/* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ package lib; import com.sun.star.beans.Property; import com.sun.star.beans.PropertyAttribute; import com.sun.star.beans.PropertyVetoException; import com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet; import com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySetInfo; import com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException; import com.sun.star.lang.XServiceInfo; import com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException; import com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException; import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import util.ValueChanger; import util.ValueComparer; import util.utils; import com.sun.star.uno.Any; import com.sun.star.uno.AnyConverter; import com.sun.star.uno.Type; /** * MultiPropertyTest extends the functionality of MultiMethodTest to support * services testing. Since, in most cases, service tests has one method testing * most of its properties, the MultiPropertyTest provides unified version of * the method: testProperty(). * *
The testProperty() is called, when the MultiMethodTest's testing method * is not found in the subclass. So, by defining such methods for properties * the standard testing behavioutr can be changed. * *
The testing behaviour also can be changed by overriding compare(),
* getNewVAlue() or toString(Object) methods, or by extending PropertyTester
* class.
* @see MultiMethodTest
* @see #testProperty(String)
* @see #testProperty(String, PropertyTester)
* @see #getNewValue
* @see #compare
* @see #toString(Object)
public class MultiPropertyTest extends MultiMethodTest
* Contains a XPropertySet interface of the tested object. Is initialized
* in MultiMethodTest code.
public XPropertySet oObj;
protected boolean optionalService = false;
* Overrides super.before() to check the service is supported by the object.
protected void before()
XServiceInfo xInfo = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XServiceInfo.class, oObj);
optionalService = entry.isOptional;
String theService = getTestedClassName();
if (xInfo != null && !xInfo.supportsService(theService))
log.println("Service " + theService + " not available");
if (optionalService)
log.println("This is OK since it is optional");
Status.failed(theService + " is not supported");
* Overrides MultiMethodTest.invokeTestMethod(). If the test for the
* meth
is not available (meth
== null)
* calls testProperty method for the method. Otherwise calls
* super.invokeTestMethod().
* @see MultiMethodTest#invokeTestMethod
protected void invokeTestMethod(Method meth, String methName)
if (meth != null)
super.invokeTestMethod(meth, methName);
* PropertyTester class defines how to test a property and defined
* to allow subclasses of MultiPropertyTest to change the testing
* behaviour more flexible, since the behaviour can be customized for
* each property separately, by providing subclass of PropertyTester
* and passing it to testProperty(String, PropertyTester method).
public class PropertyTester
* The method defines the whole process of testing propName
* property.
First, it checks if the property exists(it maybe optional). * Then, a value to set the property with is calculated with * getNewValue method. Normally, the new value is calculated * based on old value, but subclasses can override the behaviour * (for example, if old value is null) and specify their own value. * Then the property is set with that new value and the result( * it maybe an exception too, for example a PropertyVetoException) * is checked with checkResult method. * * @param propName - the property to test. * @result - adds the result of testing propName property to * MultiMethodTest.tRes. */ protected void testProperty(String propName) { XPropertySetInfo info = oObj.getPropertySetInfo(); if (info != null) { final boolean bHasProperty = info.hasPropertyByName(propName); if (!bHasProperty) { if (isOptional(propName) || optionalService) { // skipping optional property test log.println("Property '" + propName + "' is optional and not supported"); tRes.tested(propName, true); return; } else { // cannot test the property log.println("Tested XPropertySet does not contain'" + propName + "' property"); tRes.tested(propName, false); return; } } } try { Object oldValue = oObj.getPropertyValue(propName); if( (oldValue==null) || utils.isVoid(oldValue) ) { // #i111560# method getNewValue() does not work with an empty oldValue Property prop = info.getPropertyByName(propName); if( (prop.Attributes & PropertyAttribute.MAYBEVOID) != 0 ) { // todo: implement a new test independent from method getNewValue() log.println("changing initially empty MAYBEVOID properties is not supported by the test framework so far - skip test of property: " + propName); tRes.tested(propName, true); return; } else { log.println( "property '"+propName+"' is not set but is not MAYBEVOID"); tRes.tested(propName, false); return; } } Object newValue; // trying to create new value try { newValue = getNewValue(propName, oldValue); } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) { // skipping test since new value is not available Status.failed("Cannot create new value for '" + propName + " : " + e.getMessage()); return; } // for an exception thrown during setting new value // to pass it to checkResult method Exception exception = null; try { log.println("try to set:"); log.println("old = " + toString(oldValue)); log.println("new = " + toString(newValue)); oObj.setPropertyValue(propName, newValue); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exception = e; } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { exception = e; } catch (WrappedTargetException e) { exception = e; } catch (UnknownPropertyException e) { exception = e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { exception = e; } // getting result value Object resValue = oObj.getPropertyValue(propName); // checking results checkResult(propName, oldValue, newValue, resValue, exception); } catch (Exception e) { log.println("Exception occurred while testing property '" + propName + "'"); e.printStackTrace(log); tRes.tested(propName, false); } } /** * The method checks result of setting a new value to the * property based o the following arguments: * @param propName - the property to test * @param oldValue - the old value of the property, before changing it. * @param newValue - the new value the property has been set with * @param resValue - the value of the property after having changed it * @param exception - if not null - the exception thrown by * XPropertySet.setPropertyValue, else indicates * normal method completion. * *
If the property is READ_ONLY, than either PropertyVetoException * should be thrown or the value of property should not have changed * (resValue is compared with oldValue with compare method). * *
If the property is not READ_ONLY, checks that the new value has * been successfully set(resValue is compared with newValue with * compare method). * *
If the exception is not null then(except the case of read-only * property and PropertyVetoException above) it is rethrown to allow * further catching it if needed. * *
Subclasses can override to change this behaviour.
protected void checkResult(String propName, Object oldValue,
Object newValue, Object resValue, Exception exception)
throws Exception
XPropertySetInfo info = oObj.getPropertySetInfo();
if (info == null)
log.println("Can't get XPropertySetInfo for property " + propName);
tRes.tested(propName, false);
Property prop = info.getPropertyByName(propName);
boolean readOnly = (prop.Attributes & PropertyAttribute.READONLY) != 0;
boolean maybeVoid = (prop.Attributes & PropertyAttribute.MAYBEVOID) != 0;
//check get-set methods
if (maybeVoid)
log.println("Property " + propName + " is void");
if (readOnly)
log.println("Property " + propName + " is readOnly");
if (util.utils.isVoid(oldValue) && !maybeVoid)
log.println(propName + " is void, but it's not MAYBEVOID");
tRes.tested(propName, false);
else if (oldValue == null)
log.println(propName + " has null value, and therefore can't be changed");
tRes.tested(propName, true);
else if (readOnly)
// check if exception was thrown
if (exception != null)
if (exception instanceof PropertyVetoException)
// the change of read only prohibited - OK
log.println("Property is ReadOnly and wasn't changed");
log.println("Property '" + propName + "' OK");
tRes.tested(propName, true);
else if (exception instanceof IllegalArgumentException)
// the change of read only prohibited - OK
log.println("Property is ReadOnly and wasn't changed");
log.println("Property '" + propName + "' OK");
tRes.tested(propName, true);
else if (exception instanceof UnknownPropertyException)
// the change of read only prohibited - OK
log.println("Property is ReadOnly and wasn't changed");
log.println("Property '" + propName + "' OK");
tRes.tested(propName, true);
else if (exception instanceof RuntimeException)
// the change of read only prohibited - OK
log.println("Property is ReadOnly and wasn't changed");
log.println("Property '" + propName + "' OK");
tRes.tested(propName, true);
throw exception;
// if no exception - check that value
// has not changed
if (!compare(resValue, oldValue))
log.println("Read only property '" + propName + "' has changed");
if (!util.utils.isVoid(oldValue) && oldValue instanceof Any)
oldValue = AnyConverter.toObject(new Type(((Any) oldValue).getClass()), oldValue);
// log.println("old = " + toString(oldValue));
// log.println("new = " + toString(newValue));
log.println("result = " + toString(resValue));
catch (com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException iae)
log.println("NOTIFY: this property needs further investigations.");
log.println("\t The type seems to be an Any with value of NULL.");
log.println("\t Maybe the property should get its own test method.");
tRes.tested(propName, false);
log.println("Read only property '" + propName + "' hasn't changed");
log.println("Property '" + propName + "' OK");
tRes.tested(propName, true);
if (exception == null)
// if no exception thrown
// check that the new value is set
if ((!compare(resValue, newValue)) || (compare(resValue, oldValue)))
log.println("Value for '" + propName + "' hasn't changed as expected");
if (!util.utils.isVoid(oldValue) && oldValue instanceof Any)
oldValue = AnyConverter.toObject(new Type(((Any) oldValue).getClass()), oldValue);
// log.println("old = " + toString(oldValue));
// log.println("new = " + toString(newValue));
log.println("result = " + toString(resValue));
catch (com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException iae)
log.println("NOTIFY: this property needs further investigations.");
log.println("\t The type seems to be an Any with value of NULL.");
log.println("\t Maybe the property should get its own test method.");
if (resValue != null)
if ((!compare(resValue, oldValue)) || (!resValue.equals(oldValue)))
log.println("But it has changed.");
tRes.tested(propName, true);
tRes.tested(propName, false);
tRes.tested(propName, false);
//tRes.tested(propName, false);
log.println("Property '" + propName + "' OK");
if (!util.utils.isVoid(oldValue) && oldValue instanceof Any)
oldValue = AnyConverter.toObject(new Type(((Any) oldValue).getClass()), oldValue);
// log.println("old = " + toString(oldValue));
// log.println("new = " + toString(newValue));
log.println("result = " + toString(resValue));
catch (com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException iae)
tRes.tested(propName, true);
throw exception;
* The method produces new value of the property from the oldValue.
* It returns the result of ValueChanger.changePValue method.
* Subclasses can override the method to return their own value,
* when the changePValue beahviour is not enough, for example,
* when oldValue is null.
protected Object getNewValue(String propName, Object oldValue)
throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
return ValueChanger.changePValue(oldValue);
* The method compares obj1 and obj2. It calls
* MultiPropertyTest.compare, but subclasses can override to change
* the behaviour, since normally compare calls Object.equals method
* which is not appropriate in some cases(e.g., structs with equals
* not overridden).
protected boolean compare(Object obj1, Object obj2)
return callCompare(obj1, obj2);
* The method returns a String representation of the obj. It calls
* MultipropertyTest.toString(Object), but subclasses can override
* to change the behaviour.
protected String toString(Object obj)
return callToString(obj);
* Extension for PropertyTester
which switches two
* different values. getNewValue()
method of this
* class returns one of these two values depending on the
* old value, so new value is not equal to old value.
public class PropertyValueSwitcher extends PropertyTester
Object val1 = null;
Object val2 = null;
* Constructs a property tester with two different values
* specified as parameters.
* @param val1 Not null
value for the property
* tested.
* @param val2 Not null
value for the property
* tested which differs from the first value.
public PropertyValueSwitcher(Object val1, Object val2)
this.val1 = val1;
this.val2 = val2;
* Overridden method of PropertyTester
* retruns new value from two values specified.
* @return The second value if old value is equal to the first
* one, the first value otherwise.
protected Object getNewValue(String propName, Object old)
if (ValueComparer.equalValue(val1, old))
return val2;
return val1;
* The method performs testing of propName property using propTester.
protected void testProperty(String propName, PropertyTester propTester)
* The method performs testing of propName property. It uses PropertyTester
* instance for testing.
protected void testProperty(String propName)
testProperty(propName, new PropertyTester());
* Tests the property using PropertyValueSwitcher
* tester and two values for this property.
* @see PropertyValueSwitcher
protected void testProperty(String propName, Object val1, Object val2)
testProperty(propName, new PropertyValueSwitcher(val1, val2));
* The method just calls compare. This is a workaround to CodeWarrior's
* compiler bug.
private boolean callCompare(Object obj1, Object obj2)
return compare(obj1, obj2);
* Compares two object. In the implementation calls obj1.equals(obj2).
protected boolean compare(Object obj1, Object obj2)
return ValueComparer.equalValue(obj1, obj2);
* The method just calls toString. This is a workaround to
* CodeWarrior's compiler bug.
private String callToString(Object obj)
return toString(obj);
* Gets string representation of the obj. In the implementation
* returns obj.toString().
protected String toString(Object obj)
return obj == null ? "null" : obj.toString();