# -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- #************************************************************************* # # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite # # This file is part of OpenOffice.org. # # OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details # (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see # <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html> # for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. # #************************************************************************* import uno import pyuno import os import sys from com.sun.star.lang import XTypeProvider, XSingleComponentFactory, XServiceInfo from com.sun.star.uno import RuntimeException, XCurrentContext from com.sun.star.beans.MethodConcept import ALL as METHOD_CONCEPT_ALL from com.sun.star.beans.PropertyConcept import ALL as PROPERTY_CONCEPT_ALL from com.sun.star.reflection.ParamMode import \ IN as PARAM_MODE_IN, \ OUT as PARAM_MODE_OUT, \ INOUT as PARAM_MODE_INOUT from com.sun.star.beans.PropertyAttribute import \ MAYBEVOID as PROP_ATTR_MAYBEVOID, \ BOUND as PROP_ATTR_BOUND, \ CONSTRAINED as PROP_ATTR_CONSTRAINED, \ TRANSIENT as PROP_ATTR_TRANSIENT, \ READONLY as PROP_ATTR_READONLY, \ MAYBEAMBIGUOUS as PROP_ATTR_MAYBEAMBIGUOUS, \ MAYBEDEFAULT as PROP_ATTR_MAYBEDEFAULT, \ REMOVEABLE as PROP_ATTR_REMOVEABLE def _mode_to_str( mode ): ret = "[]" if mode == PARAM_MODE_INOUT: ret = "[inout]" elif mode == PARAM_MODE_OUT: ret = "[out]" elif mode == PARAM_MODE_IN: ret = "[in]" return ret def _propertymode_to_str( mode ): ret = "" if PROP_ATTR_REMOVEABLE & mode: ret = ret + "removeable " if PROP_ATTR_MAYBEDEFAULT & mode: ret = ret + "maybedefault " if PROP_ATTR_MAYBEAMBIGUOUS & mode: ret = ret + "maybeambigous " if PROP_ATTR_READONLY & mode: ret = ret + "readonly " if PROP_ATTR_TRANSIENT & mode: ret = ret + "tranient " if PROP_ATTR_CONSTRAINED & mode: ret = ret + "constrained " if PROP_ATTR_BOUND & mode: ret = ret + "bound " if PROP_ATTR_MAYBEVOID & mode: ret = ret + "maybevoid " return ret.rstrip() def inspect( obj , out ): if isinstance( obj, uno.Type ) or \ isinstance( obj, uno.Char ) or \ isinstance( obj, uno.Bool ) or \ isinstance( obj, uno.ByteSequence ) or \ isinstance( obj, uno.Enum ) or \ isinstance( obj, uno.Any ): out.write( str(obj) + "\n") return ctx = uno.getComponentContext() introspection = \ ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext( "com.sun.star.beans.Introspection", ctx ) out.write( "Supported services:\n" ) if hasattr( obj, "getSupportedServiceNames" ): names = obj.getSupportedServiceNames() for ii in names: out.write( " " + ii + "\n" ) else: out.write( " unknown\n" ) out.write( "Interfaces:\n" ) if hasattr( obj, "getTypes" ): interfaces = obj.getTypes() for ii in interfaces: out.write( " " + ii.typeName + "\n" ) else: out.write( " unknown\n" ) access = introspection.inspect( obj ) methods = access.getMethods( METHOD_CONCEPT_ALL ) out.write( "Methods:\n" ) for ii in methods: out.write( " " + ii.ReturnType.Name + " " + ii.Name ) args = ii.ParameterTypes infos = ii.ParameterInfos out.write( "( " ) for i in range( 0, len( args ) ): if i > 0: out.write( ", " ) out.write( _mode_to_str( infos[i].aMode ) + " " + args[i].Name + " " + infos[i].aName ) out.write( " )\n" ) props = access.getProperties( PROPERTY_CONCEPT_ALL ) out.write ("Properties:\n" ) for ii in props: out.write( " ("+_propertymode_to_str( ii.Attributes ) + ") "+ii.Type.typeName+" "+ii.Name+ "\n" ) def createSingleServiceFactory( clazz, implementationName, serviceNames ): return _FactoryHelper_( clazz, implementationName, serviceNames ) class _ImplementationHelperEntry: def __init__(self, ctor,serviceNames): self.ctor = ctor self.serviceNames = serviceNames class ImplementationHelper: def __init__(self): self.impls = {} def addImplementation( self, ctor, implementationName, serviceNames ): self.impls[implementationName] = _ImplementationHelperEntry(ctor,serviceNames) def writeRegistryInfo( self, regKey, smgr ): for i in list(self.impls.items()): keyName = "/"+ i[0] + "/UNO/SERVICES" key = regKey.createKey( keyName ) for serviceName in i[1].serviceNames: key.createKey( serviceName ) return 1 def getComponentFactory( self, implementationName , regKey, smgr ): entry = self.impls.get( implementationName, None ) if entry == None: raise RuntimeException( implementationName + " is unknown" , None ) return createSingleServiceFactory( entry.ctor, implementationName, entry.serviceNames ) def getSupportedServiceNames( self, implementationName ): entry = self.impls.get( implementationName, None ) if entry == None: raise RuntimeException( implementationName + " is unknown" , None ) return entry.serviceNames def supportsService( self, implementationName, serviceName ): entry = self.impls.get( implementationName,None ) if entry == None: raise RuntimeException( implementationName + " is unknown", None ) return serviceName in entry.serviceNames class ImplementationEntry: def __init__(self, implName, supportedServices, clazz ): self.implName = implName self.supportedServices = supportedServices self.clazz = clazz def writeRegistryInfoHelper( smgr, regKey, seqEntries ): for entry in seqEntries: keyName = "/"+ entry.implName + "/UNO/SERVICES" key = regKey.createKey( keyName ) for serviceName in entry.supportedServices: key.createKey( serviceName ) def systemPathToFileUrl( systemPath ): "returns a file-url for the given system path" return pyuno.systemPathToFileUrl( systemPath ) def fileUrlToSystemPath( url ): "returns a system path (determined by the system, the python interpreter is running on)" return pyuno.fileUrlToSystemPath( url ) def absolutize( path, relativeUrl ): "returns an absolute file url from the given urls" return pyuno.absolutize( path, relativeUrl ) def getComponentFactoryHelper( implementationName, smgr, regKey, seqEntries ): for x in seqEntries: if x.implName == implementationName: return createSingleServiceFactory( x.clazz, implementationName, x.supportedServices ) def addComponentsToContext( toBeExtendedContext, contextRuntime, componentUrls, loaderName ): smgr = contextRuntime.ServiceManager loader = smgr.createInstanceWithContext( loaderName, contextRuntime ) implReg = smgr.createInstanceWithContext( "com.sun.star.registry.ImplementationRegistration",contextRuntime) isWin = os.name == 'nt' or os.name == 'dos' isMac = sys.platform == 'darwin' # create a temporary registry for componentUrl in componentUrls: reg = smgr.createInstanceWithContext( "com.sun.star.registry.SimpleRegistry", contextRuntime ) reg.open( "", 0, 1 ) if not isWin and componentUrl.endswith( ".uno" ): # still allow platform independent naming if isMac: componentUrl = componentUrl + ".dylib" else: componentUrl = componentUrl + ".so" implReg.registerImplementation( loaderName,componentUrl, reg ) rootKey = reg.getRootKey() implementationKey = rootKey.openKey( "IMPLEMENTATIONS" ) implNames = implementationKey.getKeyNames() extSMGR = toBeExtendedContext.ServiceManager for x in implNames: fac = loader.activate( max(x.split("/")),"",componentUrl,rootKey) extSMGR.insert( fac ) reg.close() # never shrinks ! _g_typeTable = {} def _unohelper_getHandle( self): ret = None if self.__class__ in _g_typeTable: ret = _g_typeTable[self.__class__] else: names = {} traverse = list(self.__class__.__bases__) while len( traverse ) > 0: item = traverse.pop() bases = item.__bases__ if uno.isInterface( item ): names[item.__pyunointerface__] = None elif len(bases) > 0: # the "else if", because we only need the most derived interface traverse = traverse + list(bases)# lst = list(names.keys()) types = [] for x in lst: t = uno.getTypeByName( x ) types.append( t ) ret = tuple(types) , uno.generateUuid() _g_typeTable[self.__class__] = ret return ret class Base(XTypeProvider): def getTypes( self ): return _unohelper_getHandle( self )[0] def getImplementationId(self): return _unohelper_getHandle( self )[1] class CurrentContext(XCurrentContext, Base ): """a current context implementation, which first does a lookup in the given hashmap and if the key cannot be found, it delegates to the predecessor if available """ def __init__( self, oldContext, hashMap ): self.hashMap = hashMap self.oldContext = oldContext def getValueByName( self, name ): if name in self.hashMap: return self.hashMap[name] elif self.oldContext != None: return self.oldContext.getValueByName( name ) else: return None # ------------------------------------------------- # implementation details # ------------------------------------------------- class _FactoryHelper_( XSingleComponentFactory, XServiceInfo, Base ): def __init__( self, clazz, implementationName, serviceNames ): self.clazz = clazz self.implementationName = implementationName self.serviceNames = serviceNames def getImplementationName( self ): return self.implementationName def supportsService( self, ServiceName ): return ServiceName in self.serviceNames def getSupportedServiceNames( self ): return self.serviceNames def createInstanceWithContext( self, context ): return self.clazz( context ) def createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext( self, args, context ): return self.clazz( context, *args ) # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: