/* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ package convwatch; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.ArrayList; import helper.OSHelper; public class DB extends DBHelper { private static DB m_aDB = null; // private ctor private DB() { } private static synchronized DB getDB() { if (m_aDB == null) { m_aDB = new DB(); } return m_aDB; } private String m_sSourceVersion; private String m_sDestinationVersion; private String m_sDocumentPool; private String m_sDocID; private String m_sDBDistinct; public static void init(String _sDBInfoString) { if (_sDBInfoString == null) return; getDB().fillVariables(_sDBInfoString); getDB().updatestate_status("source started"); } public static void test() { getDB().sql_test(); } public static void source_start() { getDB().updatestate_status("source started"); } public static void source_finished() { getDB().updatestate_status( "source finished"); } public static void source_failed(String _sMessage) { getDB().updatestate_status("source failed"); getDB().updateinfo_status(_sMessage); } public static void destination_start() { getDB().updatestate_status("destination started"); } public static void destination_finished() { getDB().updatestate_status("PASSED-OK"); } public static void destination_failed(String _sStatus, String _sMessage) { getDB().updatestate_status(_sStatus); getDB().updateinfo_status(_sMessage); } public static void writeNumberOfPages(int _nPages) { getDB().updatepagecount_documents(_nPages); } public static void writeErrorFile(String _sErrorFile) { getDB().updateerrorfile_status(_sErrorFile); } public static void writeHTMLFile(String _sHTMLFile) { getDB().updatehtmlfile_status(_sHTMLFile); } public static void writeToDB(String _sFilename, String _sBasename, String _sFileFormat, String _sBuildID, String _sSourceType, int _nResolution ) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: Filename:" + _sFilename); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: Basename:" + _sBasename); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: FileFormat:" + _sFileFormat); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: BuildID:" + _sBuildID); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: SourceType:" + _sSourceType); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: Resolution:" + _nResolution); } private String getEnvironment() { if (OSHelper.isWindows()) { return "wntmsci"; } else if ( OSHelper.isSolarisIntel()) { return "unxsoli"; } else if ( OSHelper.isSolarisSparc()) { return "unxsols"; } else if ( OSHelper.isLinuxIntel()) { return "unxlngi"; } else { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: Unknown environment."); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: os.name := " + System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase()); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: os.arch := " + System.getProperty("os.arch")); return ""; } } // fill some db access important variables with values given out of a simple string // DOC_COMPARATOR_DB_INFO_STRING=p:m220,c:m224,d:demo_lla,src:m220,dest:m224,doc:demo_lla,id:294,distinct:81 private void fillVariables(String _sInfo) { fillDBConnection(_sInfo); getEnvironment(); StringTokenizer aTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(_sInfo,",",false); while (aTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String sPart = aTokenizer.nextToken(); if (sPart.startsWith("p:")) { m_sSourceVersion = sPart.substring(2); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: source version: " + m_sSourceVersion); } else if (sPart.startsWith("src:")) { m_sSourceVersion = sPart.substring(4); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: source version: " + m_sSourceVersion); } else if (sPart.startsWith("c:")) { m_sDestinationVersion = sPart.substring(2); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: destination version: " + m_sDestinationVersion); } else if (sPart.startsWith("dest:")) { m_sDestinationVersion = sPart.substring(5); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: destination version: " + m_sDestinationVersion); } else if (sPart.startsWith("d:")) { m_sDocumentPool = sPart.substring(2); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: documentpool version: " + m_sDocumentPool); } else if (sPart.startsWith("doc:")) { m_sDocumentPool = sPart.substring(4); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: documentpool version: " + m_sDocumentPool); } else if (sPart.startsWith("id:")) { m_sDocID = sPart.substring(3); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: docid: " + m_sDocID); } else if (sPart.startsWith("distinct:")) { m_sDBDistinct = sPart.substring(9); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: distinct: " + m_sDBDistinct); } else { } } } private void sql_test() { String sUUID = getDBDistinct(); System.out.println("UUID: " + sUUID); } private ArrayList QuerySQL(Connection _aCon, String _sSQL) { java.sql.Statement oStmt = null; ArrayList aResultList = new ArrayList(); try { try { oStmt = _aCon.createStatement(); java.sql.ResultSet aResultSet = null; try { aResultSet = oStmt.executeQuery(_sSQL); java.sql.ResultSetMetaData aResultSetMetaData = aResultSet.getMetaData(); int nColumnCount = aResultSetMetaData.getColumnCount(); // java sql starts with '1' while( aResultSet.next() ) { StringBuffer aResult = new StringBuffer(); try { aResult.append("sqlresult: "); for (int i=1;i<=nColumnCount;i++) { String sColumnName = aResultSetMetaData.getColumnName(i); aResult.append(sColumnName).append("="); String sValue; int nSQLType = aResultSetMetaData.getColumnType(i); switch(nSQLType) { case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR: sValue = "'" + aResultSet.getString(i) + "'"; break; case java.sql.Types.INTEGER: { int nValue = aResultSet.getInt(i); sValue = String.valueOf(nValue); break; } default: sValue = "UNSUPPORTED TYPE"; } aResult.append(sValue).append(", "); } String sResult = aResult.toString(); aResultList.add(sResult); } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { } } } finally { if (aResultSet != null) aResultSet.close(); } } finally { if (oStmt != null) oStmt.close(); } } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { String sError = e.getMessage(); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: Original SQL error: " + sError); } return aResultList; } private void updatestate_status(String _sStatus) { Connection aCon = new ShareConnection().getConnection(); String sSet = "state=" + Quote(_sStatus); String sWhere = getWhereClause(); if (sWhere.length() > 0) { SQLupdateValue( aCon, "status", sSet, sWhere ); } } private void updateinfo_status(String _sInfo) { Connection aCon = new ShareConnection().getConnection(); String sSet = "info=" + Quote(_sInfo); String sWhere = getWhereClause(); SQLupdateValue( aCon, "status", sSet, sWhere ); } private void updateerrorfile_status(String _sErrorFile) { Connection aCon = new ShareConnection().getConnection(); String sErrorFile = _sErrorFile.replace('\\', '/'); String sSet = "errorfile=" + Quote(sErrorFile); String sWhere = getWhereClause(); SQLupdateValue( aCon, "status", sSet, sWhere ); } private void updatehtmlfile_status(String _sHtmlFile) { Connection aCon = new ShareConnection().getConnection(); String sHtmlFile = _sHtmlFile.replace('\\', '/'); String sSet = "htmlfile=" + Quote(sHtmlFile); String sWhere = getWhereClause(); SQLupdateValue( aCon, "status", sSet, sWhere ); } private void updatepagecount_documents(int _nPageCount) { Connection aCon = new ShareConnection().getConnection(); String sSet = "pagecount=" + _nPageCount; String sWhere = getWhereClause(); SQLupdateValue( aCon, "documents", sSet, sWhere ); } private String getWhereClause() { StringBuffer aWhereClause = new StringBuffer(); boolean bAND = false; if (m_sDocID != null) { aWhereClause.append( "docid" ). append(sEqual) . append(m_sDocID); bAND = true; } if (bAND) { aWhereClause.append(sAND); } if (m_sDBDistinct != null) { aWhereClause.append( "dbdistinct2" ). append(sEqual) . append(Quote(m_sDBDistinct)); } return aWhereClause.toString(); } private String getDBDistinct() { Connection aCon = new ShareConnection().getConnection(); String sSQL = "SELECT uuid()"; ArrayList aResultList = QuerySQL(aCon, sSQL); for (int i=0;i