/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include <oox/ppt/pptshape.hxx> #include <oox/core/xmlfilterbase.hxx> #include <drawingml/textbody.hxx> #include <drawingml/table/tableproperties.hxx> #include <com/sun/star/awt/Rectangle.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/container/XNamed.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/beans/XMultiPropertySet.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/drawing/HomogenMatrix3.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/drawing/XShapes.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/text/XText.hpp> #include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx> #include <sal/log.hxx> #include <oox/ppt/slidepersist.hxx> #include <oox/token/tokens.hxx> #include <unotools/fltrcfg.hxx> using namespace ::oox::core; using namespace ::oox::drawingml; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::text; using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing; namespace oox::ppt { PPTShape::PPTShape( const oox::ppt::ShapeLocation eShapeLocation, const char* pServiceName ) : Shape( pServiceName ) , meShapeLocation( eShapeLocation ) , mbReferenced( false ) { } PPTShape::~PPTShape() { } static const char* lclDebugSubType( sal_Int32 nType ) { switch (nType) { case XML_ctrTitle : return "ctrTitle"; case XML_title : return "title"; case XML_subTitle : return "subTitle"; case XML_obj : return "obj"; case XML_body : return "body"; case XML_dt : return "dt"; case XML_hdr : return "hdr"; case XML_ftr : return "frt"; case XML_sldNum : return "sldNum"; case XML_sldImg : return "sldImg"; } return "unknown - please extend lclDebugSubType"; } oox::drawingml::TextListStylePtr PPTShape::getSubTypeTextListStyle( const SlidePersist& rSlidePersist, sal_Int32 nSubType ) { oox::drawingml::TextListStylePtr pTextListStyle; SAL_INFO("oox.ppt", "subtype style: " << lclDebugSubType( nSubType ) ); switch( nSubType ) { case XML_ctrTitle : case XML_title : pTextListStyle = rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist().get() ? rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist()->getTitleTextStyle() : rSlidePersist.getTitleTextStyle(); break; case XML_subTitle : case XML_obj : case XML_body : if ( rSlidePersist.isNotesPage() ) pTextListStyle = rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist().get() ? rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist()->getNotesTextStyle() : rSlidePersist.getNotesTextStyle(); else pTextListStyle = rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist().get() ? rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist()->getBodyTextStyle() : rSlidePersist.getBodyTextStyle(); break; } return pTextListStyle; } void PPTShape::addShape( oox::core::XmlFilterBase& rFilterBase, const SlidePersist& rSlidePersist, const oox::drawingml::Theme* pTheme, const Reference< XShapes >& rxShapes, basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& aTransformation, ::oox::drawingml::ShapeIdMap* pShapeMap ) { SAL_INFO("oox.ppt","add shape id: " << msId << " location: " << ((meShapeLocation == Master) ? "master" : ((meShapeLocation == Slide) ? "slide" : ((meShapeLocation == Layout) ? "layout" : "other"))) << " subtype: " << mnSubType << " service: " << msServiceName); // only placeholder from layout are being inserted if ( mnSubType && ( meShapeLocation == Master ) ) return; OUString sServiceName( msServiceName ); if (sServiceName.isEmpty()) return; try { oox::drawingml::TextListStylePtr aMasterTextListStyle; Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> xServiceFact(rFilterBase.getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW); bool bClearText = false; if (sServiceName != "com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicObjectShape" && sServiceName != "com.sun.star.drawing.OLE2Shape") { const OUString sOutlinerShapeService("com.sun.star.presentation.OutlinerShape"); SAL_INFO("oox.ppt","has master: " << std::hex << rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist().get()); switch (mnSubType) { case XML_ctrTitle : case XML_title : { sServiceName = "com.sun.star.presentation.TitleTextShape"; aMasterTextListStyle = rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist().get() ? rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist()->getTitleTextStyle() : rSlidePersist.getTitleTextStyle(); } break; case XML_subTitle : { if ((meShapeLocation == Master) || (meShapeLocation == Layout)) sServiceName = OUString(); else { sServiceName = "com.sun.star.presentation.SubtitleShape"; aMasterTextListStyle = rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist().get() ? rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist()->getBodyTextStyle() : rSlidePersist.getBodyTextStyle(); } } break; case XML_obj : { sServiceName = sOutlinerShapeService; aMasterTextListStyle = rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist().get() ? rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist()->getBodyTextStyle() : rSlidePersist.getBodyTextStyle(); } break; case XML_body : { if (rSlidePersist.isNotesPage()) { sServiceName = "com.sun.star.presentation.NotesShape"; aMasterTextListStyle = rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist().get() ? rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist()->getNotesTextStyle() : rSlidePersist.getNotesTextStyle(); } else { sServiceName = sOutlinerShapeService; aMasterTextListStyle = rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist().get() ? rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist()->getBodyTextStyle() : rSlidePersist.getBodyTextStyle(); } } break; case XML_dt : sServiceName = "com.sun.star.presentation.DateTimeShape"; bClearText = true; break; case XML_hdr : sServiceName = "com.sun.star.presentation.HeaderShape"; bClearText = true; break; case XML_ftr : sServiceName = "com.sun.star.presentation.FooterShape"; bClearText = true; break; case XML_sldNum : sServiceName = "com.sun.star.presentation.SlideNumberShape"; bClearText = true; break; case XML_sldImg : sServiceName = "com.sun.star.presentation.PageShape"; break; case XML_chart : if (meShapeLocation == Layout) sServiceName = sOutlinerShapeService; else sServiceName = "com.sun.star.presentation.ChartShape"; break; case XML_tbl : if (meShapeLocation == Layout) sServiceName = sOutlinerShapeService; else sServiceName = "com.sun.star.presentation.TableShape"; break; case XML_pic : if (meShapeLocation == Layout) sServiceName = sOutlinerShapeService; else sServiceName = "com.sun.star.presentation.GraphicObjectShape"; break; case XML_media : if (meShapeLocation == Layout) sServiceName = sOutlinerShapeService; else sServiceName = "com.sun.star.presentation.MediaShape"; break; default: if (mnSubType && meShapeLocation == Layout) sServiceName = sOutlinerShapeService; break; } } if (sServiceName != "com.sun.star.drawing.TableShape") { if (TextBodyPtr pTextBody = getTextBody()) { sal_Int32 nNumCol = pTextBody->getTextProperties().mnNumCol; if (nNumCol > 1) { // This shape is not a table, but has multiple columns, // represent that as a table. sServiceName = "com.sun.star.drawing.TableShape"; oox::drawingml::table::TablePropertiesPtr pTableProperties = getTableProperties(); pTableProperties->pullFromTextBody(pTextBody, maSize.Width); setTextBody(nullptr); } } } SAL_INFO("oox.ppt","shape service: " << sServiceName); if (mnSubType && getSubTypeIndex().has() && meShapeLocation == Layout) { oox::drawingml::ShapePtr pPlaceholder = PPTShape::findPlaceholderByIndex( getSubTypeIndex().get(), rSlidePersist.getShapes()->getChildren(), true ); if (!pPlaceholder.get()) pPlaceholder = PPTShape::findPlaceholder( mnSubType, 0, getSubTypeIndex(), rSlidePersist.getShapes()->getChildren(), true ); if (pPlaceholder.get()) { if (maSize.Width == 0 || maSize.Height == 0) { awt::Size aSize = maSize; if (maSize.Width == 0) aSize.Width = pPlaceholder->getSize().Width; if (maSize.Height == 0) aSize.Height = pPlaceholder->getSize().Height; setSize( aSize ); if (maPosition.X == 0 || maPosition.Y == 0) { awt::Point aPosition = maPosition; if (maPosition.X == 0) aPosition.X = pPlaceholder->getPosition().X; if (maPosition.Y == 0) aPosition.Y = pPlaceholder->getPosition().Y; setPosition( aPosition ); } } } } // use placeholder index if possible if (mnSubType && getSubTypeIndex().has() && rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist().get()) { oox::drawingml::ShapePtr pPlaceholder = PPTShape::findPlaceholderByIndex(getSubTypeIndex().get(), rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist()->getShapes()->getChildren()); // TODO: Check if this is required for non-notes slides as well... if (rSlidePersist.isNotesPage() && pPlaceholder.get() && pPlaceholder->getSubType() != getSubType()) pPlaceholder.reset(); if (pPlaceholder.get()) { SAL_INFO("oox.ppt","found placeholder with index: " << getSubTypeIndex().get() << " and type: " << lclDebugSubType( mnSubType )); } if (pPlaceholder.get()) { PPTShape* pPPTPlaceholder = dynamic_cast< PPTShape* >( pPlaceholder.get() ); TextListStylePtr pNewTextListStyle = std::make_shared<TextListStyle>(); if (pPlaceholder->getTextBody()) { pNewTextListStyle->apply( pPlaceholder->getTextBody()->getTextListStyle() ); if (pPlaceholder->getMasterTextListStyle().get()) pNewTextListStyle->apply( *pPlaceholder->getMasterTextListStyle() ); // SAL_INFO("oox.ppt","placeholder body style"); // pPlaceholder->getTextBody()->getTextListStyle().dump(); // SAL_INFO("oox.ppt","master text list style"); // pPlaceholder->getMasterTextListStyle()->dump(); aMasterTextListStyle = pNewTextListStyle; // SAL_INFO("oox.ppt","combined master text list style"); // aMasterTextListStyle->dump(); } if (pPPTPlaceholder && pPPTPlaceholder->mpPlaceholder.get()) { SAL_INFO("oox.ppt","placeholder has parent placeholder: " << pPPTPlaceholder->mpPlaceholder->getId() << " type: " << lclDebugSubType( pPPTPlaceholder->mpPlaceholder->getSubType() ) << " index: " << pPPTPlaceholder->mpPlaceholder->getSubTypeIndex().get() ); SAL_INFO("oox.ppt","has textbody " << (pPPTPlaceholder->mpPlaceholder->getTextBody() != nullptr) ); TextListStylePtr pPlaceholderStyle = getSubTypeTextListStyle( rSlidePersist, pPPTPlaceholder->mpPlaceholder->getSubType() ); if (pPPTPlaceholder->mpPlaceholder->getTextBody()) pNewTextListStyle->apply( pPPTPlaceholder->mpPlaceholder->getTextBody()->getTextListStyle() ); if (pPlaceholderStyle.get()) { pNewTextListStyle->apply( *pPlaceholderStyle ); //pPlaceholderStyle->dump(); } } } else if (!mpPlaceholder.get()) { aMasterTextListStyle.reset(); } SAL_INFO("oox.ppt","placeholder id: " << (pPlaceholder.get() ? pPlaceholder->getId() : "not found")); } if (!sServiceName.isEmpty()) { if (!aMasterTextListStyle.get()) { bool isOther = !getTextBody().get() && sServiceName != "com.sun.star.drawing.GroupShape"; TextListStylePtr aSlideStyle = isOther ? rSlidePersist.getOtherTextStyle() : rSlidePersist.getDefaultTextStyle(); // Combine from MasterSlide details as well. if (rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist().get()) { aMasterTextListStyle = isOther ? rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist()->getOtherTextStyle() : rSlidePersist.getMasterPersist()->getDefaultTextStyle(); if (aSlideStyle.get()) aMasterTextListStyle->apply( *aSlideStyle ); } else { aMasterTextListStyle = aSlideStyle; } } if( aMasterTextListStyle.get() && getTextBody().get() ) { TextListStylePtr aCombinedTextListStyle = std::make_shared<TextListStyle>(); aCombinedTextListStyle->apply( *aMasterTextListStyle ); if( mpPlaceholder.get() && mpPlaceholder->getTextBody().get() ) aCombinedTextListStyle->apply( mpPlaceholder->getTextBody()->getTextListStyle() ); aCombinedTextListStyle->apply( getTextBody()->getTextListStyle() ); setMasterTextListStyle( aCombinedTextListStyle ); } else setMasterTextListStyle( aMasterTextListStyle ); Reference< XShape > xShape( createAndInsert( rFilterBase, sServiceName, pTheme, rxShapes, bClearText, mpPlaceholder.get() != nullptr, aTransformation, getFillProperties() ) ); if (!rSlidePersist.isMasterPage() && rSlidePersist.getPage().is() && mnSubType == XML_title) { try { OUString aTitleText; Reference<XTextRange> xText(xShape, UNO_QUERY_THROW); aTitleText = xText->getString(); if (!aTitleText.isEmpty() && (aTitleText.getLength() < 64)) // just a magic value, but we don't want to set slide names which are too long { Reference<container::XNamed> xName(rSlidePersist.getPage(), UNO_QUERY_THROW); xName->setName(aTitleText); } } catch (uno::Exception&) { } } // Apply text properties on placeholder text inside this placeholder shape if (meShapeLocation == Slide && mpPlaceholder.get() != nullptr && getTextBody() && getTextBody()->isEmpty()) { Reference < XText > xText(mxShape, UNO_QUERY); if (xText.is()) { TextCharacterProperties aCharStyleProperties; getTextBody()->ApplyStyleEmpty(rFilterBase, xText, aCharStyleProperties, mpMasterTextListStyle); } } if (pShapeMap) { // bnc#705982 - if optional model id reference is // there, use that to obtain target shape if (!msModelId.isEmpty()) { (*pShapeMap)[ msModelId ] = shared_from_this(); } else if (!msId.isEmpty()) { (*pShapeMap)[ msId ] = shared_from_this(); } } // if this is a group shape, we have to add also each child shape Reference<XShapes> xShapes(xShape, UNO_QUERY); if (xShapes.is()) addChildren( rFilterBase, *this, pTheme, xShapes, pShapeMap, aTransformation ); if (meFrameType == FRAMETYPE_DIAGRAM) keepDiagramCompatibilityInfo(); } } catch (const Exception&) { } } namespace { bool ShapeLocationIsMaster(oox::drawingml::Shape *pInShape) { PPTShape* pShape = dynamic_cast<PPTShape*>(pInShape); return pShape && pShape->getShapeLocation() == Master; } } // Function to find placeholder (ph) for a shape. No idea how MSO implements this, but // this order seems to work quite well (probably it's unnecessary complicated / wrong): // 1. ph with nFirstSubType and the same oSubTypeIndex // 2. ph with nFirstSubType // 3. ph with nSecondSubType and the same oSubTypeIndex // 4. ph with nSecondSubType // 5. ph with the same oSubTypeIndex oox::drawingml::ShapePtr PPTShape::findPlaceholder( sal_Int32 nFirstSubType, sal_Int32 nSecondSubType, const OptValue< sal_Int32 >& oSubTypeIndex, std::vector< oox::drawingml::ShapePtr >& rShapes, bool bMasterOnly ) { oox::drawingml::ShapePtr aShapePtr; oox::drawingml::ShapePtr aChoiceShapePtr1; oox::drawingml::ShapePtr aChoiceShapePtr2; oox::drawingml::ShapePtr aChoiceShapePtr3; oox::drawingml::ShapePtr aChoiceShapePtr4; std::vector< oox::drawingml::ShapePtr >::reverse_iterator aRevIter( rShapes.rbegin() ); while (aRevIter != rShapes.rend()) { if (!bMasterOnly || ShapeLocationIsMaster((*aRevIter).get())) { if ((*aRevIter)->getSubTypeIndex() == oSubTypeIndex) { if ((*aRevIter)->getSubType() == nFirstSubType) { aShapePtr = *aRevIter; break; } else if ((*aRevIter)->getSubType() == nSecondSubType && !aChoiceShapePtr2.get()) aChoiceShapePtr2 = *aRevIter; else if (!aChoiceShapePtr4.get()) aChoiceShapePtr4 = *aRevIter; } else if ((*aRevIter)->getSubType() == nFirstSubType && !aChoiceShapePtr1.get()) aChoiceShapePtr1 = *aRevIter; else if ((*aRevIter)->getSubType() == nSecondSubType && !aChoiceShapePtr3.get()) aChoiceShapePtr3 = *aRevIter; } std::vector< oox::drawingml::ShapePtr >& rChildren = (*aRevIter)->getChildren(); aChoiceShapePtr4 = findPlaceholder( nFirstSubType, nSecondSubType, oSubTypeIndex, rChildren, bMasterOnly ); if (aChoiceShapePtr4.get()) { if (aChoiceShapePtr4->getSubType() == nFirstSubType) { if (aChoiceShapePtr4->getSubTypeIndex() == oSubTypeIndex) aShapePtr = aChoiceShapePtr4; else aChoiceShapePtr1 = aChoiceShapePtr4; } else if (aChoiceShapePtr4->getSubType() == nSecondSubType) { if (aChoiceShapePtr4->getSubTypeIndex() == oSubTypeIndex) aChoiceShapePtr2 = aChoiceShapePtr4; else aChoiceShapePtr3 = aChoiceShapePtr4; } } if (aShapePtr.get()) break; ++aRevIter; } if (aShapePtr.get()) return aShapePtr; if (aChoiceShapePtr1.get()) return aChoiceShapePtr1; if (aChoiceShapePtr2.get()) return aChoiceShapePtr2; if (aChoiceShapePtr3.get()) return aChoiceShapePtr3; return aChoiceShapePtr4; } oox::drawingml::ShapePtr PPTShape::findPlaceholderByIndex( const sal_Int32 nIdx, std::vector< oox::drawingml::ShapePtr >& rShapes, bool bMasterOnly ) { oox::drawingml::ShapePtr aShapePtr; std::vector< oox::drawingml::ShapePtr >::reverse_iterator aRevIter( rShapes.rbegin() ); while( aRevIter != rShapes.rend() ) { if ( (*aRevIter)->getSubTypeIndex().has() && (*aRevIter)->getSubTypeIndex().get() == nIdx && ( !bMasterOnly || ShapeLocationIsMaster((*aRevIter).get()) ) ) { aShapePtr = *aRevIter; break; } std::vector< oox::drawingml::ShapePtr >& rChildren = (*aRevIter)->getChildren(); aShapePtr = findPlaceholderByIndex( nIdx, rChildren, bMasterOnly ); if ( aShapePtr.get() ) break; ++aRevIter; } return aShapePtr; } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */