#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

import unittest
import uno

from testcollections_base import CollectionsTestBase
from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue

# Tests behaviour of objects implementing XEnumerationAccess using the new-style
# collection accessors
# The objects chosen have no special meaning, they just happen to implement the
# tested interfaces

class TestXEnumerationAccess(CollectionsTestBase):

    # Tests syntax:
    #    for val in obj: ...         # Implicit iterator
    # For:
    #    1 element
    def test_XEnumerationAccess_ForIn(self):
        # Given
        doc = self.createBlankTextDocument()

        # When
        paragraphs = []
        for para in doc.Text:

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(1, len(paragraphs))

    # Tests syntax:
    #    itr = iter(obj)             # Named iterator
    # For:
    #    1 element
    def test_XEnumerationAccess_Iter(self):
        # Given
        doc = self.createBlankTextDocument()

        # When
        itr = iter(doc.Text)

        # Then
        with self.assertRaises(StopIteration):

    # Tests syntax:
    #    if val in obj: ...          # Test value presence
    # For:
    #    Present value
    def test_XEnumerationAccess_IfIn_Present(self):
        # Given
        doc = self.createBlankTextDocument()

        # When
        paragraph = doc.Text.createEnumeration().nextElement()
        result = paragraph in doc.Text

        # Then

    # Tests syntax:
    #    if val in obj: ...          # Test value presence
    # For:
    #    Absent value
    def test_XEnumerationAccess_IfIn_Absent(self):
        # Given
        doc1 = self.createBlankTextDocument()
        doc2 = self.createBlankTextDocument()

        # When
        paragraph = doc2.Text.createEnumeration().nextElement()
        result = paragraph in doc1.Text

        # Then

    # Tests syntax:
    #    if val in obj: ...          # Test value presence
    # For:
    #    None
    def test_XEnumerationAccess_IfIn_None(self):
        # Given
        doc = self.createBlankTextDocument()

        # When
        result = None in doc.Text

        # Then

    # Tests syntax:
    #    if val in obj: ...          # Test value presence
    # For:
    #    Invalid value (string)
    def test_XEnumerationAccess_IfIn_String(self):
        # Given
        doc = self.createBlankTextDocument()

        # When
        result = 'foo' in doc.Text

        # Then

    # Tests syntax:
    #    if val in obj: ...          # Test value presence
    # For:
    #    Invalid value (dict)
    def test_XEnumerationAccess_IfIn_String(self):
        # Given
        doc = self.createBlankTextDocument()

        # When / Then
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            result = {} in doc.Text

if __name__ == '__main__':

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