/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "oox/core/xmlfilterbase.hxx" #include "oox/export/shapes.hxx" #include "oox/export/utils.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing; using namespace ::com::sun::star::i18n; using namespace ::com::sun::star::table; using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState; using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue; using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet; using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyState; using ::com::sun::star::container::XEnumeration; using ::com::sun::star::container::XEnumerationAccess; using ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess; using ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle; using ::com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream; using ::com::sun::star::text::XSimpleText; using ::com::sun::star::text::XText; using ::com::sun::star::text::XTextContent; using ::com::sun::star::text::XTextField; using ::com::sun::star::text::XTextRange; using ::oox::core::XmlFilterBase; using ::com::sun::star::chart2::XChartDocument; using ::com::sun::star::frame::XModel; using ::oox::core::XmlFilterBase; using ::rtl::OString; using ::rtl::OStringBuffer; using ::rtl::OUString; using ::rtl::OUStringBuffer; using ::sax_fastparser::FSHelperPtr; #define IDS(x) (OString(#x " ") + OString::valueOf( mnShapeIdMax++ )).getStr() struct CustomShapeTypeTranslationTable { const char* sOOo; const char* sMSO; }; static const CustomShapeTypeTranslationTable pCustomShapeTypeTranslationTable[] = { // { "non-primitive", mso_sptMin }, { "rectangle", "rect" }, { "round-rectangle", "roundRect" }, { "ellipse", "ellipse" }, { "diamond", "diamond" }, { "isosceles-triangle", "triangle" }, { "right-triangle", "rtTriangle" }, { "parallelogram", "parallelogram" }, { "trapezoid", "trapezoid" }, { "hexagon", "hexagon" }, { "octagon", "octagon" }, { "cross", "plus" }, { "star5", "star5" }, { "right-arrow", "rightArrow" }, // { "mso-spt14", mso_sptThickArrow }, { "pentagon-right", "homePlate" }, { "cube", "cube" }, // { "mso-spt17", mso_sptBalloon }, // { "mso-spt18", mso_sptSeal }, { "mso-spt19", "arc" }, { "mso-spt20", "line" }, { "mso-spt21", "plaque" }, { "can", "can" }, { "ring", "donut" }, { "mso-spt24", "textSimple" }, { "mso-spt25", "textOctagon" }, { "mso-spt26", "textHexagon" }, { "mso-spt27", "textCurve" }, { "mso-spt28", "textWave" }, { "mso-spt29", "textRing" }, { "mso-spt30", "textOnCurve" }, { "mso-spt31", "textOnRing" }, { "mso-spt32", "straightConnector1" }, { "mso-spt33", "bentConnector2" }, { "mso-spt34", "bentConnector3" }, { "mso-spt35", "bentConnector4" }, { "mso-spt36", "bentConnector5" }, { "mso-spt37", "curvedConnector2" }, { "mso-spt38", "curvedConnector3" }, { "mso-spt39", "curvedConnector4" }, { "mso-spt40", "curvedConnector5" }, { "mso-spt41", "callout1" }, { "mso-spt42", "callout2" }, { "mso-spt43", "callout3" }, { "mso-spt44", "accentCallout1" }, { "mso-spt45", "accentCallout2" }, { "mso-spt46", "accentCallout3" }, { "line-callout-1", "borderCallout1" }, { "line-callout-2", "borderCallout2" }, { "line-callout-3", "borderCallout3" }, { "mso-spt49", "accentBorderCallout90" }, { "mso-spt50", "accentBorderCallout1" }, { "mso-spt51", "accentBorderCallout2" }, { "mso-spt52", "accentBorderCallout3" }, { "mso-spt53", "ribbon" }, { "mso-spt54", "ribbon2" }, { "chevron", "chevron" }, { "pentagon", "pentagon" }, { "forbidden", "noSmoking" }, { "star8", "seal8" }, { "mso-spt59", "seal16" }, { "mso-spt60", "seal32" }, { "rectangular-callout", "wedgeRectCallout" }, { "round-rectangular-callout", "wedgeRoundRectCallout" }, { "round-callout", "wedgeEllipseCallout" }, { "mso-spt64", "wave" }, { "paper", "foldedCorner" }, { "left-arrow", "leftArrow" }, { "down-arrow", "downArrow" }, { "up-arrow", "upArrow" }, { "left-right-arrow", "leftRightArrow" }, { "up-down-arrow", "upDownArrow" }, { "mso-spt71", "irregularSeal1" }, { "bang", "irregularSeal2" }, { "lightning", "lightningBolt" }, { "heart", "heart" }, { "mso-spt75", "pictureFrame" }, { "quad-arrow", "quadArrow" }, { "left-arrow-callout", "leftArrowCallout" }, { "right-arrow-callout", "rightArrowCallout" }, { "up-arrow-callout", "upArrowCallout" }, { "down-arrow-callout", "downArrowCallout" }, { "left-right-arrow-callout", "leftRightArrowCallout" }, { "up-down-arrow-callout", "upDownArrowCallout" }, { "quad-arrow-callout", "quadArrowCallout" }, { "quad-bevel", "bevel" }, { "left-bracket", "leftBracket" }, { "right-bracket", "rightBracket" }, { "left-brace", "leftBrace" }, { "right-brace", "rightBrace" }, { "mso-spt89", "leftUpArrow" }, { "mso-spt90", "bentUpArrow" }, { "mso-spt91", "bentArrow" }, { "star24", "seal24" }, { "striped-right-arrow", "stripedRightArrow" }, { "notched-right-arrow", "notchedRightArrow" }, { "block-arc", "blockArc" }, { "smiley", "smileyFace" }, { "vertical-scroll", "verticalScroll" }, { "horizontal-scroll", "horizontalScroll" }, { "circular-arrow", "circularArrow" }, { "mso-spt100", "pie" }, // looks like MSO_SPT is wrong here { "mso-spt101", "uturnArrow" }, { "mso-spt102", "curvedRightArrow" }, { "mso-spt103", "curvedLeftArrow" }, { "mso-spt104", "curvedUpArrow" }, { "mso-spt105", "curvedDownArrow" }, { "cloud-callout", "cloudCallout" }, { "mso-spt107", "ellipseRibbon" }, { "mso-spt108", "ellipseRibbon2" }, { "flowchart-process", "flowChartProcess" }, { "flowchart-decision", "flowChartDecision" }, { "flowchart-data", "flowChartInputOutput" }, { "flowchart-predefined-process", "flowChartPredefinedProcess" }, { "flowchart-internal-storage", "flowChartInternalStorage" }, { "flowchart-document", "flowChartDocument" }, { "flowchart-multidocument", "flowChartMultidocument" }, { "flowchart-terminator", "flowChartTerminator" }, { "flowchart-preparation", "flowChartPreparation" }, { "flowchart-manual-input", "flowChartManualInput" }, { "flowchart-manual-operation", "flowChartManualOperation" }, { "flowchart-connector", "flowChartConnector" }, { "flowchart-card", "flowChartPunchedCard" }, { "flowchart-punched-tape", "flowChartPunchedTape" }, { "flowchart-summing-junction", "flowChartSummingJunction" }, { "flowchart-or", "flowChartOr" }, { "flowchart-collate", "flowChartCollate" }, { "flowchart-sort", "flowChartSort" }, { "flowchart-extract", "flowChartExtract" }, { "flowchart-merge", "flowChartMerge" }, { "mso-spt129", "flowChartOfflineStorage" }, { "flowchart-stored-data", "flowChartOnlineStorage" }, { "flowchart-sequential-access", "flowChartMagneticTape" }, { "flowchart-magnetic-disk", "flowChartMagneticDisk" }, { "flowchart-direct-access-storage", "flowChartMagneticDrum" }, { "flowchart-display", "flowChartDisplay" }, { "flowchart-delay", "flowChartDelay" }, { "fontwork-plain-text", "textPlainText" }, { "fontwork-stop", "textStop" }, { "fontwork-triangle-up", "textTriangle" }, { "fontwork-triangle-down", "textTriangleInverted" }, { "fontwork-chevron-up", "textChevron" }, { "fontwork-chevron-down", "textChevronInverted" }, { "mso-spt142", "textRingInside" }, { "mso-spt143", "textRingOutside" }, { "fontwork-arch-up-curve", "textArchUpCurve" }, { "fontwork-arch-down-curve", "textArchDownCurve" }, { "fontwork-circle-curve", "textCircleCurve" }, { "fontwork-open-circle-curve", "textButtonCurve" }, { "fontwork-arch-up-pour", "textArchUpPour" }, { "fontwork-arch-down-pour", "textArchDownPour" }, { "fontwork-circle-pour", "textCirclePour" }, { "fontwork-open-circle-pour", "textButtonPour" }, { "fontwork-curve-up", "textCurveUp" }, { "fontwork-curve-down", "textCurveDown" }, { "fontwork-fade-up-and-right", "textCascadeUp" }, { "fontwork-fade-up-and-left", "textCascadeDown" }, { "fontwork-wave", "textWave1" }, { "mso-spt157", "textWave2" }, { "mso-spt158", "textWave3" }, { "mso-spt159", "textWave4" }, { "fontwork-inflate", "textInflate" }, { "mso-spt161", "textDeflate" }, { "mso-spt162", "textInflateBottom" }, { "mso-spt163", "textDeflateBottom" }, { "mso-spt164", "textInflateTop" }, { "mso-spt165", "textDeflateTop" }, { "mso-spt166", "textDeflateInflate" }, { "mso-spt167", "textDeflateInflateDeflate" }, { "fontwork-fade-right", "textFadeRight" }, { "fontwork-fade-left", "textFadeLeft" }, { "fontwork-fade-up", "textFadeUp" }, { "fontwork-fade-down", "textFadeDown" }, { "fontwork-slant-up", "textSlantUp" }, { "fontwork-slant-down", "textSlantDown" }, { "mso-spt174", "textCanUp" }, { "mso-spt175", "textCanDown" }, { "flowchart-alternate-process", "flowChartAlternateProcess" }, { "flowchart-off-page-connector", "flowChartOffpageConnector" }, { "mso-spt178", "callout90" }, { "mso-spt179", "accentCallout90" }, { "mso-spt180", "borderCallout90" }, { "mso-spt182", "leftRightUpArrow" }, { "sun", "sun" }, { "moon", "moon" }, { "bracket-pair", "bracketPair" }, { "brace-pair", "bracePair" }, { "star4", "seal4" }, { "mso-spt188", "doubleWave" }, { "mso-spt189", "actionButtonBlank" }, { "mso-spt190", "actionButtonHome" }, { "mso-spt191", "actionButtonHelp" }, { "mso-spt192", "actionButtonInformation" }, { "mso-spt193", "actionButtonForwardNext" }, { "mso-spt194", "actionButtonBackPrevious" }, { "mso-spt195", "actionButtonEnd" }, { "mso-spt196", "actionButtonBeginning" }, { "mso-spt197", "actionButtonReturn" }, { "mso-spt198", "actionButtonDocument" }, { "mso-spt199", "actionButtonSound" }, { "mso-spt200", "actionButtonMovie" }, { "mso-spt201", "hostControl" }, { "mso-spt202", "rect" }, { "ooxml-actionButtonSound", "actionButtonSound" }, { "ooxml-borderCallout1", "borderCallout1" }, { "ooxml-plaqueTabs", "plaqueTabs" }, { "ooxml-curvedLeftArrow", "curvedLeftArrow" }, { "ooxml-octagon", "octagon" }, { "ooxml-leftRightRibbon", "leftRightRibbon" }, { "ooxml-actionButtonInformation", "actionButtonInformation" }, { "ooxml-bentConnector5", "bentConnector5" }, { "ooxml-circularArrow", "circularArrow" }, { "ooxml-downArrowCallout", "downArrowCallout" }, { "ooxml-mathMinus", "mathMinus" }, { "ooxml-gear9", "gear9" }, { "ooxml-round1Rect", "round1Rect" }, { "ooxml-sun", "sun" }, { "ooxml-plaque", "plaque" }, { "ooxml-chevron", "chevron" }, { "ooxml-flowChartPreparation", "flowChartPreparation" }, { "ooxml-diagStripe", "diagStripe" }, { "ooxml-pentagon", "pentagon" }, { "ooxml-funnel", "funnel" }, { "ooxml-chartStar", "chartStar" }, { "ooxml-accentBorderCallout1", "accentBorderCallout1" }, { "ooxml-notchedRightArrow", "notchedRightArrow" }, { "ooxml-rightBracket", "rightBracket" }, { "ooxml-flowChartOffpageConnector", "flowChartOffpageConnector" }, { "ooxml-leftRightArrow", "leftRightArrow" }, { "ooxml-decagon", "decagon" }, { "ooxml-actionButtonHelp", "actionButtonHelp" }, { "ooxml-star24", "star24" }, { "ooxml-mathDivide", "mathDivide" }, { "ooxml-curvedConnector4", "curvedConnector4" }, { "ooxml-flowChartOr", "flowChartOr" }, { "ooxml-borderCallout3", "borderCallout3" }, { "ooxml-upDownArrowCallout", "upDownArrowCallout" }, { "ooxml-flowChartDecision", "flowChartDecision" }, { "ooxml-leftRightArrowCallout", "leftRightArrowCallout" }, { "ooxml-flowChartManualOperation", "flowChartManualOperation" }, { "ooxml-snipRoundRect", "snipRoundRect" }, { "ooxml-mathPlus", "mathPlus" }, { "ooxml-actionButtonForwardNext", "actionButtonForwardNext" }, { "ooxml-can", "can" }, { "ooxml-foldedCorner", "foldedCorner" }, { "ooxml-star32", "star32" }, { "ooxml-flowChartInternalStorage", "flowChartInternalStorage" }, { "ooxml-upDownArrow", "upDownArrow" }, { "ooxml-irregularSeal2", "irregularSeal2" }, { "ooxml-mathEqual", "mathEqual" }, { "ooxml-star12", "star12" }, { "ooxml-uturnArrow", "uturnArrow" }, { "ooxml-squareTabs", "squareTabs" }, { "ooxml-leftRightUpArrow", "leftRightUpArrow" }, { "ooxml-homePlate", "homePlate" }, { "ooxml-dodecagon", "dodecagon" }, { "ooxml-leftArrowCallout", "leftArrowCallout" }, { "ooxml-chord", "chord" }, { "ooxml-quadArrowCallout", "quadArrowCallout" }, { "ooxml-actionButtonBeginning", "actionButtonBeginning" }, { "ooxml-ellipse", "ellipse" }, { "ooxml-actionButtonEnd", "actionButtonEnd" }, { "ooxml-arc", "arc" }, { "ooxml-star16", "star16" }, { "ooxml-parallelogram", "parallelogram" }, { "ooxml-bevel", "bevel" }, { "ooxml-roundRect", "roundRect" }, { "ooxml-accentCallout1", "accentCallout1" }, { "ooxml-flowChartSort", "flowChartSort" }, { "ooxml-star8", "star8" }, { "ooxml-flowChartAlternateProcess", "flowChartAlternateProcess" }, { "ooxml-moon", "moon" }, { "ooxml-star6", "star6" }, { "ooxml-round2SameRect", "round2SameRect" }, { "ooxml-nonIsoscelesTrapezoid", "nonIsoscelesTrapezoid" }, { "ooxml-diamond", "diamond" }, { "ooxml-ellipseRibbon", "ellipseRibbon" }, { "ooxml-callout2", "callout2" }, { "ooxml-pie", "pie" }, { "ooxml-star4", "star4" }, { "ooxml-flowChartPredefinedProcess", "flowChartPredefinedProcess" }, { "ooxml-flowChartPunchedTape", "flowChartPunchedTape" }, { "ooxml-curvedConnector2", "curvedConnector2" }, { "ooxml-bentConnector3", "bentConnector3" }, { "ooxml-cornerTabs", "cornerTabs" }, { "ooxml-hexagon", "hexagon" }, { "ooxml-flowChartConnector", "flowChartConnector" }, { "ooxml-flowChartMagneticDisk", "flowChartMagneticDisk" }, { "ooxml-heart", "heart" }, { "ooxml-ribbon2", "ribbon2" }, { "ooxml-bracePair", "bracePair" }, { "ooxml-flowChartExtract", "flowChartExtract" }, { "ooxml-actionButtonHome", "actionButtonHome" }, { "ooxml-accentBorderCallout3", "accentBorderCallout3" }, { "ooxml-flowChartOfflineStorage", "flowChartOfflineStorage" }, { "ooxml-irregularSeal1", "irregularSeal1" }, { "ooxml-quadArrow", "quadArrow" }, { "ooxml-leftBrace", "leftBrace" }, { "ooxml-leftBracket", "leftBracket" }, { "ooxml-blockArc", "blockArc" }, { "ooxml-curvedConnector3", "curvedConnector3" }, { "ooxml-wedgeRoundRectCallout", "wedgeRoundRectCallout" }, { "ooxml-actionButtonMovie", "actionButtonMovie" }, { "ooxml-flowChartOnlineStorage", "flowChartOnlineStorage" }, { "ooxml-gear6", "gear6" }, { "ooxml-halfFrame", "halfFrame" }, { "ooxml-snip2SameRect", "snip2SameRect" }, { "ooxml-triangle", "triangle" }, { "ooxml-teardrop", "teardrop" }, { "ooxml-flowChartDocument", "flowChartDocument" }, { "ooxml-rightArrowCallout", "rightArrowCallout" }, { "ooxml-rightBrace", "rightBrace" }, { "ooxml-chartPlus", "chartPlus" }, { "ooxml-flowChartManualInput", "flowChartManualInput" }, { "ooxml-flowChartMerge", "flowChartMerge" }, { "ooxml-line", "line" }, { "ooxml-downArrow", "downArrow" }, { "ooxml-curvedDownArrow", "curvedDownArrow" }, { "ooxml-actionButtonReturn", "actionButtonReturn" }, { "ooxml-flowChartInputOutput", "flowChartInputOutput" }, { "ooxml-bracketPair", "bracketPair" }, { "ooxml-smileyFace", "smileyFace" }, { "ooxml-actionButtonBlank", "actionButtonBlank" }, { "ooxml-wave", "wave" }, { "ooxml-swooshArrow", "swooshArrow" }, { "ooxml-flowChartSummingJunction", "flowChartSummingJunction" }, { "ooxml-lightningBolt", "lightningBolt" }, { "ooxml-flowChartDisplay", "flowChartDisplay" }, { "ooxml-actionButtonBackPrevious", "actionButtonBackPrevious" }, { "ooxml-frame", "frame" }, { "ooxml-rtTriangle", "rtTriangle" }, { "ooxml-flowChartMagneticTape", "flowChartMagneticTape" }, { "ooxml-curvedRightArrow", "curvedRightArrow" }, { "ooxml-leftUpArrow", "leftUpArrow" }, { "ooxml-wedgeEllipseCallout", "wedgeEllipseCallout" }, { "ooxml-doubleWave", "doubleWave" }, { "ooxml-bentArrow", "bentArrow" }, { "ooxml-star10", "star10" }, { "ooxml-leftArrow", "leftArrow" }, { "ooxml-curvedUpArrow", "curvedUpArrow" }, { "ooxml-snip1Rect", "snip1Rect" }, { "ooxml-ellipseRibbon2", "ellipseRibbon2" }, { "ooxml-plus", "plus" }, { "ooxml-accentCallout3", "accentCallout3" }, { "ooxml-leftCircularArrow", "leftCircularArrow" }, { "ooxml-rightArrow", "rightArrow" }, { "ooxml-flowChartPunchedCard", "flowChartPunchedCard" }, { "ooxml-snip2DiagRect", "snip2DiagRect" }, { "ooxml-verticalScroll", "verticalScroll" }, { "ooxml-star7", "star7" }, { "ooxml-chartX", "chartX" }, { "ooxml-cloud", "cloud" }, { "ooxml-cube", "cube" }, { "ooxml-round2DiagRect", "round2DiagRect" }, { "ooxml-flowChartMultidocument", "flowChartMultidocument" }, { "ooxml-actionButtonDocument", "actionButtonDocument" }, { "ooxml-flowChartTerminator", "flowChartTerminator" }, { "ooxml-flowChartDelay", "flowChartDelay" }, { "ooxml-curvedConnector5", "curvedConnector5" }, { "ooxml-horizontalScroll", "horizontalScroll" }, { "ooxml-bentConnector4", "bentConnector4" }, { "ooxml-leftRightCircularArrow", "leftRightCircularArrow" }, { "ooxml-wedgeRectCallout", "wedgeRectCallout" }, { "ooxml-accentCallout2", "accentCallout2" }, { "ooxml-flowChartMagneticDrum", "flowChartMagneticDrum" }, { "ooxml-corner", "corner" }, { "ooxml-borderCallout2", "borderCallout2" }, { "ooxml-donut", "donut" }, { "ooxml-flowChartCollate", "flowChartCollate" }, { "ooxml-mathNotEqual", "mathNotEqual" }, { "ooxml-bentConnector2", "bentConnector2" }, { "ooxml-mathMultiply", "mathMultiply" }, { "ooxml-heptagon", "heptagon" }, { "ooxml-rect", "rect" }, { "ooxml-accentBorderCallout2", "accentBorderCallout2" }, { "ooxml-pieWedge", "pieWedge" }, { "ooxml-upArrowCallout", "upArrowCallout" }, { "ooxml-flowChartProcess", "flowChartProcess" }, { "ooxml-star5", "star5" }, { "ooxml-lineInv", "lineInv" }, { "ooxml-straightConnector1", "straightConnector1" }, { "ooxml-stripedRightArrow", "stripedRightArrow" }, { "ooxml-callout3", "callout3" }, { "ooxml-bentUpArrow", "bentUpArrow" }, { "ooxml-noSmoking", "noSmoking" }, { "ooxml-trapezoid", "trapezoid" }, { "ooxml-cloudCallout", "cloudCallout" }, { "ooxml-callout1", "callout1" }, { "ooxml-ribbon", "ribbon" }, }; struct StringHash { size_t operator()( const char* s ) const { return rtl_str_hashCode(s); } }; struct StringCheck { bool operator()( const char* s1, const char* s2 ) const { return strcmp( s1, s2 ) == 0; } }; typedef boost::unordered_map< const char*, const char*, StringHash, StringCheck> CustomShapeTypeTranslationHashMap; static CustomShapeTypeTranslationHashMap* pCustomShapeTypeTranslationHashMap = NULL; static const char* lcl_GetPresetGeometry( const char* sShapeType ) { const char* sPresetGeo; if( pCustomShapeTypeTranslationHashMap == NULL ) { pCustomShapeTypeTranslationHashMap = new CustomShapeTypeTranslationHashMap (); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( pCustomShapeTypeTranslationTable )/sizeof( CustomShapeTypeTranslationTable ); i ++ ) { (*pCustomShapeTypeTranslationHashMap)[ pCustomShapeTypeTranslationTable[ i ].sOOo ] = pCustomShapeTypeTranslationTable[ i ].sMSO; //DBG(printf("type OOo: %s MSO: %s\n", pCustomShapeTypeTranslationTable[ i ].sOOo, pCustomShapeTypeTranslationTable[ i ].sMSO)); } } sPresetGeo = (*pCustomShapeTypeTranslationHashMap)[ sShapeType ]; if( sPresetGeo == NULL ) sPresetGeo = "rect"; return sPresetGeo; } namespace oox { namespace drawingml { #define GETA(propName) \ GetProperty( rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( #propName ) ) ) #define GETAD(propName) \ ( GetPropertyAndState( rXPropSet, rXPropState, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( #propName ) ), eState ) && eState == beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE ) #define GET(variable, propName) \ if ( GETA(propName) ) \ mAny >>= variable; ShapeExport::ShapeExport( sal_Int32 nXmlNamespace, FSHelperPtr pFS, ShapeHashMap* pShapeMap, XmlFilterBase* pFB, DocumentType eDocumentType ) : DrawingML( pFS, pFB, eDocumentType ) , mnShapeIdMax( 1 ) , mnPictureIdMax( 1 ) , mnXmlNamespace( nXmlNamespace ) , maFraction( 1, 576 ) , maMapModeSrc( MAP_100TH_MM ) , maMapModeDest( MAP_INCH, Point(), maFraction, maFraction ) , mpShapeMap( pShapeMap ? pShapeMap : &maShapeMap ) { } awt::Size ShapeExport::MapSize( const awt::Size& rSize ) const { Size aRetSize( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( Size( rSize.Width, rSize.Height ), maMapModeSrc, maMapModeDest ) ); if ( !aRetSize.Width() ) aRetSize.Width()++; if ( !aRetSize.Height() ) aRetSize.Height()++; return awt::Size( aRetSize.Width(), aRetSize.Height() ); } sal_Bool ShapeExport::NonEmptyText( Reference< XInterface > xIface ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( xIface, UNO_QUERY ); if( xPropSet.is() ) { Reference< XPropertySetInfo > xPropSetInfo = xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo(); if ( xPropSetInfo.is() ) { if ( xPropSetInfo->hasPropertyByName( S( "IsEmptyPresentationObject" ) ) ) { sal_Bool bIsEmptyPresObj = sal_False; if ( xPropSet->getPropertyValue( S( "IsEmptyPresentationObject" ) ) >>= bIsEmptyPresObj ) { DBG(printf("empty presentation object %d, props:\n", bIsEmptyPresObj)); if( bIsEmptyPresObj ) return sal_True; } } if ( xPropSetInfo->hasPropertyByName( S( "IsPresentationObject" ) ) ) { sal_Bool bIsPresObj = sal_False; if ( xPropSet->getPropertyValue( S( "IsPresentationObject" ) ) >>= bIsPresObj ) { DBG(printf("presentation object %d, props:\n", bIsPresObj)); if( bIsPresObj ) return sal_True; } } } } Reference< XSimpleText > xText( xIface, UNO_QUERY ); if( xText.is() ) return xText->getString().getLength(); return sal_False; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteBezierShape( Reference< XShape > xShape, sal_Bool bClosed ) { DBG(printf("write open bezier shape\n")); FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_sp, FSEND ); PolyPolygon aPolyPolygon = EscherPropertyContainer::GetPolyPolygon( xShape ); Rectangle aRect( aPolyPolygon.GetBoundRect() ); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 awt::Size size = MapSize( awt::Size( aRect.GetWidth(), aRect.GetHeight() ) ); DBG(printf("poly count %d\nsize: %d x %d", aPolyPolygon.Count(), int( size.Width ), int( size.Height ))); #endif // non visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvSpPr, FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvPr, XML_id, I32S( GetNewShapeID( xShape ) ), XML_name, IDS( Freeform ), FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvSpPr, FSEND ); WriteNonVisualProperties( xShape ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvSpPr ); // visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr, FSEND ); WriteTransformation( aRect, XML_a ); WritePolyPolygon( aPolyPolygon ); Reference< XPropertySet > xProps( xShape, UNO_QUERY ); if( xProps.is() ) { if( bClosed ) WriteFill( xProps ); WriteOutline( xProps ); } pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr ); // write text WriteTextBox( xShape, mnXmlNamespace ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_sp ); return *this; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteClosedBezierShape( Reference< XShape > xShape ) { return WriteBezierShape( xShape, sal_True ); } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteOpenBezierShape( Reference< XShape > xShape ) { return WriteBezierShape( xShape, sal_False ); } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteCustomShape( Reference< XShape > xShape ) { DBG(printf("write custom shape\n")); Reference< XPropertySet > rXPropSet( xShape, UNO_QUERY ); SdrObjCustomShape* pShape = (SdrObjCustomShape*) GetSdrObjectFromXShape( xShape ); sal_Bool bIsDefaultObject = EscherPropertyContainer::IsDefaultObject( pShape ); sal_Bool bPredefinedHandlesUsed = sal_True; OUString sShapeType; sal_uInt32 nMirrorFlags = 0; MSO_SPT eShapeType = EscherPropertyContainer::GetCustomShapeType( xShape, nMirrorFlags, sShapeType ); const char* sPresetShape = lcl_GetPresetGeometry( USS( sShapeType ) ); DBG(printf("custom shape type: %s ==> %s\n", USS( sShapeType ), sPresetShape)); Sequence< PropertyValue > aGeometrySeq; sal_Int32 nAdjustmentValuesIndex = -1; sal_Bool bFlipH = false; sal_Bool bFlipV = false; if( GETA( CustomShapeGeometry ) ) { DBG(printf("got custom shape geometry\n")); if( mAny >>= aGeometrySeq ) { DBG(printf("got custom shape geometry sequence\n")); for( int i = 0; i < aGeometrySeq.getLength(); i++ ) { const PropertyValue& rProp = aGeometrySeq[ i ]; DBG(printf("geometry property: %s\n", USS( rProp.Name ))); if ( rProp.Name == "MirroredX" ) rProp.Value >>= bFlipH; if ( rProp.Name == "MirroredY" ) rProp.Value >>= bFlipV; if ( rProp.Name == "AdjustmentValues" ) nAdjustmentValuesIndex = i; else if ( rProp.Name == "Handles" ) { if( !bIsDefaultObject ) bPredefinedHandlesUsed = sal_False; // TODO: update nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted here } } } } FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_sp, FSEND ); // non visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvSpPr, FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvPr, XML_id, I32S( GetNewShapeID( xShape ) ), XML_name, IDS( CustomShape ), FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvSpPr, FSEND ); WriteNonVisualProperties( xShape ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvSpPr ); // visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr, FSEND ); WriteShapeTransformation( xShape, XML_a, bFlipH, bFlipV ); if( nAdjustmentValuesIndex != -1 ) { sal_Int32 nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted = 0; WritePresetShape( sPresetShape, eShapeType, bPredefinedHandlesUsed, nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted, aGeometrySeq[ nAdjustmentValuesIndex ] ); } else WritePresetShape( sPresetShape ); if( rXPropSet.is() ) { WriteFill( rXPropSet ); WriteOutline( rXPropSet ); } pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr ); // write text WriteTextBox( xShape, mnXmlNamespace ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_sp ); return *this; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteEllipseShape( Reference< XShape > xShape ) { DBG(printf("write ellipse shape\n")); FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_sp, FSEND ); // TODO: arc, section, cut, connector // non visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvSpPr, FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvPr, XML_id, I32S( GetNewShapeID( xShape ) ), XML_name, IDS( Ellipse ), FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvSpPr, FSEND ); WriteNonVisualProperties( xShape ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvSpPr ); // visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr, FSEND ); WriteShapeTransformation( xShape, XML_a ); WritePresetShape( "ellipse" ); Reference< XPropertySet > xProps( xShape, UNO_QUERY ); if( xProps.is() ) { WriteFill( xProps ); WriteOutline( xProps ); } pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr ); // write text WriteTextBox( xShape, mnXmlNamespace ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_sp ); return *this; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteGraphicObjectShape( Reference< XShape > xShape ) { DBG(printf("write graphic object shape\n")); if( NonEmptyText( xShape ) ) { WriteTextShape( xShape ); //DBG(dump_pset(mXPropSet)); return *this; } DBG(printf("graphicObject without text\n")); OUString sGraphicURL; Reference< XPropertySet > xShapeProps( xShape, UNO_QUERY ); if( !xShapeProps.is() || !( xShapeProps->getPropertyValue( S( "GraphicURL" ) ) >>= sGraphicURL ) ) { DBG(printf("no graphic URL found\n")); return *this; } FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_pic, FSEND ); pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvPicPr, FSEND ); OUString sName, sDescr; bool bHaveName = xShapeProps->getPropertyValue( S( "Name" ) ) >>= sName; bool bHaveDesc = xShapeProps->getPropertyValue( S( "Description" ) ) >>= sDescr; pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvPr, XML_id, I32S( GetNewShapeID( xShape ) ), XML_name, bHaveName ? USS( sName ) : (OString("Picture ") + OString::valueOf( mnPictureIdMax++ )).getStr(), XML_descr, bHaveDesc ? USS( sDescr ) : NULL, FSEND ); // OOXTODO: //cNvPr children: XML_extLst, XML_hlinkClick, XML_hlinkHover pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvPicPr, // OOXTODO: XML_preferRelativeSize FSEND ); WriteNonVisualProperties( xShape ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvPicPr ); pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_blipFill, FSEND ); WriteBlip( xShapeProps, sGraphicURL ); bool bStretch = false; if( ( xShapeProps->getPropertyValue( S( "FillBitmapStretch" ) ) >>= bStretch ) && bStretch ) { WriteStretch(); } pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_blipFill ); // visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr, FSEND ); WriteShapeTransformation( xShape, XML_a ); WritePresetShape( "rect" ); // graphic object can come with the frame (bnc#654525) WriteOutline( xShapeProps ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_pic ); return *this; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteConnectorShape( Reference< XShape > xShape ) { sal_Bool bFlipH = false; sal_Bool bFlipV = false; DBG(printf("write connector shape\n")); FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); const char* sGeometry = "line"; Reference< XPropertySet > rXPropSet( xShape, UNO_QUERY ); Reference< XPropertyState > rXPropState( xShape, UNO_QUERY ); awt::Point aStartPoint, aEndPoint; Reference< XShape > rXShapeA; Reference< XShape > rXShapeB; PropertyState eState; ConnectorType eConnectorType; if( GETAD( EdgeKind ) ) { mAny >>= eConnectorType; switch( eConnectorType ) { case ConnectorType_CURVE: sGeometry = "curvedConnector3"; break; case ConnectorType_STANDARD: sGeometry = "bentConnector3"; break; default: case ConnectorType_LINE: case ConnectorType_LINES: sGeometry = "straightConnector1"; break; } if( GETAD( EdgeStartPoint ) ) { mAny >>= aStartPoint; if( GETAD( EdgeEndPoint ) ) { mAny >>= aEndPoint; } } GET( rXShapeA, EdgeStartConnection ); GET( rXShapeB, EdgeEndConnection ); } EscherConnectorListEntry aConnectorEntry( xShape, aStartPoint, rXShapeA, aEndPoint, rXShapeB ); Rectangle aRect( Point( aStartPoint.X, aStartPoint.Y ), Point( aEndPoint.X, aEndPoint.Y ) ); if( aRect.getWidth() < 0 ) { bFlipH = sal_True; aRect.setX( aEndPoint.X ); aRect.setWidth( aStartPoint.X - aEndPoint.X ); } if( aRect.getHeight() < 0 ) { bFlipV = sal_True; aRect.setY( aEndPoint.Y ); aRect.setHeight( aStartPoint.Y - aEndPoint.Y ); } pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cxnSp, FSEND ); // non visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvCxnSpPr, FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvPr, XML_id, I32S( GetNewShapeID( xShape ) ), XML_name, IDS( Line ), FSEND ); // non visual connector shape drawing properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvCxnSpPr, FSEND ); WriteConnectorConnections( aConnectorEntry, GetShapeID( rXShapeA ), GetShapeID( rXShapeB ) ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvCxnSpPr ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvPr, FSEND ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvCxnSpPr ); // visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr, FSEND ); WriteTransformation( aRect, XML_a, bFlipH, bFlipV ); // TODO: write adjustments (ppt export doesn't work well there either) WritePresetShape( sGeometry ); Reference< XPropertySet > xShapeProps( xShape, UNO_QUERY ); if( xShapeProps.is() ) WriteOutline( xShapeProps ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr ); // write text WriteTextBox( xShape, mnXmlNamespace ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cxnSp ); return *this; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteLineShape( Reference< XShape > xShape ) { sal_Bool bFlipH = false; sal_Bool bFlipV = false; DBG(printf("write line shape\n")); FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_sp, FSEND ); PolyPolygon aPolyPolygon = EscherPropertyContainer::GetPolyPolygon( xShape ); if( aPolyPolygon.Count() == 1 && aPolyPolygon[ 0 ].GetSize() == 2) { const Polygon& rPoly = aPolyPolygon[ 0 ]; bFlipH = ( rPoly[ 0 ].X() > rPoly[ 1 ].X() ); bFlipV = ( rPoly[ 0 ].Y() > rPoly[ 1 ].Y() ); } // non visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvSpPr, FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvPr, XML_id, I32S( GetNewShapeID( xShape ) ), XML_name, IDS( Line ), FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvSpPr, FSEND ); WriteNonVisualProperties( xShape ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvSpPr ); // visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr, FSEND ); WriteShapeTransformation( xShape, XML_a, bFlipH, bFlipV ); WritePresetShape( "line" ); Reference< XPropertySet > xShapeProps( xShape, UNO_QUERY ); if( xShapeProps.is() ) WriteOutline( xShapeProps ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr ); // write text WriteTextBox( xShape, mnXmlNamespace ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_sp ); return *this; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteNonVisualDrawingProperties( Reference< XShape > xShape, const char* pName ) { GetFS()->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvPr, XML_id, I32S( GetNewShapeID( xShape ) ), XML_name, pName, FSEND ); return *this; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteNonVisualProperties( Reference< XShape > ) { // Override to generate //nvPr elements. return *this; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteRectangleShape( Reference< XShape > xShape ) { DBG(printf("write rectangle shape\n")); FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_sp, FSEND ); sal_Int32 nRadius = 0; Reference< XPropertySet > xShapeProps( xShape, UNO_QUERY ); if( xShapeProps.is() ) { xShapeProps->getPropertyValue( S( "CornerRadius" ) ) >>= nRadius; } if( nRadius ) { nRadius = MapSize( awt::Size( nRadius, 0 ) ).Width; } // non visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvSpPr, FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvPr, XML_id, I32S( GetNewShapeID( xShape ) ), XML_name, IDS( Rectangle ), FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvSpPr, FSEND ); WriteNonVisualProperties( xShape ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvSpPr ); // visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr, FSEND ); WriteShapeTransformation( xShape, XML_a ); WritePresetShape( "rect" ); Reference< XPropertySet > xProps( xShape, UNO_QUERY ); if( xProps.is() ) { WriteFill( xProps ); WriteOutline( xProps ); } pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr ); // write text WriteTextBox( xShape, mnXmlNamespace ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_sp ); return *this; } typedef ShapeExport& (ShapeExport::*ShapeConverter)( Reference< XShape > ); typedef boost::unordered_map< const char*, ShapeConverter, StringHash, StringCheck> NameToConvertMapType; static const NameToConvertMapType& lcl_GetConverters() { static bool shape_map_inited = false; static NameToConvertMapType shape_converters; if( shape_map_inited ) { return shape_converters; } shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.drawing.ClosedBezierShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteClosedBezierShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.drawing.ConnectorShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteConnectorShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.drawing.CustomShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteCustomShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.drawing.EllipseShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteEllipseShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicObjectShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteGraphicObjectShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.drawing.LineShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteLineShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.drawing.OpenBezierShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteOpenBezierShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.drawing.RectangleShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteRectangleShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.drawing.OLE2Shape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteOLE2Shape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.drawing.TableShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteTableShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.drawing.TextShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteTextShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.presentation.DateTimeShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteTextShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.presentation.FooterShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteTextShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.presentation.HeaderShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteTextShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.presentation.NotesShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteTextShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.presentation.OutlinerShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteTextShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.presentation.SlideNumberShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteTextShape; shape_converters[ "com.sun.star.presentation.TitleTextShape" ] = &ShapeExport::WriteTextShape; shape_map_inited = true; return shape_converters; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteShape( Reference< XShape > xShape ) { OUString sShapeType = xShape->getShapeType(); DBG( printf( "write shape: %s\n", USS( sShapeType ) ) ); NameToConvertMapType::const_iterator aConverter = lcl_GetConverters().find( USS( sShapeType ) ); if( aConverter == lcl_GetConverters().end() ) { DBG( printf( "unknown shape\n" ) ); return WriteUnknownShape( xShape ); } (this->*(aConverter->second))( xShape ); return *this; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteTextBox( Reference< XInterface > xIface, sal_Int32 nXmlNamespace ) { if( NonEmptyText( xIface ) ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElementNS( nXmlNamespace, XML_txBody, FSEND ); WriteText( xIface ); pFS->endElementNS( nXmlNamespace, XML_txBody ); } return *this; } void ShapeExport::WriteTable( Reference< XShape > rXShape ) { OSL_TRACE("write table"); Reference< XTable > xTable; Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( rXShape, UNO_QUERY ); mpFS->startElementNS( XML_a, XML_graphic, FSEND ); mpFS->startElementNS( XML_a, XML_graphicData, XML_uri, "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/table", FSEND ); if ( xPropSet.is() && ( xPropSet->getPropertyValue( S("Model") ) >>= xTable ) ) { mpFS->startElementNS( XML_a, XML_tbl, FSEND ); mpFS->singleElementNS( XML_a, XML_tblPr, FSEND ); Reference< XColumnRowRange > xColumnRowRange( xTable, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< container::XIndexAccess > xColumns( xColumnRowRange->getColumns(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< container::XIndexAccess > xRows( xColumnRowRange->getRows(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); sal_uInt16 nRowCount = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( xRows->getCount() ); sal_uInt16 nColumnCount = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( xColumns->getCount() ); mpFS->startElementNS( XML_a, XML_tblGrid, FSEND ); for ( sal_Int32 x = 0; x < nColumnCount; x++ ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xColPropSet( xColumns->getByIndex( x ), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); sal_Int32 nWidth(0); xColPropSet->getPropertyValue( S("Width") ) >>= nWidth; mpFS->singleElementNS( XML_a, XML_gridCol, XML_w, I64S(MM100toEMU(nWidth)), FSEND ); } mpFS->endElementNS( XML_a, XML_tblGrid ); Reference< XCellRange > xCellRange( xTable, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); for( sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; nRow++ ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xRowPropSet( xRows->getByIndex( nRow ), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); sal_Int32 nRowHeight(0); xRowPropSet->getPropertyValue( S("Height") ) >>= nRowHeight; mpFS->startElementNS( XML_a, XML_tr, XML_h, I64S( MM100toEMU( nRowHeight ) ), FSEND ); for( sal_Int32 nColumn = 0; nColumn < nColumnCount; nColumn++ ) { Reference< XMergeableCell > xCell( xCellRange->getCellByPosition( nColumn, nRow ), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); if ( !xCell->isMerged() ) { mpFS->startElementNS( XML_a, XML_tc, FSEND ); WriteTextBox( xCell, XML_a ); mpFS->singleElementNS( XML_a, XML_tcPr, FSEND ); mpFS->endElementNS( XML_a, XML_tc ); } } mpFS->endElementNS( XML_a, XML_tr ); } mpFS->endElementNS( XML_a, XML_tbl ); } mpFS->endElementNS( XML_a, XML_graphicData ); mpFS->endElementNS( XML_a, XML_graphic ); } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteTableShape( Reference< XShape > xShape ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); OSL_TRACE("write table shape"); pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_graphicFrame, FSEND ); pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvGraphicFramePr, FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvPr, XML_id, I32S( GetNewShapeID( xShape ) ), XML_name, IDS(Table), FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvGraphicFramePr, FSEND ); if( GetDocumentType() == DOCUMENT_PPTX ) pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvPr, FSEND ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvGraphicFramePr ); WriteShapeTransformation( xShape, mnXmlNamespace ); WriteTable( xShape ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_graphicFrame ); return *this; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteTextShape( Reference< XShape > xShape ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_sp, FSEND ); // non visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvSpPr, FSEND ); WriteNonVisualDrawingProperties( xShape, IDS( TextShape ) ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvSpPr, XML_txBox, "1", FSEND ); WriteNonVisualProperties( xShape ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvSpPr ); // visual shape properties pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr, FSEND ); WriteShapeTransformation( xShape, XML_a ); WritePresetShape( "rect" ); WriteBlipFill( Reference< XPropertySet >(xShape, UNO_QUERY ), S( "GraphicURL" ) ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_spPr ); WriteTextBox( xShape, mnXmlNamespace ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_sp ); return *this; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteOLE2Shape( Reference< XShape > xShape ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( xShape, UNO_QUERY ); if( xPropSet.is() && GetProperty( xPropSet, S("Model") ) ) { Reference< XChartDocument > xChartDoc; mAny >>= xChartDoc; if( xChartDoc.is() ) { //export the chart Reference< XModel > xModel( xChartDoc, UNO_QUERY ); ChartExport aChartExport( mnXmlNamespace, GetFS(), xModel, GetFB(), GetDocumentType() ); static sal_Int32 nChartCount = 0; aChartExport.WriteChartObj( xShape, ++nChartCount ); } } return *this; } ShapeExport& ShapeExport::WriteUnknownShape( Reference< XShape > ) { // Override this method to do something useful. return *this; } size_t ShapeExport::ShapeHash::operator()( const Reference < XShape > rXShape ) const { return rXShape->getShapeType().hashCode(); } sal_Int32 ShapeExport::GetNewShapeID( const Reference< XShape > rXShape ) { return GetNewShapeID( rXShape, GetFB() ); } sal_Int32 ShapeExport::GetNewShapeID( const Reference< XShape > rXShape, XmlFilterBase* pFB ) { if( !rXShape.is() ) return -1; sal_Int32 nID = pFB->GetUniqueId(); (*mpShapeMap)[ rXShape ] = nID; return nID; } sal_Int32 ShapeExport::GetShapeID( const Reference< XShape > rXShape ) { return GetShapeID( rXShape, mpShapeMap ); } sal_Int32 ShapeExport::GetShapeID( const Reference< XShape > rXShape, ShapeHashMap* pShapeMap ) { if( !rXShape.is() ) return -1; ShapeHashMap::const_iterator aIter = pShapeMap->find( rXShape ); if( aIter == pShapeMap->end() ) return -1; return aIter->second; } } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */