* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
package helper;
import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory;
import com.sun.star.ucb.XSimpleFileAccess;
* It simulates an input and output stream and
* implements the interfaces XInputStream, XOutputStream.
* So it can be used for testing loading/saving of documents
* using streams instead of URLs.
public class StreamSimulator implements com.sun.star.io.XInputStream ,
com.sun.star.io.XOutputStream ,
* @member m_sFileName name of the corrsponding file on disk
* @member m_xInStream the internal input stream for reading
* @member m_xOutStream the internal input stream for writing
* @member m_xSeek points at runtime to m_xInStream or m_xOutStream and make it seekable
* @member //m_aProtocol the external set protocol object for logging messages
* @member m_bInWasUsed indicates, that the input stream interface was used
* @member m_bOutWasUsed indicates, that the output stream interface was used
private String m_sFileName ;
private com.sun.star.io.XInputStream m_xInStream ;
private com.sun.star.io.XOutputStream m_xOutStream ;
private com.sun.star.io.XSeekable m_xSeek ;
//public ComplexTestEnvironment //m_aProtocol ;
public boolean m_bInWasUsed ;
public boolean m_bOutWasUsed ;
* construct a new instance of this class
* It set the name of the correspojnding file on disk, which
* should be source or target for the following operations on
* this object. And it regulate if it should function as
* input or output stream.
* @param sFileName
* name of the file on disk
* Will be used as source (if param bInput==true)
* or as target (if param bInput==false).
* @param bInput
* it specify, which interface should work at this object.
* => we simulate an input stream
* => we simulate an output stream
* @throw com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException
* in case the internal streams to the file on disk couldn't established.
* They are necessary. Otherwhise this simulator can't really work.
public StreamSimulator( String sFileName , boolean bInput ,
lib.TestParameters param ) throws com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException
////m_aProtocol = new ComplexTestEnvironment();
m_sFileName = sFileName ;
m_bInWasUsed = false ;
m_bOutWasUsed = false ;
XSimpleFileAccess xHelper = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XSimpleFileAccess.class,
/* com.sun.star.ucb.XSimpleFileAccess xHelper = (com.sun.star.ucb.XSimpleFileAccess)OfficeConnect.createRemoteInstance(
if (xHelper == null)
throw new com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException("ucb helper not available. Can't create streams.");
if (bInput)
m_xInStream = xHelper.openFileRead(m_sFileName);
m_xSeek = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
m_xOutStream = xHelper.openFileWrite(m_sFileName);
m_xSeek = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
catch(com.sun.star.uno.Exception exUno)
////m_aProtocol.log("\tstream not open. throw NotConnectedException\n\n\tfailed\n}\n");
throw new com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException("Could not open the file.");
/* public void finalize()
////m_aProtocol.log("finalize was called. Please check if it was right or not.\n");
} */
* following methods simulates the XInputStream.
* The notice all actions inside the internal protocol
* and try to map all necessary functions to the internal
* open in-stream.
public int readBytes( /*OUT*/ byte[][] lData ,
/*IN*/ int nBytesToRead ) throws com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException ,
m_bInWasUsed = true;
if (m_xInStream == null)
//m_aProtocol.log("\tstream not open. throw NotConnectedException\n\n\tfailed\n}\n");
throw new com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException("stream not open");
int nRead = 0;
nRead = m_xInStream.readBytes(lData,nBytesToRead);
catch (com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException exConnect) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exConnect;
catch (com.sun.star.io.BufferSizeExceededException exBuffer ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot BufferSizeExceededException\n\tfailed\n}\n"); throw exBuffer;
catch (com.sun.star.io.IOException exIO ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exIO;
catch (com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException exRuntime) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot RuntimeException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exRuntime;
//m_aProtocol.log("\treads "+nRead+" bytes\n\tOK\n}\n");
//if (nRead != nBytesToRead)
//m_aProtocol.log("there are some missing bytes for reading!\n");
return nRead;
public int readSomeBytes( /*OUT*/ byte[][] lData ,
/*IN*/ int nMaxBytesToRead ) throws com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException ,
com.sun.star.io.BufferSizeExceededException ,
m_bInWasUsed = true;
if (m_xInStream == null)
//m_aProtocol.log("\tstream not open. throw NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n");
throw new com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException("stream not open");
int nRead = 0;
nRead = m_xInStream.readSomeBytes(lData,nMaxBytesToRead);
catch (com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException exConnect) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exConnect;
catch (com.sun.star.io.BufferSizeExceededException exBuffer ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot BufferSizeExceededException\n\tfailed\n}\n"); throw exBuffer;
catch (com.sun.star.io.IOException exIO ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exIO;
catch (com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException exRuntime) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot RuntimeException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exRuntime;
//m_aProtocol.log("\treads "+nRead+" bytes\n\tOK\n}\n");
//if (nRead != nMaxBytesToRead)
//m_aProtocol.log("there are some missing bytes for reading!");
return nRead;
public void skipBytes( /*IN*/ int nBytesToSkip ) throws com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException ,
com.sun.star.io.BufferSizeExceededException ,
m_bInWasUsed = true;
if (m_xInStream == null)
//m_aProtocol.log("\tstream not open. throw NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n");
throw new com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException("stream not open");
catch (com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException exConnect) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exConnect;
catch (com.sun.star.io.BufferSizeExceededException exBuffer ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot BufferSizeExceededException\n\tfailed\n}\n"); throw exBuffer;
catch (com.sun.star.io.IOException exIO ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exIO;
catch (com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException exRuntime) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot RuntimeException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exRuntime;
public int available() throws com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException,
m_bInWasUsed = true;
if (m_xInStream == null)
//m_aProtocol.log("\tstream not open. throw NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n");
throw new com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException("stream not open");
int nAvailable = 0;
nAvailable = m_xInStream.available();
catch (com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException exConnect) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n"); throw exConnect;
catch (com.sun.star.io.IOException exIO ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exIO;
catch (com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException exRuntime) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot RuntimeException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exRuntime;
//m_aProtocol.log("\treturns "+nAvailable+" bytes\n\tOK\n}\n");
return nAvailable;
public void closeInput() throws com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException,
m_bInWasUsed = true;
if (m_xInStream == null)
//m_aProtocol.log("\tstream not open. throw NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n");
throw new com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException("stream not open");
catch (com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException exConnect) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n"); throw exConnect;
catch (com.sun.star.io.IOException exIO ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exIO;
catch (com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException exRuntime) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot RuntimeException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exRuntime;
* following methods simulates the XOutputStream.
* The notice all actions inside the internal protocol
* and try to map all necessary functions to the internal
* open out-stream.
public void writeBytes( /*IN*/byte[] lData ) throws com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException ,
com.sun.star.io.BufferSizeExceededException ,
m_bOutWasUsed = true;
if (m_xOutStream == null)
//m_aProtocol.log("\tstream not open. throw NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n");
throw new com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException("stream not open");
catch (com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException exConnect) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exConnect;
catch (com.sun.star.io.BufferSizeExceededException exBuffer ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot BufferSizeExceededException\n\tfailed\n}\n"); throw exBuffer;
catch (com.sun.star.io.IOException exIO ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exIO;
catch (com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException exRuntime) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot RuntimeException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exRuntime;
public void flush() throws com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException ,
com.sun.star.io.BufferSizeExceededException ,
m_bOutWasUsed = true;
if (m_xOutStream == null)
//m_aProtocol.log("\tstream not open. throw NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n");
throw new com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException("stream not open");
catch (com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException exConnect) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exConnect;
catch (com.sun.star.io.BufferSizeExceededException exBuffer ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot BufferSizeExceededException\n\tfailed\n}\n"); throw exBuffer;
catch (com.sun.star.io.IOException exIO ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exIO;
catch (com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException exRuntime) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot RuntimeException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exRuntime;
public void closeOutput() throws com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException ,
m_bOutWasUsed = true;
if (m_xOutStream == null)
//m_aProtocol.log("\tstream not open. throw NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n");
throw new com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException("stream not open");
catch (com.sun.star.io.NotConnectedException exConnect) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot NotConnectedException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exConnect;
catch (com.sun.star.io.BufferSizeExceededException exBuffer ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot BufferSizeExceededException\n\tfailed\n}\n"); throw exBuffer;
catch (com.sun.star.io.IOException exIO ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exIO;
catch (com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException exRuntime) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot RuntimeException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exRuntime;
* following methods simulates the XSeekable.
* The notice all actions inside the internal protocol
* and try to map all necessary functions to the internal
* open stream.
public void seek( /*IN*/long nLocation ) throws com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
if (m_xInStream != null)
m_bInWasUsed = true;
if (m_xOutStream != null)
m_bOutWasUsed = true;
//m_aProtocol.log("\tno stream open!\n");
if (m_xSeek == null)
//m_aProtocol.log("\tstream not seekable. throw IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n");
throw new com.sun.star.io.IOException("stream not seekable");
catch (com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException exArg ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot IllegalArgumentException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exArg;
catch (com.sun.star.io.IOException exIO ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exIO;
catch (com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException exRuntime) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot RuntimeException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exRuntime;
public long getPosition() throws com.sun.star.io.IOException
if (m_xInStream != null)
m_bInWasUsed = true;
if (m_xOutStream != null)
m_bOutWasUsed = true;
//m_aProtocol.log("\tno stream open!\n");
if (m_xSeek == null)
//m_aProtocol.log("\tstream not seekable. throw IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n");
throw new com.sun.star.io.IOException("stream not seekable");
long nPos = 0;
nPos = m_xSeek.getPosition();
catch (com.sun.star.io.IOException exIO ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exIO;
catch (com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException exRuntime) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot RuntimeException\n\tfailed\n}\n"); throw exRuntime;
//m_aProtocol.log("\treturns pos="+nPos+"\n\tOK\n}\n");
return nPos;
public long getLength() throws com.sun.star.io.IOException
if (m_xInStream != null)
m_bInWasUsed = true;
if (m_xOutStream != null)
m_bOutWasUsed = true;
//m_aProtocol.log("\tno stream open!\n");
if (m_xSeek == null)
//m_aProtocol.log("\tstream not seekable. throw IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n");
throw new com.sun.star.io.IOException("stream not seekable");
long nLen = 0;
nLen = m_xSeek.getLength();
catch (com.sun.star.io.IOException exIO ) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot IOException\n\tfailed\n}\n" ); throw exIO;
catch (com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException exRuntime) { //m_aProtocol.log("\tgot RuntimeException\n\tfailed\n}\n"); throw exRuntime;
//m_aProtocol.log("\treturns len="+nLen+"\n\tOK\n}\n");
return nLen;