/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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module com { module sun { module star { module ucb {

/** A structure for information about contents.

    @see XContentCreator
    @see XCommandProcessor
published struct ContentInfo
    /** A type identifier string for a content.

        <p>This is an implementation specific string characterizing the
        kind of a content (e.g. "application/vnd.sun.star.hierarchy-link").
        The value of this member should match the value returned by
        XContent::getContentType() of an appropriate content.
    string Type;

    /** Additional attributes.

        <p>These flags contain extra information on the content, like its kind

        <p>It is highly recommended to fill these flags very accurately, as
        they are very important when transferring contents between different

        <p>The value can be one of the ContentInfoAttribute
    long Attributes;

    /** This field contains a list with the properties which must be set at
        a content that was just created using
        XContentCreator::createNewContent() before it can be
        committed (by executing the command "insert" at the new content).

        <p>If one of the properties is missing, the insert command will fail.

        <p>In example, a new file system folder content will need a title. The
        Properties member of the ContentInfo provided for this kind of
        content must include the property "Title".

        <p><b>Important:</b> The required properties must have one of the
        following basic data types (in order to make it possible to implement
        client applications with a small set of generic input methods for the

    sequence< com::sun::star::beans::Property > Properties;

}; }; }; };

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