import unittest from os import getenv, path try: from urllib.parse import quote except ImportError: from urllib import quote from org.libreoffice.unotest import pyuno, mkPropertyValue class InsertRemoveCells(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.xContext = pyuno.getComponentContext() pyuno.private_initTestEnvironment() # no need for a tearDown(cls) method. def test_fdo74824_load(self): ctxt = self.xContext assert(ctxt) smgr = ctxt.ServiceManager desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext('', ctxt) loadProps = tuple(mkPropertyValue(k, v) for (k, v) in ( ('Hidden', True), ('ReadOnly', False) )) tdoc_dir = getenv('TDOC') url = 'file://' + quote(path.join(tdoc_dir, 'fdo74824.ods')) doc = desktop.loadComponentFromURL(url, "_blank", 0, loadProps) sheet = doc.Sheets.Sheet1 area = sheet.getCellRangeByName( 'A2:B4' ) addr = area.getRangeAddress() # 2 = intended to shift cells right, but I don't know where to find # the ENUM to put in it's place. Corrections welcome. sheet.insertCells( addr, 2 ) # basically, the insertCells call is the test: it should not crash # LibreOffice. However, for completeness, we should test the cell # contents as well. empty_cells = ( (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (3, 1), (4, 0), (4, 2), (5, 0), (5, 2), (5, 3), ) formula_cells = ( (2, 0, '=(1+GDR)^-D1', '1.000', 1.0), (4, 1, '=(1+GDR)^-F2', '0.125', 0.125), (4, 3, '=SUM(C1:C2)', '1.000', 1.0), ) value_cells = ( (2, 2, '2010', 2010.0), (2, 3, '7', 7.0), (3, 0, '0', 0), (3, 2, '2012', 2012.0), (3, 3, '6', 6.0), (5, 1, '1', 1.0), ) for pos in empty_cells: cell = sheet.getCellByPosition(*pos) self.assertEqual( 'EMPTY', cell.Type.value ) for x, y, f, s, val in formula_cells: cell = sheet.getCellByPosition(x, y) self.assertEqual( 'FORMULA', cell.Type.value ) self.assertEqual( f, cell.getFormula() ) self.assertEqual( s, cell.String ) self.assertEqual( val, cell.Value ) for x, y, s, val in value_cells: cell = sheet.getCellByPosition(x, y) self.assertEqual( s, cell.String ) self.assertEqual( val, cell.Value ) doc.close( True ) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()