames, pRectVariant, 4 ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; // create WindowDescriptor structure CComPtr pdispWinDescr; hr = GetUnoStruct( L"com.sun.star.awt.WindowDescriptor", pdispWinDescr ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; // fill in descriptor with info OLECHAR* sDescriptorMemberNames[6] = { L"Type", L"WindowServiceName", L"ParentIndex", L"Parent", L"Bounds", L"WindowAttributes" }; CComVariant pDescriptorVar[6]; pDescriptorVar[0] = CComVariant( 0 ); pDescriptorVar[1] = CComVariant( L"workwindow" ); pDescriptorVar[2] = CComVariant( 1 ); pDescriptorVar[3] = CComVariant( pIDispToSend ); pDescriptorVar[4] = CComVariant( pdispRectangle ); pDescriptorVar[5] = CComVariant( 33 ); hr = PutPropertiesToIDisp( pdispWinDescr, sDescriptorMemberNames, pDescriptorVar, 6 ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; // create XToolkit instance CComPtr pdispToolkit; hr = GetIDispByFunc( mpDispFactory, L"createInstance", &CComVariant( L"com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit" ), 1, pdispToolkit ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; // create window with toolkit hr = GetIDispByFunc( pdispToolkit, L"createWindow", &CComVariant( pdispWinDescr ), 1, mpDispWin ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; // create frame hr = GetIDispByFunc( mpDispFactory, L"createInstance", &CComVariant( L"com.sun.star.frame.Task" ), 1, mpDispFrame ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) || !mpDispFrame ) { // the interface com.sun.star.frame.Task is removed in 6.1 // but the interface com.sun.star.frame.Frame has some bugs in 6.0 hr = GetIDispByFunc( mpDispFactory, L"createInstance", &CComVariant( L"com.sun.star.frame.Frame" ), 1, mpDispFrame ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; } // initialize frame CComVariant dummyResult; hr = ExecuteFunc( mpDispFrame, L"initialize", &CComVariant( mpDispWin ), 1, &dummyResult ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; // create desktop CComPtr pdispDesktop; hr = GetIDispByFunc( mpDispFactory, L"createInstance", &CComVariant( L"com.sun.star.frame.Desktop" ), 1, pdispDesktop ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; // create tree of frames CComPtr pdispChildren; hr = GetIDispByFunc( pdispDesktop, L"getFrames", NULL, 0, pdispChildren ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; // insert new frame into desctop hierarchy hr = ExecuteFunc( pdispChildren, L"append", &CComVariant( mpDispFrame ), 1, &dummyResult ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; // initialize window hr = ExecuteFunc( mpDispWin, L"setBackground", &CComVariant( (long)0xFFFFFFFF ), 1, &dummyResult ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; hr = ExecuteFunc( mpDispWin, L"setVisible", &CComVariant( TRUE ), 1, &dummyResult ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; CComVariant aPosArgs[5]; aPosArgs[4] = CComVariant( 0 ); aPosArgs[3] = CComVariant( 0 ); aPosArgs[2] = CComVariant( width ); aPosArgs[1] = CComVariant( height ); aPosArgs[0] = CComVariant( 12 ); hr = ExecuteFunc( mpDispWin, L"setPosSize", aPosArgs, 5, &dummyResult ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; return S_OK; } HRESULT CSOActiveX::CallDispatch1PBool( OLECHAR* sUrl, OLECHAR* sArgName, BOOL sArgVal ) { CComPtr pdispURL; HRESULT hr = GetUrlStruct( sUrl, pdispURL ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; CComPtr pdispXDispatch; CComVariant aArgs[3]; aArgs[2] = CComVariant( pdispURL ); aArgs[1] = CComVariant( L"" ); aArgs[0] = CComVariant( (int)0 ); hr = GetIDispByFunc( mpDispFrame, L"queryDispatch", aArgs, 3, pdispXDispatch ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; SAFEARRAY FAR* pPropVals = SafeArrayCreateVector( VT_DISPATCH, 0, 1 ); long ix = 0; CComPtr pdispPropVal; hr = GetUnoStruct( L"com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue", pdispPropVal ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; OLECHAR* sPropMemberNames[2] = { L"Name", L"Value" }; CComVariant pPropVar[2]; pPropVar[0] = CComVariant( sArgName ); pPropVar[1] = CComVariant(); pPropVar[1].vt = VT_BOOL; pPropVar[1].boolVal = sArgVal ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE ; hr = PutPropertiesToIDisp( pdispPropVal, sPropMemberNames, pPropVar, 2 ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; SafeArrayPutElement( pPropVals, &ix, pdispPropVal ); CComVariant aDispArgs[2]; aDispArgs[1] = CComVariant( pdispURL ); // aDispArgs[0] = CComVariant( pPropVals ); such constructor is not defined ??! aDispArgs[0] = CComVariant(); aDispArgs[0].vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_DISPATCH; aDispArgs[0].parray = pPropVals; CComVariant dummyResult; hr = ExecuteFunc( pdispXDispatch, L"dispatch", aDispArgs, 2, &dummyResult ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; return S_OK; } HRESULT CSOActiveX::ShowSomeBars() { // show FunctionBar and StatusBar for( int ind = 0; ind < BARS_TO_SHOW; ind ++ ) { HRESULT hr = CallDispatch1PBool( pSlotUrl[ind], pSlotName[ind], TRUE ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; } return S_OK; } HRESULT CSOActiveX::HideAllBars() { for( int ind = 0; ind < BARS_NUMBER; ind ++ ) { HRESULT hr = CallDispatch1PBool( pSlotUrl[ind], pSlotName[ind], FALSE ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; } return S_OK; } HRESULT CSOActiveX::LoadURLToFrame( ) { HRESULT hr = CallDispatch1PBool( mCurFileUrl, L"ReadOnly", mbViewOnly ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; if( mbViewOnly ) HideAllBars(); return S_OK; } HRESULT CSOActiveX::OnDrawAdvanced( ATL_DRAWINFO& di ) { if( m_spInPlaceSite && mCurFileUrl ) { HWND hwnd; HRESULT hr = m_spInPlaceSite->GetWindow( &hwnd ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; if( mParentWin != hwnd || !mOffWin ) { if( mpDispFrame ) { CComVariant dummyResult; ExecuteFunc( mpDispFrame, L"dispose", NULL, 0, &dummyResult ); mpDispFrame = CComPtr(); } mParentWin = hwnd; mOffWin = CreateWindow( STAROFFICE_WINDOWCLASS, "OfficeContainer", WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_BORDER, di.prcBounds->left, di.prcBounds->top, di.prcBounds->right - di.prcBounds->left, di.prcBounds->bottom - di.prcBounds->top, mParentWin, NULL, NULL, NULL ); ::ShowWindow( mOffWin, SW_SHOW ); } else { RECT aRect; ::GetWindowRect( mOffWin, &aRect ); if( aRect.left != di.prcBounds->left || aRect.top != di.prcBounds->top || aRect.right != di.prcBounds->right || aRect.bottom != di.prcBounds->bottom ) { // on this state the office window should exist already ::SetWindowPos( mOffWin, HWND_TOP, di.prcBounds->left, di.prcBounds->top, di.prcBounds->right - di.prcBounds->left, di.prcBounds->bottom - di.prcBounds->top, SWP_NOZORDER ); CComVariant aPosArgs[5]; aPosArgs[4] = CComVariant( 0 ); aPosArgs[3] = CComVariant( 0 ); aPosArgs[2] = CComVariant( int(di.prcBounds->right - di.prcBounds->left) ); aPosArgs[1] = CComVariant( int(di.prcBounds->bottom - di.prcBounds->top) ); aPosArgs[0] = CComVariant( 12 ); CComVariant dummyResult; hr = ExecuteFunc( mpDispWin, L"setPosSize", aPosArgs, 5, &dummyResult ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; } } if( ! mpDispFrame ) { hr = CreateFrameOldWay( mOffWin, di.prcBounds->right - di.prcBounds->left, di.prcBounds->bottom - di.prcBounds->top ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; } if( mbLoad ) { hr = LoadURLToFrame(); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) return hr; mbLoad = FALSE; } } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CSOActiveX::SetClientSite( IOleClientSite* aClientSite ) { HRESULT hr = IOleObjectImpl::SetClientSite( aClientSite ); if( !aClientSite ) { ATLASSERT( mWebBrowser2 ); if( mWebBrowser2 ) AtlUnadvise( mWebBrowser2, DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2, mCookie ); return hr; } CComPtr aContainer; m_spClientSite->GetContainer( &aContainer ); ATLASSERT( aContainer ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && aContainer ) { CComQIPtr aServiceProvider( aContainer ); ATLASSERT( aServiceProvider ); if( aServiceProvider ) { aServiceProvider->QueryService( SID_SInternetExplorer, IID_IWebBrowser, (void**)&mWebBrowser2 ); ATLASSERT( mWebBrowser2 ); if( mWebBrowser2 ) AtlAdvise( mWebBrowser2, GetUnknown(), DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2, &mCookie ); } } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CSOActiveX::Invoke(DISPID dispidMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS* pDispParams, VARIANT* pvarResult, EXCEPINFO* pExcepInfo, UINT* puArgErr) { if (riid != IID_NULL) return DISP_E_UNKNOWNINTERFACE; if (!pDispParams) return DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL; if ( dispidMember == DISPID_ONQUIT ) Cleanup(); IDispatchImpl::Invoke( dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pvarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr); return S_OK; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */