/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "oox/helper/propertymap.hxx" #include "oox/helper/helper.hxx" #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 # include # include # include # include using ::com::sun::star::style::LineSpacing; using ::com::sun::star::text::WritingMode; #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "oox/token/propertynames.hxx" using ::com::sun::star::uno::Any; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference; using ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence; using ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException; using ::com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException; using ::com::sun::star::beans::Property; using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue; using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyVetoException; using ::com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException; using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyChangeListener; using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet; using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySetInfo; using ::com::sun::star::beans::XVetoableChangeListener; using ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexReplace; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #define USS(x) OUStringToOString( x, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr() using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using ::com::sun::star::style::LineSpacing; using ::com::sun::star::text::WritingMode; using ::com::sun::star::drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust; using ::com::sun::star::drawing::TextVerticalAdjust; #endif namespace oox { using ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexReplace; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using ::com::sun::star::drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust; using ::com::sun::star::drawing::TextVerticalAdjust; namespace { typedef ::cppu::WeakImplHelper2< XPropertySet, XPropertySetInfo > GenericPropertySetBase; /** This class implements a generic XPropertySet. Properties of all names and types can be set and later retrieved. TODO: move this to comphelper or better find an existing implementation */ class GenericPropertySet : public GenericPropertySetBase, private ::osl::Mutex { public: explicit GenericPropertySet( const PropertyMap& rPropMap ); // XPropertySet virtual Reference< XPropertySetInfo > SAL_CALL getPropertySetInfo() throw (RuntimeException, std::exception); virtual void SAL_CALL setPropertyValue( const OUString& aPropertyName, const Any& aValue ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, PropertyVetoException, IllegalArgumentException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException, std::exception); virtual Any SAL_CALL getPropertyValue( const OUString& PropertyName ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException, std::exception); virtual void SAL_CALL addPropertyChangeListener( const OUString& aPropertyName, const Reference< XPropertyChangeListener >& xListener ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException, std::exception); virtual void SAL_CALL removePropertyChangeListener( const OUString& aPropertyName, const Reference< XPropertyChangeListener >& aListener ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException, std::exception); virtual void SAL_CALL addVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& PropertyName, const Reference< XVetoableChangeListener >& aListener ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException, std::exception); virtual void SAL_CALL removeVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& PropertyName, const Reference< XVetoableChangeListener >& aListener ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException, std::exception); // XPropertySetInfo virtual Sequence< Property > SAL_CALL getProperties() throw (RuntimeException, std::exception); virtual Property SAL_CALL getPropertyByName( const OUString& aName ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, RuntimeException, std::exception); virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasPropertyByName( const OUString& Name ) throw (RuntimeException, std::exception); private: typedef ::std::map< OUString, Any > PropertyNameMap; PropertyNameMap maPropMap; }; GenericPropertySet::GenericPropertySet( const PropertyMap& rPropMap ) { const PropertyNameVector& rPropNames = StaticPropertyNameVector::get(); for( PropertyMap::const_iterator aIt = rPropMap.begin(), aEnd = rPropMap.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt ) maPropMap[ rPropNames[ aIt->first ] ] = aIt->second; } Reference< XPropertySetInfo > SAL_CALL GenericPropertySet::getPropertySetInfo() throw (RuntimeException, std::exception) { return this; } void SAL_CALL GenericPropertySet::setPropertyValue( const OUString& rPropertyName, const Any& rValue ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, PropertyVetoException, IllegalArgumentException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException, std::exception) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( *this ); maPropMap[ rPropertyName ] = rValue; } Any SAL_CALL GenericPropertySet::getPropertyValue( const OUString& rPropertyName ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException, std::exception) { PropertyNameMap::iterator aIt = maPropMap.find( rPropertyName ); if( aIt == maPropMap.end() ) throw UnknownPropertyException(); return aIt->second; } // listeners are not supported by this implementation void SAL_CALL GenericPropertySet::addPropertyChangeListener( const OUString& , const Reference< XPropertyChangeListener >& ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException, std::exception) {} void SAL_CALL GenericPropertySet::removePropertyChangeListener( const OUString& , const Reference< XPropertyChangeListener >& ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException, std::exception) {} void SAL_CALL GenericPropertySet::addVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& , const Reference< XVetoableChangeListener >& ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException, std::exception) {} void SAL_CALL GenericPropertySet::removeVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& , const Reference< XVetoableChangeListener >& ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException, std::exception) {} // XPropertySetInfo Sequence< Property > SAL_CALL GenericPropertySet::getProperties() throw (RuntimeException, std::exception) { Sequence< Property > aSeq( static_cast< sal_Int32 >( maPropMap.size() ) ); Property* pProperty = aSeq.getArray(); for( PropertyNameMap::iterator aIt = maPropMap.begin(), aEnd = maPropMap.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt, ++pProperty ) { pProperty->Name = aIt->first; pProperty->Handle = 0; pProperty->Type = aIt->second.getValueType(); pProperty->Attributes = 0; } return aSeq; } Property SAL_CALL GenericPropertySet::getPropertyByName( const OUString& rPropertyName ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, RuntimeException, std::exception) { PropertyNameMap::iterator aIt = maPropMap.find( rPropertyName ); if( aIt == maPropMap.end() ) throw UnknownPropertyException(); Property aProperty; aProperty.Name = aIt->first; aProperty.Handle = 0; aProperty.Type = aIt->second.getValueType(); aProperty.Attributes = 0; return aProperty; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL GenericPropertySet::hasPropertyByName( const OUString& rPropertyName ) throw (RuntimeException, std::exception) { return maPropMap.find( rPropertyName ) != maPropMap.end(); } } // namespace PropertyMap::PropertyMap() : mpPropNames( &StaticPropertyNameVector::get() ) // pointer instead reference to get compiler generated copy c'tor and operator= { } const OUString& PropertyMap::getPropertyName( sal_Int32 nPropId ) { OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= nPropId) && (nPropId < PROP_COUNT), "PropertyMap::getPropertyName - invalid property identifier" ); return StaticPropertyNameVector::get()[ nPropId ]; } void PropertyMap::assignAll( const PropertyMap& rPropMap ) { for( PropertyMap::const_iterator it=rPropMap.begin(); it != rPropMap.end(); ++it ) (*this)[it->first] = it->second; } Sequence< PropertyValue > PropertyMap::makePropertyValueSequence() const { Sequence< PropertyValue > aSeq( static_cast< sal_Int32 >( size() ) ); if( !empty() ) { PropertyValue* pValues = aSeq.getArray(); for( const_iterator aIt = begin(), aEnd = end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt, ++pValues ) { OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= aIt->first) && (aIt->first < PROP_COUNT), "PropertyMap::makePropertyValueSequence - invalid property identifier" ); pValues->Name = (*mpPropNames)[ aIt->first ]; pValues->Value = aIt->second; pValues->State = PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE; } } return aSeq; } void PropertyMap::fillSequences( Sequence< OUString >& rNames, Sequence< Any >& rValues ) const { rNames.realloc( static_cast< sal_Int32 >( size() ) ); rValues.realloc( static_cast< sal_Int32 >( size() ) ); if( !empty() ) { OUString* pNames = rNames.getArray(); Any* pValues = rValues.getArray(); for( const_iterator aIt = begin(), aEnd = end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt, ++pNames, ++pValues ) { OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= aIt->first) && (aIt->first < PROP_COUNT), "PropertyMap::fillSequences - invalid property identifier" ); *pNames = (*mpPropNames)[ aIt->first ]; *pValues = aIt->second; } } } Reference< XPropertySet > PropertyMap::makePropertySet() const { return new GenericPropertySet( *this ); } #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 static void lclDumpAnyValue( Any value) { OUString strValue; Sequence< OUString > strArray; Sequence< Any > anyArray; Sequence< PropertyValue > propArray; Sequence< Sequence< PropertyValue > > propArrayArray; Sequence< EnhancedCustomShapeAdjustmentValue > adjArray; Sequence< EnhancedCustomShapeSegment > segArray; Sequence< EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair > ppArray; EnhancedCustomShapeSegment segment; EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair pp; EnhancedCustomShapeParameter par; HomogenMatrix3 aMatrix; sal_Int32 intValue = 0; sal_uInt32 uintValue = 0; sal_Int16 int16Value = 0; sal_uInt16 uint16Value = 0; float floatValue = 0; bool boolValue = false; LineSpacing spacing; // RectanglePoint pointValue; WritingMode aWritingMode; TextVerticalAdjust aTextVertAdj; TextHorizontalAdjust aTextHorizAdj; Reference< XIndexReplace > xNumRule; if( value >>= strValue ) fprintf (stderr,"\"%s\"\n", USS( strValue ) ); else if( value >>= strArray ) { fprintf (stderr,"%s\n", USS(value.getValueTypeName())); for( int i=0; i>= propArray ) { fprintf (stderr,"%s\n", USS(value.getValueTypeName())); for( int i=0; i>= propArrayArray ) { fprintf (stderr,"%s\n", USS(value.getValueTypeName())); for( int i=0; i>= anyArray ) { fprintf (stderr,"%s\n", USS(value.getValueTypeName())); for( int i=0; i>= adjArray ) { fprintf (stderr,"%s\n", USS(value.getValueTypeName())); for( int i=0; i>= segArray ) { fprintf (stderr,"%s\n", USS(value.getValueTypeName())); for( int i=0; i>= ppArray ) { fprintf (stderr,"%s\n", USS(value.getValueTypeName())); for( int i=0; i>= segment ) { fprintf (stderr,"Command: %d Count: %d\n", segment.Command, segment.Count); } else if( value >>= pp ) { fprintf (stderr,"First: "); lclDumpAnyValue( makeAny (pp.First) ); fprintf (stderr,"\t\t\t Second: "); lclDumpAnyValue( makeAny (pp.Second) ); } else if( value >>= par ) { fprintf (stderr,"Parameter (%s): ", USS(par.Value.getValueTypeName())); lclDumpAnyValue( par.Value ); } else if( value >>= aMatrix ) { fprintf (stderr,"Matrix\n%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n", aMatrix.Line1.Column1, aMatrix.Line1.Column2, aMatrix.Line1.Column3, aMatrix.Line2.Column1, aMatrix.Line2.Column2, aMatrix.Line2.Column3, aMatrix.Line3.Column1, aMatrix.Line3.Column2, aMatrix.Line3.Column3); } else if( value >>= intValue ) fprintf (stderr,"%" SAL_PRIdINT32 " (hex: %" SAL_PRIxUINT32 ")\n", intValue, intValue); else if( value >>= uintValue ) fprintf (stderr,"%" SAL_PRIuUINT32 " (hex: %" SAL_PRIxUINT32 ")\n", uintValue, uintValue); else if( value >>= int16Value ) fprintf (stderr,"%d (hex: %x)\n", int16Value, int16Value); else if( value >>= uint16Value ) fprintf (stderr,"%d (hex: %x)\n", uint16Value, uint16Value); else if( value >>= floatValue ) fprintf (stderr,"%f\n", floatValue); else if( value >>= boolValue ) fprintf (stderr,"%d (bool)\n", boolValue); else if( value >>= xNumRule ) { fprintf (stderr, "XIndexReplace\n"); if (xNumRule.is()) { for (int k=0; kgetCount(); k++) { Sequence< PropertyValue > aBulletPropSeq; fprintf (stderr, "level %d\n", k); if (xNumRule->getByIndex (k) >>= aBulletPropSeq) { for (int j=0; j>= aWritingMode ) fprintf (stderr, "%d writing mode\n", aWritingMode); else if( value >>= aTextVertAdj ) { const char* s = "unknown"; switch( aTextVertAdj ) { case TextVerticalAdjust_TOP: s = "top"; break; case TextVerticalAdjust_CENTER: s = "center"; break; case TextVerticalAdjust_BOTTOM: s = "bottom"; break; case TextVerticalAdjust_BLOCK: s = "block"; break; case TextVerticalAdjust_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE: s = "make_fixed_size"; break; } fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s); } else if( value >>= aTextHorizAdj ) { const char* s = "unknown"; switch( aTextHorizAdj ) { case TextHorizontalAdjust_LEFT: s = "left"; break; case TextHorizontalAdjust_CENTER: s = "center"; break; case TextHorizontalAdjust_RIGHT: s = "right"; break; case TextHorizontalAdjust_BLOCK: s = "block"; break; case TextHorizontalAdjust_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE: s = "make_fixed_size"; break; } fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s); } else if( value >>= spacing ) { fprintf (stderr, "mode: %d value: %d\n", spacing.Mode, spacing.Height); } else if( value.isExtractableTo(::getCppuType((const sal_Int32*)0))) { fprintf (stderr,"is extractable to int32\n"); } // else if( value >>= pointValue ) // fprintf (stderr,"%d (RectanglePoint)\n", pointValue); else fprintf (stderr,"??? \n", USS(value.getValueTypeName())); } #ifdef DBG_UTIL void PropertyMap::dump( Reference< XPropertySet > rXPropSet ) { Reference< XPropertySetInfo > info = rXPropSet->getPropertySetInfo (); Sequence< Property > props = info->getProperties (); OSL_TRACE("dump props, len: %d", props.getLength ()); for (int i=0; i < props.getLength (); i++) { OString name = OUStringToOString( props [i].Name, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); fprintf (stderr,"%30s = ", name.getStr() ); try { lclDumpAnyValue (rXPropSet->getPropertyValue( props [i].Name )); } catch (const Exception&) { fprintf (stderr,"unable to get '%s' value\n", USS(props [i].Name)); } } } #endif static void printLevel (int level) { for (int i=0; i>= nFirstValue)) assert (false); if (!(pp.Second.Value >>= nSecondValue)) assert (false); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "{\n"); printLevel (level + 1); fprintf (stderr, "%s,\n", lclGetEnhancedParameterType(pp.First.Type)); printLevel (level + 1); fprintf (stderr, "%s,\n", lclGetEnhancedParameterType(pp.Second.Type)); printLevel (level + 1); fprintf (stderr, "%d, %d\n", (int)nFirstValue, (int)nSecondValue); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "}"); } static const char* lclDumpAnyValueCode( Any value, int level = 0) { OUString strValue; Sequence< OUString > strArray; Sequence< Any > anyArray; Sequence< awt::Size > sizeArray; Sequence< PropertyValue > propArray; Sequence< Sequence< PropertyValue > > propArrayArray; Sequence< EnhancedCustomShapeAdjustmentValue > adjArray; Sequence< EnhancedCustomShapeTextFrame > segTextFrame; Sequence< EnhancedCustomShapeSegment > segArray; Sequence< EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair > ppArray; EnhancedCustomShapeSegment segment; EnhancedCustomShapeTextFrame textFrame; EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair pp; EnhancedCustomShapeParameter par; awt::Rectangle rect; awt::Size size; sal_Int32 intValue; sal_uInt32 uintValue; sal_Int16 int16Value; sal_uInt16 uint16Value; long longValue; float floatValue = 0; bool boolValue; LineSpacing spacing; // RectanglePoint pointValue; WritingMode aWritingMode; TextVerticalAdjust aTextVertAdj; TextHorizontalAdjust aTextHorizAdj; Reference< XIndexReplace > xNumRule; if( value >>= strValue ) { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr,"OUString str = \"%s\";\n", USS( strValue ) ); return "Any (str)"; } else if( value >>= strArray ) { if (strArray.getLength() == 0) return "Sequence< OUString >(0)"; printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr,"static const char *aStrings[] = {\n"); for( int i=0; i>= propArray ) { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr,"Sequence< PropertyValue > aPropSequence (%" SAL_PRIdINT32 ");\n", propArray.getLength()); for( int i=0; i>= sizeArray ) { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "Sequence< awt::Size > aSizeSequence (%" SAL_PRIdINT32 ");\n", sizeArray.getLength()); for( int i=0; i>= propArrayArray ) { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr,"Sequence< Sequence < PropertyValue > > aPropSequenceSequence (%" SAL_PRIdINT32 ");\n", propArrayArray.getLength()); for( int i=0; i>= anyArray ) { fprintf (stderr,"%s\n", USS(value.getValueTypeName())); for( int i=0; i>= adjArray ) { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr,"Sequence< EnhancedCustomShapeAdjustmentValue > aAdjSequence (%" SAL_PRIdINT32 ");\n", adjArray.getLength()); for( int i=0; i 0) { printLevel (level + 1); fprintf (stderr, "aAdjSequence [%d].Name = \"%s\";\n", i, USS (adjArray[i].Name)); } printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "}\n"); } return "aAdjSequence"; } else if( value >>= segArray ) { if (segArray.getLength() == 0) return "Sequence< EnhancedCustomShapeSegment >(0)"; printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr,"static const sal_uInt16 nValues[] = {\n"); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr,"// Command, Count\n"); for( int i = 0; i < segArray.getLength(); i++ ) { printLevel (level + 1); fprintf (stderr,"%d,%d%s\n", segArray[i].Command, segArray[i].Count, i < segArray.getLength() - 1 ? "," : ""); } printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr,"};\n"); return "createSegmentSequence( SAL_N_ELEMENTS( nValues ), nValues )"; } else if( value >>= segTextFrame ) { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "Sequence< EnhancedCustomShapeTextFrame > aTextFrameSeq (%" SAL_PRIdINT32 ");\n", segTextFrame.getLength()); for( int i=0; i>= ppArray ) { printLevel (level); if (ppArray.getLength() == 0) return "Sequence< EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair >(0)"; fprintf (stderr, "static const CustomShapeProvider::ParameterPairData aData[] = {\n"); for( int i = 0; i < ppArray.getLength(); i++ ) { printParameterPairData(level + 1, ppArray[i]); fprintf (stderr,"%s\n", i < ppArray.getLength() - 1 ? "," : ""); } printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr,"};\n"); return "createParameterPairSequence(SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aData), aData)"; } else if( value >>= segment ) { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "EnhancedCustomShapeSegment aSegment;\n"); printLevel (level); // TODO: use EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand constants fprintf (stderr, "aSegment.Command = %d;\n", segment.Command); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "aSegment.Count = %d;\n", segment.Count); return "aSegment"; } else if( value >>= textFrame ) { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "EnhancedCustomShapeTextFrame aTextFrame;\n"); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "{\n"); { const char* var = lclDumpAnyValueCode( makeAny (textFrame.TopLeft), level + 1 ); printLevel (level + 1); fprintf (stderr, "aTextFrame.TopLeft = %s;\n", var); } printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "}\n"); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "{\n"); { const char* var = lclDumpAnyValueCode( makeAny (textFrame.BottomRight), level + 1 ); printLevel (level + 1); fprintf (stderr, "aTextFrame.BottomRight = %s;\n", var); } printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "}\n"); return "aTextFrame"; } else if( value >>= pp ) { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "static const CustomShapeProvider::ParameterPairData aData =\n"); printParameterPairData(level, pp); fprintf (stderr, ";\n"); return "createParameterPair(&aData)"; } else if( value >>= par ) { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr,"EnhancedCustomShapeParameter aParameter;\n"); const char* var = lclDumpAnyValueCode( par.Value, level ); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr,"aParameter.Value = %s;\n", var); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr,"aParameter.Type = %s;\n", lclGetEnhancedParameterType(par.Type)); return "aParameter"; } else if( value >>= longValue ) { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr,"Any aAny ((sal_Int32) %ld);\n", longValue); return "aAny"; } else if( value >>= intValue ) fprintf (stderr,"%" SAL_PRIdINT32 " (hex: %" SAL_PRIxUINT32 ")\n", intValue, intValue); else if( value >>= uintValue ) fprintf (stderr,"%" SAL_PRIdINT32 " (hex: %" SAL_PRIxUINT32 ")\n", uintValue, uintValue); else if( value >>= int16Value ) fprintf (stderr,"%d (hex: %x)\n", int16Value, int16Value); else if( value >>= uint16Value ) fprintf (stderr,"%d (hex: %x)\n", uint16Value, uint16Value); else if( value >>= floatValue ) fprintf (stderr,"%f\n", floatValue); else if( value >>= boolValue ) { if (boolValue) return "Any ((sal_Bool) sal_True)"; else return "Any ((sal_Bool) sal_False)"; } else if( value >>= xNumRule ) { fprintf (stderr, "XIndexReplace\n"); for (int k=0; kgetCount(); k++) { Sequence< PropertyValue > aBulletPropSeq; fprintf (stderr, "level %d\n", k); if (xNumRule->getByIndex (k) >>= aBulletPropSeq) { for (int j=0; j>= aTextVertAdj ) { const char* s = "unknown"; switch( aTextVertAdj ) { case TextVerticalAdjust_TOP: s = "top"; break; case TextVerticalAdjust_CENTER: s = "center"; break; case TextVerticalAdjust_BOTTOM: s = "bottom"; break; case TextVerticalAdjust_BLOCK: s = "block"; break; case TextVerticalAdjust_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE: s = "make_fixed_size"; break; } fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s); } else if( value >>= aTextHorizAdj ) { const char* s = "unknown"; switch( aTextHorizAdj ) { case TextHorizontalAdjust_LEFT: s = "left"; break; case TextHorizontalAdjust_CENTER: s = "center"; break; case TextHorizontalAdjust_RIGHT: s = "right"; break; case TextHorizontalAdjust_BLOCK: s = "block"; break; case TextHorizontalAdjust_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE: s = "make_fixed_size"; break; } fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s); } else if( value >>= spacing ) { fprintf (stderr, "mode: %d value: %d\n", spacing.Mode, spacing.Height); } else if( value >>= rect ) { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "awt::Rectangle aRectangle;\n"); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "aRectangle.X = %" SAL_PRIdINT32 ";\n", rect.X); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "aRectangle.Y = %" SAL_PRIdINT32 ";\n", rect.Y); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "aRectangle.Width = %" SAL_PRIdINT32 ";\n", rect.Width); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "aRectangle.Height = %" SAL_PRIdINT32 ";\n", rect.Height); return "aRectangle"; } else if( value >>= size ) { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "awt::Size aSize;\n"); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "aSize.Width = %" SAL_PRIdINT32 ";\n", size.Width); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "aSize.Height = %" SAL_PRIdINT32 ";\n", size.Height); return "aSize"; } else if( value.isExtractableTo(::getCppuType((const sal_Int32*)0))) { fprintf (stderr,"is extractable to int32\n"); } else fprintf (stderr,"??? \n", USS(value.getValueTypeName())); return ""; } void PropertyMap::dumpCode( Reference< XPropertySet > rXPropSet ) { Reference< XPropertySetInfo > info = rXPropSet->getPropertySetInfo (); Sequence< Property > props = info->getProperties (); const OUString sType = "Type"; for (int i=0; i < props.getLength (); i++) { // ignore Type, it is set elsewhere if (props[i].Name.equals (sType)) continue; OString name = OUStringToOString( props [i].Name, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); int level = 1; try { printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "{\n"); const char* var = lclDumpAnyValueCode (rXPropSet->getPropertyValue (props [i].Name), level + 1); printLevel (level + 1); fprintf (stderr,"aPropertyMap [PROP_%s] <<= %s;\n", name.getStr(), var); printLevel (level); fprintf (stderr, "}\n"); } catch (const Exception&) { fprintf (stderr,"unable to get '%s' value\n", USS(props [i].Name)); } } } void PropertyMap::dumpCode() { dumpCode( Reference< XPropertySet >( makePropertySet(), UNO_QUERY ) ); } #endif } // namespace oox /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */