* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
package convwatch;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.lang.Thread;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
class ShareConnection
private Connection m_aConnection = null;
public ShareConnection()
public Connection getConnection()
if (m_aConnection == null)
m_aConnection = DBHelper.getMySQLConnection();
catch(java.sql.SQLException e)
GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: ERROR: can't connect to DB.");
m_aConnection = null;
return m_aConnection;
class MySQLThread extends Thread
private Connection m_aCon = null;
private String m_sSQL;
public MySQLThread(Connection _aCon, String _sSQL)
m_aCon = _aCon;
m_sSQL = _sSQL;
public void run()
Statement oStmt = null;
if (m_aCon == null)
GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: ERROR: in ExecSQL, connection not established.");
oStmt = m_aCon.createStatement();
GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: " + m_sSQL);
/* ResultSet oResult = */
catch(Exception e)
GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: Couldn't execute sql string '" + m_sSQL + "'");
GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: Reason: " + e.getMessage());
public class DBHelper
* This method inserts given values into
* the table 'states'
* @param values a set of comma separated values to be inserted
public void SQLinsertValues(Connection _aCon, String _sTableName, String value_names, String values)
if (_aCon == null)
GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: ERROR: in SQLinsertValues, connection not established.");
StringBuffer aInsertStr = new StringBuffer();
aInsertStr.append( "INSERT INTO " ) . append( _sTableName );
aInsertStr.append( " (").append( value_names ).append ( ")" );
aInsertStr.append(" VALUES (" ).append( values ).append( ")" );
ExecSQL(_aCon, aInsertStr.toString() );
public void SQLupdateValue(Connection _aCon, String _sTableName, String _sSet, String _sWhere)
if (_aCon == null)
GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: ERROR: in SQLinsertValues, connection not established.");
StringBuffer aUpdateStr = new StringBuffer();
aUpdateStr.append( "UPDATE " ).append( _sTableName )
.append( " SET " ).append( _sSet )
.append( " WHERE " ).append( _sWhere );
ExecSQL( _aCon, aUpdateStr.toString() );
private static String m_sDBServerName;
private static String m_sDBName;
private static String m_sDBUser;
private static String m_sDBPasswd;
protected synchronized void fillDBConnection(String _sInfo)
StringTokenizer aTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(_sInfo,",",false);
while (aTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
String sPart = aTokenizer.nextToken();
if (sPart.startsWith("db:"))
m_sDBName = sPart.substring(3);
else if (sPart.startsWith("user:"))
m_sDBUser = sPart.substring(5);
else if (sPart.startsWith("passwd:"))
m_sDBPasswd = sPart.substring(7);
else if (sPart.startsWith("server:"))
m_sDBServerName = sPart.substring(7);
* This method establishes a Connection
* with the database 'module_unit' on jakobus
public static Connection getMySQLConnection() throws SQLException
String sConnection = "jdbc:mysql://" + m_sDBServerName + ":3306/" + m_sDBName;
// Connection mysql = DriverManager.getConnection(
// "jdbc:mysql://jakobus:3306/jobs_convwatch","admin","admin");
Connection mysql = DriverManager.getConnection(sConnection, m_sDBUser, m_sDBPasswd);
return mysql;
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: Class not found exception caught: " + e.getMessage());
GlobalLogWriter.get().println("DB: Maybe mysql.jar is not added to the classpath.");
return null;
private synchronized void ExecSQL(Connection _aCon, String _sSQL)
MySQLThread aSQLThread = new MySQLThread(_aCon, _sSQL);
public String Quote(String _sToQuote)
String ts = "'";
String ds = "\"";
int nQuote = _sToQuote.indexOf(ts);
if (nQuote >= 0)
return ds + _sToQuote + ds;
return ts + _sToQuote + ts;
/* default date format in the MySQL DB yyyy-MM-dd */
public static String today()
return DateHelper.getDateString("yyyy-MM-dd");
public static final String sComma = ",";
public static final String sEqual = "=";
public static final String sAND = " AND ";