 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
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package convwatch;
// class OSHelper
// {
//     public static boolean isWindows()
//         {
//             String sOSName = System.getProperty("os.name");
//             if (sOSName.toLowerCase().startsWith("windows"))
//             {
//                 return true;
//             }
//             return false;
//         }
//     // not need
//     // public static boolean isUnix()
//     public static boolean isSolarisIntel()
//         {
//             if ( ( System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().startsWith("solaris") ||
//                    System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().startsWith("sunos") ) &&
//                  System.getProperty("os.arch").equals("x86"))
//             {
//                 return true;
//             }
//             return false;
//         }
//     public static boolean isSolarisSparc()
//         {
//             if ( ( System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().startsWith("solaris") ||
//                    System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().startsWith("sunos") ) &&
//                  System.getProperty("os.arch").equals("sparc"))
//             {
//                 return true;
//             }
//             return false;
//         }
//     public static boolean isLinuxIntel()
//         {
//             if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().startsWith("linux") &&
//                 System.getProperty("os.arch").equals("i386"))
//             {
//                 return true;
//             }
//             return false;
//         }
//     public static boolean isUnix()
//         {
//             if (isLinuxIntel() ||
//                 isSolarisIntel() ||
//                 isSolarisSparc())
//             {
//                 return true;
//             }
//             return false;
//         }
// }