/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <comphelper/anytostring.hxx>
#include <comphelper/sequenceashashmap.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/exc_hlp.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <tools/multisel.hxx>
#include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>

#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XMasterPagesSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XDrawPages.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XDrawPagesSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XMasterPageTarget.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/io/XInputStream.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/XDocument.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XFastSAXSerializable.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/style/XStyleFamiliesSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/style/XStyle.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/presentation/XPresentationPage.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/task/XStatusIndicator.hpp>

#include <oox/drawingml/theme.hxx>
#include <oox/drawingml/drawingmltypes.hxx>
#include <oox/drawingml/themefragmenthandler.hxx>
#include <drawingml/textliststylecontext.hxx>
#include <oox/helper/attributelist.hxx>
#include <oox/ole/olestorage.hxx>
#include <oox/ole/vbaproject.hxx>
#include <oox/ppt/pptshape.hxx>
#include <oox/ppt/presentationfragmenthandler.hxx>
#include <oox/ppt/slidefragmenthandler.hxx>
#include <oox/ppt/layoutfragmenthandler.hxx>
#include <oox/ppt/pptimport.hxx>
#include <oox/token/namespaces.hxx>
#include <oox/token/tokens.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/office/XAnnotation.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/office/XAnnotationAccess.hpp>

using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::oox::core;
using namespace ::oox::drawingml;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::presentation;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::xml::sax;

namespace oox::ppt {

static std::map<PredefinedClrSchemeId, sal_Int32> PredefinedClrTokens =
    //{ dk1, XML_dk1 },
    //{ lt1, XML_lt1 },
    { dk2, XML_dk2 },
    { lt2, XML_lt2 },
    { accent1, XML_accent1 },
    { accent2, XML_accent2 },
    { accent3, XML_accent3 },
    { accent4, XML_accent4 },
    { accent5, XML_accent5 },
    { accent6, XML_accent6 },
    { hlink, XML_hlink },
    { folHlink, XML_folHlink }

PresentationFragmentHandler::PresentationFragmentHandler(XmlFilterBase& rFilter, const OUString& rFragmentPath)
    : FragmentHandler2( rFilter, rFragmentPath )
    , mpTextListStyle( new TextListStyle )
    , mbCommentAuthorsRead(false)
    TextParagraphPropertiesVector& rParagraphDefaultsVector( mpTextListStyle->getListStyle() );
    for (auto const& elem : rParagraphDefaultsVector)
        // ppt is having zero bottom margin per default, whereas OOo is 0,5cm,
        // so this attribute needs to be set always
        elem->getParaBottomMargin() = TextSpacing( 0 );

PresentationFragmentHandler::~PresentationFragmentHandler() throw()

static void ResolveTextFields( XmlFilterBase const & rFilter )
    const oox::core::TextFieldStack& rTextFields = rFilter.getTextFieldStack();
    if ( !rTextFields.empty() )
        const Reference< frame::XModel >& xModel( rFilter.getModel() );
        for (auto const& textField : rTextFields)
            const OUString sURL = "URL";
            Reference< drawing::XDrawPagesSupplier > xDPS( xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
            Reference< drawing::XDrawPages > xDrawPages( xDPS->getDrawPages(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );

            const oox::core::TextField& rTextField( textField );
            Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( rTextField.xTextField, UNO_QUERY );
            Reference< XPropertySetInfo > xPropSetInfo( xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo() );
            if ( xPropSetInfo->hasPropertyByName( sURL ) )
                OUString aURL;
                if ( xPropSet->getPropertyValue( sURL ) >>= aURL )
                    const OUString sSlide = "#Slide ";
                    const OUString sNotes = "#Notes ";
                    bool bNotes = false;
                    sal_Int32 nPageNumber = 0;
                    if ( aURL.match( sSlide ) )
                        nPageNumber = aURL.copy( sSlide.getLength() ).toInt32();
                    else if ( aURL.match( sNotes ) )
                        nPageNumber = aURL.copy( sNotes.getLength() ).toInt32();
                        bNotes = true;
                    if ( nPageNumber )
                            Reference< XDrawPage > xDrawPage;
                            xDrawPages->getByIndex( nPageNumber - 1 ) >>= xDrawPage;
                            if ( bNotes )
                                Reference< css::presentation::XPresentationPage > xPresentationPage( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                                xDrawPage = xPresentationPage->getNotesPage();
                            Reference< container::XNamed > xNamed( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                            aURL = "#" + xNamed->getName();
                            xPropSet->setPropertyValue( sURL, Any( aURL ) );
                            Reference< text::XTextContent > xContent( rTextField.xTextField, UNO_QUERY);
                            Reference< text::XTextRange > xTextRange = rTextField.xTextCursor;
                            rTextField.xText->insertTextContent( xTextRange, xContent, true );
                        catch( uno::Exception& )

void PresentationFragmentHandler::saveThemeToGrabBag(const oox::drawingml::ThemePtr& pThemePtr,
                                                     sal_Int32 nThemeIdx)
    if (!pThemePtr)

        uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xDocProps(getFilter().getModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
        if (xDocProps.is())
            uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> xPropsInfo = xDocProps->getPropertySetInfo();

            const OUString aGrabBagPropName = "InteropGrabBag";
            if (xPropsInfo.is() && xPropsInfo->hasPropertyByName(aGrabBagPropName))
                // get existing grab bag
                comphelper::SequenceAsHashMap aGrabBag(xDocProps->getPropertyValue(aGrabBagPropName));

                uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> aTheme(2);
                comphelper::SequenceAsHashMap aThemesHashMap;

                // create current theme
                uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> aCurrentTheme(PredefinedClrSchemeId::Count);

                ClrScheme rClrScheme = pThemePtr->getClrScheme();
                for (int nId = PredefinedClrSchemeId::dk2; nId != PredefinedClrSchemeId::Count; nId++)
                    sal_uInt32 nToken = PredefinedClrTokens[static_cast<PredefinedClrSchemeId>(nId)];
                    const OUString& sName = PredefinedClrNames[static_cast<PredefinedClrSchemeId>(nId)];
                    ::Color nColor;

                    rClrScheme.getColor(nToken, nColor);
                    const uno::Any& rColor = uno::makeAny(nColor);

                    aCurrentTheme[nId].Name = sName;
                    aCurrentTheme[nId].Value = rColor;

                // add new theme to the sequence
                // Export code uses the master slide's index to find the right theme
                // so use the same index in the grabbag.
                aTheme[0].Name = "ppt/theme/theme" + OUString::number(nThemeIdx) + ".xml";
                const uno::Any& rCurrentTheme = makeAny(aCurrentTheme);
                aTheme[0].Value = rCurrentTheme;

                // store DOM fragment for SmartArt re-generation
                aTheme[1].Name = "OOXTheme";
                const uno::Any& rOOXTheme = makeAny(pThemePtr->getFragment());
                aTheme[1].Value = rOOXTheme;

                aThemesHashMap << aTheme;

                // put the new items

                // put it back to the document
                xDocProps->setPropertyValue(aGrabBagPropName, uno::Any(aGrabBag.getAsConstPropertyValueList()));
    catch (const uno::Exception&)
        SAL_WARN("oox", "oox::ppt::PresentationFragmentHandler::saveThemeToGrabBag, Failed to save grab bag");

void PresentationFragmentHandler::importSlide(sal_uInt32 nSlide, bool bFirstPage, bool bImportNotesPage)
    PowerPointImport& rFilter = dynamic_cast< PowerPointImport& >( getFilter() );

    Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( rFilter.getModel() );
    Reference< drawing::XDrawPage > xSlide;

    // importing slide pages and its corresponding notes page
    Reference< drawing::XDrawPagesSupplier > xDPS( xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    Reference< drawing::XDrawPages > xDrawPages( xDPS->getDrawPages(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );

    try {

        if( bFirstPage )
            xDrawPages->getByIndex( 0 ) >>= xSlide;
            xSlide = xDrawPages->insertNewByIndex( xDrawPages->getCount() );

        OUString aSlideFragmentPath = getFragmentPathFromRelId( maSlidesVector[ nSlide ] );
        if( !aSlideFragmentPath.isEmpty() )
            SlidePersistPtr pMasterPersistPtr;
            SlidePersistPtr pSlidePersistPtr( new SlidePersist( rFilter, false, false, xSlide,
                                ShapePtr( new PPTShape( Slide, "com.sun.star.drawing.GroupShape" ) ), mpTextListStyle ) );

            FragmentHandlerRef xSlideFragmentHandler( new SlideFragmentHandler( rFilter, aSlideFragmentPath, pSlidePersistPtr, Slide ) );

            // importing the corresponding masterpage/layout
            OUString aLayoutFragmentPath = xSlideFragmentHandler->getFragmentPathFromFirstTypeFromOfficeDoc( "slideLayout" );
            OUString aCommentFragmentPath = xSlideFragmentHandler->getFragmentPathFromFirstTypeFromOfficeDoc( "comments" );
            if ( !aLayoutFragmentPath.isEmpty() )
                // importing layout
                RelationsRef xLayoutRelations = rFilter.importRelations( aLayoutFragmentPath );
                OUString aMasterFragmentPath = xLayoutRelations->getFragmentPathFromFirstTypeFromOfficeDoc( "slideMaster" );
                if( !aMasterFragmentPath.isEmpty() )
                    // check if the corresponding masterpage+layout has already been imported
                    std::vector< SlidePersistPtr >& rMasterPages( rFilter.getMasterPages() );
                    for (auto const& masterPage : rMasterPages)
                        if ( ( masterPage->getPath() == aMasterFragmentPath ) && ( masterPage->getLayoutPath() == aLayoutFragmentPath ) )
                            pMasterPersistPtr = masterPage;

                    if ( !pMasterPersistPtr.get() )
                    {   // masterpersist not found, we have to load it
                        Reference< drawing::XDrawPage > xMasterPage;
                        Reference< drawing::XMasterPagesSupplier > xMPS( xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                        Reference< drawing::XDrawPages > xMasterPages( xMPS->getMasterPages(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );

                        sal_Int32 nIndex;
                        if( rFilter.getMasterPages().empty() )
                            nIndex = 0;
                            xMasterPages->getByIndex( nIndex ) >>= xMasterPage;
                            nIndex = xMasterPages->getCount();
                            xMasterPage = xMasterPages->insertNewByIndex( nIndex );

                        pMasterPersistPtr = std::make_shared<SlidePersist>( rFilter, true, false, xMasterPage,
                            ShapePtr( new PPTShape( Master, "com.sun.star.drawing.GroupShape" ) ), mpTextListStyle );
                        pMasterPersistPtr->setLayoutPath( aLayoutFragmentPath );
                        rFilter.getMasterPages().push_back( pMasterPersistPtr );
                        rFilter.setActualSlidePersist( pMasterPersistPtr );
                        FragmentHandlerRef xMasterFragmentHandler( new SlideFragmentHandler( rFilter, aMasterFragmentPath, pMasterPersistPtr, Master ) );

                        // set the correct theme
                        OUString aThemeFragmentPath = xMasterFragmentHandler->getFragmentPathFromFirstTypeFromOfficeDoc( "theme" );
                        if( !aThemeFragmentPath.isEmpty() )
                            std::map< OUString, oox::drawingml::ThemePtr >& rThemes( rFilter.getThemes() );
                            std::map< OUString, oox::drawingml::ThemePtr >::iterator aIter2( rThemes.find( aThemeFragmentPath ) );
                            if( aIter2 == rThemes.end() )
                                oox::drawingml::ThemePtr pThemePtr( new oox::drawingml::Theme() );
                                pMasterPersistPtr->setTheme( pThemePtr );
                                Reference<xml::dom::XDocument> xDoc=

                                    new ThemeFragmentHandler(
                                        rFilter, aThemeFragmentPath, *pThemePtr ),
                                rThemes[ aThemeFragmentPath ] = pThemePtr;
                                saveThemeToGrabBag(pThemePtr, nIndex + 1);
                                pMasterPersistPtr->setTheme( (*aIter2).second );
                        importSlide( xMasterFragmentHandler, pMasterPersistPtr );
                        rFilter.importFragment( new LayoutFragmentHandler( rFilter, aLayoutFragmentPath, pMasterPersistPtr ) );
                        pMasterPersistPtr->createBackground( rFilter );
                        pMasterPersistPtr->createXShapes( rFilter );

            // importing slide page
            if (pMasterPersistPtr.get()) {
                pSlidePersistPtr->setMasterPersist( pMasterPersistPtr );
                pSlidePersistPtr->setTheme( pMasterPersistPtr->getTheme() );
                Reference< drawing::XMasterPageTarget > xMasterPageTarget( pSlidePersistPtr->getPage(), UNO_QUERY );
                if( xMasterPageTarget.is() )
                    xMasterPageTarget->setMasterPage( pMasterPersistPtr->getPage() );
            rFilter.getDrawPages().push_back( pSlidePersistPtr );
            rFilter.setActualSlidePersist( pSlidePersistPtr );
            importSlide( xSlideFragmentHandler, pSlidePersistPtr );
            pSlidePersistPtr->createBackground( rFilter );
            pSlidePersistPtr->createXShapes( rFilter );

            if(bImportNotesPage) {

                // now importing the notes page
                OUString aNotesFragmentPath = xSlideFragmentHandler->getFragmentPathFromFirstTypeFromOfficeDoc( "notesSlide" );
                if( !aNotesFragmentPath.isEmpty() )
                    Reference< XPresentationPage > xPresentationPage( xSlide, UNO_QUERY );
                    if ( xPresentationPage.is() )
                        Reference< XDrawPage > xNotesPage( xPresentationPage->getNotesPage() );
                        if ( xNotesPage.is() )
                            SlidePersistPtr pNotesPersistPtr( new SlidePersist( rFilter, false, true, xNotesPage,
                                ShapePtr( new PPTShape( Slide, "com.sun.star.drawing.GroupShape" ) ), mpTextListStyle ) );
                            FragmentHandlerRef xNotesFragmentHandler( new SlideFragmentHandler( getFilter(), aNotesFragmentPath, pNotesPersistPtr, Slide ) );
                            rFilter.getNotesPages().push_back( pNotesPersistPtr );
                            rFilter.setActualSlidePersist( pNotesPersistPtr );
                            importSlide( xNotesFragmentHandler, pNotesPersistPtr );
                            pNotesPersistPtr->createBackground( rFilter );
                            pNotesPersistPtr->createXShapes( rFilter );

            if( !mbCommentAuthorsRead && !aCommentFragmentPath.isEmpty() )
                // Comments are present and commentAuthors.xml has still not been read
                mbCommentAuthorsRead = true;
                OUString aCommentAuthorsFragmentPath = "ppt/commentAuthors.xml";
                Reference< XPresentationPage > xPresentationPage( xSlide, UNO_QUERY );
                Reference< XDrawPage > xCommentAuthorsPage( xPresentationPage->getNotesPage() );
                SlidePersistPtr pCommentAuthorsPersistPtr(
                    new SlidePersist( rFilter, false, true, xCommentAuthorsPage,
                                          new PPTShape(
                                              Slide, "com.sun.star.drawing.GroupShape" ) ),
                                      mpTextListStyle ) );
                FragmentHandlerRef xCommentAuthorsFragmentHandler(
                    new SlideFragmentHandler( getFilter(),
                                              Slide ) );

                getFilter().importFragment( xCommentAuthorsFragmentHandler );
                maAuthorList.setValues( pCommentAuthorsPersistPtr->getCommentAuthors() );
            if( !aCommentFragmentPath.isEmpty() )
                Reference< XPresentationPage > xPresentationPage( xSlide, UNO_QUERY );
                Reference< XDrawPage > xCommentsPage( xPresentationPage->getNotesPage() );
                SlidePersistPtr pCommentsPersistPtr(
                    new SlidePersist(
                        rFilter, false, true, xCommentsPage,
                            new PPTShape(
                                Slide, "com.sun.star.drawing.GroupShape" ) ),
                        mpTextListStyle ) );

                FragmentHandlerRef xCommentsFragmentHandler(
                    new SlideFragmentHandler(
                        Slide ) );
                getFilter().importFragment( xCommentsFragmentHandler );

                if (!pCommentsPersistPtr->getCommentsList().cmLst.empty())
                    //set comment chars for last comment on slide
                    SlideFragmentHandler* comment_handler =
                    // some comments have no text -> set empty string as text to avoid
                    // crash (back() on empty vector is undefined) and losing other
                    // comment data that might be there (author, position, timestamp etc.)
                            comment_handler->getCharVector().empty() ? "" :
                            comment_handler->getCharVector().back() );

                //insert all comments from commentsList
                for(int i=0; i<pCommentsPersistPtr->getCommentsList().getSize(); i++)
                    try {
                        Comment aComment = pCommentsPersistPtr->getCommentsList().getCommentAtIndex(i);
                        uno::Reference< office::XAnnotationAccess > xAnnotationAccess( xSlide, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                        uno::Reference< office::XAnnotation > xAnnotation( xAnnotationAccess->createAndInsertAnnotation() );
                        int nPosX = aComment.getIntX();
                        int nPosY = aComment.getIntY();
                                ::oox::drawingml::convertEmuToHmm( nPosX ) * 15.87,
                                ::oox::drawingml::convertEmuToHmm( nPosY ) * 15.87 ) );
                        xAnnotation->setAuthor( aComment.getAuthor(maAuthorList) );
                        xAnnotation->setDateTime( aComment.getDateTime() );
                        uno::Reference< text::XText > xText( xAnnotation->getTextRange() );
                        xText->setString( aComment.get_text());
                    } catch( css::lang::IllegalArgumentException& ) {}
    catch( uno::Exception& )
        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "oox", "oox::ppt::PresentationFragmentHandler::EndDocument()" );

void PresentationFragmentHandler::finalizeImport()
    PowerPointImport& rFilter = dynamic_cast< PowerPointImport& >( getFilter() );

    sal_Int32 nPageCount = maSlidesVector.size();

    // we will take the FilterData property "PageRange" if available, otherwise full range is used
    comphelper::SequenceAsHashMap& rFilterData = rFilter.getFilterData();

    // writing back the original PageCount of this document, it can be accessed from the XModel
    // via getArgs after the import.
    rFilterData["OriginalPageCount"] <<= nPageCount;
    bool bImportNotesPages = rFilterData.getUnpackedValueOrDefault("ImportNotesPages", true);
    OUString aPageRange = rFilterData.getUnpackedValueOrDefault("PageRange", OUString());

    if( !aPageRange.getLength() )
        aPageRange = OUStringBuffer()
            .append( static_cast< sal_Int32 >( 1 ) )
            .append( '-' )
            .append( nPageCount ).makeStringAndClear();

    StringRangeEnumerator aRangeEnumerator( aPageRange, 0, nPageCount - 1 );
    if (aRangeEnumerator.size())
        // todo: localized progress bar text
        const Reference< task::XStatusIndicator >& rxStatusIndicator( getFilter().getStatusIndicator() );
        if ( rxStatusIndicator.is() )
            rxStatusIndicator->start( OUString(), 10000 );

            int nPagesImported = 0;
            for (sal_Int32 elem : aRangeEnumerator)
                if ( rxStatusIndicator.is() )
                    rxStatusIndicator->setValue((nPagesImported * 10000) / aRangeEnumerator.size());

                importSlide(elem, !nPagesImported, bImportNotesPages);
            ResolveTextFields( rFilter );
        catch( uno::Exception& )
            TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "oox", "oox::ppt::PresentationFragmentHandler::finalizeImport()" );
        // todo error handling;
        if ( rxStatusIndicator.is() )

    // open the VBA project storage
    OUString aVbaFragmentPath = getFragmentPathFromFirstType(CREATE_MSOFFICE_RELATION_TYPE("vbaProject"));
    if (!aVbaFragmentPath.isEmpty())
        uno::Reference<io::XInputStream> xInStrm = getFilter().openInputStream(aVbaFragmentPath);
        if (xInStrm.is())
            StorageRef xPrjStrg(new oox::ole::OleStorage(getFilter().getComponentContext(), xInStrm, false));

// CT_Presentation
::oox::core::ContextHandlerRef PresentationFragmentHandler::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 aElementToken, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
    switch( aElementToken )
    case PPT_TOKEN( presentation ):
    case PPT_TOKEN( sldMasterIdLst ):
    case PPT_TOKEN( notesMasterIdLst ):
    case PPT_TOKEN( sldIdLst ):
        return this;
    case PPT_TOKEN( sldMasterId ):
        maSlideMasterVector.push_back( rAttribs.getString( R_TOKEN( id ), OUString() ) );
        return this;
    case PPT_TOKEN( sldId ):
        maSlidesVector.push_back( rAttribs.getString( R_TOKEN( id ), OUString() ) );
        return this;
    case PPT_TOKEN( notesMasterId ):
        maNotesMasterVector.push_back( rAttribs.getString( R_TOKEN( id ), OUString() ) );
        return this;
    case PPT_TOKEN( sldSz ):
        maSlideSize = GetSize2D( rAttribs.getFastAttributeList() );
        return this;
    case PPT_TOKEN( notesSz ):
        maNotesSize = GetSize2D( rAttribs.getFastAttributeList() );
        return this;
    case PPT_TOKEN( custShowLst ):
        return new CustomShowListContext( *this, maCustomShowList );
    case PPT_TOKEN( defaultTextStyle ):
        return new TextListStyleContext( *this, *mpTextListStyle );
    return this;

void PresentationFragmentHandler::importSlide( const FragmentHandlerRef& rxSlideFragmentHandler,
        const SlidePersistPtr& rSlidePersistPtr )
    Reference< drawing::XDrawPage > xSlide( rSlidePersistPtr->getPage() );
    SlidePersistPtr pMasterPersistPtr( rSlidePersistPtr->getMasterPersist() );
    if ( pMasterPersistPtr.get() )
        // Setting "Layout" property adds extra title and outliner preset shapes to the master slide
        Reference< drawing::XDrawPage > xMasterSlide(pMasterPersistPtr->getPage());
        const int nCount = xMasterSlide->getCount();

        const OUString sLayout = "Layout";
        uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xSet( xSlide, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        xSet->setPropertyValue( sLayout, Any( pMasterPersistPtr->getLayoutFromValueToken() ) );

        while( nCount < xMasterSlide->getCount())
            Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape;
            xMasterSlide->getByIndex(xMasterSlide->getCount()-1) >>= xShape;
    while( xSlide->getCount() )
        Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape;
        xSlide->getByIndex(0) >>= xShape;
        xSlide->remove( xShape );

    Reference< XPropertySet > xPropertySet( xSlide, UNO_QUERY );
    if ( xPropertySet.is() )
        awt::Size& rPageSize( rSlidePersistPtr->isNotesPage() ? maNotesSize : maSlideSize );
        xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( "Width", Any( rPageSize.Width ) );
        xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( "Height", Any( rPageSize.Height ) );

        oox::ppt::HeaderFooter aHeaderFooter( rSlidePersistPtr->getHeaderFooter() );
        if ( !rSlidePersistPtr->isMasterPage() )
            aHeaderFooter.mbSlideNumber = aHeaderFooter.mbHeader = aHeaderFooter.mbFooter = aHeaderFooter.mbDateTime = false;
            if ( rSlidePersistPtr->isNotesPage() )
                xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( "IsHeaderVisible", Any( aHeaderFooter.mbHeader ) );
            xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( "IsFooterVisible", Any( aHeaderFooter.mbFooter ) );
            xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( "IsDateTimeVisible", Any( aHeaderFooter.mbDateTime ) );
            xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( "IsPageNumberVisible", Any( aHeaderFooter.mbSlideNumber ) );
        catch( uno::Exception& )
    rSlidePersistPtr->setPath( rxSlideFragmentHandler->getFragmentPath() );
    getFilter().importFragment( rxSlideFragmentHandler );


/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */