/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include "helper.hxx" #include "padialog.hrc" #include "newppdlg.hxx" #include "padialog.hxx" #include "progress.hxx" #include "vcl/ppdparser.hxx" #include "vcl/helper.hxx" #include "vcl/svapp.hxx" #include "vcl/mnemonic.hxx" #include "tools/config.hxx" #include "tools/urlobj.hxx" #include "osl/file.hxx" #include #define PPDIMPORT_GROUP "PPDImport" using namespace padmin; using namespace psp; using namespace osl; PPDImportDialog::PPDImportDialog( Window* pParent ) : ModalDialog( pParent, PaResId( RID_PPDIMPORT_DLG ) ), m_aOKBtn( this, PaResId( RID_PPDIMP_BTN_OK ) ), m_aCancelBtn( this, PaResId( RID_PPDIMP_BTN_CANCEL ) ), m_aPathTxt( this, PaResId( RID_PPDIMP_TXT_PATH ) ), m_aPathBox( this, PaResId( RID_PPDIMP_LB_PATH ) ), m_aSearchBtn( this, PaResId( RID_PPDIMP_BTN_SEARCH ) ), m_aDriverTxt( this, PaResId( RID_PPDIMP_TXT_DRIVER ) ), m_aDriverLB( this, PaResId( RID_PPDIMP_LB_DRIVER ) ), m_aPathGroup( this, PaResId( RID_PPDIMP_GROUP_PATH ) ), m_aDriverGroup( this, PaResId( RID_PPDIMP_GROUP_DRIVER ) ), m_aLoadingPPD( PaResId( RID_PPDIMP_STR_LOADINGPPD ) ) { FreeResource(); String aText( m_aDriverTxt.GetText() ); aText.SearchAndReplaceAscii( "%s", Button::GetStandardText( BUTTON_OK ) ); m_aDriverTxt.SetText( MnemonicGenerator::EraseAllMnemonicChars( aText ) ); Config& rConfig = getPadminRC(); rConfig.SetGroup( PPDIMPORT_GROUP ); m_aPathBox.SetText( OStringToOUString(rConfig.ReadKey("LastDir"), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) ); for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < 11; ++i) { OString aEntry(rConfig.ReadKey(OString::number(i))); if (!aEntry.isEmpty()) m_aPathBox.InsertEntry(OStringToOUString(aEntry, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8)); } m_aOKBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, PPDImportDialog, ClickBtnHdl ) ); m_aCancelBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, PPDImportDialog, ClickBtnHdl ) ); m_aSearchBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, PPDImportDialog, ClickBtnHdl ) ); m_aPathBox.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, PPDImportDialog, SelectHdl ) ); m_aPathBox.SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, PPDImportDialog, ModifyHdl ) ); if( !m_aPathBox.GetText().isEmpty() ) Import(); } PPDImportDialog::~PPDImportDialog() { while( m_aDriverLB.GetEntryCount() ) { delete (String*)m_aDriverLB.GetEntryData( 0 ); m_aDriverLB.RemoveEntry( 0 ); } } void PPDImportDialog::Import() { OUString aImportPath( m_aPathBox.GetText() ); Config& rConfig = getPadminRC(); rConfig.SetGroup( PPDIMPORT_GROUP ); rConfig.WriteKey( "LastDir", OUStringToOString(aImportPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) ); int nEntries = m_aPathBox.GetEntryCount(); while( nEntries-- ) if( aImportPath == m_aPathBox.GetEntry( nEntries ) ) break; if( nEntries < 0 ) { sal_Int32 nNextEntry = rConfig.ReadKey("NextEntry").toInt32(); rConfig.WriteKey( OString::number(nNextEntry), OUStringToOString(aImportPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) ); nNextEntry = nNextEntry < 10 ? nNextEntry+1 : 0; rConfig.WriteKey( "NextEntry", OString::number(nNextEntry) ); m_aPathBox.InsertEntry( aImportPath ); } while( m_aDriverLB.GetEntryCount() ) { delete (String*)m_aDriverLB.GetEntryData( 0 ); m_aDriverLB.RemoveEntry( 0 ); } ProgressDialog aProgress( Application::GetFocusWindow() ); aProgress.startOperation( m_aLoadingPPD ); ::std::list< String > aFiles; FindFiles( aImportPath, aFiles, OUString( "PS;PPD;PS.GZ;PPD.GZ" ), true ); int i = 0; aProgress.setRange( 0, aFiles.size() ); while( !aFiles.empty() ) { aProgress.setValue( ++i ); aProgress.setFilename( aFiles.front() ); INetURLObject aPath( aImportPath, INET_PROT_FILE, INetURLObject::ENCODE_ALL ); aPath.Append( aFiles.front() ); String aPrinterName = PPDParser::getPPDPrinterName( aPath.PathToFileName() ); aFiles.pop_front(); if( ! aPrinterName.Len() ) { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf( stderr, "Warning: File %s has empty printer name.\n", OUStringToOString( aPath.PathToFileName(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ).getStr() ); #endif continue; } sal_uInt16 nPos = m_aDriverLB.InsertEntry( aPrinterName ); m_aDriverLB.SetEntryData( nPos, new String( aPath.PathToFileName() ) ); } } IMPL_LINK( PPDImportDialog, ClickBtnHdl, PushButton*, pButton ) { if( pButton == &m_aCancelBtn ) { EndDialog( 0 ); } else if( pButton == &m_aOKBtn ) { // copy the files ::std::list< OUString > aToDirs; psp::getPrinterPathList( aToDirs, PRINTER_PPDDIR ); ::std::list< OUString >::iterator writeDir = aToDirs.begin(); m_aImportedFiles.clear(); for( int i = 0; i < m_aDriverLB.GetSelectEntryCount(); i++ ) { INetURLObject aFile( *(String*)m_aDriverLB.GetEntryData( m_aDriverLB.GetSelectEntryPos( i ) ), INET_PROT_FILE, INetURLObject::ENCODE_ALL ); OUString aFromUni( aFile.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DECODE_TO_IURI) ); do { INetURLObject aToFile( *writeDir, INET_PROT_FILE, INetURLObject::ENCODE_ALL ); aToFile.Append( aFile.GetName() ); OUString aToUni( aToFile.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DECODE_TO_IURI) ); if( ! File::copy( aFromUni, aToUni ) ) { m_aImportedFiles.push_back( aToUni ); break; } ++writeDir; } while( writeDir != aToDirs.end() ); } EndDialog( 1 ); } else if( pButton == &m_aSearchBtn ) { OUString aPath( m_aPathBox.GetText() ); if( chooseDirectory( aPath ) ) { m_aPathBox.SetText( aPath ); Import(); } } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( PPDImportDialog, SelectHdl, ComboBox*, pListBox ) { if( pListBox == &m_aPathBox ) { Import(); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( PPDImportDialog, ModifyHdl, ComboBox*, pListBox ) { if( pListBox == &m_aPathBox ) { OString aDir(OUStringToOString(m_aPathBox.GetText(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); if (!access( aDir.getStr(), F_OK)) Import(); } return 0; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */ /mimo/mimo-6-0 LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-11-19tdf#138148: sd_import: Add unittestXisco Fauli