/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#ifndef Py_PYTHON_H
#if defined _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push, 1)
#include <Python.h>
#if defined _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif // #ifdef Py_PYTHON_H
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XComponentContext.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/CannotConvertException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/IllegalArgumentException.hpp>

   External interface of the Python UNO bridge.

   This is a C++ interface, because the core UNO components
   invocation and proxyfactory are used to implement the bridge.

   This interface is somewhat private and my change in future.

   A scripting framework implementation may use this interface
   to do the necessary conversions.


/** function called by the python runtime to initialize the
    pyuno module.

    preconditions: python has been initialized before and
                   the global interpreter lock is held

    PyObject* SAL_CALL PyInit_pyuno();
   void SAL_CALL initpyuno();

namespace pyuno

enum NotNull
    /** definition of a no acquire enum for ctors

/** Helper class for keeping references to python objects.
    BEWARE: Look up every python function you use to check
    whether you get an acquired or not acquired object pointer
    (python terminus for a not acquired object pointer
    is 'borrowed reference'). Use in the acquired pointer cases the
    PyRef( pointer, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) ctor.

    precondition: python has been initialized before and
    the global interpreter lock is held

class PyRef
    PyObject *m;
    PyRef () : m(nullptr) {}
    PyRef( PyObject * p ) : m( p ) { Py_XINCREF( m ); }

    PyRef( PyObject * p, __sal_NoAcquire ) : m( p ) {}

    PyRef( PyObject * p, __sal_NoAcquire, NotNull ) : m( p )
        if (!m)
            throw std::bad_alloc();

    PyRef(const PyRef &r) : m(r.get()) { Py_XINCREF(m); }
    PyRef(PyRef &&r) : m(r.get()) { r.scratch(); }

    ~PyRef() { Py_XDECREF( m ); }

    PyObject *get() const { return m; }

    PyObject * getAcquired() const
        Py_XINCREF( m );
        return m;

    PyRef& operator=(const PyRef& r)
        PyObject *tmp = m;
        m = r.getAcquired();
        return *this;

    PyRef& operator=(PyRef&& r)
        PyObject *tmp = m;
        m = r.get();
        return *this;

    bool operator == (  const PyRef & r ) const
        return r.get() == m;

    /** clears the reference without decreasing the reference count
        only seldom needed ! */
    void scratch()
        m = nullptr;

    /** returns 1 when the reference points to a python object python object,
        otherwise 0.
    bool is() const
        return m != nullptr;

    struct Hash
        sal_IntPtr operator () ( const PyRef &r) const { return sal_IntPtr( r.get() ); }

struct stRuntimeImpl;
typedef struct stRuntimeImpl RuntimeImpl;

enum ConversionMode { ACCEPT_UNO_ANY, REJECT_UNO_ANY };

/** The pyuno::Runtime class keeps the internal state of the python UNO bridge
    for the currently in use python interpreter.

    You may keep a Runtime instance, use it from a different thread, etc. But you must
    make sure to fulfill all preconditions mentioned for the specific methods.

    RuntimeImpl *impl;

        Safely unpacks a Python iterator into a sequence, then
        stores it in an Any. Used internally by pyObject2Any
    bool pyIterUnpack( PyObject *const, css::uno::Any & ) const;
    ~Runtime( );

        preconditions: python has been initialized before,
        the global interpreter lock is held and pyuno
        has been initialized for the currently used interpreter.

        Note: This method exists for efficiency reasons to save
        lookup costs for any2PyObject and pyObject2Any

        @throw RuntimeException in case the runtime has not been
               initialized before
    Runtime() throw( css::uno::RuntimeException );

    Runtime( const Runtime & );
    Runtime & operator = ( const Runtime & );

    /** Initializes the python-UNO bridge. May be called only once per python interpreter.

        @param ctx the component context is used to instantiate bridge services needed
        for bridging such as invocation, typeconverter, invocationadapterfactory, etc.

        preconditions: python has been initialized before and
        the global interpreter lock is held and pyuno is not
        initialized (see isInitialized() ).

        @throw RuntimeException in case the thread is not attached or the runtime
                                has not been initialized.
    static void SAL_CALL initialize(
        const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > & ctx )
        throw ( css::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception );

    /** Checks, whether the uno runtime is already initialized in the current python interpreter.
    static bool SAL_CALL isInitialized() throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);

    /** converts something contained in an UNO Any to a Python object

        preconditions: python has been initialized before,
        the global interpreter lock is held and pyuno::Runtime
        has been initialized.
    PyRef any2PyObject (const css::uno::Any &source ) const
        throw ( css::script::CannotConvertException,
                css::uno::RuntimeException );

    /** converts a Python object to a UNO any

        preconditions: python has been initialized before,
        the global interpreter lock is held and pyuno
        has been initialized
    css::uno::Any pyObject2Any (
        const PyRef & source , enum ConversionMode mode = REJECT_UNO_ANY ) const
        throw ( css::uno::RuntimeException);

    /** extracts a proper uno exception from a given python exception
    css::uno::Any extractUnoException(
        const PyRef & excType, const PyRef & excValue, const PyRef & excTraceback) const;

    /** Returns the internal handle. Should only be used by the module implementation
    RuntimeImpl *getImpl() const { return impl; }

/** helper class for attaching the current thread to the python runtime.

    Attaching is done creating a new threadstate for the given interpreter
    and acquiring the global interpreter lock.


    ... don't use python here
        PyThreadAttach guard( PyInterpreterState_Head() );
            ... do whatever python code you want
               PyThreadDetach antiguard;
               ... don't use python here
            ... do whatever python code you want
    ... don't use python here

    Note: The additional scope brackets after the PyThreadAttach are needed,
          e.g. when you would leave them away, dtors of potential pyrefs
          may be called after the thread has detached again.
class LO_DLLPUBLIC_PYUNO PyThreadAttach
    PyThreadState *tstate;
    PyThreadAttach ( const PyThreadAttach & ) = delete;
    PyThreadAttach & operator = ( const PyThreadAttach & ) = delete;

    /** Creates a new python threadstate and acquires the global interpreter lock.
        precondition: The current thread MUST NOT hold the global interpreter lock.
        postcondition: The global interpreter lock is acquired

        @throws css::uno::RuntimeException
             in case no pythread state could be created
    PyThreadAttach( PyInterpreterState *interp) throw ( css::uno::RuntimeException );

    /** Releases the global interpreter lock and destroys the thread state.

/** helper class for detaching the current thread from the python runtime
    to do some blocking, non-python related operation.

    @see PyThreadAttach
class LO_DLLPUBLIC_PYUNO PyThreadDetach
    PyThreadState *tstate;
    PyThreadDetach ( const PyThreadDetach & ) = delete;
    PyThreadDetach & operator = ( const PyThreadDetach & ) = delete;

    /** Releases the global interpreter lock.

       precondition: The current thread MUST hold the global interpreter lock.
       postcondition: The current thread does not hold the global interpreter lock anymore.
    PyThreadDetach() throw ( css::uno::RuntimeException );
    /** Acquires the global interpreter lock again


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