/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <oox/drawingml/fillproperties.hxx>

#include <iterator>

#include <drawingml/graphicproperties.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/Gradient.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/text/GraphicCrop.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/Size.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/BitmapMode.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/ColorMode.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/FillStyle.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/Hatch.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/RectanglePoint.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/graphic/XGraphicTransformer.hpp>
#include <oox/core/fragmenthandler.hxx>
#include "oox/helper/graphichelper.hxx"
#include "oox/drawingml/drawingmltypes.hxx"
#include "oox/drawingml/shapepropertymap.hxx"
#include <oox/token/namespaces.hxx>
#include <oox/token/properties.hxx>
#include <oox/token/tokens.hxx>
#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>

using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::graphic;

using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW;
using ::com::sun::star::geometry::IntegerRectangle2D;

namespace oox {
namespace drawingml {

namespace {

Reference< XGraphic > lclCheckAndApplyDuotoneTransform( const BlipFillProperties& aBlipProps, Reference< XGraphic > const & xGraphic,
                                                        const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper, const sal_Int32 nPhClr )
    if( aBlipProps.maDuotoneColors[0].isUsed() && aBlipProps.maDuotoneColors[1].isUsed() )
        sal_Int32 nColor1 = aBlipProps.maDuotoneColors[0].getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr );
        sal_Int32 nColor2 = aBlipProps.maDuotoneColors[1].getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr );
            Reference< XGraphicTransformer > xTransformer( aBlipProps.mxGraphic, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
            return xTransformer->applyDuotone( xGraphic, nColor1, nColor2 );
        catch( Exception& )
    return xGraphic;

Reference< XGraphic > lclCheckAndApplyChangeColorTransform( const BlipFillProperties &aBlipProps, Reference< XGraphic > & xGraphic,
                                                            const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper, const sal_Int32 nPhClr )
    if( aBlipProps.maColorChangeFrom.isUsed() && aBlipProps.maColorChangeTo.isUsed() )
        sal_Int32 nFromColor = aBlipProps.maColorChangeFrom.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr );
        sal_Int32 nToColor = aBlipProps.maColorChangeTo.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr );
        if ( (nFromColor != nToColor) || aBlipProps.maColorChangeTo.hasTransparency() ) try
            sal_Int16 nToTransparence = aBlipProps.maColorChangeTo.getTransparency();
            sal_Int8 nToAlpha = static_cast< sal_Int8 >( (100 - nToTransparence) * 2.55 );
            Reference< XGraphicTransformer > xTransformer( aBlipProps.mxGraphic, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
            return xTransformer->colorChange( xGraphic, nFromColor, 9, nToColor, nToAlpha );
        catch( Exception& )
    return xGraphic;

Reference< XGraphic > applyBrightnessContrast( Reference< XGraphic > const & xGraphic, sal_Int32 brightness, sal_Int32 contrast )
            Reference< XGraphicTransformer > xTransformer( xGraphic, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
            return xTransformer->applyBrightnessContrast( xGraphic, brightness, contrast, true );
        catch( Exception& )
    return xGraphic;

BitmapMode lclGetBitmapMode( sal_Int32 nToken )
    OSL_ASSERT((nToken & sal_Int32(0xFFFF0000))==0);
    switch( nToken )
        case XML_tile:      return BitmapMode_REPEAT;
        case XML_stretch:   return BitmapMode_STRETCH;
    return BitmapMode_NO_REPEAT;

RectanglePoint lclGetRectanglePoint( sal_Int32 nToken )
    OSL_ASSERT((nToken & sal_Int32(0xFFFF0000))==0);
    switch( nToken )
        case XML_tl:    return RectanglePoint_LEFT_TOP;
        case XML_t:     return RectanglePoint_MIDDLE_TOP;
        case XML_tr:    return RectanglePoint_RIGHT_TOP;
        case XML_l:     return RectanglePoint_LEFT_MIDDLE;
        case XML_ctr:   return RectanglePoint_MIDDLE_MIDDLE;
        case XML_r:     return RectanglePoint_RIGHT_MIDDLE;
        case XML_bl:    return RectanglePoint_LEFT_BOTTOM;
        case XML_b:     return RectanglePoint_MIDDLE_BOTTOM;
        case XML_br:    return RectanglePoint_RIGHT_BOTTOM;
    return RectanglePoint_LEFT_TOP;

const awt::Size lclGetOriginalSize( const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper, const Reference< XGraphic >& rxGraphic )
    awt::Size aSizeHmm( 0, 0 );
        Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xGraphicPropertySet( rxGraphic, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        if( xGraphicPropertySet->getPropertyValue( "Size100thMM" ) >>= aSizeHmm )
            if( !aSizeHmm.Width && !aSizeHmm.Height )
            {   // MAPMODE_PIXEL USED :-(
                awt::Size aSourceSizePixel( 0, 0 );
                if( xGraphicPropertySet->getPropertyValue( "SizePixel" ) >>= aSourceSizePixel )
                    aSizeHmm = rGraphicHelper.convertScreenPixelToHmm( aSourceSizePixel );
    catch( Exception& )
    return aSizeHmm;

} // namespace

void GradientFillProperties::assignUsed( const GradientFillProperties& rSourceProps )
    if( !rSourceProps.maGradientStops.empty() )
        maGradientStops = rSourceProps.maGradientStops;
    moFillToRect.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moFillToRect );
    moTileRect.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moTileRect );
    moGradientPath.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moGradientPath );
    moShadeAngle.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moShadeAngle );
    moShadeFlip.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moShadeFlip );
    moShadeScaled.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moShadeScaled );
    moRotateWithShape.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moRotateWithShape );

void PatternFillProperties::assignUsed( const PatternFillProperties& rSourceProps )
    maPattFgColor.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.maPattFgColor );
    maPattBgColor.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.maPattBgColor );
    moPattPreset.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moPattPreset );

void BlipFillProperties::assignUsed( const BlipFillProperties& rSourceProps )
    if( rSourceProps.mxGraphic.is() )
        mxGraphic = rSourceProps.mxGraphic;
    moBitmapMode.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moBitmapMode );
    moFillRect.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moFillRect );
    moTileOffsetX.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moTileOffsetX );
    moTileOffsetY.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moTileOffsetY );
    moTileScaleX.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moTileScaleX );
    moTileScaleY.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moTileScaleY );
    moTileAlign.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moTileAlign );
    moTileFlip.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moTileFlip );
    moRotateWithShape.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moRotateWithShape );
    moColorEffect.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moColorEffect );
    moBrightness.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moBrightness );
    moContrast.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moContrast );
    maColorChangeFrom.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.maColorChangeFrom );
    maColorChangeTo.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.maColorChangeTo );
    maDuotoneColors[0].assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.maDuotoneColors[0] );
    maDuotoneColors[1].assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.maDuotoneColors[1] );
    maEffect.assignUsed( rSourceProps.maEffect );

void FillProperties::assignUsed( const FillProperties& rSourceProps )
    moFillType.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.moFillType );
    maFillColor.assignIfUsed( rSourceProps.maFillColor );
    maGradientProps.assignUsed( rSourceProps.maGradientProps );
    maPatternProps.assignUsed( rSourceProps.maPatternProps );
    maBlipProps.assignUsed( rSourceProps.maBlipProps );

Color FillProperties::getBestSolidColor() const
    Color aSolidColor;
    if( moFillType.has() ) switch( moFillType.get() )
        case XML_solidFill:
            aSolidColor = maFillColor;
        case XML_gradFill:
            if( !maGradientProps.maGradientStops.empty() )
                GradientFillProperties::GradientStopMap::const_iterator aGradientStop =
                if (maGradientProps.maGradientStops.size() > 2)
                aSolidColor = aGradientStop->second;
        case XML_pattFill:
            aSolidColor = maPatternProps.maPattBgColor.isUsed() ? maPatternProps.maPattBgColor : maPatternProps.maPattFgColor;
    return aSolidColor;

/// Maps the hatch token to drawing::Hatch.
static drawing::Hatch createHatch( sal_Int32 nHatchToken, sal_Int32 nColor )
    drawing::Hatch aHatch;
    aHatch.Color = nColor;

    // best-effort mapping; we do not support all the styles in core
    switch ( nHatchToken )
        case XML_pct5:       aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 250; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_pct10:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 200; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_pct20:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 150; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_pct25:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 200; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_pct30:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 175; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_pct40:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 150; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_pct50:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 125; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_pct60:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_TRIPLE; aHatch.Distance = 150; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_pct70:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_TRIPLE; aHatch.Distance = 125; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_pct75:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_TRIPLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_pct80:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_TRIPLE; aHatch.Distance = 75;  aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_pct90:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_TRIPLE; aHatch.Distance = 50;  aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_horz:       aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 0;    break;
        case XML_vert:       aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 900;  break;
        case XML_ltHorz:     aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 50;  aHatch.Angle = 0;    break;
        case XML_ltVert:     aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 50;  aHatch.Angle = 900;  break;
        case XML_dkHorz:     aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 25;  aHatch.Angle = 0;    break;
        case XML_dkVert:     aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 25;  aHatch.Angle = 900;  break;
        case XML_narHorz:    aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 50;  aHatch.Angle = 0;    break;
        case XML_narVert:    aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 50;  aHatch.Angle = 900;  break;
        case XML_dashHorz:   aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 150; aHatch.Angle = 0;    break;
        case XML_dashVert:   aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 150; aHatch.Angle = 900;  break;
        case XML_cross:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 0;    break;
        case XML_dnDiag:     aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 1350; break;
        case XML_upDiag:     aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_ltDnDiag:   aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 50;  aHatch.Angle = 1350; break;
        case XML_ltUpDiag:   aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 50;  aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_dkDnDiag:   aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 50;  aHatch.Angle = 1350; break;
        case XML_dkUpDiag:   aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 50;  aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_wdDnDiag:   aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 1350; break;
        case XML_wdUpDiag:   aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_dashDnDiag: aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 150; aHatch.Angle = 1350; break;
        case XML_dashUpDiag: aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 150; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_diagCross:  aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_smCheck:    aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 50;  aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_lgCheck:    aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_smGrid:     aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 50;  aHatch.Angle = 0;    break;
        case XML_lgGrid:     aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 0;    break;
        case XML_dotGrid:    aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 400; aHatch.Angle = 0;    break;
        case XML_smConfetti: aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 200; aHatch.Angle = 600;  break;
        case XML_lgConfetti: aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 600;  break;
        case XML_horzBrick:  aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 300; aHatch.Angle = 0;    break;
        case XML_diagBrick:  aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 300; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_solidDmnd:  aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_openDmnd:   aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_dotDmnd:    aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 300; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_plaid:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_TRIPLE; aHatch.Distance = 200; aHatch.Angle = 900;  break;
        case XML_sphere:     aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_TRIPLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 0;    break;
        case XML_weave:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 150; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_divot:      aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_TRIPLE; aHatch.Distance = 400; aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_shingle:    aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 200; aHatch.Angle = 1350; break;
        case XML_wave:       aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 100; aHatch.Angle = 0;    break;
        case XML_trellis:    aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_DOUBLE; aHatch.Distance = 75;  aHatch.Angle = 450;  break;
        case XML_zigZag:     aHatch.Style = drawing::HatchStyle_SINGLE; aHatch.Distance = 75;  aHatch.Angle = 0;    break;

    return aHatch;

void FillProperties::pushToPropMap( ShapePropertyMap& rPropMap,
        const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper, sal_Int32 nShapeRotation, sal_Int32 nPhClr,
        bool bFlipH, bool bFlipV ) const
    if( moFillType.has() )
        FillStyle eFillStyle = FillStyle_NONE;
        OSL_ASSERT((moFillType.get() & sal_Int32(0xFFFF0000))==0);
        switch( moFillType.get() )
            case XML_noFill:
                eFillStyle = FillStyle_NONE;

            case XML_solidFill:
                if( maFillColor.isUsed() )
                    rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillColor, maFillColor.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr ) );
                    if( maFillColor.hasTransparency() )
                        rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillTransparency, maFillColor.getTransparency() );
                    eFillStyle = FillStyle_SOLID;

            case XML_gradFill:
                // do not create gradient struct if property is not supported...
                if( rPropMap.supportsProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillGradient ) )
                    sal_Int32 nEndTrans     = 0;
                    sal_Int32 nStartTrans   = 0;
                    awt::Gradient aGradient;
                    aGradient.Angle = 900;
                    aGradient.StartIntensity = 100;
                    aGradient.EndIntensity = 100;

                    // Old code, values in aGradient overwritten in many cases by newer code below
                    if( maGradientProps.maGradientStops.size() > 1 )
                        aGradient.StartColor = maGradientProps.maGradientStops.begin()->second.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr );
                        aGradient.EndColor = maGradientProps.maGradientStops.rbegin()->second.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr );
                        if( maGradientProps.maGradientStops.rbegin()->second.hasTransparency() )
                            nEndTrans = maGradientProps.maGradientStops.rbegin()->second.getTransparency()*255/100;
                        if( maGradientProps.maGradientStops.begin()->second.hasTransparency() )
                            nStartTrans = maGradientProps.maGradientStops.begin()->second.getTransparency()*255/100;

                    // Adjust for flips
                    if ( bFlipH )
                        nShapeRotation = 180*60000 - nShapeRotation;
                    if ( bFlipV )
                        nShapeRotation = -nShapeRotation;

                    // "rotate with shape" not set, or set to false -> do not rotate
                    if ( !maGradientProps.moRotateWithShape.get( false ) )
                        nShapeRotation = 0;

                    if( maGradientProps.moGradientPath.has() )
                        aGradient.Style = (maGradientProps.moGradientPath.get() == XML_circle) ? awt::GradientStyle_ELLIPTICAL : awt::GradientStyle_RECT;
                        // position of gradient center (limited to [30%;70%], otherwise gradient is too hidden)
                        IntegerRectangle2D aFillToRect = maGradientProps.moFillToRect.get( IntegerRectangle2D( 0, 0, MAX_PERCENT, MAX_PERCENT ) );
                        sal_Int32 nCenterX = (MAX_PERCENT + aFillToRect.X1 - aFillToRect.X2) / 2;
                        aGradient.XOffset = getLimitedValue< sal_Int16, sal_Int32 >( nCenterX / PER_PERCENT, 30, 70 );
                        sal_Int32 nCenterY = (MAX_PERCENT + aFillToRect.Y1 - aFillToRect.Y2) / 2;
                        aGradient.YOffset = getLimitedValue< sal_Int16, sal_Int32 >( nCenterY / PER_PERCENT, 30, 70 );
                        ::std::swap( aGradient.StartColor, aGradient.EndColor );
                        ::std::swap( nStartTrans, nEndTrans );
                        // A copy of the gradient stops for local modification
                        GradientFillProperties::GradientStopMap aGradientStops(maGradientProps.maGradientStops);

                        // Add a fake gradient stop at 0% and 100% if necessary, so that the gradient always starts
                        // at 0% and ends at 100%, to make following logic clearer (?).
                        if( aGradientStops.find(0.0) == aGradientStops.end() )
                            // temp variable required
                            Color aFirstColor(aGradientStops.begin()->second);
                            aGradientStops[0.0] = aFirstColor;

                        if( aGradientStops.find(1.0) == aGradientStops.end() )
                            // ditto
                            Color aLastColor(aGradientStops.rbegin()->second);
                            aGradientStops[1.0] = aLastColor;

                        // Check if the gradient is symmetric, which we will emulate with an "axial" gradient.
                        bool bSymmetric(true);
                            GradientFillProperties::GradientStopMap::const_iterator aItA( aGradientStops.begin() );
                            GradientFillProperties::GradientStopMap::const_iterator aItZ(std::prev(aGradientStops.end()));
                            while( bSymmetric && aItA->first < aItZ->first )
                                if( aItA->second.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr ) != aItZ->second.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr ) ||
                                    aItA->second.getTransparency() != aItZ->second.getTransparency() )
                                    bSymmetric = false;
                                    aItZ = std::prev(aItZ);
                            // Don't be fooled if the middlemost stop isn't at 0.5.
                            if( bSymmetric && aItA == aItZ && aItA->first != 0.5 )
                                bSymmetric = false;

                            // If symmetric, do the rest of the logic for just a half.
                            if( bSymmetric )
                                // aItZ already points to the colour for the middle, but insert a fake stop at the
                                // exact middle if necessary.
                                if( aItA->first != aItZ->first )
                                    Color aMiddleColor = aItZ->second;
                                    aGradientStops[0.5] = aMiddleColor;
                                // Drop the rest of the stops
                                while( aGradientStops.rbegin()->first > 0.5 )
                                    aGradientStops.erase( aGradientStops.rbegin()->first );

                        SAL_INFO("oox.drawingml.gradient", "symmetric: " << (bSymmetric ? "YES" : "NO") <<
                                 ", number of stops: " << aGradientStops.size());
                        for (GradientFillProperties::GradientStopMap::iterator p(aGradientStops.begin());
                             p != aGradientStops.end();
                            SAL_INFO("oox.drawingml.gradient", "  " << std::distance(aGradientStops.begin(), p) << ": " <<
                                     p->first << ": " <<
                                     std::hex << p->second.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr ) << std::dec <<
                                     "@" << (100-p->second.getTransparency()) << "%");

                        // Now estimate the simple LO style gradient (only two stops, at n% and 100%, where n ==
                        // the "border") that best emulates the gradient between begin() and prior(end()).

                        // First look for the largest segment in the gradient.
                        GradientFillProperties::GradientStopMap::iterator aIt(aGradientStops.begin());
                        double nWidestWidth = -1;
                        GradientFillProperties::GradientStopMap::iterator aWidestSegmentStart;
                        while( aIt != aGradientStops.end() )
                            if (aIt->first - std::prev(aIt)->first > nWidestWidth)
                                nWidestWidth = aIt->first - std::prev(aIt)->first;
                                aWidestSegmentStart = std::prev(aIt);
                        assert( nWidestWidth > 0 );

                        double nBorder = 0;
                        bool bSwap(false);

                        // Do we have just two segments, and either one is of uniform colour, or three or more
                        // segments, and the widest one is the first or last one, and is it of uniform colour? If
                        // so, deduce the border from it, and drop that segment.
                        if( aGradientStops.size() == 3 &&
                            aGradientStops.begin()->second.getColor(rGraphicHelper, nPhClr) == std::next(aGradientStops.begin())->second.getColor(rGraphicHelper, nPhClr) &&
                            aGradientStops.begin()->second.getTransparency() == std::next(aGradientStops.begin())->second.getTransparency())
                            // Two segments, first is uniformly coloured
                            SAL_INFO("oox.drawingml.gradient", "two segments, first is uniformly coloured");
                            nBorder = std::next(aGradientStops.begin())->first - aGradientStops.begin()->first;
                            aWidestSegmentStart = aGradientStops.begin();
                        else if( !bSymmetric &&
                                 aGradientStops.size() == 3 &&
                                 std::next(aGradientStops.begin())->second.getColor(rGraphicHelper, nPhClr) == std::prev(aGradientStops.end())->second.getColor(rGraphicHelper, nPhClr) &&
                                 std::next(aGradientStops.begin())->second.getTransparency() == std::prev(aGradientStops.end())->second.getTransparency())
                            // Two segments, second is uniformly coloured
                            SAL_INFO("oox.drawingml.gradient", "two segments, second is uniformly coloured");
                            nBorder = std::prev(aGradientStops.end())->first - std::next(aGradientStops.begin())->first;
                            aWidestSegmentStart = aGradientStops.begin();
                            bSwap = true;
                            nShapeRotation = 180*60000 - nShapeRotation;
                        else if( !bSymmetric &&
                                 aGradientStops.size() >= 4 &&
                                 aWidestSegmentStart->second.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr ) == std::next(aWidestSegmentStart)->second.getColor(rGraphicHelper, nPhClr) &&
                                 aWidestSegmentStart->second.getTransparency() == std::next(aWidestSegmentStart)->second.getTransparency() &&
                                 ( aWidestSegmentStart == aGradientStops.begin() ||
                                   std::next(aWidestSegmentStart) == std::prev(aGradientStops.end())))
                            // Not symmetric, three or more segments, the widest is first or last and is uniformly coloured
                            SAL_INFO("oox.drawingml.gradient", "first or last segment is widest and is uniformly coloured");
                            nBorder = std::next(aWidestSegmentStart)->first - aWidestSegmentStart->first;

                            // If it's the last segment that is uniformly coloured, rotate the gradient 180
                            // degrees and swap start and end colours
                            if (std::next(aWidestSegmentStart) == std::prev(aGradientStops.end()))
                                bSwap = true;
                                nShapeRotation = 180*60000 - nShapeRotation;

                            aGradientStops.erase( aWidestSegmentStart++ );

                            // Look for which is widest now
                            aIt = std::next(aGradientStops.begin());
                            nWidestWidth = -1;
                            while( aIt != aGradientStops.end() )
                                if (aIt->first - std::prev(aIt)->first > nWidestWidth)
                                    nWidestWidth = aIt->first - std::prev(aIt)->first;
                                    aWidestSegmentStart = std::prev(aIt);
                        SAL_INFO("oox.drawingml.gradient", "widest segment start: " << aWidestSegmentStart->first << ", border: " << nBorder);
                        assert( (!bSymmetric && !bSwap) || !(bSymmetric && bSwap) );

                        // Now we have a potential border and a largest segment. Use those.

                        aGradient.Style = bSymmetric ? awt::GradientStyle_AXIAL : awt::GradientStyle_LINEAR;
                        sal_Int32 nDmlAngle = maGradientProps.moShadeAngle.get( 0 ) - nShapeRotation;
                        // convert DrawingML angle (in 1/60000 degrees) to API angle (in 1/10 degrees)
                        aGradient.Angle = static_cast< sal_Int16 >( (4500 - (nDmlAngle / (PER_DEGREE / 10))) % 3600 );
                        Color aStartColor, aEndColor;
                        if( bSymmetric )
                            aStartColor = std::next(aWidestSegmentStart)->second;
                            aEndColor = aWidestSegmentStart->second;
                            nBorder *= 2;
                        else if( bSwap )
                            aStartColor = std::next(aWidestSegmentStart)->second;
                            aEndColor = aWidestSegmentStart->second;
                            aStartColor = aWidestSegmentStart->second;
                            aEndColor = std::next(aWidestSegmentStart)->second;

                        SAL_INFO("oox.drawingml.gradient", "start color: " << std::hex << aStartColor.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr ) << std::dec <<
                                 "@" << (100-aStartColor.getTransparency()) << "%"
                                 ", end color: " << std::hex << aEndColor.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr ) << std::dec <<
                                 "@" << (100-aEndColor.getTransparency()) << "%");

                        aGradient.StartColor = aStartColor.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr );
                        aGradient.EndColor = aEndColor.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr );

                        if( aStartColor.hasTransparency() )
                            nStartTrans = aStartColor.getTransparency()*255/100;
                        if( aEndColor.hasTransparency() )
                            nEndTrans = aEndColor.getTransparency()*255/100;

                        aGradient.Border = rtl::math::round(100*nBorder);

                    // push gradient or named gradient to property map
                    if( rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillGradient, aGradient ) )
                        eFillStyle = FillStyle_GRADIENT;

                    // push gradient transparency to property map
                    if( nStartTrans != 0 || nEndTrans != 0 )
                        awt::Gradient aGrad(aGradient);
                        uno::Any aVal;
                        aGrad.EndColor = (sal_Int32)( nEndTrans | nEndTrans << 8 | nEndTrans << 16 );
                        aGrad.StartColor = (sal_Int32)( nStartTrans | nStartTrans << 8 | nStartTrans << 16 );
                        aVal <<= aGrad;
                        rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_GradientTransparency, aGrad );


            case XML_blipFill:
                // do not start complex graphic transformation if property is not supported...
                if( maBlipProps.mxGraphic.is() && rPropMap.supportsProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillBitmapUrl ) )
                    Reference< XGraphic > xGraphic = lclCheckAndApplyDuotoneTransform( maBlipProps, maBlipProps.mxGraphic, rGraphicHelper, nPhClr );
                    // TODO: "rotate with shape" is not possible with our current core

                    OUString aGraphicUrl = rGraphicHelper.createGraphicObject( xGraphic );
                    // push bitmap or named bitmap to property map
                    if( !aGraphicUrl.isEmpty() && rPropMap.supportsProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillBitmapNameFromUrl ) && rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillBitmapNameFromUrl, aGraphicUrl ) )
                        eFillStyle = FillStyle_BITMAP;
                    else if( !aGraphicUrl.isEmpty() && rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillBitmapUrl, aGraphicUrl ) )
                        eFillStyle = FillStyle_BITMAP;

                    // set other bitmap properties, if bitmap has been inserted into the map
                    if( eFillStyle == FillStyle_BITMAP )
                        // bitmap mode (single, repeat, stretch)
                        BitmapMode eBitmapMode = lclGetBitmapMode( maBlipProps.moBitmapMode.get( XML_TOKEN_INVALID ) );
                        rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillBitmapMode, eBitmapMode );

                        // additional settings for repeated bitmap
                        if( eBitmapMode == BitmapMode_REPEAT )
                            // anchor position inside bitmap
                            RectanglePoint eRectPoint = lclGetRectanglePoint( maBlipProps.moTileAlign.get( XML_tl ) );
                            rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillBitmapRectanglePoint, eRectPoint );

                            awt::Size aOriginalSize = lclGetOriginalSize( rGraphicHelper, maBlipProps.mxGraphic );
                            if( (aOriginalSize.Width > 0) && (aOriginalSize.Height > 0) )
                                // size of one bitmap tile (given as 1/1000 percent of bitmap size), convert to 1/100 mm
                                double fScaleX = maBlipProps.moTileScaleX.get( MAX_PERCENT ) / static_cast< double >( MAX_PERCENT );
                                sal_Int32 nFillBmpSizeX = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, double >( aOriginalSize.Width * fScaleX, 1, SAL_MAX_INT32 );
                                rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillBitmapSizeX, nFillBmpSizeX );
                                double fScaleY = maBlipProps.moTileScaleY.get( MAX_PERCENT ) / static_cast< double >( MAX_PERCENT );
                                sal_Int32 nFillBmpSizeY = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, double >( aOriginalSize.Height * fScaleY, 1, SAL_MAX_INT32 );
                                rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillBitmapSizeY, nFillBmpSizeY );

                                // offset of the first bitmap tile (given as EMUs), convert to percent
                                sal_Int16 nTileOffsetX = getDoubleIntervalValue< sal_Int16 >( maBlipProps.moTileOffsetX.get( 0 ) / 3.6 / aOriginalSize.Width, 0, 100 );
                                rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillBitmapOffsetX, nTileOffsetX );
                                sal_Int16 nTileOffsetY = getDoubleIntervalValue< sal_Int16 >( maBlipProps.moTileOffsetY.get( 0 ) / 3.6 / aOriginalSize.Height, 0, 100 );
                                rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillBitmapOffsetY, nTileOffsetY );
                        else if ( eBitmapMode == BitmapMode_STRETCH && maBlipProps.moFillRect.has() )
                            geometry::IntegerRectangle2D aFillRect( maBlipProps.moFillRect.get() );
                            awt::Size aOriginalSize( rGraphicHelper.getOriginalSize( xGraphic ) );
                            if ( aOriginalSize.Width && aOriginalSize.Height )
                                text::GraphicCrop aGraphCrop( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
                                if ( aFillRect.X1 )
                                    aGraphCrop.Left = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( ( static_cast< double >( aOriginalSize.Width ) * aFillRect.X1 ) / 100000 );
                                if ( aFillRect.Y1 )
                                    aGraphCrop.Top = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( ( static_cast< double >( aOriginalSize.Height ) * aFillRect.Y1 ) / 100000 );
                                if ( aFillRect.X2 )
                                    aGraphCrop.Right = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( ( static_cast< double >( aOriginalSize.Width ) * aFillRect.X2 ) / 100000 );
                                if ( aFillRect.Y2 )
                                    aGraphCrop.Bottom = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( ( static_cast< double >( aOriginalSize.Height ) * aFillRect.Y2 ) / 100000 );
                                rPropMap.setProperty(PROP_GraphicCrop, aGraphCrop);

            case XML_pattFill:
                if( rPropMap.supportsProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillHatch ) )
                    Color aColor( maPatternProps.maPattFgColor );
                    if( aColor.isUsed() && maPatternProps.moPattPreset.has() )
                        // we do not support hatches that have background
                        // color too, so all this is some best-effort approach
                        eFillStyle = FillStyle_HATCH;
                        rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillHatch, createHatch( maPatternProps.moPattPreset.get(), aColor.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr ) ) );
                    else if ( maPatternProps.maPattBgColor.isUsed() )
                        aColor = maPatternProps.maPattBgColor;
                        rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillColor, aColor.getColor( rGraphicHelper, nPhClr ) );
                        if( aColor.hasTransparency() )
                            rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillTransparency, aColor.getTransparency() );
                        eFillStyle = FillStyle_SOLID;

            case XML_grpFill:
                // todo
                eFillStyle = FillStyle_NONE;

        // set final fill style property
        rPropMap.setProperty( SHAPEPROP_FillStyle, eFillStyle );

void GraphicProperties::pushToPropMap( PropertyMap& rPropMap, const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper ) const
    sal_Int16 nBrightness = getLimitedValue< sal_Int16, sal_Int32 >( maBlipProps.moBrightness.get( 0 ) / PER_PERCENT, -100, 100 );
    sal_Int16 nContrast = getLimitedValue< sal_Int16, sal_Int32 >( maBlipProps.moContrast.get( 0 ) / PER_PERCENT, -100, 100 );
    ColorMode eColorMode = ColorMode_STANDARD;

    switch( maBlipProps.moColorEffect.get( XML_TOKEN_INVALID ) )
        case XML_biLevel:   eColorMode = ColorMode_MONO;    break;
        case XML_grayscl:   eColorMode = ColorMode_GREYS;   break;

    if( maBlipProps.mxGraphic.is() )
        // created transformed graphic
        Reference< XGraphic > xGraphic = lclCheckAndApplyDuotoneTransform( maBlipProps, maBlipProps.mxGraphic, rGraphicHelper, API_RGB_TRANSPARENT );
        xGraphic = lclCheckAndApplyChangeColorTransform( maBlipProps, xGraphic, rGraphicHelper, API_RGB_TRANSPARENT );

        if (eColorMode == ColorMode_STANDARD && nBrightness == 70 && nContrast == -70)
            // map MSO 'washout' to our Watermark colormode
            eColorMode = ColorMode_WATERMARK;
        else if( nBrightness != 0 && nContrast != 0 )
            // MSO uses a different algorithm for contrast+brightness, LO applies contrast before brightness,
            // while MSO apparently applies half of brightness before contrast and half after. So if only
            // contrast or brightness need to be altered, the result is the same, but if both are involved,
            // there's no way to map that, so just force a conversion of the image.
            xGraphic = applyBrightnessContrast( xGraphic, nBrightness, nContrast );
            nBrightness = 0;
            nContrast = 0;
        rPropMap.setProperty(PROP_Graphic, xGraphic);

        // do we still need to set GraphicURL as well? (TODO)
        OUString aGraphicUrl = rGraphicHelper.createGraphicObject( xGraphic );
        if( !aGraphicUrl.isEmpty() )
            rPropMap.setProperty(PROP_GraphicURL, aGraphicUrl);

        // cropping
        if ( maBlipProps.moClipRect.has() )
            geometry::IntegerRectangle2D oClipRect( maBlipProps.moClipRect.get() );
            awt::Size aOriginalSize( rGraphicHelper.getOriginalSize( xGraphic ) );
            if ( aOriginalSize.Width && aOriginalSize.Height )
                text::GraphicCrop aGraphCrop( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
                if ( oClipRect.X1 )
                    aGraphCrop.Left = rtl::math::round( ( static_cast< double >( aOriginalSize.Width ) * oClipRect.X1 ) / 100000 );
                if ( oClipRect.Y1 )
                    aGraphCrop.Top = rtl::math::round( ( static_cast< double >( aOriginalSize.Height ) * oClipRect.Y1 ) / 100000 );
                if ( oClipRect.X2 )
                    aGraphCrop.Right = rtl::math::round( ( static_cast< double >( aOriginalSize.Width ) * oClipRect.X2 ) / 100000 );
                if ( oClipRect.Y2 )
                    aGraphCrop.Bottom = rtl::math::round( ( static_cast< double >( aOriginalSize.Height ) * oClipRect.Y2 ) / 100000 );
                rPropMap.setProperty(PROP_GraphicCrop, aGraphCrop);
    rPropMap.setProperty(PROP_GraphicColorMode, eColorMode);

    // brightness and contrast
    if( nBrightness != 0 )
        rPropMap.setProperty(PROP_AdjustLuminance, nBrightness);
    if( nContrast != 0 )
        rPropMap.setProperty(PROP_AdjustContrast, nContrast);

    // Media content
    assert(m_xMediaStream.is() != m_sMediaPackageURL.isEmpty());
    if (m_xMediaStream.is() && !m_sMediaPackageURL.isEmpty())
        rPropMap.setProperty(PROP_PrivateStream, m_xMediaStream);
        rPropMap.setProperty(PROP_MediaURL, m_sMediaPackageURL);

bool ArtisticEffectProperties::isEmpty() const
    return msName.isEmpty();

css::beans::PropertyValue ArtisticEffectProperties::getEffect()
    css::beans::PropertyValue aRet;
    if( msName.isEmpty() )
        return aRet;

    css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > aSeq( maAttribs.size() + 1 );
    sal_uInt32 i = 0;
    for( std::map< OUString, css::uno::Any >::iterator it = maAttribs.begin(); it != maAttribs.end(); ++it )
        aSeq[i].Name = it->first;
        aSeq[i].Value = it->second;

    if( mrOleObjectInfo.maEmbeddedData.hasElements() )
        css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > aGraphicSeq( 2 );
        aGraphicSeq[0].Name = "Id";
        aGraphicSeq[0].Value = uno::makeAny( mrOleObjectInfo.maProgId );
        aGraphicSeq[1].Name = "Data";
        aGraphicSeq[1].Value = uno::makeAny( mrOleObjectInfo.maEmbeddedData );

        aSeq[i].Name = "OriginalGraphic";
        aSeq[i].Value = uno::makeAny( aGraphicSeq );

    aRet.Name = msName;
    aRet.Value = css::uno::Any( aSeq );

    return aRet;

void ArtisticEffectProperties::assignUsed( const ArtisticEffectProperties& rSourceProps )
    if( !rSourceProps.isEmpty() )
        msName = rSourceProps.msName;
        maAttribs = rSourceProps.maAttribs;

OUString ArtisticEffectProperties::getEffectString( sal_Int32 nToken )
    switch( nToken )
        // effects
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticBlur ):                return OUString( "artisticBlur" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticCement ):              return OUString( "artisticCement" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticChalkSketch ):         return OUString( "artisticChalkSketch" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticCrisscrossEtching ):   return OUString( "artisticCrisscrossEtching" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticCutout ):              return OUString( "artisticCutout" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticFilmGrain ):           return OUString( "artisticFilmGrain" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticGlass ):               return OUString( "artisticGlass" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticGlowDiffused ):        return OUString( "artisticGlowDiffused" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticGlowEdges ):           return OUString( "artisticGlowEdges" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticLightScreen ):         return OUString( "artisticLightScreen" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticLineDrawing ):         return OUString( "artisticLineDrawing" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticMarker ):              return OUString( "artisticMarker" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticMosiaicBubbles ):      return OUString( "artisticMosiaicBubbles" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticPaintStrokes ):        return OUString( "artisticPaintStrokes" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticPaintBrush ):          return OUString( "artisticPaintBrush" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticPastelsSmooth ):       return OUString( "artisticPastelsSmooth" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticPencilGrayscale ):     return OUString( "artisticPencilGrayscale" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticPencilSketch ):        return OUString( "artisticPencilSketch" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticPhotocopy ):           return OUString( "artisticPhotocopy" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticPlasticWrap ):         return OUString( "artisticPlasticWrap" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticTexturizer ):          return OUString( "artisticTexturizer" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticWatercolorSponge ):    return OUString( "artisticWatercolorSponge" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticBrightnessContrast ):  return OUString( "artisticBrightnessContrast" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticColorTemperature ):    return OUString( "artisticColorTemperature" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticSaturation ):          return OUString( "artisticSaturation" );
        case OOX_TOKEN( a14, artisticSharpenSoften ):       return OUString( "artisticSharpenSoften" );

        // attributes
        case XML_visible:           return OUString( "visible" );
        case XML_trans:             return OUString( "trans" );
        case XML_crackSpacing:      return OUString( "crackSpacing" );
        case XML_pressure:          return OUString( "pressure" );
        case XML_numberOfShades:    return OUString( "numberOfShades" );
        case XML_grainSize:         return OUString( "grainSize" );
        case XML_intensity:         return OUString( "intensity" );
        case XML_smoothness:        return OUString( "smoothness" );
        case XML_gridSize:          return OUString( "gridSize" );
        case XML_pencilSize:        return OUString( "pencilSize" );
        case XML_size:              return OUString( "size" );
        case XML_brushSize:         return OUString( "brushSize" );
        case XML_scaling:           return OUString( "scaling" );
        case XML_detail:            return OUString( "detail" );
        case XML_bright:            return OUString( "bright" );
        case XML_contrast:          return OUString( "contrast" );
        case XML_colorTemp:         return OUString( "colorTemp" );
        case XML_sat:               return OUString( "sat" );
        case XML_amount:            return OUString( "amount" );
    SAL_WARN( "oox.drawingml", "ArtisticEffectProperties::getEffectString - unexpected token" );
    return OUString();

sal_Int32 ArtisticEffectProperties::getEffectToken( const OUString& sName )
    // effects
    if( sName == "artisticBlur" )
        return XML_artisticBlur;
    else if( sName == "artisticCement" )
        return XML_artisticCement;
    else if( sName == "artisticChalkSketch" )
        return XML_artisticChalkSketch;
    else if( sName == "artisticCrisscrossEtching" )
        return XML_artisticCrisscrossEtching;
    else if( sName == "artisticCutout" )
        return XML_artisticCutout;
    else if( sName == "artisticFilmGrain" )
        return XML_artisticFilmGrain;
    else if( sName == "artisticGlass" )
        return XML_artisticGlass;
    else if( sName == "artisticGlowDiffused" )
        return XML_artisticGlowDiffused;
    else if( sName == "artisticGlowEdges" )
        return XML_artisticGlowEdges;
    else if( sName == "artisticLightScreen" )
        return XML_artisticLightScreen;
    else if( sName == "artisticLineDrawing" )
        return XML_artisticLineDrawing;
    else if( sName == "artisticMarker" )
        return XML_artisticMarker;
    else if( sName == "artisticMosiaicBubbles" )
        return XML_artisticMosiaicBubbles;
    else if( sName == "artisticPaintStrokes" )
        return XML_artisticPaintStrokes;
    else if( sName == "artisticPaintBrush" )
        return XML_artisticPaintBrush;
    else if( sName == "artisticPastelsSmooth" )
        return XML_artisticPastelsSmooth;
    else if( sName == "artisticPencilGrayscale" )
        return XML_artisticPencilGrayscale;
    else if( sName == "artisticPencilSketch" )
        return XML_artisticPencilSketch;
    else if( sName == "artisticPhotocopy" )
        return XML_artisticPhotocopy;
    else if( sName == "artisticPlasticWrap" )
        return XML_artisticPlasticWrap;
    else if( sName == "artisticTexturizer" )
        return XML_artisticTexturizer;
    else if( sName == "artisticWatercolorSponge" )
        return XML_artisticWatercolorSponge;
    else if( sName == "artisticBrightnessContrast" )
        return XML_artisticBrightnessContrast;
    else if( sName == "artisticColorTemperature" )
        return XML_artisticColorTemperature;
    else if( sName == "artisticSaturation" )
        return XML_artisticSaturation;
    else if( sName == "artisticSharpenSoften" )
        return XML_artisticSharpenSoften;

    // attributes
    else if( sName == "visible" )
        return XML_visible;
    else if( sName == "trans" )
        return XML_trans;
    else if( sName == "crackSpacing" )
        return XML_crackSpacing;
    else if( sName == "pressure" )
        return XML_pressure;
    else if( sName == "numberOfShades" )
        return XML_numberOfShades;
    else if( sName == "grainSize" )
        return XML_grainSize;
    else if( sName == "intensity" )
        return XML_intensity;
    else if( sName == "smoothness" )
        return XML_smoothness;
    else if( sName == "gridSize" )
        return XML_gridSize;
    else if( sName == "pencilSize" )
        return XML_pencilSize;
    else if( sName == "size" )
        return XML_size;
    else if( sName == "brushSize" )
        return XML_brushSize;
    else if( sName == "scaling" )
        return XML_scaling;
    else if( sName == "detail" )
        return XML_detail;
    else if( sName == "bright" )
        return XML_bright;
    else if( sName == "contrast" )
        return XML_contrast;
    else if( sName == "colorTemp" )
        return XML_colorTemp;
    else if( sName == "sat" )
        return XML_sat;
    else if( sName == "amount" )
        return XML_amount;

    SAL_WARN( "oox.drawingml", "ArtisticEffectProperties::getEffectToken - unexpected token name" );
    return XML_none;

} // namespace drawingml
} // namespace oox

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