/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace com::sun::star; using namespace com::sun::star::packages::zip::ZipConstants; using namespace com::sun::star::packages::zip; using namespace com::sun::star::packages; using namespace com::sun::star::container; using namespace com::sun::star::beans; using namespace com::sun::star::lang; using namespace com::sun::star::io; using namespace cppu; using namespace std; using namespace ::com::sun::star; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 #define THROW_WHERE SAL_WHERE #else #define THROW_WHERE "" #endif namespace { struct lcl_CachedImplId : public rtl::Static< cppu::OImplementationId, lcl_CachedImplId > {}; } ZipPackageFolder::ZipPackageFolder ( sal_Int32 nFormat, bool bAllowRemoveOnInsert ) : m_nFormat( nFormat ) { this->mbAllowRemoveOnInsert = bAllowRemoveOnInsert; SetFolder ( true ); aEntry.nVersion = -1; aEntry.nFlag = 0; aEntry.nMethod = STORED; aEntry.nTime = -1; aEntry.nCrc = 0; aEntry.nCompressedSize = 0; aEntry.nSize = 0; aEntry.nOffset = -1; } ZipPackageFolder::~ZipPackageFolder() { } bool ZipPackageFolder::LookForUnexpectedODF12Streams( const OUString& aPath ) { bool bHasUnexpected = false; for ( ContentHash::const_iterator aCI = maContents.begin(), aEnd = maContents.end(); !bHasUnexpected && aCI != aEnd; ++aCI) { const OUString &rShortName = (*aCI).first; const ContentInfo &rInfo = *(*aCI).second; if ( rInfo.bFolder ) { if ( aPath == "META-INF/" ) { // META-INF is not allowed to contain subfolders bHasUnexpected = true; } else { OUString sOwnPath = aPath + rShortName + "/"; bHasUnexpected = rInfo.pFolder->LookForUnexpectedODF12Streams( sOwnPath ); } } else { if ( aPath == "META-INF/" ) { if ( rShortName != "manifest.xml" && rShortName.indexOf( "signatures" ) == -1 ) { // a stream from META-INF with unexpected name bHasUnexpected = true; } // streams from META-INF with expected names are allowed not to be registered in manifest.xml } else if ( !rInfo.pStream->IsFromManifest() ) { // the stream is not in META-INF and is not registered in manifest.xml, // check whether it is an internal part of the package format if ( !aPath.isEmpty() || rShortName != "mimetype" ) { // if it is not "mimetype" from the root it is not a part of the package bHasUnexpected = true; } } } } return bHasUnexpected; } void ZipPackageFolder::setChildStreamsTypeByExtension( const beans::StringPair& aPair ) { OUString aExt; if ( aPair.First.toChar() == (sal_Unicode)'.' ) aExt = aPair.First; else aExt = "." + aPair.First; for ( ContentHash::const_iterator aCI = maContents.begin(), aEnd = maContents.end(); aCI != aEnd; ++aCI) { const OUString &rShortName = (*aCI).first; const ContentInfo &rInfo = *(*aCI).second; if ( rInfo.bFolder ) rInfo.pFolder->setChildStreamsTypeByExtension( aPair ); else { sal_Int32 nPathLength = rShortName.getLength(); sal_Int32 nExtLength = aExt.getLength(); if ( nPathLength >= nExtLength && rShortName.match( aExt, nPathLength - nExtLength ) ) rInfo.pStream->SetMediaType( aPair.Second ); } } } void ZipPackageFolder::copyZipEntry( ZipEntry &rDest, const ZipEntry &rSource) { rDest.nVersion = rSource.nVersion; rDest.nFlag = rSource.nFlag; rDest.nMethod = rSource.nMethod; rDest.nTime = rSource.nTime; rDest.nCrc = rSource.nCrc; rDest.nCompressedSize = rSource.nCompressedSize; rDest.nSize = rSource.nSize; rDest.nOffset = rSource.nOffset; rDest.sPath = rSource.sPath; rDest.nPathLen = rSource.nPathLen; rDest.nExtraLen = rSource.nExtraLen; } ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > ZipPackageFolder::static_getImplementationId() { return lcl_CachedImplId::get().getImplementationId(); } // XNameContainer void SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::insertByName( const OUString& aName, const uno::Any& aElement ) throw(IllegalArgumentException, ElementExistException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { if (hasByName(aName)) throw ElementExistException(THROW_WHERE ); else { uno::Reference < XUnoTunnel > xRef; aElement >>= xRef; if ( ( aElement >>= xRef ) ) { sal_Int64 nTest; ZipPackageEntry *pEntry; if ( ( nTest = xRef->getSomething ( ZipPackageFolder::static_getImplementationId() ) ) != 0 ) { ZipPackageFolder *pFolder = reinterpret_cast < ZipPackageFolder * > ( nTest ); pEntry = static_cast < ZipPackageEntry * > ( pFolder ); } else if ( ( nTest = xRef->getSomething ( ZipPackageStream::static_getImplementationId() ) ) != 0 ) { ZipPackageStream *pStream = reinterpret_cast < ZipPackageStream * > ( nTest ); pEntry = static_cast < ZipPackageEntry * > ( pStream ); } else throw IllegalArgumentException(THROW_WHERE, uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >(), 0 ); if (pEntry->getName() != aName ) pEntry->setName (aName); doInsertByName ( pEntry, true ); } else throw IllegalArgumentException(THROW_WHERE, uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >(), 0 ); } } void SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::removeByName( const OUString& Name ) throw(NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { ContentHash::iterator aIter = maContents.find ( Name ); if ( aIter == maContents.end() ) throw NoSuchElementException(THROW_WHERE ); maContents.erase( aIter ); } // XEnumerationAccess uno::Reference< XEnumeration > SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::createEnumeration( ) throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { return uno::Reference < XEnumeration> (new ZipPackageFolderEnumeration(maContents)); } // XElementAccess uno::Type SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::getElementType( ) throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { return cppu::UnoType::get(); } sal_Bool SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::hasElements( ) throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { return maContents.size() > 0; } // XNameAccess ContentInfo& ZipPackageFolder::doGetByName( const OUString& aName ) throw(NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { ContentHash::iterator aIter = maContents.find ( aName ); if ( aIter == maContents.end()) throw NoSuchElementException(THROW_WHERE ); return *(*aIter).second; } uno::Any SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::getByName( const OUString& aName ) throw(NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { return uno::makeAny ( doGetByName ( aName ).xTunnel ); } uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::getElementNames( ) throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { sal_uInt32 i=0, nSize = maContents.size(); uno::Sequence < OUString > aSequence ( nSize ); for ( ContentHash::const_iterator aIterator = maContents.begin(), aEnd = maContents.end(); aIterator != aEnd; ++i, ++aIterator) aSequence[i] = (*aIterator).first; return aSequence; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::hasByName( const OUString& aName ) throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { return maContents.find ( aName ) != maContents.end (); } // XNameReplace void SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::replaceByName( const OUString& aName, const uno::Any& aElement ) throw(IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { if ( hasByName( aName ) ) removeByName( aName ); else throw NoSuchElementException(THROW_WHERE ); insertByName(aName, aElement); } static void ImplSetStoredData( ZipEntry & rEntry, uno::Reference< XInputStream> & rStream ) { // It's very annoying that we have to do this, but lots of zip packages // don't allow data descriptors for STORED streams, meaning we have to // know the size and CRC32 of uncompressed streams before we actually // write them ! CRC32 aCRC32; rEntry.nMethod = STORED; rEntry.nCompressedSize = rEntry.nSize = aCRC32.updateStream ( rStream ); rEntry.nCrc = aCRC32.getValue(); } bool ZipPackageFolder::saveChild( const OUString &rShortName, const ContentInfo &rInfo, OUString &rPath, std::vector < uno::Sequence < PropertyValue > > &rManList, ZipOutputStream & rZipOut, const uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 >& rEncryptionKey, rtlRandomPool &rRandomPool) { bool bSuccess = true; const OUString sMediaTypeProperty ("MediaType"); const OUString sVersionProperty ("Version"); const OUString sFullPathProperty ("FullPath"); const OUString sInitialisationVectorProperty ("InitialisationVector"); const OUString sSaltProperty ("Salt"); const OUString sIterationCountProperty ("IterationCount"); const OUString sSizeProperty ("Size"); const OUString sDigestProperty ("Digest"); const OUString sEncryptionAlgProperty ("EncryptionAlgorithm"); const OUString sStartKeyAlgProperty ("StartKeyAlgorithm"); const OUString sDigestAlgProperty ("DigestAlgorithm"); const OUString sDerivedKeySizeProperty ("DerivedKeySize"); uno::Sequence < PropertyValue > aPropSet (PKG_SIZE_NOENCR_MNFST); OSL_ENSURE( ( rInfo.bFolder && rInfo.pFolder ) || ( !rInfo.bFolder && rInfo.pStream ), "A valid child object is expected!" ); if ( rInfo.bFolder ) { OUString sTempName = rPath + rShortName + "/"; if ( !rInfo.pFolder->GetMediaType().isEmpty() ) { aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_MEDIATYPE].Name = sMediaTypeProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_MEDIATYPE].Value <<= rInfo.pFolder->GetMediaType(); aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_VERSION].Name = sVersionProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_VERSION].Value <<= rInfo.pFolder->GetVersion(); aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_FULLPATH].Name = sFullPathProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_FULLPATH].Value <<= sTempName; } else aPropSet.realloc( 0 ); rInfo.pFolder->saveContents( sTempName, rManList, rZipOut, rEncryptionKey, rRandomPool); } else { // if pTempEntry is necessary, it will be released and passed to the ZipOutputStream // and be deleted in the ZipOutputStream destructor auto_ptr < ZipEntry > pAutoTempEntry ( new ZipEntry ); ZipEntry* pTempEntry = pAutoTempEntry.get(); // In case the entry we are reading is also the entry we are writing, we will // store the ZipEntry data in pTempEntry ZipPackageFolder::copyZipEntry ( *pTempEntry, rInfo.pStream->aEntry ); pTempEntry->sPath = rPath + rShortName; pTempEntry->nPathLen = (sal_Int16)( OUStringToOString( pTempEntry->sPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getLength() ); bool bToBeEncrypted = rInfo.pStream->IsToBeEncrypted() && (rEncryptionKey.getLength() || rInfo.pStream->HasOwnKey()); bool bToBeCompressed = bToBeEncrypted ? sal_True : rInfo.pStream->IsToBeCompressed(); aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_MEDIATYPE].Name = sMediaTypeProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_MEDIATYPE].Value <<= rInfo.pStream->GetMediaType( ); aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_VERSION].Name = sVersionProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_VERSION].Value <<= OUString(); // no version is stored for streams currently aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_FULLPATH].Name = sFullPathProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_FULLPATH].Value <<= pTempEntry->sPath; OSL_ENSURE( rInfo.pStream->GetStreamMode() != PACKAGE_STREAM_NOTSET, "Unacceptable ZipPackageStream mode!" ); bool bRawStream = false; if ( rInfo.pStream->GetStreamMode() == PACKAGE_STREAM_DETECT ) bRawStream = rInfo.pStream->ParsePackageRawStream(); else if ( rInfo.pStream->GetStreamMode() == PACKAGE_STREAM_RAW ) bRawStream = true; bool bTransportOwnEncrStreamAsRaw = false; // During the storing the original size of the stream can be changed // TODO/LATER: get rid of this hack sal_Int64 nOwnStreamOrigSize = bRawStream ? rInfo.pStream->GetMagicalHackSize() : rInfo.pStream->getSize(); bool bUseNonSeekableAccess = false; uno::Reference < XInputStream > xStream; if ( !rInfo.pStream->IsPackageMember() && !bRawStream && !bToBeEncrypted && bToBeCompressed ) { // the stream is not a package member, not a raw stream, // it should not be encrypted and it should be compressed, // in this case nonseekable access can be used xStream = rInfo.pStream->GetOwnStreamNoWrap(); uno::Reference < XSeekable > xSeek ( xStream, uno::UNO_QUERY ); bUseNonSeekableAccess = ( xStream.is() && !xSeek.is() ); } if ( !bUseNonSeekableAccess ) { xStream = rInfo.pStream->getRawData(); if ( !xStream.is() ) { OSL_FAIL( "ZipPackageStream didn't have a stream associated with it, skipping!" ); bSuccess = false; return bSuccess; } uno::Reference < XSeekable > xSeek ( xStream, uno::UNO_QUERY ); try { if ( xSeek.is() ) { // If the stream is a raw one, then we should be positioned // at the beginning of the actual data if ( !bToBeCompressed || bRawStream ) { // The raw stream can neither be encrypted nor connected OSL_ENSURE( !bRawStream || !(bToBeCompressed || bToBeEncrypted), "The stream is already encrypted!\n" ); xSeek->seek ( bRawStream ? rInfo.pStream->GetMagicalHackPos() : 0 ); ImplSetStoredData ( *pTempEntry, xStream ); // TODO/LATER: Get rid of hacks related to switching of Flag Method and Size properties! } else if ( bToBeEncrypted ) { // this is the correct original size pTempEntry->nSize = xSeek->getLength(); nOwnStreamOrigSize = pTempEntry->nSize; } xSeek->seek ( 0 ); } else { // Okay, we don't have an xSeekable stream. This is possibly bad. // check if it's one of our own streams, if it is then we know that // each time we ask for it we'll get a new stream that will be // at position zero...otherwise, assert and skip this stream... if ( rInfo.pStream->IsPackageMember() ) { // if the password has been changed than the stream should not be package member any more if ( rInfo.pStream->IsEncrypted() && rInfo.pStream->IsToBeEncrypted() ) { // Should be handled close to the raw stream handling bTransportOwnEncrStreamAsRaw = true; pTempEntry->nMethod = STORED; // TODO/LATER: get rid of this situation // this size should be different from the one that will be stored in manifest.xml // it is used in storing algorithms and after storing the correct size will be set pTempEntry->nSize = pTempEntry->nCompressedSize; } } else { bSuccess = false; return bSuccess; } } } catch ( uno::Exception& ) { bSuccess = false; return bSuccess; } if ( bToBeEncrypted || bRawStream || bTransportOwnEncrStreamAsRaw ) { if ( bToBeEncrypted && !bTransportOwnEncrStreamAsRaw ) { uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aSalt( 16 ), aVector( rInfo.pStream->GetBlockSize() ); rtl_random_getBytes ( rRandomPool, aSalt.getArray(), 16 ); rtl_random_getBytes ( rRandomPool, aVector.getArray(), aVector.getLength() ); sal_Int32 nIterationCount = 1024; if ( !rInfo.pStream->HasOwnKey() ) rInfo.pStream->setKey ( rEncryptionKey ); rInfo.pStream->setInitialisationVector ( aVector ); rInfo.pStream->setSalt ( aSalt ); rInfo.pStream->setIterationCount ( nIterationCount ); } // last property is digest, which is inserted later if we didn't have // a magic header aPropSet.realloc(PKG_SIZE_ENCR_MNFST); aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_INIVECTOR].Name = sInitialisationVectorProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_INIVECTOR].Value <<= rInfo.pStream->getInitialisationVector(); aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_SALT].Name = sSaltProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_SALT].Value <<= rInfo.pStream->getSalt(); aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_ITERATION].Name = sIterationCountProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_ITERATION].Value <<= rInfo.pStream->getIterationCount (); // Need to store the uncompressed size in the manifest OSL_ENSURE( nOwnStreamOrigSize >= 0, "The stream size was not correctly initialized!\n" ); aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_UCOMPSIZE].Name = sSizeProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_UCOMPSIZE].Value <<= nOwnStreamOrigSize; if ( bRawStream || bTransportOwnEncrStreamAsRaw ) { ::rtl::Reference< EncryptionData > xEncData = rInfo.pStream->GetEncryptionData(); if ( !xEncData.is() ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGEST].Name = sDigestProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGEST].Value <<= rInfo.pStream->getDigest(); aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Name = sEncryptionAlgProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Value <<= xEncData->m_nEncAlg; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_STARTALG].Name = sStartKeyAlgProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_STARTALG].Value <<= xEncData->m_nStartKeyGenID; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGESTALG].Name = sDigestAlgProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGESTALG].Value <<= xEncData->m_nCheckAlg; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DERKEYSIZE].Name = sDerivedKeySizeProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DERKEYSIZE].Value <<= xEncData->m_nDerivedKeySize; } } } // If the entry is already stored in the zip file in the format we // want for this write...copy it raw if ( !bUseNonSeekableAccess && ( bRawStream || bTransportOwnEncrStreamAsRaw || ( rInfo.pStream->IsPackageMember() && !bToBeEncrypted && ( ( rInfo.pStream->aEntry.nMethod == DEFLATED && bToBeCompressed ) || ( rInfo.pStream->aEntry.nMethod == STORED && !bToBeCompressed ) ) ) ) ) { // If it's a PackageMember, then it's an unbuffered stream and we need // to get a new version of it as we can't seek backwards. if ( rInfo.pStream->IsPackageMember() ) { xStream = rInfo.pStream->getRawData(); if ( !xStream.is() ) { // Make sure that we actually _got_ a new one ! bSuccess = false; return bSuccess; } } try { if ( bRawStream ) xStream->skipBytes( rInfo.pStream->GetMagicalHackPos() ); rZipOut.putNextEntry ( *pTempEntry, rInfo.pStream, false ); // the entry is provided to the ZipOutputStream that will delete it pAutoTempEntry.release(); uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aSeq ( n_ConstBufferSize ); sal_Int32 nLength; do { nLength = xStream->readBytes( aSeq, n_ConstBufferSize ); rZipOut.rawWrite(aSeq, 0, nLength); } while ( nLength == n_ConstBufferSize ); rZipOut.rawCloseEntry(); } catch ( ZipException& ) { bSuccess = false; } catch ( IOException& ) { bSuccess = false; } } else { // This stream is defenitly not a raw stream // If nonseekable access is used the stream should be at the beginning and // is useless after the storing. Thus if the storing fails the package should // be thrown away ( as actually it is done currently )! // To allow to reuse the package after the error, the optimization must be removed! // If it's a PackageMember, then our previous reference held a 'raw' stream // so we need to re-get it, unencrypted, uncompressed and positioned at the // beginning of the stream if ( rInfo.pStream->IsPackageMember() ) { xStream = rInfo.pStream->getInputStream(); if ( !xStream.is() ) { // Make sure that we actually _got_ a new one ! bSuccess = false; return bSuccess; } } if ( bToBeCompressed ) { pTempEntry->nMethod = DEFLATED; pTempEntry->nCrc = -1; pTempEntry->nCompressedSize = pTempEntry->nSize = -1; } try { rZipOut.putNextEntry ( *pTempEntry, rInfo.pStream, bToBeEncrypted); // the entry is provided to the ZipOutputStream that will delete it pAutoTempEntry.release(); sal_Int32 nLength; uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aSeq (n_ConstBufferSize); do { nLength = xStream->readBytes(aSeq, n_ConstBufferSize); rZipOut.write(aSeq, 0, nLength); } while ( nLength == n_ConstBufferSize ); rZipOut.closeEntry(); } catch ( ZipException& ) { bSuccess = false; } catch ( IOException& ) { bSuccess = false; } if ( bToBeEncrypted ) { ::rtl::Reference< EncryptionData > xEncData = rInfo.pStream->GetEncryptionData(); if ( !xEncData.is() ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGEST].Name = sDigestProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGEST].Value <<= rInfo.pStream->getDigest(); aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Name = sEncryptionAlgProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Value <<= xEncData->m_nEncAlg; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_STARTALG].Name = sStartKeyAlgProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_STARTALG].Value <<= xEncData->m_nStartKeyGenID; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGESTALG].Name = sDigestAlgProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGESTALG].Value <<= xEncData->m_nCheckAlg; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DERKEYSIZE].Name = sDerivedKeySizeProperty; aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DERKEYSIZE].Value <<= xEncData->m_nDerivedKeySize; rInfo.pStream->SetIsEncrypted ( true ); } } if( bSuccess ) { if ( !rInfo.pStream->IsPackageMember() ) { rInfo.pStream->CloseOwnStreamIfAny(); rInfo.pStream->SetPackageMember ( true ); } if ( bRawStream ) { // the raw stream was integrated and now behaves // as usual encrypted stream rInfo.pStream->SetToBeEncrypted( true ); } // Then copy it back afterwards... ZipPackageFolder::copyZipEntry ( rInfo.pStream->aEntry, *pTempEntry ); // Remove hacky bit from entry flags if ( rInfo.pStream->aEntry.nFlag & ( 1 << 4 ) ) { rInfo.pStream->aEntry.nFlag &= ~( 1 << 4 ); rInfo.pStream->aEntry.nMethod = STORED; } // TODO/LATER: get rid of this hack ( the encrypted stream size property is changed during saving ) if ( rInfo.pStream->IsEncrypted() ) rInfo.pStream->setSize( nOwnStreamOrigSize ); rInfo.pStream->aEntry.nOffset *= -1; } } // folder can have a mediatype only in package format if ( aPropSet.getLength() && ( m_nFormat == embed::StorageFormats::PACKAGE || ( m_nFormat == embed::StorageFormats::OFOPXML && !rInfo.bFolder ) ) ) rManList.push_back( aPropSet ); return bSuccess; } void ZipPackageFolder::saveContents( OUString &rPath, std::vector < uno::Sequence < PropertyValue > > &rManList, ZipOutputStream & rZipOut, const uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 >& rEncryptionKey, rtlRandomPool &rRandomPool ) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { bool bWritingFailed = false; if ( maContents.begin() == maContents.end() && !rPath.isEmpty() && m_nFormat != embed::StorageFormats::OFOPXML ) { // it is an empty subfolder, use workaround to store it ZipEntry* pTempEntry = new ZipEntry(); ZipPackageFolder::copyZipEntry ( *pTempEntry, aEntry ); pTempEntry->nPathLen = (sal_Int16)( OUStringToOString( rPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getLength() ); pTempEntry->nExtraLen = -1; pTempEntry->sPath = rPath; try { rZipOut.putNextEntry( *pTempEntry, NULL, false ); rZipOut.rawCloseEntry(); } catch ( ZipException& ) { bWritingFailed = true; } catch ( IOException& ) { bWritingFailed = true; } } bool bMimeTypeStreamStored = false; OUString aMimeTypeStreamName("mimetype"); if ( m_nFormat == embed::StorageFormats::ZIP && rPath.isEmpty() ) { // let the "mimtype" stream in root folder be stored as the first stream if it is zip format ContentHash::iterator aIter = maContents.find ( aMimeTypeStreamName ); if ( aIter != maContents.end() && !(*aIter).second->bFolder ) { bMimeTypeStreamStored = true; bWritingFailed = !saveChild( (*aIter).first, *(*aIter).second, rPath, rManList, rZipOut, rEncryptionKey, rRandomPool ); } } for ( ContentHash::const_iterator aCI = maContents.begin(), aEnd = maContents.end(); aCI != aEnd; ++aCI) { const OUString &rShortName = (*aCI).first; const ContentInfo &rInfo = *(*aCI).second; if ( !bMimeTypeStreamStored || !rShortName.equals( aMimeTypeStreamName ) ) bWritingFailed = !saveChild( rShortName, rInfo, rPath, rManList, rZipOut, rEncryptionKey, rRandomPool ); } if( bWritingFailed ) throw uno::RuntimeException(THROW_WHERE ); } void ZipPackageFolder::releaseUpwardRef( void ) { // Now it is possible that a package folder is disconnected from the package before removing of the folder. // Such a scenario is used in storage implementation. When a new version of a folder is provided the old // one is retrieved, removed from the package but preserved for the error handling. // In this scenario the referencing to the parent is not really useful, since it requires disposing. // Actually there is no need in having a reference to the parent, it even make things more complicated and // requires disposing mechanics. Using of a simple pointer seems to be easier solution and also a safe enough. clearParent(); #if 0 for ( ContentHash::const_iterator aCI = maContents.begin(); aCI!=maContents.end(); aCI++) { ContentInfo &rInfo = * (*aCI).second; if ( rInfo.bFolder )// && ! rInfo.pFolder->HasReleased () ) rInfo.pFolder->releaseUpwardRef(); else //if ( !rInfo.bFolder && !rInfo.pStream->HasReleased() ) rInfo.pStream->clearParent(); } clearParent(); OSL_ENSURE ( m_refCount == 1, "Ref-count is not 1!" ); #endif } sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::getSomething( const uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aIdentifier ) throw(uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { sal_Int64 nMe = 0; if ( aIdentifier.getLength() == 16 && 0 == memcmp(static_getImplementationId().getConstArray(), aIdentifier.getConstArray(), 16 ) ) nMe = reinterpret_cast < sal_Int64 > ( this ); return nMe; } void SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::setPropertyValue( const OUString& aPropertyName, const uno::Any& aValue ) throw(UnknownPropertyException, PropertyVetoException, IllegalArgumentException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { if ( aPropertyName == "MediaType" ) { // TODO/LATER: activate when zip ucp is ready // if ( m_nFormat != embed::StorageFormats::PACKAGE ) // throw UnknownPropertyException(THROW_WHERE ); aValue >>= sMediaType; } else if ( aPropertyName == "Version" ) aValue >>= m_sVersion; else if ( aPropertyName == "Size" ) aValue >>= aEntry.nSize; else throw UnknownPropertyException(THROW_WHERE ); } uno::Any SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::getPropertyValue( const OUString& PropertyName ) throw(UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { if ( PropertyName == "MediaType" ) { // TODO/LATER: activate when zip ucp is ready // if ( m_nFormat != embed::StorageFormats::PACKAGE ) // throw UnknownPropertyException(THROW_WHERE ); return uno::makeAny ( sMediaType ); } else if ( PropertyName == "Version" ) return uno::makeAny( m_sVersion ); else if ( PropertyName == "Size" ) return uno::makeAny ( aEntry.nSize ); else throw UnknownPropertyException(THROW_WHERE ); } void ZipPackageFolder::doInsertByName ( ZipPackageEntry *pEntry, bool bSetParent ) throw(IllegalArgumentException, ElementExistException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { try { if ( pEntry->IsFolder() ) maContents[pEntry->getName()] = new ContentInfo ( static_cast < ZipPackageFolder *> ( pEntry ) ); else maContents[pEntry->getName()] = new ContentInfo ( static_cast < ZipPackageStream *> ( pEntry ) ); } catch(const uno::Exception& rEx) { (void)rEx; throw; } if ( bSetParent ) pEntry->setParent ( *this ); } OUString ZipPackageFolder::getImplementationName() throw (uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { return OUString("ZipPackageFolder"); } uno::Sequence< OUString > ZipPackageFolder::getSupportedServiceNames() throw (uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { uno::Sequence< OUString > aNames(1); aNames[0] = "com.sun.star.packages.PackageFolder"; return aNames; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::supportsService( OUString const & rServiceName ) throw (uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { return cppu::supportsService(this, rServiceName); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */