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module com { module sun { module star { module ucb {

/** creates a CachedDynamicResultSetStub and connects a non-remote
    optimized DynamicResultSet to a remote optimized

    <p>Pay attention to instantiate this helper on server side where your source
    DynamicResultSet was instantiated.

    can be used to create a stub on server side.

    <p>If you have instantiated a CachedDynamicResultSet on client
    side already, use method connectToCache() to connect your
    given DynamicResultSet with this Cache.

    <p>The needed cache on server side you can create using

published interface XCachedDynamicResultSetStubFactory: com::sun::star::uno::XInterface
    /** creates a remote optimizes XDynamicResultSet.

        @param Source
        must be an instance of service DynamicResultSet.

        an instance of service CachedDynamicResultSetStub.

    com::sun::star::ucb::XDynamicResultSet  createCachedDynamicResultSetStub(
                [in] com::sun::star::ucb::XDynamicResultSet Source );

    /** If you have instantiated a CachedDynamicResultSet on
        client side already, use this to connect your given Source on server
        side to the TargetCache.

        @param Source
        is an instance of service DynamicResultSet.

        @param TargetCache
        is an instance of service CachedDynamicResultSet.

        @param SortingInfo
        can be an empty sequence. Otherwise, Source will be sorted according
        to the given sorting data.

        @param CompareFactory
        will be ignored unless SortingInfo is not empty. Then the supplied
        factory will be used to instantiate objects used to compare the
        properties that are involved in sorting.

        @throws ListenerAlreadySetException
        if \p Source is already in use.

        @throws AlreadyInitializedException
        if \p TargetCache already has been initialized.
    void connectToCache(
                  [in] com::sun::star::ucb::XDynamicResultSet Source
                , [in] com::sun::star::ucb::XDynamicResultSet TargetCache
                , [in] sequence< com::sun::star::ucb::NumberedSortingInfo > SortingInfo
                , [in] com::sun::star::ucb::XAnyCompareFactory CompareFactory
                , com::sun::star::ucb::AlreadyInitializedException

}; }; }; };

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