Contains common content types for Office. See package TypeDetection and TypeDetection_Filters for other parts of type/filter configuration too. Lists the types that represent common content formats in Office. Used to sort types inside dialogs. Only values > 0 are recognized. Types with an order value < 1 will be sorted alphabeticly. 0 List of URL pattern (with simple wildcards */?) which match to this type. List of file extensions, which match to this type. Global ID of an icon, which represent this type at the UI. 0 Corresponding mime type. In case of ambigous registrations (e.g. for extensions doc/txt) it specify the preferred type. false An optimization; points directly at the preferred filter for this type. No search across all filters is necessary. Localized name of this type for showing it at the UI. Unique identifier, which can be searched inside the stream to detect this format. An optimization; points directly at the deep detection service, which can verify a flat detection. Lists the registered content types.